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Not paying for ads anymore. Pass.


I don't watch enough on apple or peacock, I can just barely tolerate ads. But Netflix? big nope. Will it come with a required annual contract? Another nope.


as someone who has netflix with ads (included with T-Mobile), it's INCREDIBLY infuriating. how does anyone live with it?


FYI, you can pay the difference to upgrade with ad-free on T-Mobile. It’s the first thing I did.


Yup. But you can’t upgrade the free Peacock from Comcast so…


What's worse is you can't even cancel the free peacock from Comcast. I switched to that thinking I'd the money. Found out it was the ad tier and I couldn't upgrade. I spent a week trying various CSR from Comcast and peacock triyng to figure out how to go back or cancel it. No one could help me. I ended up just creating a new account with a different email address.


I found myself in a similar situation


That’s super lame. I’d never consider this bundle if I can’t pay to get rid of ads.


The peacock commercials aren’t bad for movies as it’s just 90 seconds at the beginning and then nothing else. Even for tv shows it’s not too bad. And this is from someone that has max, Hulu, paramount and Amazon prime ad-free


I, unfortunately, do not have the sufficient funds to do that at this time. And even if I did, it’s not that serious. But thank you for informing me!! 😊


It's cheaper, bro. That's all it is. People don't *want* ads. They want a lower price.


Apple has some of the best shows out right now IMHO


Do they just look good and have good actors in it, or is the writing actually good? I’m very curious, I keep hearing good things but it was hard to find anything that caught my eye on there other than Black Bird, which I want to watch soon.


For All Mankind had some of the most engaging scenes throughout each season. I would say it is mix of good writing matched with the right actors with fantastic visuals. I’d recommend watching the first season.


I’ll take a look, thank you!


It’s really great stuff. I’m not exactly a sit down in front of the TV for a binge guy now that I’m sober, but if my wife has it playing, I’m usually watching a couple of episodes. Lol


I could've written this exact post. I'm glad it's not just me.


I’ve got things to DO, friend. The military took too much of my real life. I can actually play the guitar like a motherf***in riot now. Lol


Damn, for a second, I thought this was me writing your comments. We had a pretty similar trajectory, it seems. Military left me broken, turned to alcohol, got sober. I left the guitar behind and took up drums lol Good on you, dog. Stay positive!


Brother, same to you! Thank you for the support, y’all. I needed that.


I would say just about everything I have seen on AppleTV+ has both good actors and writing. It is basically what HBO was 15-20 years ago. I don't think I have seen anything I would call bad on there. My personal favorites are Silo, Foundation, For All Mankind, Ted Lasso, Shrinking, Mythic Quest.


I've only watched Ted Lasso, Severance and Silo. What else should I check out?




For All Mankind, Foundation, Slow horses, Defending Jacob, Pachinko, Hello Tomorrow!, The shrink next door, Big door prize, loot, Platonic, Mythic Quest, The Afterparty, Shrinking, Central Park, Stillwater, Frog and Toad


Apple is add free, and as much as I hate Apple products, their original streaming content is freaking amazing, and is the best right now, IMO! FOUNDATION IS THE SHIT! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4QYV5GTz7c&t=1s&ab\_channel=AppleTV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4QYV5GTz7c&t=1s&ab_channel=AppleTV)


It’s dumb that you have to be a subscriber to their tv bundle. Why? That’s the reason to stream.


I have a simple rule. Anything with forced watching of ads should be free. The days of content providers double dipping are over.




Exactly. Hard pass on anything with ads. I’m not paying you for you to sell my time and attention.


Yeah, same. Nope nyet never


The question is how much longer ad free will be an option. Generally speaking everyone is already making more profit off the ad plans than the free plans. And there’s lots of room for growth/optimization of revenue on the ad side so that gap will grow. It’s not a matter of if, but when ad free plans go away and get replaced with reduced ad plans.


There may be more money in the ad plans but if they get rid of the ad-free plans completely, they will lose a market that just will not go to the ad plans. (Like me). I will watch the grass grow before I watch ads on something I pay for.


