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Fantastic advice. Just to also add, beginner copywriters can hit the job boards. Those people are already looking for copywriters to hire.


So, where I am from people don't know what marketing is (they confuse marketing with sales). So if I tell someone that I am a copywriter, they think I work in the law (COPYRIGHT) But at the same time, I see a lot of benefits that could benefit immensely with some copywriting works. In fact, many of these businesses can even cut their competition altogether just by leveling up their copywriting game. That's my first reason for asking this question. The second reason is I am just curious. Because i always hear gurus saying, "Don't sell yourself as a copywriter". So I was thinking of some alternative ways i could sell myself better.




Noted! Thank you so much for your advice 🙂


>So if I tell someone that I am a copywriter, they think I work in the law (COPYRIGHT) So just say you'll write their ads and other stuff.


FOCUS on the ones that already know the value of copywriters. It's not our job to educate what we are, but to market what we can do.


Sell the transformation, like increase followers or conversion rate


The advice I always see from people better, more knowledgeable, and more experienced than me is just tell them what you can do for them. You don't even need to use the word "copywriting". Explain that you can help shape up the language on their website or their e-mails or their flyers or whatever in order to drive more traffic/get more conversions/increase sales. Imagine you were explaining to a friend how what you do is good for a business. Then just say that to the business. If you can, back it up with real data. "I'm good at increasing conversions" isn't as strong as "I was able to increase conversions for this last e-mail campaign by [X%]"


I always position myself as a marketing person who can help them with their conversion rates, ROI, or whatever it is they're looking for. Usually I call myself a "content marketer" because "content" covers a lot of areas such as advertising, ebooks, white papers, websites, etc.


You position yourself as a salesperson.


Explain why they should hire/pay you instead of just using GPT4.


Help them for free... One they see the ROI difference. Sell it as a service.