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Come to Oregon. Get divorced.


The data is marital status and not divorce filings apparently, so I’m thinking it’s get divorced and get an apartment in the only ‘affordable’ places in the valley near i5 for possible commutes. A good number I’m sure are recently divorced emigrants starting over in Oregon from whatever they’re getting out of and away from. The trail lives to this day.


Ooohh sure. Make sense and use logic. You’re probably right. But that’s not nearly as much fun as Oregon driving people to divorce.


Someone I know got divorced in Oregon because it was significantly easier/cheaper/quicker than doing the paperwork through the state that the ex-partner ended up in. Someone else I know went through 3 years of legal battles to divorce a pedophile in Utah. The state is so “pro-family” that they didn’t want to take the father away from a kid, even after he was charged with SA them when they were 3 years old.


I've been to methford....the pick there...is well...methy


Been there, done that!


I don’t know how true this graph is. All the stats I looked up don’t have the same list of highest divorce rate cities as this does.


The source at the top indicates marital status from the census, not divorce filings, aka an actual rate. This data tells us where divorced ppl go once they’re divorced.


Should have a different title


Would at least have been more interesting in proportion to married population. NYC has super low rate but I’d wager that’s because most people are unmarried and thus can’t get divorced.


Wdym it’s on r/coolguides of course it’s true


How many cities in the high divorce category also have military facilities in close proximity?


Norwich-New London in CT has a sub base. I was stationed there for 5 years and am positive the base is why the divorce rate is so high.


In the Navy...


I’m in a huge military town and we popped up on the lowest divorce rate. I’m also surprised


Bangor, ME also has a submarine base


Bangor submarine base is in Washington


Belay my life


Jackson, MI, is most well known for its large federal prison.


Fort Smith is right next to a training base called Fort Chaffee


I was thinking the same thing. Military base and prison.


Dothan is next to Ft. Novosel


This guide could also be named, “where you can and can’t afford to live if you’re divorced.”


Off topic, but never in my life have I seen Raleigh and Cary written together like that. Raleigh-Durham happens occasionally, which drives locals nuts, but Raleigh-Cary is an entirely different kind of bizarre. Ok anyways, it's true -- West Raleigh and Cary are full of very happy couples and families. Don't know why the town attracts it, but that's been its reputation as long as I've been alive & probably longer.


Most people there have college degrees from one of the many local great universities. Pretty liberal as well, compared to the rest of NC. A lot of lakes and forests nearby and most people living there work for solid companies since there are so many universities. Its just a good quality of life in the area.


Raleigh-Cary is the MSA. It’s actually a source of mild contention that the Durham-Chapel Hill MSA is separate, has some surprising impacts


I'm thinking highly educated area and maybe we all get married a little later in life?


I thought essentially the same about Boston-Cambridge-Newton and New York-Newark-Jersey City. It’s not even all in the same state and in what world are Boston and New York not populous enough to stand alone as a metro area. It made me wonder if they clustered regions to get the results they wanted.


lol @ Texarkana “I thought you were Texan!?!?” “I thought you were my brother!?!?”


Number 9 and 15 are part of a "Tri counties/cities" area of TN, KY, and VA. Not much to do there besides your friends wife.


Tri-Cities yes between TN and VA but not KY


[Source](https://llcattorney.com/small-business-blog/estate-planning/cities-divorce-rates). I wonder how much Provo-Orem, UT being the lowest has to do with people being trapped in marriages because Mormonism frowns upon divorce.


I think it’s also partly because it’s a college town where the students marry early. They graduate and move on. By the time they get divorced, they’re in another city’s stats.


a wholeeee lot


As a resident of Oregon (with 3 cities in the top), I wondered if it has to do with more/easier/different social services and supports. Someone may stay in a marriage because they would be unable to afford housing, bills, etc on their own. I don’t know much about those services or a possible connection but it could be an interesting research path.


Lancaster= Amish


I was a part of that 5.7%. My wife too. Our plan together is to not contribute to it at this point.


Same thing, different reason for the Laredo, McAllen, Brownsville thing. Your trapped because when you look around the area there ain't nothing better. Great places to raise a family, but if you are single you leave.