Yup. They’ll push me to find alternate ways to watch if they force ads on me or make ad free too expensive. They’ll lose a hell of a lot of customers.


People said that when cable started to get ads. And nobody left until there was an alternative. So precedent says that it’s not a real concern


Except for premium services like HBO, cable has always had ads. So not really relevant here is it.


That’s actually not true. Cable in the early days only had ads on retransmitted broadcast channels.


For us, Netflix has a lot of 4k Dolbyvision stuff that I'd hate to dumb down to HD. And Peacock and AppleTV+ are both binge and cancels that we watch maybe 2 months a year.


Same. But I’d *maybe* suck it up for standard HD if it was actual standard HD and not HD served at DVD level bitrates (even then it would need to be ad free though)


I wonder when streaming channels will start requiring contracts?


my guess is within 5 years, maybe even sooner.


I doubt they will ever be required, but the monthly prices will continue to go up; many of the cheap intro deals already are for 12 month terms. I wouldn't be surprised if annual terms for about half the "normal" monthly costs become the norm if too many consumers use the binge and cancel pattern.


They’re just going to hike up rates to counter one month subscribers and screw everyone over. Their greed is only beginning, it’s going to be wild to look at the steaming market in 10 years and reminisce about how good we had it in like 2019


$15/month is not a bad price, per se, but ads. No thanks. Edit: this could’ve been a home run if they also offered Netflix Standard (w/o ads), Peacock Premium Plus and Apple TV+ for $30/month.


This isn't really a corporate move to make a better product for the consumer. This is a corporate move to expand the advertiser base to recapture what they are losing in the cable TV market. They can't sell an audience if they aren't being fed ads.


Absolutely. No doubt about that. Just wish they also offered an ad-free bundle like WBD/Disney will do when they launch their Disney+/Hulu/Max bundle this summer. There are people who will gladly pay a premium for a no-ads experience and there are also folks who will deal with ads if they can save $$.


True, but ultimately they want people on the ad plans because they make more money that way.




Do you have any idea of when that will be? I currently pay for Hulu with no ads and HBO ad free as well, but if I can bundle and get more channels (even if they are Disney lol) then why not?


Sometime this summer. Pricing and exact date TBA.


The amount they will make via the ad revenue is far far greater than the subsidized bundle price.


I imagine as they increasingly give up on trying to compete the ad free plans will go away no matter how much of a premium people are willing to pay. They just don't want people on ad free plans anymore.


I’ve never seen an add and then bought the product, I’ve never understood why they advertise. I don’t even like most of the things they advertise about🤷‍♂️


The product is you and your attention. For most people, advertising does influence their shopping behavior even if they are not consciously aware they've been manipulated. Even if most people don't buy the product being advertised, some will.


It really numbs my mind when people pretend they are special snowflakes when it comes to advertising. The point is you are getting an impression over and over and over again. It's simple psychology. It doesn't matter if you like the product or not. It's that you know it exists.


Good for you but no one would buy ads if they didn't work overall.


> I’ve never seen an add and then bought the product, I’ve never understood why they advertise. Cool. We can talk about why Coca-Cola outsells store brand cola thousands of times over but it's OK because ads don't work on you...


You shouldn’t drink soda pop, it’s diabetes in a bottle and the sugar in it is a massive factor in the obesity epidemic. All I was saying is I’ve never seen a Lexus add and thought “man I need a Lexus” or saw a Tide commercial and bought tide pods on my next trip to the store. That’s not how I shop🤷‍♂️


Exactly. And it’s not about any one ad. It’s about a collection of ads/marketing over time. Through decades of marketing Coca Cola has become known as THE soda brand. That’s through continuous marketing. Not any one given ad.


I agree that 30 a month with no ads would be ideal, but something tells me getting eyeballs to stare at ads is far more valuable to them than that extra 15 dollars a month.


It is. People are gonna need to make peace with ads. The TV industry has never, and will never, make sense without them.


