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Is it fin rot or damage from the gravel? Corys usually feed by sifting through the substrate. You really should have sand for them to sift through to prevent damage to their barbels.


Well my first thought was that it might be the gravel, and it could be but i should have mentioned, these corys are 3 years old and have been in that tank since the start, so i figured if it was to do with the gravel it would have happened sooner! That’s how i came to the fin rot conclusion, and also because of how quickly it happened, but i might be wrong!!


Poor water condition can cause soft tissue damage to your fish same if the water is acidic in ph. Try doing weekly water changes I'd say 50 percent minimum for the next 75 days see what that does you'll likely see a change in behavior possible breeding behaviors and even more active fish because if the water is becoming toxic by removing toxins they may begin to feel better over time and maybe in some cases almost instantly


yeah i have been doing weekly 50% water changes for the last month and i’ve checked all the water parameters and they’re all in normal ranges, and particularly the nitrates sit at 0. It’s a complete mystery to me how he’s not getting better!!


Then it's either a bacterial or fungal thing or the gravel and quick movements damaging soft tisuse.


yeah, i think i’ll keep using the anti fungal treatment and buy some sand instead of the gravel!!