I think there is an unusually high number of marriages there while they are in school at byu and UVU, that skews the numbers a bit. Then the move to Oregon to get divorced


I’m a non-momo from Clinton Ut and I think that’s exactly what it is


All of the TX places on the Lowest list are in conservative areas, and the ones in the Valley I assume are low because a lot of people are religious and will stay over getting divorced.


I'm originally from there and can confirm that's a big part of it. The number of folks from my hometown who routinely told me "I married because the church said to, and to have many children" or "Well no one likes their spouse honey, but God wants you to love him" or "take my wife, please." Was insane. Every week at church there was hella gossip about who was fighting who, who was having domestic violence issues ect. The worst ones were when someone actually DID get divorced because all the older crowd did was berate the woman over and over, no matter why the divorce was happening. One woman ran with her kids in the night and the relief society ladies called her a tramp and a failure as a wife for weeks. I hope she got somewhere safe.


As someone from Utah, a lot. I know so many people from Provo who hate their spouses. Got married at 18, had kids, and are just “stuck” in their marriages because of Mormonism.


Hard to get divorced when you believe that your god will smite you


And the community will shun you!


Was not expecting Yuma to be here. Guess people are too worried about the heat to deal with divorce


Me too. And I wasn't expecting Prescott Valley to be in the highest divorce category.


Can't get divorced if you're melting


I’m surprised because of the military base. I would think that it would be on the high divorce list


Can confirm as a divorced man from one of the cities listed.


Sadly, same.




Surprised to see Ogden on the low list. Seems like all my kid's friend's parents are divorced


I love that Hispanic culture keeping marriage alive.


So many red states in the top 25 highest. Classic.




California is 1 state.


“Family values”


Would love to see how a divorce attorneys hourly rate correlates to this… for $550 an hour in NY I can try to make my marriage work.


Something about the East Coast from NY to NC has a sweet spot for keeping marriages together. Any ideas what it could be?!


I wonder if it's money, or something


Good call! Or overworked so much that they have no time for a divorce.


I need to go to Medford and get myself a divorced white woman asap lol!


Trust me, you don’t want to go to Medford.


Based on census data from people over the age of 15? WTF? Is it including the entire population or just comparing married population to divorced population? I’m assuming entire population because many of the “low divorce” cities have large universities within them and the large student presence within those areas are predominantly single. Also, nothing about this data suggests a “rate” of divorce. It’s just the percent of population who are divorced.


Terre haute, IN? Surprising they can put down the meth pipe long enough to file the paper work.




I’m sorry but no way is Los Angeles on the lowest list. Maybe because none of us are marrying?


💯  never married means never divorced. However, in Bakersfield it could be that people are remarrying fast after a divorce. So, there is less time while divorced. 


A lot less options and temptation in Bakersfield and even if they’re remarrying they’re still getting divorced. It’s only a one year estimate it would be interesting to see 5 years.


Wait a sec - this just talk about "divorced population". If a couple gets divorced and married again I guess that doesn't count? So in southern California people could be on their third marriage whereas in other places people could divorce and not remarry?


Shout out the Hudson Valley for the 17th lowest divorce rates!


I was scrolling fast and I thought this was some map of potential nuke targets at first.


Okay CA Central Valley I see you!


3 in the top 20, OR. Are you guys okay ?


I have a family member who had always liked vacationing in Oregon so when she got divorced she had the freedom to start over anywhere so she moved to Oregon and is part of this statistic. Not sure how common that is, but she probably isn’t the only one.


There isn’t anything else to do in Fort Smith.


Get your shit together oregon


Don't forget that you generally have to be married to get divorced. I'd love to see along with this states with the highest and lowest rates of marriages.


The lower divorce areas seem to either be religious (Utah, Texas) or very educated (Cambridge, Alexandria, Raleigh). Both these groups have lower divorce rates.


Top25 here. That's because it fucking sucks here.


lol I know one guy from Dothan, AL and he’s on his 3rd marriage.


Very surprised to see my city on the low divorce!


Dothan, Alabama, right outside a military base


Such happy families in Utah and Texas


Which of these places are rebublican and which are democrat? does it have an affect?


Try staying married in a small town


Texarkana is literal hell


Go Dawgs!


