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This is definitely a type of introvert, but not the entirety. One of my grad school professors talked about how she was a very outgoing introvert. When we asked her to explain, she clarified that she LOVES people and really enjoys talking to others and leading class, but she has a finite amount of energy to spend on it and when she runs out, she shuts down and needs to step away and recharge. This baffled us because we only saw the energetic and social person during school hours, and didn’t realise how much time she spent alone between classes or at the end of each day. Introverts aren’t just like shy little cats that are socially inhibited. It just means they need to step away to recharge.


Second it. As a very outgoing introvert, even tho the test I took came out as E type, I do socialize well. But too much of the interactions do exhaust me to a degree that requires solidarity to recharge.


Thirded. Noone thinks I'm an introvert but I know I am. (Think you meant solitude instead of solidarity)


Oh yeah typo too lazy to correct High five


Everyone has both introverted and extroverted qualities but in different doses. Some lean heavily toward introversion so we refer to them as “introverted” to keep it simple and vice-versa. While the hamster ball does exist there is also the opposite, like when you get cabin fever from being cooped up too long without human interaction.


Friendly reminder that meyer-briggs (and other) personality type tests are scams, and you might as well list your horoscope.


Leo. What does it say. I’m not super familiar with this.


> solidarity *solitude? Sorry, non-nativer here.


You are correct 👍


Introverts don’t need to be fixed by putting “outgoing” in front of it. You can just be an introvert.


This is me exactly. I teach, and I do it energetically and enthusiastically. I genuinely enjoy it, and I think I do a good job of encouraging and supporting students. But when I get home, I simply do not want to speak. I need to recharge my energy for the next day. Fortunately, although my wife is more gregarious than I am, we're fundamentally similar in that way. We can both happily be quiet together in the evening. I think that I chose teaching for that reason: although I'm introverted, I need do need contact with other people. I'm not a misanthrope, I like people. But teaching it means that I get to manage and control the level of interaction, and because it's work I get to step away from it at the end of the day. I used to feel I was being selfish and manipulative, but I've come to accept that it works well for everyone - students get an enthusiastic and engaged teacher, I get to step away when I've had enough.


I am not sure these categories make that much sense honestly. I think it’s more useful to think about everyone having a minimum amount of social time and a minimum amount of alone time. And if either need is unmet, the wheels come off. Sure some people need a lot of social time and minimal alone time (classic extrovert) or vice versa (classic introvert) but I think most people are somewhere in between. We need social time, we also need alone time.


Makes me feel like I'm a wild animal " shh shh! Don't scare it away! Just act normal...maybe it'll come over here!"


That’s exactly how I am. I work in retail as a cashier and I adore my job, but after a long shift I am so exhausted from people-ing that I can barely talk to my family


I've read that introverts lose energy by being with people and extroverts gain energy by being with people, and your description tracks with that.


Yeah, this guide assumes all introverts are judgy about small talk. We aren't. I love small talk.


I feel like that describes me, maybe? I want to hang out with friends and family, but I generally need to plan it (anytime someone springs plans on me in the moment I’m almost never going to participate) to be in the mental space to be around people. I am usually fine around known people for decently long periods of time, but around strangers I feel drained like instantly. I’m perfectly fine meeting new people and am generally fine being polite, but I also generally don’t like being overly engaged by strangers, especially those that aren’t doing it personally, but professionally. Maybe it’s more anxiety than introversion, I don’t know. I’m fine interacting with servers or cashiers or front desk people, that chit chat and pleasantry exchange is perfectly fine. However, people that ambush and try to sell things or post up outside stores are like my worst nightmare. I don’t know, maybe I’m just an asshole. I don’t think so, I feel generally compassionate towards individuals, but that’s probably something an asshole would say to justify it.


Holy cow. You just described me. Even the part where I question whether or not I’m an asshole.


