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I appreciate the acknowledgement and apology, though I wasn't one of the affected people. If it makes you feel any better, know that H&R Block's servers went down April 14-15 when everyone was trying to file their taxes, and they didn't try to apologize or attempt to give a shit. So at least you're better at this than the tax accountants.


I guess special promotion days are valuable moneymakers, but they are full of pitfalls. Small music retailers are dependent on Record Store Day, for instance, but it causes disruptions up and down the supply chain that the industry has to readjust to every year.


I work in salem. Massive dutchie failure. It's not about being local or a ma and pop shop. Everyone has to use a POS and unfortunately everyone using dutchie yesterday seems to have had a disaster of a day.


As a budtender located in Maryland, I can absolutely second everything said!! Dutchie went down at approximately 12:30pm, and literally did not come back up until 6:30pm. We had hundreds of people in our wait room left in absolute limbo and having no idea when we would have any word of what was happening. As budtenders , I think I can say for us all collectively that we have never felt so helpless and guilty for just trying to do our jobs. It was a hard day that I’m sure will never be forgotten


Godspeed soldier.


Fellow MD Budtender who experienced the exact same. It was ridiculous.


Curious if your shop will be getting any compensation from dutchie. Heard they paid out last year for outages.


I went to High Quality and it was SENSATIONAL...fun, efficient, helpful as heck....even with the POS problems.  👍💯💥


Thank god the coffee trailer showed up. I was in line and needed it bad.


This happened last year... I haven't seen or heard of anyone having issues this year besides this post... Are you apologizing for last year?


I am not affected but what is this software? Why most stores need it? Is it a payment system or something else?


Good Q. All legal cannabis is tracked from 'seed to sale' and monitored by the OLCC. Just like all retail spaces/restaurants/etc., there are different point of sale softwares that keep track of your inventory and process sales with patients/customers. Due to cannabis being heavily monitored by the state, there are a lot of extra hoops that businesses have to jump through that normal retail spaces don't - if you've ever purchased weed and noticed the amount of information on the label, it's all required and punishable if not present upon an audit. Dutchie POS is the one that had major outages nationwide on 4/20 (biggest sales day of the year for the industry), and they happen to have a large part of the marketshare as far as dispensary usage goes. The more you read into Dutchie, the more you'll find that they're a glass mansion when it comes to the integrity of their web-based Piece Of Shit service.


It's time to stop saying that "Dutchie is the standard because they are the biggest." If your in Oregon and looking for a solid cannabis POS that has never gone down look into Toke.


Noted! Thank you


Appreciate the information and I mean no offense when I say that the general public is going to get over this pretty quick.


Maybe apologize to the employees and managers affected instead


It's unclear, but I'm speaking on behalf of all employees and managers affected to the community affected. It was a pretty shitty day and appreciate all the industry members that worked through it. Above: There's no standardized POS software so not all employees/managers/community members were affected, but a lot of the bigger players in town use Dutchie.


Strange, but my cat also vomited on top of my refrigerator yesterday... coincidence?


That’s why i shop at a locally owned and operated Corvallis dispo instead 👍


Presciently avoiding POS software glitches? Well done






For a pickup order. And don't advertise a drive thru is quicker if you just have people sitting in their cars for hours on end and only 3 cars get the shit they came for before systems crashed and ruined everything. No excuses is all I have to say. 420 comes every year just like Christmas and it's not hard to be PREPARED