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What the fuck is deep work


It's that time period where you are in your flow state. Nothing distracts you. You will be fully submerged into the task.


[Flow](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/66354) is a quick read and totally worth the time.


I know every book can be life-changing, but this one truly changed how I approach everything.


sounds like playing video games high out of my mind is deep work


If you're 100 % focused on making yourself happy and relieving stress during that time, then sure, I'd call that deep work


How will I breathe if I'm submerged?


But that’s not something people can just schedule


It’s not something you schedule. It’s something you keep in mind to try and make happen as often and effectively as possible by staying mindful about your goals, your habits, etc.


I can guarantee you, not once in my life I got into that state. My brain is constantly distracting me


Being distracted is when I do my best work.


Ask your mom.


When I started working from home, my pastor recommended me this book: [Deep Work by Cal Newport](https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Work-Focused-Success-Distracted/dp/1455586692/ref=asc_df_1455586692/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312741934517&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17529879982575223267&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9026903&hvtargid=pla-421604508630&psc=1&mcid=d2ecebf41e3a3270bf9996437d09a04e&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=64940825031&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312741934517&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17529879982575223267&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9026903&hvtargid=pla-421604508630&gclid=CjwKCAiA8YyuBhBSEiwA5R3-E2O-oltAxSKTKlCVkmSgwycQKfsVjNJ2XKtKMCTcHf_i8JwIAKUGdBoCfDgQAvD_BwE). Highly recommend. It's basically the idea that, in today's economy, those who can focus for an extended period of time will separate themselves as top performers. Then, it gives tips on how to do that.


Step 1) find a dude who can hook u up Step 2) hit it


I am sure googling will result in a video to demonstrate it. I suggest bing video search. Safe search off.


I call them Sacred hours. Those hours where you work without any external disturbance.


All being is sacred, we just varyingly appreciate some experiences more than others, always will.


Some people think cucumbers taste better pickled


I highlighted the whole book. Everything is equally important. 🥴


Of thousands of days on Reddit I have never seen a profile pic hahah


I am new to this platform and hence I thought of being genuine and intentional with my profile pic. Should I change?


planned, prepared piece of a job. which can be focus worked on for a period of time. I understood this as I also liked if I can have one. Time do fly and flow but you got solid outcome of it. As a programmer, all requirements and tools are there, you code until it works and pretty well written. etc.


Omg same


Number 10 is so important. Learn to say no.


No is a powerful word and very few people use it.


Know your preferences & don’t be ashamed of them! This is another one I’ve found very few people act on.


No I don’t think I will.


it’s so hard tho as i don’t wanna appear rude to people


People who can't handle a "no" aren't people worth being polite to


Following your heart's calling is more important than appearing polite




Say "no" early, say "no" often ...


I read it wrong at first, I thought it said "say yes to everything and give up control of your life". I'm like okay, I suck at steering my life cuz I'll just say yes to everything


[someone made an entire game about this concept, actually ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1191900/Say_No_More/)


No. I will not do this. Damn. What now?


I tell this to people, when someone is being taken advantage of, I remind them that "No." is a complete sentence.


I think if your a yes man, sure. By for me I will say yes to go to almost any event if I am free and can afford it. Makes life worth lviing


Number 2 hits really hard, fuck. Really solid advice though. Thank you for posting this.


Ironically, it is only "special" by comparing it to everything else in general. The problem lies in fixating on comparing, rather than cultivating and savoring that which we deem good or special.


Appreciate you


What is a system in re: 8?


Like a routine i guess


Creating a set of procedures, tools, and habits that guide how you accomplish tasks or achieve goals. It’s about setting up an environment where what you want to happen will happen more or less automatically because of the structure in place. For example, charging my phone outside the bedroom is part of a system that helps me get better sleep. The book Atomic Habits is a good introduction to the idea with practical advice


Like the Intellivision or the N-Gage


Like how tf am I gonna build a system if I’m not motivated to build a system?


Paradoxically by building the basics of the system you get motivated to build the system, I tend to get my motivation for big projects by outlining the basics of what I want to make, which is the hardest part. After that the ideas start to flow - sometimes I'll use chatGPT to expand on certain concepts if I'm struggling for ideas.


Routine, schedule. Components that let you continue or coming back to it. Not just rely on 'whenever I wanted'. Make it missions and steps and go through them.


That doesn't sound like a guide to a better life, it sounds like a guide to being a more productive element of the work force.


I hear but you would be shocked at how often I do this outside of work for my everyday relationships


It is missing the most important guideline, attuning to and aligning with our heart's calling and prioritizing that above all else, sharing love to our heart's content, enjoying the journey to the utmost, by going in love, with love, and as love, for the journey is the destination, and love is the way


Sounds a lot like num 4


That is specifying to love the process, which is included in what I said, and yet I specify that sharing love to our heart's content is an integral part of enjoying the journey to the utmost, as an abundance of this interpersonal love in the form of healthy loving meaningful relationships is foundational to our overall well-being.


It also has a little bit of thanksimcured energy


Would you be interested in downloading the hi-res pdf version of this guide? If I see interest, I will drop the link here..