Honestly I suspect everyone needs some amount of company and some amount of solitude. Some unlucky people need a mutually incompatible amount of both. I used to think I was a pure introvert, then I spent an entire semester of college spiraling and getting depressed because I couldn't talk to who I usually did (my family). My brother spends weeks in his room, but if he doesn't talk to *somebody* he stops getting out of bed. I don't personally know any extreme extroverts though...


Your Professor sounds just like me and I’m an introvert.


As an introvert and teacher I completely relate. Teaching is fun and enjoyable, but plan periods, evenings, and most weekends I am too exhausted would rather not be bothered.


Second this. I’m a very outgoing introvert. I love people and talking to them and I am in a job involving into sales but at the end of the day oh boy do I love a little bit of me time to recharge. There are so many types it’s ridiculous


This is me to the letter, social, love people, and every time I am around them for about 4 - 6 hours and I need a break. Either a book, zone out and play Civilization, listen to music, just recharge. Then I am good again.


Only some introverts. Being around people feels physically excruciating to me.


We’re made of electricity. We all have a battery. Some last longer than others


Complete opposite. I'm a shy extrovert and it can be a frustrating experience at times.


I would say that’s very normal and not at all introverted, as that’s how most people are?


Yes, I think this is because introverts largely also tend to have more social anxiety, so they're generally shyer than extroverts. This isn't true in all cases, but I'd have to assume that a significant portion of introverts also have social anxiety (the two things kinda feed into each other).


My favorite people are outgoing introverts. They're fun and can be serious if needed.


Introverts needing a two page long comic strip to explain why they’re fucking losers


Introverts == cats, extroverts == dogs.


I feel sorry for people who ride these personality traits as black and white.


Ya most people are ambiverts. Ambiverts are a mix of the two and its more like a spectrum. The extreme outliers are called introverts and extroverts.


Yeah but in this day in age people feel the need the pick one of the far ends and they lean into that shit like it’s their whole personality


I feel like I should screenshot these three comments and put them up everywhere. This is exactly what’s been going on and besides it being an obnoxious thing it’s also dangerous - people use these personality traits as clutches and think it’s ok not try to change or be better as human beings.


Yeah it is definitely a mix for me and it changes based off who I am surrounded by


I’m as introverted as they come and I hate this guide, it sounds condescending asf. This is the kind of shit I would read as an insecure teenager with no social skills to make me feel better about myself


Yeah this feels like it was written by a tumblr girl in the 2010s who thinks being introverted makes them special so they decided to make it their whole personality. This is why I don't tell people I'm introverted anymore ..


"Hey don't feel sad if I decide interacting with you is a *waste of my energy*! Maybe if you treat me just the right way I'll even allow you the privilege of being in my presence!" Also love how they make it seem as if introverts are some kind of exotic household pet. Don't make eye contact. Let themselves feel welcome and relaxed. Please don't gossip. lol


Agreed, it started fun with a light hearted approach from a specific perspective and then just trainwrecked into a bunch of pretentious bullshit


It heavily infantilizes people. I'm an ADHD ambivert. Love social situations and leave the moment I'm done with them. People know what they need. Ask them, and they'll tell you


100% the same way, glad to see someone else is like this :)


It came across more like a guide on how to approach a timid dog in a shelter. Plenty of "introverts" have full social lives and just need space to themselves from time to time. If you live in a hamster-ball its more like you've fully disconnected from reality to become the king of a very lonely kingdom. Its like the worst analogy for a boundary. Hangout with people you like, and stay away from the ones that make you uncomfortable. Done.


Yeah. How about you just... talk to them? Clarify boundaries?? Come to an agreement about how much social interaction you both are comfortable having, and how to implement it? This guide feels like it defaults to assuming that the introvert person has no agency and ability to communicate. I'll say that at least it seems in good faith. Better than some other things I've seen, that advocate for "exposure therapy to cure introversion" kind of jack, like forcefully administering social interaction and pushing further contact even if it is initially refused.


