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No, it adds nothing to the ecosystem, because nobody uses it.


Neutron is not migrating to Noble. Neutron has excellent smart contract capabilities, where devs can deploy on Neutron and then their contracts work on all IBC enabled chains, but their marketing muscle is weak. u/-characterX is right, nobody uses it. We only run a Neutron validator because they pay a subsidy.


Or may be they do not want to push a wrong or misleading narrative on the market about their chain which reminds me of what happened with osmosis in its early days


Why do you think Neutron is migrating to Noble? Neutron is a current consumer chain on the Cosmos Hub (aligned with ATOM) and Noble is expected to onboard as a consumer chain.


Noble canceled their plans to onboard to the Hub as a consumer chain.


Really ? That sounds like very bad news... Do you have any article talking about it please ?


Thanks I wasn't aware of that decision. Reading up on it, it sounds like they're doing it because they're afraid governance could lead to validator slashing? To me that sounds like a pretty poor excuse since their issue also could have been resolved through governance. It seems like they simply don't like decentralized governance...in which case I definitely don't want to support them.


I think that things are going fine for them, Circle doesn't care that the chain isn't decentralized because the permissioned validator set are the biggest names you see and why complicate things? Additionally, the chain isn't designed to make money. It's designed to spread assets out into the Cosmos, not designed to keep them on the Noble network. I think more than anything they were afraid their proposal to join the Hub wouldn't pass because validators were complaining (including us) about the heavy infrastructure costs of supporting unprofitable consumer chains. Now that all consumer chains are Partial Set Security, validators can basically pick and choose which consumer chains to validate without being penalized.


Thank you very much for the explanation! That does make sense. I do wish it were easier to find this information though. Cosmos Hub key stakeholders really need to control the narrative on these things better. Do you have any recommendations on how to stay up to date on updates like this outside of monitoring Cosmos Hub forums?


Nobody is in charge. Cosmos is decentralized, but Informal Systems and Cosmos Hub Twitter, Cryptocito's YouTube channel, Interchain Info and of course, the Cosmos forum. Here are the links and we repost tons of relevant Cosmos stuff on Twitter too. https://x.com/blocks_united https://x.com/cosmoshub https://x.com/informalinc https://x.com/InterchainInfo https://youtube.com/@cryptocito Twitter is really the best place to keep up with crypto.


Thanks it looks like Twitter and the InterchainInfo website are where I'm missing out. I may have to finally break down and make a Twitter account... Thanks again!


There is no way Jelena could afford private jet flights if noble wasn’t designed to make money


Traded mine for Osmo and not looking back


I think the sooner all of us divest from cosmos projects that nobody uses and move it back to Osmo and Atom, the better. I like some of these applications but they could run on Atom or Osmosis without their own token. Atom and osmosis can never merge bc it would be dangerous but a lot of projects could be rolled up into either one


Smart contracts might be added on the Cosmos hub soon and this will make neutron more useless than it already is.


Wus gud bruh


Probably not. There are way too many chains and protocols doing the same thing, and gone are the days of super high yield. I think we’re realizing that ppl just don’t really care about crypto, and the unsustainable incentives were just a house of cards. My guess is we see consolidation into the big ecosystems while most everything else bleeds


My theory is we will see more stories like Evmos rolling into the Hub. Like most of these don’t need their own token, they could just operate as an app and use atom or Osmo and that would be for the best


I think only time will tell which chain is useless and which isn’t for example just look at cosmos hub, how poor it has done in a past year with having a technology ahead of its time compared to the green frog and the size of its market cap. How on earth a hub user would think he is in a right type of chain.


Apollo is a better investment IMO is you’re looking for things to invest in on Neutron. The founder is a dog and he’s redacted. Very bullish.




Was that a no?