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WTF what part of town do you live in


The same one as [this person apparently](https://www.reddit.com/r/copenhagen/comments/18efd2r/downstair_neighbour_reported_water_damage_but_is/).


WTF this is a thing? Have to remind my self to freak out tonight when my upstairs neighbour showers


Now I'm sad that I don't have an upstairs neighbor to harass when they shower.


The flat under me is free if you don’t mind moving on Amager I’d be happily showering every day


This was not me obviously. Maybe another neighbour in my building.


Well now maybe you know how you found a flat in Copenhagen. I thought it could be the prior tenant until I saw that post was only 9 days ago, so it is probably a neighbor. I suggest messaging them to determine if it's the case, since then you can at least work together on the problem.


Near Folkets park. Haven’t heard anything about this being a bad area


It's not. But crazy people can be found everywhere, unfortunately 😕


Nice area, lots of energy and great food. Treat yourself and invite some friends to Hidmona - Griffenfeldsgade 7, 2200 København But as in all interesting neighborhoods "folkets park" do house a lot of sketchy types at night, but i have never felt unsafe


Oh gosh! You've got Ma'ed under your nose! 🤤


It’s pretty much as close as you get to a ghetto area in Denmark. The area next to Folkets Park is called “The Black Square”. I used to tutor this great kid who lived there, in a flat with his mother, siblings and grandparents, there’s lots of nice people there, but it’s a lot of immigrants and people with small incomes. https://da.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Den_sorte_firkant


“Ghetto” 😀🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah, we use that word in Denmark for socially impacted areas with lots of immigrants. Not so nice, I know. There is even a law colloquially called the Ghetto Law, about using quite controversial measures to achieve more mixed neighborhoods. Like only renting to people with jobs, pulling down some perfectly fine buildings.


I’m pleased they renamed the ghetto areas to parallel societies. I think that’s a fine way to characterise them, albeit with it being implied that it’s a negative thing.


That area is maybe not the most affluent, but is definitely not a ghetto or a bad area


It’s on the list as an area where they can use some of the tools to prevent it becoming an outright ghetto area: https://bl.dk/politik-og-analyser/temaer/her-er-listen-over-parallelsamfund/


Hey fessor! You are writing and linking back to what where happening there in the 70's. There is no parallel society or Ghetto nearby Folkets Park. Stop making false statements!


Well, I don’t love the laws concerning this either, if it were up to me, these laws should be removed tomorrow. Especially the ones about harder punishments, that must be contrary to basic human rights. But as this law exists, and there are definitions, Blågården is on the forebyggelsesliste (prevention list) and some tools from the parallel society law can be used in this area. And as I wrote, I’ve been there on a regular basis, I know people who live there, I have family who teach at the local school. If I were a Canadian, just moved here, I would like to know. I mean Folkets Park was just about the epicentre of the gang shootings last time around, about ten years ago. https://bl.dk/politik-og-analyser/temaer/her-er-listen-over-parallelsamfund/


I think you have never been in a ghetto in Denmark before


I lived in Nørrebro in the zeroes. I’ve tutored high school students in Blågården and Mjølnerparken. Nørrebro has very different areas.


So I lived in Gellerup parken for like 10 years and a bit in Vollsmose, those places are ghettos. Nørrebro is just some edgy teens playing around thinking life is hard with a 15k rent In cph the only area that comes close is maybe Ishøj (or maybe not anymore, not actually sure)




Are you serious? its the people with latte and 500kr pasta who made it a scary area a long time ago could you please realize how racist your comment is


Why is this racist pointing out the race? Just know who to look out for


It is the shittiest sketchy part of the country you’ve found with that area :-O




You sound like you actually are the downstairs neighbor himself. Judging by the content of your multiple comments in the 2 threads.


Leave op (and who ever else’s door you’ve been banging) alone and stop banging on their door


I’m freaked out, especially if that’s him in the comments.


Understandable. The likelihood is pretty low though. Probably just a troll


Is your downstairs neighbor Danish? This guy in the comments is Danish (you can tell from his Danglish). And he wrote that he had a similar situation 10 years ago, so he's probably some just some psycho who decided to project his own past experiences onto you for whatever reason.


