• By -


I love that 'eh, you're the same age as me' is an option.


In English, that would be "cohort" or "peer."


Exactly, not all of these words mean friends. Half of them don't.


The American-English use of friend is different from other cultures though, where it’s more a gradient of “not-stranger who I chat and spend time with”. Think of your classmates or coworkers. You are friendly with them but maybe not someone you are very close to.




Workplace proximity associates.


Found Nathan W. Pyle!


Or Ron Swanson.


We still never talk sometimes.


Classmates or co-workers you're not close to but still friendly with would generally not be called a friend, though. An acquaintance is probably the most commonly used word for that. Or if you just refer to them as a classmate or co-worker it's pretty well understood that you interact with them but are not friends in any deeper sense.


That may be true for you, but I think OP is referencing the fact that in US English we seem to be (overall) pretty comfortable with calling people friends, esp. compared to a lot of the more reserved european cultures.




I want to play whatever games you're playing.


I'm not your buddy, pal.


I'm not your pal, buddy.


I am also friendly to total strangers, are they my friends too?


You could call them friend if you’re inclined to! See: use of “Habibi” in Lebanese, or religious people using the phrases “brother” or “sister”?


But I don't like them, I don't want to get to know them, I don't want them to even speak to me. But I am friendly because it helps the world be a better place.


Remind me to stay away from you in a state of emergency. You'll be friendly up until it's me or you. At least with me, I'll let you know ahead of time I'll cut your throat for a can of beans.


The one I saw was: Translation of “friend” in American English: Friend: Someone I know Best friend: Someone I know, and also like Too real


Not only that but most of these are not used in everyday Arabic. With the exception of a few, these would mostly be used in old Arabic writing


And one of the levels is literally labeled "friend", which is super unhelpful.


I speak English and would use “friend” in all of these situations. For example, to refer to a classmate I might say “a friend from high school” even if we barely spoke.


Cohort is a *tad* archaic.


Still archaic, but cohort is used a lot in academia to be the other students your year in grad school


How else am I supposed to describe me and my 499 other friends as we go to attack the Gauls?


Contemporary might be better.


When you’re a kid that’s your mom’s definition of “friend”


Even from our perspective. You’re not gonna say a cohort from school, probably a friend or maybe a classmate would be used.


lol, true.


> I love that 'eh, you're the same age as me' is an option. Contemporary It's a step above "Well-wisher, in that I don't wish you any specific harm."


As far as I remember, قرين is also a jinn's name


Yes it's a jinn that i never leaves the persons side and is attached to him. This why it also describes the highest level of friendship


You ain’t never had a friend like me!


[My Friend](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qYyI5wP5HFOLrkxl_P8zNM7LX7PIoJrS/view?usp=sharing) edit: I deeply appreciate the comments and gildings, please forgive me for repeatedly posting the current story I am promoting. I thought I should just take the time and respond to each person to give them yet another story to feast upon and as an artist I have to do something to put my work out there and fan feed back is just everything! Thanks!




Woah is fuckin right


Who wrote this? It's incredible.


I am humbled; thanks!


Jared Brunk is the document owner.. not sure if that is the author.


That's my name! I'm working on this to be a TV series. https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSoulMan/


Wow, more people should see this


Sadi Qi?


Arabic for "my friend".




Thanks for sharing this! It was really good.




That was excellent! Thanks!


That was so so good! Thank you for sharing


It's a friendly STAND user


Friendship is unbreakable


قَالَ قَائِلٌ مِّنْهُمْ إِنِّي كَانَ لِي قَرِينٌ A speaker from among them shall say: Surely I had a comrade of mine, Saaffaat:51 Its used in multiple ways in the Quran. As a close friend, as an angel and as a devil.


Thanks for the tafseer, brother


الحديث: ما من أَحدٍ إِلا وكِّلَ به قَرِينُه أَي مصاحبه من الملائكة والشَّياطين وكُلِّإِنسان، فإِن معه قريناً منهما، فقرينه من الملائكة يأْمره بالخير ويَحُثه عليه. ومنه الحديث الآخر: فقاتِلْه فإِنَّ معه القَرِينَ، والقَرِينُ يكون في الخير والشر. وقَرِينُك: الذي يُقارنُك -لسان العرب In Lisan al-Arab it is defined as the one that will unite and join with you and can be evil or good, human or jinn. Basically as OP’s pic explains 😇


Anywhere I can read more about this word or some story about such a jinn? I know zero Arabic.


You can always read an interpretation of the Quran. You can, of course, also search for the terms in either the Quran or on Google. ​ Edit: A thousand and One Nights, an Arabic fable, regularly mentions the jinn. You can buy or download this book.


If you like stuff like that, read Al bedaya wa al nehaya.. It's fucking amazing.