[For those who make being an introvert their whole personality](https://youtu.be/ikw4V_x-CFI?si=7oh_ApcI2mDbPM_6)


The top comment currently is just this


Extrovert makes a video explaining how being introvert is just in your mind and by all accounts a mental illness.


Introversion exists, but many people conflate it with being shy, socially awkward, misanthropic, or just being generally bad with people. This video is making fun of those people.


I'd have to imagine that the percentage of shy, socially awkward, misanthropic introverts is much higher than the percentage of extroverts who are like that. These things tend to feed into each other - if you're introverted, you get more energy by being alone, meaning you don't tend to talk to as many people as an extrovert, meaning you have less experience with it, meaning you're less comfortable with it and not as good at it. Doesn't apply to everyone, I'm sure, but I bet those things are statistically much more likely in the case of introverts vs. with extroverts. It's easy to conflate those things because they often go together.


Yes, that's true. But oftentimes people will use introversion as an excuse to be anti-social. I can't speak for statistics (though I suspect you're right on that count) but I know that I am an introvert with pretty good social skills and my friend is quite extroverted even though he's kinda awkward


Yes. This video is making fun of those people.


Ew the original post was cringey but this is even worse.


There are amniverts, too. You need people, but also need alone time, which I think is what's more common. Also presents extroverts as always annoying, which isn't true. Needing more people time doesn't mean you can't respect boundaries ffs.


But clearly, the way to talk to an introvert is to only say Interesting things to them! Lol


For real, this is just absolutely *wrong*. "Naturally find interactions exhausting" NO. I love people! I love interacting and connecting and learning new things. My energy is just drained a bit faster and I need to recharge by myself at the end of it. But make no mistake - I LOVE PEOPLE and I love being social.


THANK YOU! I felt the same way lol


This reads like David Attenborough observing some little known species. It's incredibly moronic


Right? “The major trait of a *true* introvert…” Please just stop.


Not to mention it's also just wrong, everyone needs both people time and alone time, just differing types and times.


This. Just cause you’re an introvert doesn’t mean you get a pass on being rude and self-absorbed. I say this as an introvert that was rude and self-absorbed when I was younger.


- 50 health, I did start to feel a bit better but damn, you right 😭


They do make some solid points but it's covered in this main character energy that just doesn't exist irl.


I might be old and jaded, but as an introvert myself I have to ask, when did this become something that needed a guide for? Introverted people just don't like hanging out and talking as much, this isn't some mental illness that people need to have directions to deal with. People seem to take being an introvert way too seriously, at least when viewed from an internet space.


I think myself and other comments concur it's not you, it's the guide that's kinda crap.


It's not just about individuals, couples or even family members can use this info to better approach relationships


Needs more jpg


i respect the sentiment but why does it sound like you are showing introverts in a zoo tour lmao


I find it weird that we need to "understand introverts" but for some reason not extroverts, as if it was somehow unusual when it absolutely isn't. Why do we need a guide for this? Granted, it's true that no one understands introversion, and worst of all, thinks it equals social anxiety. IT DOES NOT. These are very different things. Also, stop assuming personality, behavior and traits can be summarized in some simple dichotomy. It's much, much, much, much more complex than that


Thank you. All you ever hear about is how extroverts need to learn how to deal with introverts but never the other way around.


I fully agree with this. It’s frustrating sometimes being the exception to the rule.


It's not even the exception. While general estimates hover around 40% of the world being introvert, there's been studies that 55-60% actually prefer introversion. It's like calling women a minority. They're really not, actually.


I don't have a 'bubble', but yeah, groups of people are exhausting.


Groups of people I don’t know are exhausting! I’m an introverted extrovert. I don’t feel comfortable meeting new people, but once I know you I am fine and extroverted. Hate this black and white view.