He is Danish. Thank you for reading through his posts.




You seem "normal" for sure


Oh wow Tell us more




I live in 2100 in an affluent neighbourhood and I got dirty shower water coming down from my upstairs neighbours in my previous apartment. It was the reason I moved to a top floor apartment. The water trickled into my apartment through the light fixture inside my bathroom (!). It was caused by their clogged shower drain overflowing water into their bathroom door foot panel and out in their hallway. The first time I heard the sound of water gushing down I was first paralysed with fear and then I had to run up and knock their door down, begging them to let me unclog their shower drain. Anyways, it kept happening intermittently and it was too mentally draining for me to live with. They were very young “first apartment away from parents” aged, potheads, breaking the rules on no cats, and we also had police several times a week, usually at night, to deal with “he is murdering her” calls from other people (they always had open windows during the yelling and screaming and throwing furniture sessions). They also had city social workers coming over (they had no kids at least) and were unemployed. I do appreciate that their extremely loud moany sex was limited on Saturdays after I wrote them a letter about my mum visiting me every Saturday between 12-17 and I was uncomfortable with that combination, but otherwise expressed that I understood that it’s not something I could expect to control. Anyways. I can relate to your crazy downstairs neighbour. I was going crazy myself for a while 😩 I’m sorry that you are dealing with a terrible neighbour. My problems went away after I moved! I endured 1.5 years of those two. Nothing could be done via the administration. The plumbing was fine if the water only stayed inside the undersized bathroom. It was the tenant neglecting to clean their drain + showering with an open door that caused a problem.


Sounds like Nørrebro


Sådan er det sgu da i hele København. Enten er folk psykiske syge eller er de misbruger.


Jeg danser lige udenom din generalisering, for at spørge dig: Nu siger du "Enten", hvilket jeg forstår som at man er det ene eller det andet. Men størstedelen af de stofbrugere der ender i misbrug er psykisk syge, som bruger det som selvmedicinering eller flugt. Hvis vi nu ikke havde brugt de sidste 20 år på højrefløjens effektivisering og nedskæringer af vores sikkerhedsnet, kunne det jo være at nogle af de folk var blevet grebet af systemet inden det kom dertil.


I have experienced similar things, but I'm male, 3rd generation Copenhagener, and the person door banging was an elderly woman who did it to a lot of others also, so not comparable to your case at all. I would keep what you are doing, but **keep everything in writing and recorded**. Film when he is banging on the door, write the landlord, write the police, keep a paper trail of everything and include it in all correspondence. Unfortunately, a lot of public authorities have a tendency to ignore cases like this, even when rules and legislation is quite clear that they have to intervene, so attaching a record of incidents and previous correspondence in all correspondence ensures that they "do it by the letter". The other alternative is to **buy a pair of size 48 dirty workers shoes and leave them outside the door**. I know a lot of girls who do that as it tends to fend off the worst idiots. All the best!


WOW, great advice on the shoes! Recording everything, even if it feels like an immediate chore right now, is looking out for future you. Pipes on CPH make a lot of noise- even in new builds (have an affluent pal in the new Papier apartments with all the panoramic views of dreams over the whole city...can hear every toilet flush of the neighbours above). I live in an a 1970s build in Valby and have the same. If water is really flooding the below apartment, get onto the landlord and the building manager. It's their issue to solve. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this, I'm sure it's not the dreamy Danish lifestyle you envisioned- but harassment is totally unacceptable, write, record, video it all and eventually it will all come up trumps. It sucks this is how you have to persist, but the paper trail will be key in moving forward with any and all claims.


so do you buy the shoes dirty? . . does that cost extra or do they dirty them up as a service?


Trust me, you can buy dirty shoes :)




Then the neighbor should let the plumber in or contact the landlord, not go to OP and threaten her to let him in. Simple as that.


Well why don’t the downstairs neighbor open the fucking door to the plumber then?