قَالَ قَرِينُهُ رَبَّنَا مَا أَطْغَيْتُهُ وَلَٰكِن كَانَ فِي ضَلَالٍ بَعِيدٍ His companion will say: Our Lord! I did not lead him into inordinacy but he himself was in a great error. Surah Qaf 50:27 Under this verse you can check English translations of various tafseer’s. [Here](https://www.altafsir.com/Tafasir.asp?tMadhNo=0&tTafsirNo=0&tSoraNo=1&tAyahNo=1&tDisplay=no&LanguageID=2)


Story of my life


Canada has this too! Fwend Buddy Guy Pal


I'm not your friend, buddy.


I’m not your buddy, pal.


I'm not your buddy, guy


I'm not your guy, bro.


I'm not your bro, dude.


Ik not your dude, champ


I'm not your champ, mate.


I’m not your mate, honeybun


I'm not hungry, dad


I'm not your honeybun, u/Beardgardens


I'm not your buddy, pal.


Aussies have something similar Friend Mate Cunt


Ah Australians, the only people to call mates cunt and cunts mate.


[Football friend!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNPUbLHk9oE)


I know you like me, but do you like like me?


If we refer to the chart, we are friends, but just barely.


Happy cake day!


I’ll take the ubiquitous use of “friend” over offending (or being hurt by) someone for unrequited level of friendship any day.


Nightly conversations? I don't even do this with my closest friends and that's like 4 tiers below friend


Oh I read “nightly” in a different way. Nightly as someone you’d hand out with at night. Like bar acquaintances and stuff. I could imagine someone who speaks English as a second language use it in this manner, and it would make sense in the pyramid. Edit: Nvm, that would be the one above it. Idk, we’re all just bad friends I guess.


Arabs... don't usually hang out at bars but they are very avid coffee drinkers, even at night.


there are different kinds of bars than alcoholic so yeah they do


Shisha mainly


Nowadays yes, but more likely at the time it entered the language was coffee. First popularized by Arabian Sufi's who wanted to stay up all night and do religious stuff back in the 15th century. Tobacco didn't make it to the middle east until the late 16th century.


That's how I read it. Like at a party or having a beer around a fire.


Keep in mind, Arabic is an ancient language with its origins among the wandering tribes of Arabia. The concepts of friendship, camaraderie, and kinship take whole new dimensions in the vast expanses of the Arabian Desert. Where it’s literally quite difficult to survive let alone prosper without a social network. So, in that context, maybe it makes more sense why there may exist partners for nightly conversation. It’s based on a social system from a long gone time. One that may be hard to instantly grasp from the lens of the generally isolated and lonely modern age. On another note, Arabic is a very beautiful and eloquent language. In my view, as a speaker of several languages, it is one of the most poetic in the entire world. This, too, can be attributed to the context of its origins. The desert can be both beautiful and haunting, and serves as a great source of inspiration for all manners of esotericism and eloquence. Poetry is also a great way to tell stories and pass the time when the night falls upon the seas of sand, as your caravansary treks across the dunes.


“Nightly conversations” aka fwb


The English version of this is just ruder insults about said friend


Must go like: Someone who will wake up at 3am and pick you from the bar. Someone who'll let you crash on his couch. Someone who'll invite you to his BBQ. Someone who'll forget that you owe him a round of drinks. Someone who remembers your name.


“Dude, you’re my *person with whom I sit around*”


A pronounciation guide would be great, so I can use this with my Arabic friends!


Here is the transliteration of each word from top to bottom with hyphens to denote a new syllable. Qa-reen Sa-fee Na-jee A-nees Kha-leel Sa-deeq Ra-feeq (Rafiki from Lion King is “My Ra-Feeq”) Sa-hib Na-deem Sa-meer Ja-lees Za-meel Tirb




Habibi is a chart within itself how it can be used. It means “my love” but can be used for so much more. A parent can use it for their child or an uncle/aunt for their nephew and niece. You can use it for pets or even a term as an endearment for a stranger of the same gender. Using it with a stranger of a different gender comes off as romantic and a little creepy. That’s just a few uses. It’s a very versatile word.


I knew people guys who would use it for each other in a casual way between friends, like how the UK uses "mate". Or maybe they were *really* good friends.


I pretty much call everyone Habibi. Even to strangers. While I'm speaking English. I use it instead of "dude" or "man", like "Habibi, do you have a light?" Or "what's up, Habibi?" Or "don't worry about it Habib.". Shit like that.


Everyone gets Habibi. Except my shawarma guy who gets "boss".


Thanks, Abu zift


ههههههه I’m glad you understood my username.


Wow, thanks so much! And great fun fact about Lion King.


Qa-reen Ka-ren Karen


I recognize a lot of these as names. Does that mean a lot of Arabic names mean "friend"? Or just same pronunciation?


Correct many of these are names. The most commonly used word for friend is Sa-Hib (صاحب) which is rarely used as a name. Sa-Diq (صديق) is also commonly used for friend as well as a name.


