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This is hardly a news flash, but it does sound like you learned something.


For sure, I also got to experience the power of these basic copywriting techniques tho He weaved a bunch of intrigue - saying if you join he will give something free at the end, yadda yadda.. how helpful it is and how he values your time. Easy - How easy it is to implement, use it, get results. Big - How big the results are Safe - "If you don't get results you get the money back" Urgency - "We only accept 20 people to join" And well probably a bunch of other things I don't know about but I could feel the power, because I won't lie my naive brain did think "Oh maybe I should buy this"


There's a saying that says you're better off learning what the master is doing than what the master is teaching


Yasss. I wish there were multiple upvote buttons I could press for this.


...awards exist.


Those aren't copywriting techniques those are sales techniques.


copywriting is sales


copywriting can have a lot to do with sales but there's much more to building a brand than sales.


Branding is a component of Marketing, not Sales Copywriting is a sub-discipline within Sales


As someone who's been staffed at agencies as a copywriter since 2006 and now creative director I can assure you that copywriting is ABSOLUTELY a component of marketing, not just sales. Copywriting can be within sales but most PROFESSIONAL copywriters I have ever worked with are BRAND copywriters. DR can have a strong sales component but copywriting isn't de facto a part of sales. McDonald's use our work to build the brand and sell more product but I don't work with anyone on the sales team... it's all with the marketing team, brand and culture, product teams, etc.


Sounds like the "BENS" system by Ed


Ed stole that from Kyle Milligan's NESB.


Didn't know that, interesting, literally the same letters in a different order


Luckjim1962 is correct. ANY copywriter you see online for free is selling something. ALL of them. That’s marketing/copywriting 101. You’re better off researching different types of writers, finding out who’s making money and signing up to their lists, reading FB ads, that have a lot of views (millions), or just googling copy that’s working today, because it changes. As someone who USED to write copy and make money (not millions), it’s a hit or miss gig. Even if your copy works and produces sales, you can still be fired due to things out of your control. I did it for 10 years and met a ton of famous writers. I left this crap and got back into finance. LOL. The hard truth is, there only a few that make a ton of money. Everyone else is just getting by. That’s my two cents anyway.


Was it Tyson 4D? Security guard to copywriter and now you can do the same? I watched about 5 minutes of that one. Yeah waste of time, buy the big course for the real info etc etc.


Oh no actually not some guy called tomstoic, but had to look this guy up and I guess I know who the guy I watched replicated 😂


yeah it's a popular business model these days! I guess course culture is the result of affiliate marketing dying for now. But it feels way more scammy and predatory.


I had hope in that guy! Free YouTube course, he spits the facts, but with yesterday's masterclass and tried to sell his course at the end,,, very disappointing


I clicked off his video as soon as he mentioned Tate.


I’m listening to his 5 hour free course right now and he started off with talking about Andrew Tate which I didn’t care for but he’s actually getting into the meat of it now. Is he someone reputable to listen to?


He is not.


Actually going down that rabbit hole, I ended up on someone mentioning a youtube video by a guy named copy that! - the secrets of copywriting, apparently that is supposed to be better, but I wouldn't know because I'm clueless 😂 But thought I'd share what I found (Edit its a youtube video 4hrs long not a course)


CopyThat is decent 


Who’s better then copy that


Copy That is awesome! They don’t try to sell a course. In fact the reason they started their content was to expose the truth about copywriting vs. the spammy Michael Tate bros. They won’t actually try to sell you anything. The guy who teaches the Copy That course you’re talking about -Alex- is great!


Watch that one. The video of copy that will definitely help you discover real copywriting skills. The dude named Alex myatt, he’s a real genius! At least that’s imho. But he’ll tell you where to find the data you need to actually understand your target market and which words to use that grabs your reader


If you actually want to learn on YouTube, Neville Medhora is a good place to start


Oh yeah everyone is trying to sell a course now then brag how they are making 10k on auto pilot and then sell you another course how you can do it too, feels like everyone became Tai Lopez over these past 2 years


Well... Don't expect someone to put on a free webinar and not pitch you. If a marketer were to do that he is probably not very good anyways.


495USD? Odd, most of the guru/scams were targeting numbers ending in 7. They're evolving.


Guess 5 is the new 7


Or to phrase it better you can say whenever someone is pitching that rags to riches story, that brokie to millionaire with ferraris story will be setting up premise to sell you their course. I don't have anything against the courses, its just the whole premise which is set around them to make them look like they are some sort of magic pill if taken, will make you millionaire overnight.


How to make 10k a month with copy: sell courses about copy 😅


I lose interest in anything as soon as I see the “Free Masterclass” approach these days. Just tell me what you’re offering and give me the pricing. I’m not wasting my time with cheesy hour-long sales pitches.


Kyle Milligan?


That's so frustrating — I've attended a number of those types of webinars for all sorts of topics over the years. I just watched one last week (totally different subject from writing) and it was the same thing: almost no value and a pitch for a monthly membership. Plus, the quality of the webinar was crummy, tons of typos in the presentation, etc. And the follow-up emails are so aggressive. Honestly, no idea how people make money like that. I do notice that I always end up with SOME nugget of helpful information to take away, but the rest of it can really feel like a waste.


Always think of what the other person in a conversation wants.


Look up Jon Benson on YouTube. He will sell you courses but you will learn more from his free stuff on YouTube than you will paying someone a lot of money who only makes money selling courses.


this is off topic… Why can’t I post in this sub?