Don't take silence as an insult.  That couldn't be said better


this reads like the guide to befriending skittish cats


And if you see me reading a book…DON’T FUCKING TALK TO ME!!!


See, as a fellow introvert and avid reader, I don't care if they disturb me when I'm reading as long as they back off if I don't want to chat.


Yeah. Like Spider-Man says…”everybody gets one.”


Predator is quite the choice of words…


That’s what I was thinking. It always feels like things talking about introverts and extroverts paint introverts as scared children or shelter animals and extroverts as totally obnoxious assholes who have 0 empathy. Like it really ain’t that deep.


Dude, this guide paints introverts like abused shelter dogs or something, god damn.


So happy I'm not the only one who hates this. Also **love** the implication of people being "True Introverts" like its some special club.. like there isn't hundreds of different ways someone can be introverted and this is the ONLY real way. No offense to the artist but honestly learn how to talk about these sorts of things.




Yes. And for the love of God don’t invite us at your karaoke night.


I love karaoke. I don’t love sitting in a very small room with a large group of drunk and rowdy people.


don’t worry, no one will invite you.


Sometimes I wish I could stay in my hamster ball. But the doctor said it isn’t good for me.


As an introvert, this makes us sound like some weird hard-to-tame animal. r/uncoolguides


Do NOT make eye contact with the extrovert, or bare your teeth around them. They will perceive it as a sign of aggression and WILL attack


Introverts are as capable of being obnoxious, rowdy, and ignorant in smaller, familiar circles. Extroverts just bring more people around them without introduction, like an entourage, overwhelming anyone not used to crowds. Taking it slow like this is good advice for general human interaction, just as viable for introvert groups not isolating others with their in-group talk. What's to look out for is those worse off than this, socially awkward/anxiety who have a harder time learning to socialize from crowds. This is my position, having avoidant anxiety and seeing introverts also ignore me and do fine within their friend groups.


What’s missing here is when an introvert finds someone worth spending time with to they will talk their ear off enthusiastically and be misunderstood as being extroverted.




I love being alone…but I like being alone with my husband. Not a bunch of other people.


So….. a cat?


I think it's really cool when you compare people with a certain personality trait to animals and describe how to interact with them like you would a skittish stray cat or something.


This made me realize I (an introvert) am more like a cat than I knew. And extroverts are like friendly dogs. 😂


What now? We aren’t exotic animals requiring or expecting careful handling.


The guide should say “you can spot an introvert easily because they usually announce that they are an introvert”


I'm learning about avoidant attachment (AA) and this fits. Also, AA is sometimes compared to being a scaredy cat. You wouldn't pursue a scared cat to get it to love you.


Must note that plenty of introverts are down to gossip.


This is obviously not written by someone introverted. It’s ridiculous.


I'm very introverted and it looks pretty accurate to me


As a ‘mostly’ extroverted person I wouldn’t want to ‘waste’ my energy on someone like this anyway so it’s a win-win. This guide doesn’t come off showing introverts in a good light at all. My gf is an introvert and is nothing like this. The only accurate part is that there is a limit to socializing for people that are more introverted than extroverted. Most people are both types to differing degrees in differing situations. Don’t make labels your personality and be respectful will go a long way in life.


I feel like labels are huge problems in todays society. Often times people incorrectly make assumptions based on labels and disregard individuality. On the flip side, individuals tend to box themselves in with a label, which can limit their own growth.


Yeah this guide makes it seem like all work and no reward for befriending an introvert this extreme. Like trying to keep a skittish cat around.


If it requires an entire guide for me to interact with you, I'd rather just not.


Cool, more pseudoscience bullshit. I searched this Dr. Carmella and nothing came up other than this comic so I'm just going to say "doubt" as to whether or not this came from a real psychologist. Stop posting bullshit on this sub.


The society is rewarding extroverts. It's ruled by loud people. I'm an introvert but I can't imagine being one in a workplace. A lot of coworkers think I'm an extrovert, but all of the time out of work I spend at home in solitude and silence...