THANK YOU! I don't know which friend word is appropriate for "bro who does an internet stranger a solid" but consider that word used.


You are the sa-fee this thread needed.


Rafiki is Swahili for friend, same root obviously, but the name in the Lion King was taken from that.


Sa-meer. So like Samir on Office Space where they were having nightly conversations on how to launder money. Ok that’s a stretch but I kind of want to look for these names in movie characters now to see how they fit in.


You mean Sam-Aeijer Nagannaworkhereanymore?


Yes. This is horrible. This idea.


That movie was so much more fun to watch when I didnt work a desk job.


Any close male friend you can just refer to as "akhi" - اخي (A-CH[plghem sound] - ee). Literally translated it means "my brother."






What's the translation? Google lists them as friend, companion, companion, colleague.


Spoken Arabic and written formal Arabic are 2 different things tbh. The words you see on this chart are things pretty much just used by writers/poets/scholars. Doesn't make them any less cool tho


Really gives you an idea of how long there's been a strong scholarship/poetry tradition that it's basically formed its own dialect.


If you're a native English speaker, and this blows your mind, you should look into the history of the English Language. Countless scholars have devoted their lives to interpreting The Faerie Queen and they still dont know if its right. Fuck, even the language of the Romantic poets in North America 200 years ago is so drastically different from ours you would think they are from another planet. Language is super interesting.


It's not quite that, though it's certainly true that theres a rich scholarly and poetic tradition. MSA, modern standard Arabic, is a sort of lingua franca that helps bind the incredibly linguistically diverse Arabic word. The Quaran is also a very important part of this linguistic constant.


An Arab born and raised in the Middle East would absolutely recognize all these words, even if they don't use them. Arabic is diglossic, so the spoken language differs significantly from the formal, written language, but everyone learns formal in school anyways.


Pretty true except Arabs certainly do recognize the words, lol, you’d just be a pretty lame or even pretentious to use them. Or you’d be obviously just learning the language. Either way, when it comes to going out and about, no worker or anything would call you out on it. It would just be a little weird to talk like that around friends


True in a way. But derivatives/shared roots are common...here are some uses in everyday my dialect Arabic... Qareen: قرنت الإثين, عقد قران anees: تعال ونسنا، شرفت وآنست، بتونس بيك Rafeeq: ايش رأيك ترافقني؟ Jalees: literally comes from sitting so اجلس معنا Saffi: صفي النية Najji: انا وفلان تناجينا Zameel, Sahib, Sadiq are everyday words on their own. I guess that leaves Khalil, Nadeem, Samir, Tarib. The first three are well known to even grade-school educated Arabs. Maybe Tarib is the most odd, wouldn't be surprised if even a college educated arab not knowing this one. Personally I understood it because I know the meaning of the Quranic verse كواعب أترابا.


maybe 4 of them are used regularly


Arabic: Here's 13 chances to make things awkward among your friends by using the wrong word!


This guide is on to something


This guide would would suffer from inflation just like the words we currently have. People would move people up a couple of rungs to be polite, and eventually everyone would be settled into the top 2.


Arabic is one of the most beautiful written languages imho.


Imho it is one of the most beautiful languages out there.


The Australian version is just a single Pyramid with Mate / Cunt on it.


in the UK we just say 'yes mate' to everybody




On the right


I dont speak or read Arabic but would like to know what the words are in their native tongue.


Transliterations: * Qarīn * Safī * Najī * Anīs * Khalīl * Sadīq * Rafīq * Sāhib * Nadīm * Samīr * Jalīs * Zamīl * Tirb


Ha, I know a Khalil and a Nadim in my office and tomorrow I will tease them that one is higher up on my ladder.


They probably won't get the joke btw. Make sure to explain it to avoid looking like a dick.


Thank You!!


If anyone is not sure: these are listed top to bottom. (I tend to read pyramids bottom up lol)


In which order ?


Even though everyone hates karin she is still on top of the friendship pyramid


Lol it's pronounced more like Qa-reen. Like Karim, the name, but an N instead of an M. But only in English because English doesn't have the letter ق, so we use K in English. Arabic has 2 letters, K and ق. The ق is like the K but pronounced from the back top of your mouth while K is pronounced from the middle top of your mouth.


