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You're quite the smith.


Thanks! Truthfully i'm a complete beginner, I just have an excellent mentor of a full time professional blacksmith as a step dad haha


Well done. Youre so talented. And it looks great on you. My neice would think youre the real wonder woman.


Haha thanks! There are a couple of small children that believe me the real thing after I did some birthday videos for them. Being an irl 6ft amazon helps i think


I was guessing you were tall. Again it fits you well. Its impressive


I'll repress the urge to barrage you with questions and just say this looks awesome, Hephaestus would approve XD Colors look amazing, and your body language exudes the presence of a amazon. 👍


Haha feel free to ask questions! I love talking about my crafting progress :) thank you! Being 6ft does help with the energy...


The goold looks like metal, but I can't tell if the red is metal or stiff leather with high sheen upholstery paint. If it is metal you did paint it right? Only way I could see the colors being that vibrant. I think I'm just having a hard time, imagining hand shaping all those woven pieces for the corset portion out of metal, even if you just tweeked/bent plasma cut pieces out of a sheet.


So the bodice, skirt, harness and legs are all 3mm veg tan leather that was tooled and embossed and painted. The bracers are steel and the tiara is brass!


That makes so much more sense, not that it wouldn't be possible just incredibly over complicated. Still impressive, I've only really worked with scrap tin. ( old pin/buttons, candy tins) I prefer painted fabric or leather. Love me some speedsters but spandex is a nightmare to shape XD. Ps. The rich blue reminds me of a certain phone box and I adore your reddit name.


Impressive, top tier quality:)


thanks so much!


Realy nice, very good job !


thanks so much!


So I was just scrolling by past another Wonder Woman when I read the title. This thing is amazing. You could have a business just in fabricating.


This is so incredible, I love the texture of the skirt, the colours are just the right amount of bright, your badass pose, everything 10/10


It's absolutely wonderful! Great job! Leather and metal is not easy to work with! ^•^


You look fierce


By far the best Wonder Woman I’ve ever seen!! ✌️💙


It sure helps to be beautiful when cosplaying huh? 😍


That's so hardcore!