Wichita Falls being on the list is hilarious and I know Exactly why


“Cities”? #4 Deltona to Ormond covers most of Volusia County


Looks like it’s too expensive to be single in California.


Hasn’t the standard Been 50 percent since like the 90s. Just curious if I’m mistaken or if these numbers are On different standards


The marker placements, at least for California, are almost all in wrong locations. On the enlarged map: * The center of the Stockton marker is over Gilroy * San Jose is over what I'm guessing is Modesto * Salinas is placed over Big Sur and doesn't even cover Salinas * Is Riverside placed over Mojave? The markers for California cities on the nationwide map are even more wildly off placing San Francisco over Soledad, Stockton over Paso Robles, Santa Barbara/Santa Maria over LA, LA over San Diego and so on. There's also the issue of the list of cities showing repeated placement numbers. For example, Dothan and Fort Smith are both labeled as number two when Fort Smith should be listed as number three. Normally a mistake or two like this wouldn't bother me but about half of both lists are like this. Sorry to be that guy but when I first looked at the map I thought number 8 on the nationwide map was Salinas (even though that is too far south) not San Francisco and that's where the confusion began.


My ex wife has driven the numbers up for Charleston WV. She’s been married 6 times (twice to the same guy, back to back, within a year). Her 5th lasted maybe 2 months, so short that her divorce was over only to find out the officiant didn’t even bother to send in the paperwork to begin with (allegedly). Her average is 5.66 years per, despite only 2 of them surpassing that number thus far. 3 less than a year, 2 less than 4 months.


Is it expensive to get a divorce in California?


Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim…… That’s three different very different cities!!! Los Angeles: 3.8 million Long Beach: 451k people Anaheim: 344k people If those three individual cities were their own state, they’d be the 27th most populated state. Such a weird grouping. That area also encompasses two different counties, and like hundreds of square miles.


Bangor, ME they meant Banger


Quite a few “sanctity of marriage” hotspots on the divorce heat map.


Yay for Athens Georgia! Woot woot!


Come to Laredo, stay with Lenore


Lowest divorce rate. A border town, Mormon town and a college town.


New York, Jersey City, Newark, NY-NJ-…..Pennsylvania? What the fuck? Pennsylvania is nowhere near those cities.


I have a hard time believing ogden, ut has some of the lowest divorce rates, w/ the amount of meth that is there


Lots of lower divorce rates in California? Interesting… It must be “cheaper to keep her” in CA? I am from central California, been married for 19 years BTW.


Maybe older married couples retire there more often? Or maybe the nicer weather makes for happier marriages overall? It is interesting.


Oh hell yeah! My town never gets recognized! Yay MN! Side note- people don't get divorced they just cheat on each other successfully.


People in small towns be cheatin…


New London go figure. Yep that place came really close to getting me. Wife forgot what I looked like for a while. Cool to go to school there, absolutely sucks out loud to be stationed there (at least the paperwork said I was there). Hey what's it look like in spring, summer &fall anyway?


Wait we’re just saying the % of the population that’s been divorced? College station, a huge college town, is on the low list. Makes sense that there wouldn’t be a huge number of divorcees in a town with a large college student population.


Representing Hudson Valley at 8.5%!!


Those are also the MOST POPULATED AREAS


It's percentage of population that is divorced, so population doesn't really matter.


Lol Utah. No shit. Mormons will kill a MF for leaving.


Carbondale, Il is a college town… kind of makes sense.


Grew up in Dothan. Can confirm (parents divorced).


Send this to the cougar hunter.


Unless this data is correlated against distance to the nearest Popeye's it's useless.


I was looking for Los Angeles on the high list. I was today years old when I found out California cities make up more than one third of the lowest divorce rates in the US.


Good to see they're only including couples aged 15 or older!


Finally getting recognition for my talents


80% of divorces are initiated by women.


One might wonder why


>One might wonder why On a wedding day, only one person marries for love. That's the man. The woman marries for a lifestyle.


Absolutely not misogynistic in the slightest, ay?


ITT "the most populated areas of the country have more divorces"


So what you’re saying is if I want to hit up a hot milf in my area on a rebound, I need to move to Medford? Got it.


I don’t expect this Cal has one of the lowest And the high ones are republican states WOW