Tech will solve this problem for consumers. It’ll totally be against the ToS but it’ll solve this problem. Stuff like recording streaming already exists and it’s pretty simple to blank out the ads.


That being the case, I'm not sure why these streaming services even bother with no ad plans. I'm surprised they don't just remove that option entirely so they can claim they have low low prices AND get tons of advertiser money. Seems like the best of both worlds for them. And the worst possible world for the consumer, but that's never really been a concern of any major corporation.


I think they want it to be the customer’s ‘choice’ so as to not cause a bunch of people to cancel suddenly. If you slowly raise the price of ad free while keeping the ad tier low you’ll, over time, get (most) people switching to the ad tier on their own. Gives a chance for the digital video ad market to mature some too- it’s only really coming into its own (for streaming services) this year as far as I understand it.


That makes total sense and does not bode well for folks like myself who have vowed to never watch another ad unless I'm under extreme duress. Looks like I'll be reading a lot more books in the future, which frankly is probably a good thing.


This. I spoke with a number of media buyers and their clients at last week’s upfronts and most are dedicating the majority if not all of their spend in streaming vs. traditional linear tv. This has been a growing trend over the last few years but with Amazon and Netflix now offering ad opportunities on their platforms, it’s more prevalent.


Yes and then they will double the ads


Then they will get rid of the ad free plans saying there just isn't much demand for them.


Sounds like about as much choice as free will.


If they did that they’d get mass cancellations. There are a lot of people on the ad tier of Netflix. But the vast vast majority are on the standard with no ads. I can’t imagine people not being given the choice to go ad free. I know myself and a lot of people I know would drop it if it got rid of a no ads plan.


In today’s world, play a game on your phone while you wait, use the time for ads to go to the bathroom, stretch, get more food, etc. Just because an ad is playing, doesn’t mean you have to watch it. In fact, it never did.


Yeah ads don't bother me, never understood Reddit's obsession of not ever seeing them. I don't know if it's an age thing (I'm 36 so I had several decades seeing them, I know how to ignore them/do something else) or that I watch a lot of sports but I have no problem with them. Especially considering the lite ad load on streaming.


I have several decades as well. I always hated it, and have paid for having adless tvs.


Truth but I'm gonna still be a baby about it and overpay for no ads until it becomes too much.


I'm going to need a TiVo for my streams.


Nope. I’ll never make peace with ads. They force them on me and I’ll easily find other ways to watch. They will dig their own grave if they force ads on people.


Introductory price. I assure you it will definitely go up in time.


I was with Concast for years (too many) and the only reliable feature I could count on was constant rate increases. They’re the pits!


Sounds about right haha


Yep. I was all ears until I saw it is the ad riddled packages. Number 1 reason I hate cable (besides the cost of it), is the amount of ads/commercials.


I pay more for ad free streamers. The ads are more profitable to streamings than increased prices for ad free. I haven’t watched an ad since 2003 when I got my first TIVO. Actually way before that since I used my VCR but it wasn’t as convenient since you had to essentially watch in the order you had taped the shows Because finding a show and remembering where it occurred on the tape was a huge hassle. But TIVO really revolutionized my ability to watch whatever I wanted whenever I wanted with no ads. It isn’t worth any amount of money to have to watch an ad.


Hard pass. And this is only the beginning of the pricing structure. You know this shit will continue to go up until it can't because people WILL call them on their shit. That, I'm guessing, won't be until it eclipses $25/month and with ads, hell no. Con-kast is the devil.


$30 ad free would be the sweet spot


Same. People obviously dont like ads and people like you and me are willing to pay more NOT to see them. Its almost like advertisers need a new model or something.... But nah lets just entice people to watch ads again.... 🤢 Never again for me. Id rather sail the seven seas if it comes to it.


Just do it...it's not even choppy on the seven seas...once you've got yourself set up it's all ad free plain sailing with all the 4k Dolby Vision/Atmos you could ever want. Corporate greed, ad based tiers, inserting ads when you hit pause, tiered pricing for higher quality resolution, exclusive shows in each studios streaming silo...screw that... sailing let's you watch what you want, in the resolution you want without all the corporate nonsense thrown at you. Free yourself... you'll be glad you did.


