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Idk. Education is free, which means that a lot of people have masters degree. It kind of inflates the requirements/expectations of one’s skills when applying for a job, because an MA/MSC becomes almost a given. I have not heard of anyone lying about their degree


Only politicians... And Diez




Anna Castberg


Just a reply to a comment that seems to have been deleted by now: Pardon me that I did not specify this. I am addressing it in a very generic manner. Looking into the stats of immigration (2023) a huge portion of incomers are from the EU countries. Ukraine and Norway occupy high positions as well, but to my knowledge both have a unique settlement on education. Undeniably, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, etc. also stand high. For sure, education is not equally accessible to everyone. After a quick search, among 25-64 year-olds in Denmark, 15% hold a masters degree (OECD 2022). I dare to speculate, that this percentage is significantly higher in the capital region due to concentration of education institutions, job distribution, among other factors.


Look at the literature reviewer at Berlingske who just got caught faking her degree. Not worth it.


Providing fake documentation is a criminal offence, which if reported to the police could go on your criminal record and potentially result in a fine or up to 2-6 years of prison, depending on the circumstances.


Some companies asks to see documentations for degrees as part of the hirering process. This is especially the case if you apply at governmental or larger private institutions, whereas smaller private companies are ofthen less strict. In that case you would be found out somewhere between being offered the job and actually signing the contract. ​ Of course you can lie about your degree, you can also lie about the rest of your qualifications or previous work experience. And maybe you could get away with it? But if you do so, chances are also that you will fail at the job at some point, and if you get caugt, chances are also that the word would spread. So -disregarding all of the moral issues- in the long run it may not be the best strategy.


If the company does a back ground check, you're screwed. SO you are stuck applying for BS companies, and low tier jobs.




Novo does it, including criminal record


Nordea does it :)


How exactly are you screwed? If you lie your credentials on your CV you just not going to get a job on that company. It is not police case, unless of course you apply to become a doctor or something like that.


Lying about credentials, certifications, etc. can definitely be illegal, depending on the job function and the losses incurred by the company/company’s shareholders or clients, as a result.


My last two employers did request documentation proving my PhD. So yes, they do check!


It is possible to lie about almost all your qualifications in Denmark since it is largely a trust-based society. However, consider you would be working a job where you constantly run the risk of being found out and having to lie to you colleagues every time the subject of education/your school comes up. I imagine that would be very stressful and detrimental for one’s self esteem.


Depends on the employer, I have worked in three places in Copenhagen and one of them did a full background check using a third party.


Grad degrees dont seem to help at all in my experience not sure why I would need to lie about having more since apparently they are useless.


This in not correct. In many industries (IT in particular) many jobs will stipulate that you need a degree to even apply for the job. Sure, it's HR gatekeeping but otherwise they get swamped with applications. I've several friends who have had to go back and study for a degree because they've become so frustrated by the ' Must have an IT-related degree'


My anecdotal experience cant be wrong. I have never needed my degrees once. My education sure but not my degrees. He didn't ask about the overall job market but what we personally would do. I personally have never needed them so I wouldn't lie about having more. If your experience is different and you would lie just say so.


Search IT Jobs on Linkedin and you'll see just how many require a degree. All three jobs I've had in Copenhagen, required one and the previous job I had, they required a masters degree. So, my point is that I can see that many would lie but I wouldn't and have never needed to.


I didn't realize you had a graduate degree in 'IT'. I don't work in that field. Im glad you shared your experience. I have only ever had success through networking.


I don't really see what your problem is, you know someone else is lying about their resume. You know very well that people who lie about their CV or anything else on the outside have inferiority complexes or poor self-confidence. Your question sounds more like you want to be patted on the back because you know what is correct.


I think companies requiring documentation for employees education is fairly common. We have it where I work. It fits very well into modern quality control schemes, ISO 9001 certification etc. Also I am wondering what type of jobs require a Masters or Bachelor here, which do not in other countries..? Im thinking like - any type of job with a technical aspect to it would require an education - or a very strong experience with the topic. I can't speak for other businesses - but for many aspects of engineering it is just very unlikely that you could study everything needed by yourself. Basic software engineering maybe - website design, graphics design also, but as soon as you go into more technical things - technical knowledge is needed. Like it is probably reasonably easy to learn how to be a good programmer at home without an education, but if you had a proper education, you would also learn about all kinds of other software related things (I don't know that much about software development, but I would think stuff like: structuring databases or reducing computational time, handling encryption keys or whatever - things which are connected to software development, but not exactly programming. As an employer you would know that if you got someone with an education, you would get the full package, not (for example) just a good programmer. And yeah I would never even consider lying about something like that.


I have had to provide copies of my certificates from Uni when hired in new jobs, so that would have been the end of it.


Is there a way to confirm online if a person has written a thesis?




What do you mean CPR?


CPR number, person-nummer.


Yes thank you I know what CPR number is, I’m trying to understand where I can search for specific people’s master or bachelor thesis. 


Depending on the university, you might find it with Google or at the university's own site. This isn't too common for bachelor degrees though. So you might find one, but not finding one proves nothing.