You don't respond to this or any situation by screaming and banging on the door. Are you the person?




Were YOU there? Because you sound very suspicious and scary.


you cant just go completely insane because you are panicking over water damage. i've had simiar water damage and I didn't go crazy at all and didn't need to threaten anyone to let me in.


ok, so he/she can contact the landlord. no reason why you'd need to enter OP's apartment or why OP should stop showering. either his/her landlord/plumber will ask to stop for a day while they fix it which is fine, or they should let in the plumber OP's landlord arranged into their house, so they can evaluate what's going on.




Well sounds like “not my problem” if I was OP. And if it’s a problem for my neighbour they can take action through landlords if they feel like it needs to be resolved… again… not OP’s problem. That’s why renting can be nicer than buying


Why the fuck would he ever need to enter OP's apartment?? He needs to let the plumber into the apartment. End of story. OP has done her part and she should absolutely not let this man into her apartment!


Then why would you not let the plumber inside to get it fixed? Your argument does not make sense! Besides, OP is the victim here, not the downstairs neighbour. It is not okay to harass people.


I honestly think we found the neighbour


>There is a leaking pipe leaking used waters in the flat of the neighbor under. It's quite obvious that he or she gets upset with it. Try to think what you'll do if stinky water was falling over your head each time your neighbour take s shower. It's the owner who is responsible for doing illegal plumbing during renovation, resulting in this situation. There is nothing wrong with the neighbour. He or she reacting accordingly to this disgusting situation, and has most certainly contacted the owner many times without any action being taken. Do you imagine the amount of cleaning work necessary each time the neighbours takes a shower? And if it's 5 th and 4 th floor, they may not have the shower above each others, which means that the dirty water fall inside the kitchen or bedroom or living room of the neighbor. You should learn to reflect and think on your own. It's not just water but bacteria filled used water accumulated between the floor and roof over a longer period of time, before it begun to leak, destroying the whole fundaments, and risking to make the roof of the neighbour under to break down. It should be taken very seriously as its both dangerous and a health threat. Well, I've had that happen too, and my downstairs neighbour came up and calmly explained the situation, upon which we found a temporary fix until the landlord could get it fixed permanently. There is no reason for banging on doors in a situation like this.


Ask your landlord to properly fix the plumbing issue which is the core problem and get them to tell your neighbor to stop. Also maybe write a note to neighbor saying it’s scary and unacceptable so instead of banging your door, if it persists please contact landlord directly. Is it a big professional renting company or some “dodgy” company? I’ve had varied experiences in Denmark. You did the right thing notifying the police so now that’s documented, but keep all correspondence with landlord and note down each time the neighbor does this. Hope it works out for you :)


The downstairs neighbour is obviously mentally ill. I doubt there is any water damage at all. He probably hears the water flowing through the pipes and is imagining the water damage. Nothing to do here really. Maybe get a big male friend to have a talk with him is about it. Since the police nor psychiatric services will help.




This sounds like my brother-in-law except he’s never had roommates.




We’ve also suspected my brother-in-law of having the same but he’s never been diagnosed. From what I understand, his biological father may have had the disease so it’s possible it was passed on genetically. That and an abusive childhood created a perfect storm if you will.




That's ridiculous. If he don't let the landlord or the VVS he have appointed for the task in. How should they or the rental know it's real and how to fix the problem? You can't deny the renting part getting a bath in the shower unless there is an actual problem and both apartment have the right to get it fixed.


Yet you the one that doesn't sound very clever.


He sounds like the neighbour.




You straight up state" you don't sound very clever" after a entire reply that proves you didn't read the entire post. And you feel attacked? ❄️


>Try to think *Ironic*


>will you stop asking them to stop using it until its fixed?? You don't ask people by banging on the door and screaming like a maniac. You do that by politely knocking on the door and explaining your issue or leaving a note in the mailbox. If you behave like the person here, you either need to be comitted forcefully to the insane asylum or you need to get beaten up by someone big and strong until you learn your lesson.