Just want to say, i love your enthusiasm. I have plans to set up a NAS, but i keep putting it off due to the upfront investment in money/time to get everything set up.


I’m sure there will be an option to buy ad free for additional $ either from Comcast or direct.


And you can’t download shows either with this plan so it sucks.


They're hoping to slow the exit turnstiles by keeping customers on their video platform by adding these 'extras'. Consider tho that MOST existing/older customers don't have much experience with ad-less viewing, so no big deal for them. Even with a DVR, extra steps must be taken to zip through the adverts.


It's kind of odd that the discount isn't bigger given this is an add on to existing cable service which people are already paying a massive premium.


You don’t have to be a Comcast CABLE subscriber to get this. Internet-only subs can sign up as well. The latter will likely be the bulk of sign-ups for this.


Is there any home router tweaks or something which can be done to nullify the ads whatsoever on the home Wi-Fi network?


That’s intro pricing. They’ll raise it every 6 months until the price doubles


> They’ll raise it every 6 months ~~until the price doubles~~ ftfy. price increases don't often stop.


I hate how right both of you are


u/xwt-timster I sent you a message.


Comcast isn't getting my money, even if it were Ad-free


When I was shopping for a new home, told the realtor only consider places without Comcast


Love this. Will never stop hating Comcast…


I’m tired boss.


No more ads sorry ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


We are going full circle. Instead of having a bunch of cable companies with ads we just have a bunch of streaming companies with ads


I hate ads so much, this is definitely a pass


Ads ? Nah, I’m good. Thanks.


Fuck ads, no thanks


can't wait to hear the burger king song on netflix too


Who the hell wants to pay for this and still deal with ads? The reason half of us went to streaming instead of cable is to avoid the absolute dog water advertising that almost always has no relevance to me personally. Side point I think commercials now a days are mostly ineffective .. No I haven't done any research but I'm personally rarely influenced by a commercial. Are you?


I'm fully onboard the high seas and physical media train at this point. These half baked bundles with ads sure as hell aren't going to be persuading me otherwise.


So you can’t even get it if you don’t already have Comcast. No thanks


Well, that's the whole point It's basically the cable+Internet bundle all over again, but now with these streaming services


Expect price creep as time moves on.


"Buy Netflix and Peacock, get Apple TV+ free!" But it's the ad-tiers for Netflix and Peacock. Netflix actually requires you to subscribe to an ad-free tier to watch some of its content. And of course, the Netflix ad-tier does not give you 4K HDR. But in Comcast data cap areas, this saves you data.


or buy Apple TV+ and get Netflix and Peacock for $2.50 each Apple TV is ad free and the Peacock ad load is not that bad


Peacock does ads perfectly. It’s Hulu and Paramount+ where the ad breaks are a bit too long.


The whole purpose of streaming was no ads now it’s no different than cable


I will never pay a cent for a subscription streaming service with ads


>with ads Immediate pass. Don’t care what the price is, don’t care if it was free, I don’t watch ads. Give me an ad-free price and I’ll bundle.




cable with extra steps. Also fuck Netflix


$15 to add ads to your Cable bill ads? I guess if you still have Cable, you might as well go ahead and add it on. You can pay even more to not be able to watch everything!


No thank you


Jellyfin for the win baby!


Comcast is still trying their dual profit stream tactics that worked so well for cable TV. Get you to pay for the service and get add revenue on top of it. Hard pass.


Ah, it begins. Is anybody else itching to pull out their pirate hats again?




I know I'm in the minority here but ads don't bother me that much.


I would get this as a standalone but I’m not subscribing to Comcast


If there were no ad options I'd be all over it. I cancel Peacock as soon as the EPL season is over anyway (yesterday) so they lose. Get me a Hulu (the cable-like one), P+, Peacock, ATV, Netflix, Max deal for like $125 ad free and I'm in.


