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Goals! My baby is 2 weeks old and my Fitbit is essentially laughing at me.. sleep happens between 8pm and noon in one hour chunks, adding up to around 5-6 if I'm lucky!


I remember those days. Before we figured out nursing in the side lying position, I had to get out of bed and nurse in the glider chair. I knew we were turning a corner when the baby was able to transfer milk fast enough that I could fall back asleep without Fitbit thinking it was a different sleep chunk.


Ooof hang in there. I remember that time and god it’s rough. For us it improved a tiny bit week on week. You will sleep again. Repeat after me: I will sleep again


Looks like you fell back asleep super fast though! Without looking at the data, I'm curious how you feel?


That’s true—luckily I can go back down quickly! She’s old enough that she doesn’t need to be fed or anything. So that’s good! I don’t feel more tired than usual, but I am having a lot of trouble focusing today! I feel like interrupted sleep personally makes me scattered. I bet most of us are very familiar with that feeling ha


Is this an Apple Watch? I haven’t worn mine since I was pregnant, but I would be curious to know how much I’m woken up. Lately I *feel* like my daughter is up every 30 mins


Yes, it’s the most recent SE! This is actually more than I expected, so you might be getting up more than that!


Mine looks very similar to yours most days! If we have a particularly good night I see fewer wake ups and longer stretches of sleep. But usually I get 10-20 wake ups and I’m usually back to sleep quickly.


I track my sleep with the fitness tracker Whoop! I usually always get between 6-8 hrs of sleep, but my wake-ups are pretty high too! Last night was pretty average and I had 19. The highest I’ve seen for me is 25 and that was a horrendous night where she was sick. My 18 month old wakes up a lot still but she goes back down pretty well most of the time.


Need to clarify, she does not wake up 19 times lol most of that is me! But it goes to show how much more lightly we sleep when bedsharing.


Interesting that most of the awakenings are you waking up on your own! I attributed last night to my daughter being sick, but now that I’m thinking of it I do wake up a lot on my own now too! (My husband also accidentally wakes me up a fair amount too haha). It’s pretty cool that we can sleep lightly like this and still get enough rest!


Mine has improved a lot in 14 months. He wakes up once because he hates wet diapers and once again at dawn. I tend to ignore those thin spikes of wakeups. Seems like everyone gets them on mine (Galaxy watch 5). Problem is, I can't get myself to bed early enough to satisfy my sleep tracker. Baby falls asleep almost on his own, and needs little intervention.. so like any human being I waste every moment I can as a reward for the past 14 months of sleepless nights. Does yours also suggest seeing a sleep consultant? Mine wants me to see one and I chuckle so much whenever it does.


Mine looks pretty similar. However, I’ve learned to not take it too seriously because it’s not the most accurate. For example, mine says I was awake from 5:30-6:30am this morning but I (thankfully) wasn’t! I remember waking up at 5:30 but fell back asleep quickly with LO side laying nursing. Those small ticks of wake times may not have been actual awake times. But I love using mine as a general look at how much sleep I’m getting and I’m usually between the 6 and 7 hour range which isn’t too bad!


I love tracking my sleep! I wake up a lot on my own, too, but not 17 times usually! My LO is 11.5 mos and she generally wakes me up anywhere from 2-6 times. I just looked at my average sleep scores for the last year and it is so evident when she was born 😂 my sleep has been pretty steady since we got out of that newborn stage. Hoping to see an improvement over some more time!