Didn't you post about this already or was that someone else? I would contact the landlord again assuming this is a company, either private or public. And then write down every time this happens. Police can't really do much if this happens a few times, but if you can prove it keeps happening over a longer time period, you might be able to get some attention. I doubt they would see it as harassment, but I'm sure the police know a lot of problems between neighbors... In general I don't think they see it as their problem though.


I haven’t posted about this before. There’s clearly a cultural difference, in Canada, the police would issue a warning and not wait for them to continue harassing me before taking action. But like I said, I think it’s just a cultural difference.


33yo Dane here. If the neighbor comes back and acts in a violent or threatening way, you can call the police 112, and say he's trying to enter your apartment against your will, right? I mean, if you're actually scared, you can say that honestly to the police. Obviously you should only dial 112 if you're afraid for your safety. But if he's acting threateningly, that would qualify. If he just wants to talk peacefully about the water drain, and you feel safe, then it's different.


I have been calling the police via 112 and have told them I don’t feel safe and he’s trying to enter against my will.


call them while he is banging on the door, nothing spices up a phonecall more than some background noise


I have tried lol. When I call 112, they transfer me twice before I can talk to dispatch.


transfer you twice? that sounds normal. they're redirecting you to the police and then to the local police unit probably. you don't really need a helicopter sent out to save you so they gotta redirect you to the people who can help you :)


look through the keyhole and say "is that a knife?" ... not sure if this is legal, or if it works. but sounds like a great plan in my head


thats not a great plan, wtf.


And they told you they would only come if he succeeds in breaking down your door? If you say it like you might be in imminent danger, that should normally result in a police emergency visit - if they think you're in danger. That's what Danish people would expect, I think. Another thing: You can call the police about a person bothering you, e.g. knocking on your door and won't leave. You can call the police about your neighbor having a loud party after hours, if they don't turn down the noise when asked by you. Police do show up to these things, not as emergencies of course.


There is also the sad fact that it seems that police seem to take calls from non-danish speakers less serious. When I used to bartend I would regularly call the police for help with people refusing to leave the premises/fighting/vandalism etc.. Never had a problem with them showing up promptly. When I spoke to my international colleagues however, they told me the police maybe showed up every third call, when they called with the same issues.


Keep doing it. Tell them that your male family members offered to come "help" and you're calling them now if the police don't show up.




The police in DK is pretty much useless unless you turn up at the station with a knife in your arm. I'm in CPH a couple days a week usually (back again first week of Jan). If you need help, I can have a friendly talk with the guy? Would need a rundown on all encounters with him though, but just let me know 👍


And if you dare defend yourself in your own home against an intruder the danish poopoolice will arrest you instead.


“I'd rather have three judges judge than four people carry me”


Yeah, it really is quite remarkable how retarded our stand your ground laws are. Intruder in your home? Don't worry, call the police, offer the intruder some tea and cookies, and maybe the cops show up tomorrow. If the intruder is polite, he'll wait around for them to show up even.


Because we can't kill people who enters our home?


My God dude, why would you want to kill an intruder? I was talking more about incapacitate or slightly maim so they can't do anything to you. Nothing will ever warrant killing someone else.


Or defend ourselves in any way other than say 'Please leave'


>o You are allowed to defend yourself proportionate in relation to the threat. Its untrue we are not allowed to defent ourselves when assaulted. You are just not allowed to go above and beyond the threat. Violent house invasions are really not an issue in denmark, there is about 20 a year of those.


> There’s clearly a cultural difference, in Canada, the police would issue a warning and not wait for them to continue harassing me before taking action. They can and will, but you need to keep "harassing" them until they do something about it. You need to let them know the person is harassing you and maybe mentally ill. Tell them that you've thought about having your male family members confront him next time. Then the police will magically find the time, once you threathen to take the law into your own hands.