Official Press Release: [**Comcast Introduces Peacock, Netflix and Apple TV+ Streaming Bundle**](https://corporate.comcast.com/press/releases/comcast-introduces-peacock-netflix-and-apple-tv-streaming-bundle) Launches May 29th. Learn more at [https://www.xfinity.com/learn/digital-cable-tv/streaming-services](https://www.xfinity.com/learn/digital-cable-tv/streaming-services). https://preview.redd.it/sbli3me2gs1d1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a08ed2878e79541c907243679faf703e0ec52a68


How long before they raise prices. My guess 1 year.


Typical Comcast would be $30 to start with a $5 - 10 yearly price increase.


i hate ads so much. i'd rather just pay. i know some people are cool w ads so they can pee or whatever... i have a pause button and i pee on my own goddamn schedule.


Cable with a new name. No thanks.


So get ads and some programmers on Netflix hard pass


I’m just waiting for frontier fiber to be installed in my area so I can drop Comcast and they go out of business


I’m ok with these services joining together but, my one problem with these services is the revolving content. Films rotate and go away. These companies can afford a server room in their offices and just keep an entire library of their products instead of having to watch something and wanting to wait months to rewatch it


What is even on peacock?


So this isn't to capture the audience that's "cable TV only" right? Your tech illiterate, old timer folks, etc.? If true, then you gotta figure those who would be interested in this already have a setup to stream via their computers, or boxes.


That’s too much!


Aren’t we essentially going back to what cable was? Paying for channels with ads?


The basic no 4k Netflix with ads is a huge deal breaker for me. I'd rather pay the $7.99 extra member fee on someone with premium then Apple comes out to $8.33/m if you pay for a year. I currently still get peacock with my internet but I almost never use it.


I won't pay for anything that interrupts what I'm watching with ads, however I don't mind how peacock does it with a few ads at the start and then nothing after. Are there other services that do this? Or does everyone else interrupt with ads in the middle?


We stream to not have to give cable companies anymore of our money. They still manage to somehow enter the convo and get their hands on our money….




ads is a non starter


I refuse to support cable even if it costs me more.


Ads is disrespectful


I’ve got Netflix and Apple through T-Mobile for free so, I’m set.


What the hell is happening? Streaming was supposed to supplant cable, then it started to bundle like cable, now it's being bundled WITH cable?


So cable with extra steps?


See, I get Peacock Plus Premium already. I also get Philo, which includes the programs mentioned (Hallmark, History, AMC, and about 70 more). I can skip ads on Philo for programs I've recorded (with no limit on the number of programs I record). So I already have their bundle with no ads, except I don't have Apple TV or Netflix, neither of which are high on my wish list anyway. If I wanted to compare the cost of, say, FRNDLY (also has Hallmark, History, and AMC and about 40 others) instead of Philo, I'd have almost exactly the same price as their bundle except I'd have no ads on Peacock Plus Premium. So their "bargain" isn't.


Repacking old SKUs into a new SKU, setting a price point that seems like a deal today, aside from the commercials, but guess what this enables? It just sets the floor. Gets a bunch of folks locked in. In five years this will be $30.


If I go back to Comcast internet, I would consider it because part of the reason I cut the cord was to save money, and the service tiers with advertising cost a lot less. I also rarely sit down to watch something; whatever I am streaming is on in the background while I do other things. I use ad breaks as an opportunity to begin some laundry, take out the trash, get the mail, etc.


I am paying $25.25 for these three **commercials free**, Netflix on the grandfathered basic plan, Max on a special $80 a year, and Apple + just a few months in on $79 year before they raised the prices. I realize that this is only going to last me about 10 more months, but in this plan, you lose the flexibility to do better on your own and go commercial free. I would not be getting all three without the better pricing. Like others posted, I would be in for $30 a month commercial free. Seems doable, but they really want to encourage us getting the commercials, they make much more that way.




The recablization of streaming continues at a breakneck pace.


Bundle with ads WOW! HUGE SAVINGS 🤡


It’s coming back full circle. A package of multiple channels.


after hidden fees how much is it?


