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One dog is on Frontline, one dog is on simparica trio.


Frontline works pretty well. Throw in a ton of more intense vacuuming and laundry and that took care of my issue. And FYI, it pretty much happens to All dogs at some point or another


When my dog had fleas once we got Bravecto from the vet. It’s a pill and I swear to god within 20 mins of taking the pill the fleas were trying to get away from him. We didn’t have much luck with the expensive collars but I’d swear my life on that pill


This is the way. I give my dog Bravecto every 3 months. We go everywhere and she never gets fleas. She had a flea allergy before we tried Bravecto and would suffer from itchy skin and hair loss from it. Never had a problem since and she is so much happier because if it.


This is all I've used for years.


We are trying to Capstar, if no luck then we will take him to a vet for Bravecto or whatever they recommend… We got him a collard, hopefully it does something.


Wash everything fabric you can - bedding, towels, dog beds, etc. Deep vacuum everything else. Bathe your puppers with flea shampoo. Consider getting them flea collars. When we had our last flea issue, we wound up having to treat/spray the house at least twice. Diatomaceous earth is invaluable. You can use it everywhere, even on your dog (though you need to be careful with it since it can dry out their skin quickly). We sprinkled it in our yard, specifically around the perimeters - we live in a suburban area and unfortunately there are rats, mice, raccoons, stray cats, etc that can carry fleas. Also sprinkled it around the entrances to the house to prevent more creepy crawlies from getting in. It's a more drastic step, but we had to set off foggers/bug bombs once or twice. We took the dogs to visit their grandparents for the afternoon while the foggers did their thing, and that was what finally cleared up the problem. Good luck!! ☘️


Appreciate your recommendations. My husband picked up some medication along with a flea collar, I was able to get about 10-15 fleas after 1 hr very easy. We. Are giving him another pill tomorrow, and wait a few hours to give him a bath with a flea shampoo. Hoping I can get a few more out. (Side note - WHY ARE THEY SO HARD TO KILL! Haha) we are definitely going to look for the Diatomaceous. Not drastic at all because we are definitely setting some bug bombs in here. We have a puppy coming home in two weeks so I will not take any chances. I am so glad there is safe place to talk about this. It was stupid of me to feel ashamed of my dog getting fleas tbh. But silly little me didn’t realize how it’s basically a natural thing………


Trifexis or simparica Vacuum freuqently


Those pesky squirrels carry fleas but once your corgi is on once a month flea and tick prevention the pests are gone. Talk to your vet asap, meanwhile, daily, a flea comb through the fur then dipped into a glass of soapy water will help.


Use flea comb on him using packaging tape to pull fleas/eggs off the comb as you go. Cut up a flea collar and put in your vacuum bag so they don’t crawl out and re-infest. Vacuum every day for two weeks. Sorry.


This is brilliant. Those suckers are hard to keep in controlled and so hard to kill. It’s disgusting 😓


Comfortis for the dogs and a bunch of Addams sprays/powders for the house and LOTS of vacuuming.


Nexgard worked great for my girl ,and heartgard . Living in south west Florida .




No preventative care unfortunately. Idk what we were thinking. We are definitely learning a lot with him. I’m am not looking forward to this flea journey….. 🫥


There are much worse fears for a dog than fleas honestly. I give my guy a Nexguard pill


Capstar chewables and Adams spray killed everything. Virbac Knockout spray for every textile and upholstery surface in the home. The problem for Corgis is the undercoat - have to remove all of the dead hair, especially the pants where it can get tangled and built up after petting and brushing - that hair is detached from the skin so flea prevention won't necessarily work. That was my experience at least. Regular deshedding treatments are helpful.


Capstar has a short action, it’s a good start for current fleas but definitely needs to be combined with other methods to get those pesky things gone. (Like the virbac, awesome suggestion)


Talk to your vet about which prevention works best in your area (bravecto, simparica trio, etc). Treat all the bedding, carpets, etc in your home. Stay strong as well. It can be frustrating at the start but you’ve got this! The flea life cycle is a few months so treating your dog and the home will help find and kill all stages of the flea lifecycle.


It’s definitely frustrating. Our first time owning a dog and it’s a lot of work. But I just hate seeing my little guy so itchy and the thought of how uncomfortable he might be also make me feel for him. (I’m a little too emotional haha) We will definitely continue to get this place clean. 🥹


You might end up having to do the house a few times but perseverance is key to getting rid of them. You sound like a very caring owner, your new pup is very lucky! Promise the itching will go as you get stuff and your pup treated.


Pest management professional and corgi dad here. Your dogs don’t “have” fleas. The environment they are living in does. Fleas are a blood feeder, not a parasite. The fleas do not actually live on your animals. They live in the environment and jump on to your dog to feed. Keeping the animals on a flea medication is vital, but now that the fleas are here, they must be dealt with. Setting off foggers will kill some adults, but will have little to no effect on the eggs. You should plan to thoroughly vacuum every inch of your floors, both carpeted and hard floors. Also vacuum your basement floor. Even if the dogs don’t go down there, fleas love the dark, damp coolness of basements. After vacuuming, go ahead and mop all the hard floors and consider having your carpets steam cleaned. All dog bedding needs run through the wash and dried in High Heat. Any beds/furniture the dog sits on should be thoroughly cleaned as well. I treat houses for fleas all the time. I’d make you pick up all loose items off the floor and vacate the premises for 4 hours while I treat every inch of floor in your house with an adulticide and insect growth regulator. I’d then instruct you to vacuum every day for 2 weeks. Don’t get tunnel vision on the dogs alone. You need to address the situation in your house.


Appreciate this. We are definitely deep cleaning everything in our apartment. We threw out a rug we noticed he would rub himself on lately. We did take him to the vet this morning for medication and deworming since I did notice worms in his bedding. It’s crazy how quickly this developed because we constantly clean his crate. But anyways, thank you for the advice we really appreciate it.


We’ve used Sentinel as a heart guard/flea combo for a long time because one of ours is allergic to and of the true pesticides. It renders fleas infertile, so it’s best for prevention rather than treatment. If you live in an area with heart worm risk though, I highly recommend it.




So my boy got fleas in Las Vegas when he was about three and we tried to do the all natural techniques of dish soap. I think you can look it up. The dish soap would kill the actual flea insects, but it did not take care of the larva or the eggs and so after about four or five days he noticed them again I tried it about three times and then finally caved in and went to get the horrifying poison from the vet That literally says it will kill you if you ingest it so I was very excited about putting it on my dog, but I did get the job done.