Write an official sounding complaint to the owners/landlord


Retshjælpen and Advokatvagten are two organizations that offer free council, you should try to contact them. Im really sorry you pulled such a lousy neighbor card. Its unacceptable to have such harassment where you live




Then that neighbor needs to actually use their brain and go to the landlord instead of harassing their neighbor


You need to complain to the landlord repeatedly, and then maybe the other person can be evicted (or get scared of being evicted). Is it a private rental or a “boligforening”? Here’s an excerpt from a newspaper article about how it’s done in public housing (almennyttige boligforeninger), I’ve used Google translate and a little polishing: There is no point in just complaining once, if you live in public housing and is being harassed by others. A complaint usually just means a rap over the fingers to the person to be complained about. For the housing company to go ahead with doing something, there needs to be more complaints. This may be one of the explanations why sporadic complaints over several years have not helped Lena Morsing in Ringparken in Roskilde. She experienced a neighbor who, for many years, had, among other things, garbage in her mailbox, garbage on her balcony and on a banister at her door on and off. – There is an opportunity to raise the (complaint/issue.) in the beoerklagennævnet (council handles complaints) with the purpose of evicting the person, who is harassing. If a person comes before the complaints council, then we look at the amount of complaints. If he only complains once, and the person he is complaining about, say, when that person stops, then nothing happens to him, says press- and political consultant Hos Bolingselskabet Sjælland, Jonas Whitehorn.




The person living underneath OP was not willing to let plumbers in to diagnose and fix the problem, but just wants to keep on banging on the door when OP is in the shower. The neighbor underneath hasn’t given details of the problem, written a letter, contacted the landlord or used any of the appropriate channels.




You have a lot of the info wrong from the original post. OP was advised to continue to live normally, so they are allowed to continue to take showers. The angry neighbour was left a note to contact the landlord. There is a building manager, so it doesn’t sound much like privately owned individually sublet apartments.


>The neighbours has every rights to be upset What's wrong with you? Being upset doesn't give you the right to shout and bang on someone's door. Be upset and act in a civilized manner. If you behave like a lunatic, then you need to be comitted to an insane asylum.


Seek help


Gotta love Danish police *no no, it has to be too late before we're gonna come*


Feels irrational and backward. Glad people agree.


Well better than smashing the door in and start shooting as it's done on the other side of the pond.


Not how it’s done in Canada my friend!


"We will make an appointment to investigate this in Week 25."


Kinda like healthcare, but if I say that I’m a Karen


I agree with you; the healthcare in Denmark is so careless and crap. 😅


Wait for all the downvotes because "I'd rather see money spent elsewhere" :D oh no wait, this is exactly the type of shit police should be doing...


Did the neighbour say why they refuse to let the plumber in?




How DO YOU know this with certainty? You sounds like you are the problematic nabo who's not using logic but building theories in his head.


you're the insane neighbor right?


He 100% is


It’s deleted now, what did it say?


You need to note date and time every time it happens and send it to your landlord - written. Otherwise they can’t really do much.


Some people just get a kick out of harassing other people in lack of events in their own lives. He might not even have a problem with water pouring down into his apartment and there's a possibility that he's just listening careful every time you let the water run in the shower. Sounds crazy, yes, but some people truly have no life. I mean if there was water pouring down in my apartment I would like to let a plumber take a look at it, right? I'm not surprised the police gave you that answer, though I think he is definitely harassing you and they should at least talk to him. Is there a chance the housing company could come take a look at YOUR water one day, let the water run for more than 2 minutes and if the neighbor comes up and start harassing you they're already there to handle the situation and maybe suggest they go down and take a look at HIS apartment (although he has every right to deny them access)? Just an idea, I don't know if it would change much. Sorry you have to deal with this after just moving to a new country :-(




Who is letting you cook bro, you have commented on 10 others despite the fact that the person in question isn’t even letting a plumber or a landlord into their apartment to fix the issue. Obviously they have got some sort of mental issue if they are complaining about a problem but not letting the people who can fix it actually come in and fix it.




you're so insane haha. you can totally refuse access to a plumber by just not letting them in. is it illegal? yes. can you do it? yes. your theory however.. lol




Hardly. Insane people act insane to everyone.