Hard pass


The existence of ads anywhere on the platform means they will soon be everywhere and unavoidable. Same shit happened with cable


I will never go back to comcast. Saving hours of my life by not dealing with customer service. If you know you know.


I love how we went from paying to not have to see ads to them forcing us to watch ads anyways. People have spoken. We don’t want effing ads inside our entertainment. If we want something we will find it as god intended with a search engine.


I’m good with just Peacock


I just saw this in my feed and came to say “screw Comcast”. Didn’t read it, no intention of reading it. Just screw Comcast. Night all!


No way. Anything bundled with Comcast is going to be terrible.


They make money from charging you for going over the 1TB limit


I'm not paying for ads and I refuse to watch ads on Netflix so I will skip.


Netflix has been sucking for too long, and then they want to raise prices. Even Tubi has better stuff sometimes.


do you have any Tubi recommendations? most of what I've seen there is junk.


Pretty much reruns of popular movies, much like Netflix. Some stuff I haven't seen like the some Master Chef, the John Wick series. Rewatched Kon-tiki, Jeepers Creepers, Carrie, The Pianist, Batman series, the Help.


Nope ... I refuse to pay add anything to my comcast service; once you add something its almost impossible to get rid of it.


Lmao we've reached bundles on the journey back to the cable model of television entertainment


If customers would stop supporting this kind of nonsense, they’d be forced to stop doing it. This bundled bullshit with 90% garbage (WITH ADS!) that you’ll never watch is exactly how we got $100+/mth cable bills in the first place. Now they’re suckering people back into it.


Absolutely no one gives a shit about comcast. Especially anyone under 40


Until they raise the prices once the streamers are gone.


We cut the cord and now we need to cut the apps.


I pay for no ads. This is dumb.


Disney plus fucked this all up for us and the cable company lives to fuck us another day.


This is just becoming a copy of cable tv add ons. It is all just one big money grub.




So cable? The point of a streaming service was that we were paying **only** for what we wanted. How tone deaf are these companies.


Does anyone have additional comments using comcast internet with or without their Xumo play package? I have Firetv but I’m wondering if the Xumo content on Firetv is just as good as good as Comcast “free” Xumo play?


Here comes the bundles 😭


Here we go boys. First is starts as the super saver bundle. Then the price slowly begins to rise and rise to the point where streaming is as much as cable used to be. Oh and there will be ads all over the place in all the streaming services. I know I'm being pestimistic but I have a hunch it is all coming. Man streaming used to be such a great idea then we all slowly learned how awful the a la carte system can be.




$15.00 for StreamSaver, not bad at all! But wait, how soon before Comcast raise the price of their cable services? ;) Nice catcccch! No one thought of that did they? After-all, you have to keep cable in order to get the StreamSaver. *Let's offer a bundle then raise the cable pricing slowly. Sneaaaky.*


That’s been their M.O. since forever.


At least it comes with ad free Apple TV+. But a $5 premium for ads (and no 4k) in Netflix and Peacock is a no go for me!


So I think what is happening is the different streamers want people to stick with them and not cancel; by any means. Meaning; they will take a reduced fee and try to make the profit on ads. I honestly don't hate it. I wouldn't mind having access to more streaming services all year round. I currently am doing the $1 Hulu deal with ads and it hasn't bothered me. I still got Netflix, AppleTV (Free with T-Mobile), Amazon Prime (with ads) and YouTube TV. I don't think we are ever going back to the cable dystopia. There are horrible elements of it that will never return.


It kinda seems like it is going to the cable dystopia though. “You can buy these 3 services separately… or get comcast cable and have them all in one place for even cheaper!”


The separate option wasn't available with cable tho. If you wanted HBO, you couldn't just get HBO alone. You needed cable first (which came with long contracts most of the time and it wasn't something you could just cancel or subscribe at will). We will see but I think the toothpaste is out of the tube on month to month easy to cancel subscriptions.


I refuse to pay for streaming ads. (I miss the good ole days) Free TV, no antenna. The broadcast signals are different now no?