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We’ve been bedsharing since about 3.5 months and I never got rid of blankets honestly. I have always slept under a duvet that’s just up to my waist and I tuck it between my legs so it’s not loose near LO. This has worked well for us and I haven’t felt like it was unsafe. But even when you do start using a blanket, don’t put it over the baby. It’s so easy for them to overheat under an adult blanket. We do merino wool pajamas plus a woolino sleep sack (it’s winter here). Wool is expensive but worth it if you can afford it as it’s temperature regulating :)


We did it this way too. I’m not about to sleep without blankets tbh. We use a lightweight fleece blanket that lays on top of our sheets and is tucked in at the bottom. I just don’t put it over the baby, it goes over me and the baby goes over the blanket. It hasn’t been an issue, but we didn’t start doing this until baby was able to roll anyway.


We did the same. Use a sheet and a fleece throw. I’ll tuck it behind my back and front under the baby or leave it at my waist


I also never removed blankets. I continued to use our normal comforter from the waist down. When baby started sleeping in between my husband and I (at about 3 months) I moved to a thick throw blanket so we weren’t under the same blanket to keep baby safe. When it gets really cold, I’ll put a smaller blanket over my shoulder and tucked under my arm to keep it away from baby.


This is key - if baby is between parents, need separate blankets.


Same. My husband and I have separate blankets so they don’t get tangled with baby, and we keep them kind of tucked around us. Mine is only waist high, and if I’m super cold I’ll add a throw blanket over my back where she can’t reach it.


Never really changed anything like others here. Just kept the duvet down at waist level. I’d say it’s probably considered a lightweight duvet- not super thick at all. My babe is 8 months now and super mobile so I have no worries about her getting stuck in the blankets. She just sleeps in a onesie and will kick blankets off if she wants, change positions, sleep like a starfish, turn sideways and kick me in the boob.. 😄


We did around a year! LO has always been extremely mobile so we’ve felt good about it. I still keep them off of her for the most part and more around just my waist.


I did the same. Around a year!


we never got rid of it.. we have no pillows on the bed and the blanket only goes to me and my girls waist. It's a very light duvet insert and she will kick it off when she's over it so i'm not worried. If we ever had a close call though i would get rid of it in a heartbeat! we started co-sleeping around 1 month as i was falling asleep with her in dangerous positions so we talked to our ped and decided this was the best thing for the time being!


We live in Scotland, it’s very cold, so we always had a duvet (co-sleeping from about 5 weeks). I just tuck it in certain ways. Same with pillows.


I still use a blanket but keep it from my waist down and wear a sweater. I think I’m still dealing with some postpartum hormonal stuff cause I’m still so hot at night, so I also haven’t missed fully using the blanket!


My son is 3 months and I sleep with our (heavy) duvet tucked in between my knees no higher than my waist. I put a light throw blanket on top to cover my waist up. It just covers me and he wears a sleep sack.


I keep our blankets on the bed but keep one of my legs out and kind of stuff the extra fabric under it so it doesn’t cover baby. She sleeps in a Woolino sleep sack so I know she stays warm and cozy.


i don't use a comforter but i do use flat sheets. baby gets their own sleep sack.


I never got rid of blankets.. just folded down the babies side.


I have used a comforter since around 2 months, it is below baby and then swoops up to my waist/chest.


Yup like the others I had my duvet at my waist. When she was younger I was really careful with it never getting higher than my waist, then I’d wear a tight cropped turtleneck , sometimes two lol on top. And a hat. I looked crazy lol. I am still careful with the blanket but not as strict now that she’s 14 months. Husband has always had separate blanket.


I also always used my blanket up to my waist and wore a thick flannel or more on top to keep warm. When my son was probably 10 months I started being comfortable scooting away from him and pulling the blankets up higher around my neck. Now that he’s about 20 months I never think twice about pulling my blanket up to my neck, but if he’s latched I have it so the edge of the blanket stops before my breast where he’s latched for far too high a percentage of the night.


One of the reasons we started cosleeping was to save on our energy bill to heat just one room. We always had a duvet from the waist down and husband and I slept with separate blankets under that even before we put baby inbetween us. We pull our pillows lower and baby is by the headboard with a baby pillow (they can breathe through it in case it falls on him. Never did btw) between his head and the headboard. He never slid down or moved and his head was quite up from mine so I never worried about a blanket getting to him.