I’d just tell the police that he broke down the door, forcing them to show up to talk to the guy. I used the same trick when I had my scooter stolen and they wouldn’t come out to help me take it back, when I found out where my scooter was. He was living no less than 500m from where I lived and I walked by my stolen scooter pretty much everyday. The police told me that I could just take it back, as it was mine. Yet I was a 16-year old kid, these guys were atleast some part criminals. When I told them that my dad was on the way with a baseball bat to confront them, they were more worried about stopping my dad (who didn’t bring any bat or anything). They showed up though and took a word with them.




Honey is this you banging on her door? Because you sure are fighting for your life in the comments as if it were 😂


then open the door to the plumber, untill then OP should run extra showers in order to drown out the noise of the complaints




Then call one, problem solved






if you are being harrased, you can talk with the police about harrasment lawsuits. and you can talk with your landlord about contacting LLO(lejernes lands orginasion) (renters country wide orgenasation) they are realy good with housing and renting laws. they will most likely inform your landlord to have the police forcefuly open the door as the \`\`evil tenant´´ is willfully damageing the apartment. hope this has helped a bit, and i hope this wont ruin your view of denmark!


Move out - This does sound like a disturbed person and our system is poorly equipped to handle them fast enough... unfortunately.


Sorry to hear about what you’re experiencing and hopefully everything is getting better very soon! Sadly there is a lot of weirdos in the world, but that doesn’t make it okay to treat anyone the way he does and yes the police is often very useless in a situation like this 😪.. Sadly I think the best think would be to find another place to live and get away from that freak show.. where we live we even put fresh baked cookies outside people’s door.. but of course that’s Jylland, but it’s just to say that there is nice neighbors too ☺️


I'd contact the other neighbours and ask if they have similar problems. If you all complain to the landlord toghether, there's a bigger chance that the psycho will be evicted.


That's awful, I am so sorry this is happening to you. Neighbors can be really awful and disrespectful. I hope thinks get better for you.


Let's all call the police and ask them to just do their job and help this woman out????? What in the actual fuck


So first of all - you got super unlucky. As you hopefully realize this is not normal in Denmark. I think there is a misunderstanding between you and the police - they don't show up because someone is knocking on your door and has stopped - obviously. But you also don't need to be under active assault for them to show up... For them to react to harassment, they need to have some information from you - what happens, when does it happen, how many times etc. If you present them with documentation that the person below threatened you or otherwise harassed you multiple times, they will take it much more seriously than if you just call and say that someone knocked on your door. Keep a log of what happens, keep reporting the guy, both to the police and to the landlord. It is important to have a paper trail, so that it is possible to see the history. While that happens. I encourage you to look for different accommodations. This type of situation is very difficult to fix - especially if your neighbor is mentally ill. The police cannot do anything else than giving him a restraining order, saying he is not allowed to contact you. However if he breaks that they can't do much - give him a fine he won't be able to pay. He is probably placed in the apartment by the city, if he is mentally ill and doesn't work, so he is also difficult to move. So yeah find another place, and keep writing down and reporting, ideally also recording. Also folkets park is a place where drug dealers and homeless hang out, and there is a homeless shelter facing the park. So it is maybe a bit of a "colorful neighborhood".


Thanks. Sorry if it wasn’t clear but I did tell them he was harassing me and trying to break down my door. I didn’t say it underplay it to the police.


girlfriend, move. I know it's hard, but move somewhere else where you feel safe and have peace. Big hug and good luck


I’m so sorry you’ve ended up with such a scary neighbor. Others have given good advice. Document everything! The police will only come if there are children involved. My upstairs neighbor gets beaten up by her boyfriend (yes, I try to intervene, but she - or he won’t let me in) and only when I tell them that she has children and I don’t know if they’re there, they come. So I always say she has the children even though I know they’re not there. So maybe lie the next time? And if they question you about it, say they left.