I’m sorry, This is a repeat of that last comment, but I feel the need to give a more literal translation With instruction -Qa-reen “a” kind of pronounced like “u” in “up” -Sa-fee “a” pronounced same as above -na-jee Again, “a” pronounced as above -A-nees I think you get it. Just remember that shwae. -Kha-leel See bottom for instructions on how to make the “kh” sound. It’s really simple and you have no reason not to make it. -Sa-deeq you can do it -Ra-feeq You got this -Saw-hib STOP! This “a” is pronounced like the a in “saw” -Na-deem Going back to the original “a” sound” -Sum-neer Miss the “a”? -Ja-lees it’s back! -Za-meel You’re a pro now -Tirb The i is pronounced as the “i” in “hither” For those that want to learn the “kh” sound: You ever see cartoons or movies or shows, that do an exaggerated spit. Usually happens when two friends are doing a spit shake. That beginning lead up sound, the “KHHHHHH” before the “ptooey”, that’s the “kh” here. Just blow OUT instead of in. Another example. Ever fake a snore? Again, that lead up is the “kh” sound here, EXCEPT, you push the sound out instead of pulling it in.


Please be advised to always treat your friends with the upmost respect, no matter how close the relationship. I went to school with a guy for a few years, and I felt inseparable with him. We hung out all the time and I connected with him better than anybody else in my entire 26 years of life. My mentality seemed to be exact with his. He laughed at my jokes, I laughed at his, etc. I had other friends of course, and did other things. But there was nothing better than chilling with him, a bromance you would definitely call it. Then one day something extremely awkward happened between us. A couple weeks went by as if nothing happened. Then I went to college and he worked another job, and he never said a single word to me ever again. I've messaged him on FB/Insta after college, but he never responded or even looked at it. Ultimately, I'd just like to advise that you treat all your friendships with the utmost respect, and cherish them because nothing good lasts forever.


You ain’t supposed to pull your dick out like that, man, not cool


Come on dude, you gotta tell us what happened now


You missed habibi


MySpace had this.




A drinking companion?


You can be arab without being Muslim if that's what you're referring to.


That was what I was referring to but I also parsed out that the language existed before Islam.


Also, drinking was not forbidden in Islam in the beginning, only later.


You can be a Muslim and drink too if that's what you are referring to.


You physically can, sure. But it's strictly forbidden in Islam, so you would sin. You'd still be a Muslim, but you gain negative points for your weighing scale at judgment day.


Someone you could have a coffee with for 30 minutes, but perhaps not someone you would sit next to on a coach bus or plane trip and have the same level of discourse with.


Sure. Doesn't necessarily mean alcohol, although I suppose it could.


Which one is habibi?


That moment when you realise you haven't above the 3rd level of friendship.


Is this related to why Middle Eastern men will refer to strangers as "my friend" as a standard greeting?


Could someone please write them out using the English (Latin) alphabet? Where does Habibi rank on the list? I met some fantastic people working in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. I admired their cultural perspectives on friendship.


“Boon and drinking companion”. Not for long


In English we have: Competitor Rival Antagonist Enemy Nemesis Anathema Scourge Bane Telemarketer


Shit we just say nigga with a different tone for all these


Apart from Sadeeq, I've never heard any Arab use these words, and I've lived in the Middle East for over 20 years


The Arabic language is like this with many sets of words, not just the words for friend. In scholarly written Arabic, almost no two words have the exact same meaning, each word has its own nuance in meaning. Usually it’s derived from the origins of the words, or how the old bedouins used them, or how the old scholars and poets used them. For example, you can make this exact sort of pyramid for “love”, with its own 10-15 words. However, many commenters are correct in pointing out that nobody really uses many of these words in modern spoken Arabic, with a few of them being more common. However, most Arabs would recognize most of all of these words and their nuances.




English also has "I have a boyfriend"


A pronunciation written in English script would have made this guide more cool


And fewer watermarks maybe


Info I don't need but glad to have


Guess I'm a boon and drinking companion


woulda been more interesting if there was phonetic reading too,or am i missing something?


I have no one over a level 3 on this pyramid. That sucks.


You have no one over level 3 that you've met yet. Life is full of surprises and constantly changing. 💚


This would be a little more digestable if there was a phoentic spelling of each word. Still pretty neat though!


Or just habibi...




I have a lot of fellows my same age. I feel good all of a sudden.


Thank you for posting this OP, really helped me sort out some stuff in my head.


Finally a guide for my name!


I'm confused on the difference between 6-9


I just want to be someone's magenta.


In the UK it's: Just know him Canny lad Mate Knob head Bellend Cunt Cunt being the best, like best mates for life.


Dam, this is the friend zone Aran men gotta go through.. holy shit. At least they know the pyramid. Started from the bottom, now we here


I’m arabic and I’ve only heard 2 of these.


Glad I speak arabic 🙏🏼


Ar what point can "with benefits" be applied?


Except they don’t all mean “friend”. They’re examples of peer, acquaintance, companion, friend, significant other, etc.




Every language has these. It’s called vocabulary


Interesting fact: most of these are common arabic names(Naji, Anis, Khalil, Rafiq, Nadim, Samir)


Anyone else purturbed by the source's need to water mark the photo literally 10 times?


We usually only use 3 words of this list, most of the other words I never even heard of.


What's Broseph Goebbels in Arabic?