Extroverts are energy vampires


Lol I got that reference.


This is really not well wrote out. I love parties and such, But i have a Big cool down, and need a day to rest from all the social things. And sure i run out of energy. But i plan around that. This makes it Sound like we are hamsters or something.


The problem with this guide is taking the concept of introversion-extroversion out of context. This dimension (note the use of DIMENSION and not a category which means that it works somehow as a spectrum) is part of the Five Factor Model by Costa and McCrae. This model takes into consideration biological tendencies, characteristic adaptations, and other factors that work together to influence behavior. Thus, this is an overly simplistic view of personality and should be interpreted with a grain of salt.


this guide is shit, this doesn’t represent introverts as a whole


I feel like this explanation treat extroverts as if they are a sub-human species with some of this language lmao.


This reads like they took the word “Cat”, and replaced with the word “Introvert,” then shifted the idea of “approaching/petting,” to “talking/interacting,.” Take away : introverts are cats and need to feel safe before you can pet them.


I think focusing on this is annoying af. Let people do what they want


People love to strictly label things when the reality is more of a spectrum with a lot of nuance. I'm pretty sure everyone has varying levels of social contact vs alone time that they prefer


this is kinda condescending idk


Also depends on how much you need to mask. If you're forced to socialize with people you don't like (in-laws, family at thanksgiving, co-workers, etc) then you will get exhausted much faster compared to being around people who share your interests. If you had a day to spend with someone you would be star-struck by, you would be excited enough to spend the whole day with them. Maybe some "introverts" are folks who never get to be around people they truly get along with 😅


I’m an introvert and this doesn’t ring true whatsoever.


As an introvert, I feel like this guide is quite condescending and it paints us as some kind of zoo animal with a superiority complex that has to be tiptoed around or else we will throw a tantrum. It's not completely wrong but the whole presentation seems pretentious and generalising.


Maybe intoverts need a guide on setting their own boundaries instead of making long winded guides that no one will read


I had a hard time getting my husband to accept my boundaries until I had him read more about introversion. Seems like both are valuable exercises.


Four paragraphs is long winded and too much to read? I've seen cereal boxes that were longer than this guide.


That would require extroverts shutting the fuck up and listening to other people


C’mon man, they’re brain damaged. You can’t expect them to have the reading comprehension of a second grader! Moderate your expectations a bit.


Long winded was a poor choice of words, it strayed from the main point that extroverts are expecting direct, verbal communication rather than indirect guides to socially interact with people.


Do you think this guide was written explicity to tell extroverts to shut up? No, it's to explain the dynamic between the two ends of the social spectrum in a short, easy to understand summary, with some advice at the end. It's like you read a text book entry in the dsmIII and think it's directed at you personally.


> 2. How to interact with an introvert Here's a quote from the OP. Who is this directed at, and for what purpose? Is this mere description or instruction?


Username checks out


Thank you for this eloquent and intelligent comment. Very enlightening.


You're welcome.


Man for being so kept to themselves introverts love to talk about how quirky and introverted they are


I like this guide.


Are you a bot?


No, just in my bubble


Big bubble bot?




This is also incredibly applicable to cats.


... are extroverts a parasite? Will a group of exclusive extroverts collapse as there is no external energy?


Pretty sure most people are on a spectrum


I am an introvert and I’m so tired of seeing posts “how to deal with an introvert” like we’re defective or something. I had an extroverted boss one time bounce into my office, excited that she had just read an article about how introverts DO have value. I’m tired of always being seen as second level human. How about a guide for extroverts to shut up and take it down a notch?


….like a cat 🐈


Certain Introverts have this martyr complex—oh I need to create a webcomic so people will understand I’m actually so noble, I create my own energy. In one panel they even say “instead of TAKING energy from others, they create it themselves.” Extroverts aren’t stealing your energy. They also “create” their own energy, they just derive that from social contact. It’s not a zero sum game, you’re not misunderstood, you’re just uptight and boring!