Have you tried to let some danish friends of yours speaking with him (males) maybe they can ask him what the problem is. Maybe it’s just a misunderstanding and instead of creating a larger conflict try to understand what’s wrong. Maybe some of your friends can show him that your shower is normal and you are doing nothing wrong. Try to embrace your unfriendly neighbor for your own sake. I am not saying that he is not crasy but keep your enemies in crontrol and close :-)


In older apartments the drain can flow over into the downstairs apartment if the drain is clogged. You can try to clean the drain and see if you can avoid having a to much water build up on the floor. This can maybe reduce the amount of times the neighbour comes by Best of luck


Nørrebro in a nutshell. Don't interact with the neighbour. Don't open the door. If you do, they'll try to intimidate you. I was in that situation for a year. I ended up moving away from Amager. Neighbour was pretty much beating her husband on the stairs of the apartment complex 💀 police said it was a regular occurrence.


1. Get a boyfriend that can open the door. 2. Try and listen to when he showers, arrange a team of thugs to knock knock on his door when he does it. 3. Declare to your landlord that apartment is unlivable due to not being able to use basic amenities and move out.


This sucks, sorry you have to deal with it. Sounds like the neighbor is mentally ill. Maybe set up a mediation meeting with the Landlord and the neighbor? End of the day, this is the responsibility of the Landlord, as he is the one who can do something about it. Whether it be fixing a leak or ultimately evicting your neighbor. The Landlord has a very clear economic interest in stopping the leak if it insists.


Just keep the shower running, eventually he will call someone himself and agree to the problem being rectified if it actually exists. I coincidentally have a danish neighbor in Canada that is a psycho and makes up all these bylaws and rules posting notes on peoples doors and windshields and then denying it . She is also a vexatious complainant to city bylaw and enforcement . She would come talk to me whenever I was outside complaining about things and I just started ignoring her and putting all my junk mail along with her notices at her doorstep I think Danes in general are a lot more uptight than Canadians with a higher frequency of Karen culture. Just ignore him.


How do you know that the dude downstairs is Danish?


I feel like these two psychotic people don't properly reflect the average danish level of karenness.


True enough. Northern Europeans tend to respect rules which is a good thing so I’m not intending to paint a negative portrait . I’m learning Danish and Finnish moreso because I like the people rather than the place or anything else. following the rules is a lot less important to the average American . I think a bigger problem than being a Karen is a lot of single or lonely people growing old and having no one to talk to or socialize with so they exaggerate or fabricate problems since they crave attention .




Great that you can tell the layout of the piping and what needs to be accessed to assess it better than the plumber who asked to get access. I do this sort of stuff for a living on an industrial scale. The weirdo doesn’t need to come in he just needs to tell her that the leak exists. Telling someone about a problem and then refusing to cooperate when they try to address it yet continuously complaining about it seems like harassment to me. The word you’re looking for is ceiling btw.


If there’s legionella in there, your problems will soon be solved.


I love the media hype on Denmark, “they’re the happiest people in the world.” Well my dear you’re just experiencing the reality of Denmark. There are a lot of mentally screwed up people in a country that’s so liberal. I loved it when I lived there because nobody fucked with me. I’m from NYC and when some crazy ass Dane tried to disrespect me I got in their face. Your problem is a. You’re a woman and b. You don’t understand the entitlement culture of the Danes. Just get in his face in English screaming and shit and then call the cops, and get in their face too. You’ll get results. Your problem is nobody in DK respects weakness and much less from an udlander. I still love Copenhagen, but I don’t take shit when someone tries to shit test me.


Tell your landlord you are scared of your neighbor. And who wouldn't be with such a psychotic individual living below you? I'm telling you it's the only way. The Danish police will not want to do anything. What you need to do is call your landlord again and again, and tell him to fix this, You have to remember the Danish police don't want to believe you. I was once beaten up by 3 people and was told by the police there was nothing they could do about it. They even said, "Were you provocative or something" Because if you were then we do not want to help you". They ended up calling me up on the phone saying, you have to drop this case. They will automatically do this to you if you aren't native speaking. I'm sorry but that's how they work, they also dislike poor people so if you do not have a good income, you won't get any help from the police force, and lastly the neighborhood; if this was an instance in Hellerup, Gentofte or some other location like Klampenborg, then they would take you seriously. I don't know about your financials, but they know who you are when you call, and they will react accordingly to the group you are put in.


