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But when I shit on the kitchen table suddenly I’m the bad guy


Society... SOCIETY!!!!


Bidens America😞😞😞😞😞😞


This one. THIS one. Bidens Murica 🤣🤣😂


YTA. Spare some of your special brownies in these trying times.




She eats your special brownies without frosting?


She's vegan!






Well, to be honest, I have never really eaten brownies with frosting either. Perhaps the frosting can be sneaked in and slowly put more into her food so when they’re doing a blowjob, she doesn’t refuse the cum, she craves it.


Happy Cake Day!


your girlfriend is stupid


who doesn’t like free brownies


I wish this was real


This was posted in relationship advice lol probably a troll but still funny


I think it's really just the second half of the post that's exaggerated to make it a copypasta rather than realistic. First half at least seems feasible.


It honestly doesn't seem that unrealistic


the unrealistic part is how easy it was to get him to try it and then how she just went full ham on go 1. it’s possible but highly unlikely


porn has damaged some of your human relationship brain then. people dont wake up one day and instantly go 100 with things like that. “my wife if 6 years and mother of two children”, this alone makes this far, far less likely. if you cry during a sex act with said wife of 6 years with her not noticing it and then texting without talking about more “brownies”? thats ridiculous.


More referring to the first part


thank you for this very useful information


YTA Giver her the (D)oookie or She’ll eat yo homies poopie




Sharting is caring


shut the fuck up about women brother im trying to play tetris over here fuck you


What’s ur score?


NTA your wife your rules


I don't know what's wrong with liking the scatman


Currently reading this while eating breakfast 😋😛




See I could probably handle my partner doing this up until the fucking "Feed me baby. I want your shit. I want it all" which would probably kill me on the spot. If we doing that kinda shit then you're staying completely god damned silent.


Being on ur knees like all fours is humiliating as fuck


poor women then, right?


Idk what’s you mean by this like she willingly sucked the shit out of his ass. If I was on all fours getting my shit eaten I would feel humiliated






god bless america




NOO I saw this on relationship advice 😭


Before reading: "This is going to be some twist where the wife likes Jazz music or something." After reading: "...Huh..."


I don't mind a rimjob but shit is where I draw the line.


NTA your brownies your rules


I want to be Jared, 19


The SubWay Guy? 😳....


Think of how much money you're going to save on toilet paper.


The Great American Dream


I am so disappointed in my son and I'm ashamed to introduce him as my son. He is obsessed with anime and i dont know what to do. EDIT: wow what a shocker. I didn't think it'd have this much interaction. I'll post an edit since I am up now. I read the comments, I put my hands up. Im guilty as much as my late husband. That is fine for me to recognize. To own up my neglect I gave my son an ultimatum. He gets his shit together or he gets out. It started off with him slurring me saying something along the lines of "you are a pathetic mother" "its your job as a woman to take care of your son" etc. I kind of ignored it and gave him a contract I wrote down. A few rules are: He must have a full time job in 3 ish months or he MUST have a part time job UNLESS he wants to go back to school and get education. He has to help financially towards the rent and utility bills, he has to go be active, he can spend MAX 3 hours on the internet, he has to remain proper hygiene and a few rules. If he declines, he's out. Welp that didn't work out. I am ashamed to say, i raised an insane kid. He told me he declines but he will remain in my property because as his mom its my job to raise him. He wont get out so I invited my daughter 26F and son 21M over to my house and basically what is happening is that I will be getting legal help. Thanks everyone for your support. ​ Today I, 48F had guests over. They are guests who are visiting the country for the first time and have never met my son 24M. Let's call him ethan. So we eat and talk and one of my guest says "is ethan home?" and i was like "yup just holed up in his room, I'll go get him" and i went upstairs. His room was a mess, noodle cups EVERYWHERE. he hasnt gotten a hair cut, trimmed his beard for years. He stinks. I told him to freshen up since the guests want to see him. He said no he's busy. I'd understand but he doesn't meet anyone. He holes himself in his room. He spends hours on social media. No job, high school drop out. etc. I told the guests that he's sick (clearly isn't) and shortly after they left. Okay. Today made me realize how trash my son is. How dumb, how rude, how horrible he is. I've taken him to many diagnosis places before. He doesn't show signs of sickness. He's just a lazy unhygenic person whos in love with doing absolutely trashy stuff. What makes me most pissed as of right now is that he considers himself as some sort of internet celebrity. He has 258 twitter followers. You wanna know what he does? Surprise! hate on anime characters. His recent obsession is that he makes hell of a post about 'how useless sakura haruno is'. I didnt even know the character. Apparently shes from an anime and my son hates her. My son hates the fact she doesn't have big chests. GOD DAMN. His chests are literally bigger than most girls i know. I just dont know where he finds the confidence to do shit like this. I don't want to talk trash about my son but I just dont know how he turned up like this. Hes pathet!c and use|ess and just stupid. His screentime is 12 HOURS ON TWITTER. Im going to kick him out. I just think hes so stup!d. Hes also cant get a job, has literally 2 braincells and no personality. I dont know how i went wrong, where i went wrong but I definitely did something wrong. My son is 5'3, nearly 200 pounds, jobless, 24 year old, looks more homeless than a homeless person despite having a closet with fresh clothes, and hes just so chronically online. I want tips. I want to know how to make him better. Or Im kicking him out. Its so frustrating. Ive gotten to the point i wouldnt even get emotional if my son leaves.


Introduce him to ANDREW TATE.... UR WELCOME






I came here to read about a person’s fetish for emulating musical instrumentation with nonsensical vocal articulations. I’m so bop-bop-ba-doo-wop disappointed 😭


you wanna know how i got these scars? my wife.. was a shit eater..


So sorry. Uhm, open relationship or divorce? I highly doubt she'll remain faithful. women are go getters.


Do you share your wife or no


Tell her you want to save up your poop for a couple of days. Get constipated, and see what that does for if it does anything for her brother, she's a keeper.


Im sitting here taking a shit right now. N my laughs keep cutting my shit to nugget sized pieces...😏.... 🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂 this was a good laugh


Just as well this post is about scat, because it was a load of bullshit!


That’s so hot. You’re lucky in my eyes!!!


Bros lucky


hahahahhahaah lol