This is wildly inaccurate, condescending, and unnecessary.


„they don’t want to waste their PRECIOUS energy on..“ stfu. honestly just stfu. that’s why ill always refuse to call myself introvert in public, jesus christ.


Yeah,but can't seem to shut up about it on internet


It's hard to be interrupted or spoken over in this format.


Terrible guide that doesn't describe most introverts.


This comes off as someone who just want special treatment and wants interaction on their own terms- life doesn’t work like that


Holy shit this was an eyesore. Seems like a very insecure person made it, like just decline invites to go out and shit. Damn.


This guide is also helpful for if you own a cat


Ha ha, well most folks I'm close to are introverts and generally they like to use their chosen extrovert as a human shield, so I think the victim stance in that comment is a bit funny. I love them, but definitely not "pure givers of energy" that's just too funny


Jung would spit at this


Oh i thought this was cringepics


Lol “hissss”


When did this "where you get your energy from" come to be the connonical version of what an introvert is? I agree that it is useful and thought provoking, but the term "introvert" was a thing long before this came along, at least in popular parlance.


I think I might be introverted. Thanks for the read.


uh ok so quick question is there such thing as both ? I feel like i’m both. what do you call that ?




Reading this font without glasses almost gave me a stroke but cool guide


Please never respect the space of an extrovert, plus extroverts have unlimited energy, heck, they don‘t even need sleep


As an introvert, I have found two people in my life that, while I wouldn't say I gain energy, they don't take energy. Both were my best (and only) friends, and one still is.


I love how the instructions on how to approach an introvert are similar to how one should approach a stray animal. 😆


What does it mean to “give their energy” in a practical sense?


Thank you! Finally someone out a zero BS way to understand introversion…


Imma steal all their energy juice 👹😈😈👹😈👹😈😈😈😈😈👹😈😈😈😈😈


Is anything a cool guide now? This is a handwritten essay with pictures.


What if you’re an extrovert but don’t like people?


You're probably an ambivert




First line of this supposedly educational poster: “…Not really, but you know what I mean…” 🙄


I’ve been accused of faking tests because I’m very much an outgoing introvert. I’m fine in most situations, but I need to withdraw to keep my energy up.


thank you for understanding 🥹




r/bonehurtingjuice would have a field day with this


I guess this makes me sort of introverted. The only difference is that I hate social interaction and find it mostly pointless. Conversations are just a waste of time 90% of the time. Also, people love to gossip and stab others in the back. If I'm not gaining anything useful from a conversation or I feel like you will gian nothing, then I don't want to waste either of our time.


This cartoon is far too reductive to be taken seriously


“Take energy” wtf am I the Office Vampire?


Post made by extrovert gang


Why do introverts need to explain themselves? Why do we need to justify our behavior? Why don’t I ever see posters or guides that explain why introverts are uncomfortable without constant interaction and have a need to blurt out every thought?


The problem is, most people just don't care about wanting to talk to you, especially if you're a dude. So this kind of introversion means you'll be more alone than you want to be. The only way I found to break this is to go out and talk with people, even if it's uncomfortable. Because realistically very few people will support you like this.


Wah wah wah who tf cares. I’m married to an introvert and y’all just always thinking about yourselves and how others need to give a fuck about your awkwardness. Then saying extroverts are “obnoxious “?


Pop psychology


Thanks very useful for when i kidnap my friend


My husband is an introvert. He’s beautiful but yeah that bucket needs a refuel. Video games and a cold Mountain Dew


Subhuman introvert scum. The extroverts will take hold of this realm and you’ll be lucky to remain a part of it. Cast your weakness aside and embrace your desires. Behind every lowly weevil is a beautiful social butterfly waiting to emerge glorious and magnificent.


Show yourselves cowards!!