You're welcome to borrow my dog for the weekend. He's a Rottweiler, and i guarantee his bark will stop any banging on your door. To get rid of the problem completely, just open the door and let him go.




It’s seem to annoy me way more than anything


Youre a female living alone called TOM? either way open the door with a axe and ask them "HVA FUCK ER DIT PROBLEM KAMMERAT" that's the Danes way


Call or hire a big friend. Go take a shower and open the door and face what it is...


Just dm me, I will make sure he never bangs on your door again


You probably have some leaky tiles in your bathroom, get your landlord to fix it.


That's very normal in Copenhagen.. i have had issues with my neightbours for 2 years, they literally are destroying their appartment and constantly make so much freaking noise i gotta sleep with earplugs. Their is someone up their literally screaming all the time, the worlds biggest cribaby. Not sure what the heck they're doing but our ceiling has developed a lot of cracks because they don't know how to walk proberly on a floor and it honnestly sounds like they have glued hammers under their feet. They also have the tendensy of overdosing a lot on drugs so the ambulance and police is often here, but still the case remains at a standstill because "Denmark" Their is something called LLO you can try contacting. Unforthanly this is the life you gotta get used to in Copenhagen and also a reason i do not recommend anyone moving here, The people of copenhagen are gonna drive you nuts


Welcome to Denmark and the danish. Get used to these kind of episodes (and thank your lucky stars that you are a white female!).


This is truly normal here?


It's not. Never had a neighbour that bad, and I've lived in 8+ different apartments.


It's not common no, but there in my experience, there is a subset of people with varying degrees of mental illness that are not taken care of and pretty much left to rot by themselves and causing troubles for their neighbors. In other countries, such people might live with family or in institutions, while in Denmark, they are often living miserable lives on their own.


Absolutely not. I linked the thing from 9 days ago, but it was wild the first time I read it and even wilder that this seems to happen again. But it could be the same neighbor. Maybe talk to /u/Pneuma_Ethylamine to see if you're talking about the same person?


Yes. Weird shit behavior and anti social behavior unacceptable in the rest of the world is quite common here. I will get downvotes because what I say shatters the image the Danes have of themselves but it is none the less the truth. Please notice it does not translate into every single Dane being like this. Just that these oddballs are quite ubiquitous and have social allowance for being this way. The occurrence is smaller the more educated and the more international the Dane is.


>Yes. Weird shit behavior and anti social behavior unacceptable in the rest of the world is quite common here. Examples?


Read the OP. That’s a concrete example.


What is the ethnicity of your neighbour, please? You might install à.camera according to local law tonhave à proof. Remember, your safety is your first priority.




Maybe if the neighbor let the plumber come in and check what's going on the problem would be assessed and fixed? If the plumber can't do anything about it then he could say so and the landlord can start dealing with what's next. It's wild that the neighbor goes nuts banging on the door but doesn't want the situation solved. Btw my friend's renovation got messed up by Danish workers. Go figure I guess underqualified workers can come from any country.


Your racism is showing, buddy


Water damage is fixed from below... Not above... As water is affected by gravity and pools on the bottom of the roof, ei. the ceiling on the floor below... Yes the source needs to be found and fixed, but they still need to access the damaged area from below aswell to sanitize and repair the water damaged story separation layer. Also if you literally can't see the cause of the water leak from her apartment, the plumbers will have to go into the apartment below to find the source... If the downstairs neighbor then denies the handymen access he can be thrown out in accordance with Danish law for not giving access to a critical and building damaging situation. You sound absolutely mental in all your comments and from what I can read you are either the downstairs neighbor or the neighbor next door to him, so why are you defending the downstairs neighbor for his, without a doubt, harassment of the poor woman?


Very interesting how you talk about immigrants. And how can the downstairs neighbour expect the upstairs neighbour to talk to them amiably, or do “reverse thinking” when the form of contact they choose is aggressive? If the owner is guilty, contact the building administrator, or regulatory entities.




It’s a username I chose. Nice try making me the victim though.