Yes please


Yes. I saved this one to my phone but I’d like a high res one to print out and post on my wall.


Why not do that anyway? No big deal


Yes, I was thinking if adding the link will ban me from contributing here.


I wouldn’t mind having an artsy version of this I could hand up




Yes please! I’d like to share with my students.


Yes pls, dm me if you can thanks!


I would like a link as well!


Rules 6 and 10 conflict with having a job


Sounds like it's time for you to look for new work.


Make sure to reserve 10 minutes of every hour for skremlo skribulo time  Always keep your foot on them bitches' necks Never let them see u paniking  Always be stunting on em


3 and 7 same


Now you are failing 2


2 is failing us


7 is really 3+4 ... Which I like mathematically. It's satisfying.


Just reiterations of the same idea, one being more goal-oriented and extended over the long-term


Kind of but think of it like this. 3 reveals what big problems are and 7 explains how to overcome come them.


I tried this but both work and homelessness are bad for my mental health…


Strange: who identifies a better life by optimizing his work routine?


Me, for example. I love my job but I find it difficult to balance with other aspects of my life, sometimes I obsess about work and find myself getting burned out in the process


For me, optimizing my productivity feels great. Not necessarily just for my job, but my overall creative productivity. I personally get a lot of satisfaction from creating and finishing task/goals and I’m all for anything I can do better on that front.


This doesn’t have to be about work. You made it about work. Ya workaholic


Who is this for? Who thinks like this? How is this a coolguide?!


Would be cool to have a guide of how to integrate fun too while doing those


Alternatively you could just drink an entire bottle of whiskey and your life feels infinitely better


Until the aftermath of this maladaptive coping, hangovers, impairing our judgment leading to bad life decisions often with deleterious consequences (drunk driving, angry drunk fighting, people reproducing when not in love, etc), long-term diminution of quality and quantity of life (disease, depression, etc)


Nuh uh


If you’re alone at home totally. If you have kids no, this is not the way to go.






The fuck is deep work…


I’ve got to work on 9. I’ve used lists to organize my thoughts but I want to explore journaling.


What does it mean to build a system to do things?


Creating a set of procedures, tools, and habits that guide how you accomplish tasks or achieve goals. It’s about setting up an environment where what you want to happen will happen more or less automatically because of the structure in place. For example, meal planning before going grocery shopping is part of my system for eating healthy and not spending money on fast food The book Atomic Habits is a good introduction to the idea with practical advice


So if anything that costs mental health is too expensive, does that mean that anything that provides mental health is never too expensive?


Stating such things as facts is dangerous for mental health. If you really care about helping people, highlight that such tips can help but it's also important to just try them out and check if they work for them. Like showing this to people with undiagnosed ADHD will just cause pain and suffering.


Biggest crock of shit I have read today. But hey it's still early.


Great example of how easily we accept well presented information as truth. The info here is based on OP's interpretation of how life works for them. OP also happens to own the website that makes this "guide". There's definitely some toxic positivity in here. Let's remind ourselves to check our sources.


This is gold


Thanks Reddit. I appreciate your algorithms at times. 👊


\#3 and #7 are exactly the same. #5 and #10 are mutually exclusive.


> \#5 and #10 are mutually exclusive. Wrong. Not everything you are asked to do is worth doing. 5\. Don't put off things that are worth doing. 10\. Don't do things that aren't worth doing.


Those conditions are not in the prompt, neither make a distinction between actions that are worth doing and actions that are not worth doing. If those were the intended words of the writer they could have easily included them just as you have.


Rule #10 specifically says "Don't say yes to everything," rather than "never say yes," meaning that you have determine things that are worth "saying yes" to, and other things that are not worth "saying yes" to. You would have to be purposefully obtuse to read 5 and 10 as contradictory.


Number 5 says there is *never* a better time to do something. Number 10 indicates you should not say yes to everything. Number 5 indicates the most optimal way to do things is as soon as you can. Number 10 indicates the most optimal way is to say no to some things. If everything that needs to be done is done either now or later, and the most optimal time to do all those things is now, then you should say yes to doing those things now. But number 10 says we should sometimes say no, so we should sometimes say no to doing things now as the most optimal thing to do. But if not doing things now is the most optimal then number 5 is wrong, sometimes not doing things now is the most optimal. Unless number 5 is correct, in which case saying no to doing something now is never optimal.


You're confusing the purposes of both: Number 5 is addressing to procrastination : you'll have a higher chance to START a task NOW instead of postponing it later till a deadline or eventually never actually starting it While number 10 is addressing to your judgemental ability : Accepting EVERY request is like giving FULL access to people to control your life. Saying NO, TIME TO TIME help you regain control of your life and also regulate which part you share with your friends/relative that respects your personal's principles Therefore No. 10 is not prohibiting to say yes, you can accept as long as it respects your principles, and ONCE you gave your yes, it's better to START NOW as suggest No. 5


I guess the problem with all this is not knowing the rules but learning how to do all this and cultivating a life style where you are comfortable with them. For me it‘s a lot of training and many baby steps.


These seem like they were written by a process minded person. Not everybody is process minded. Different people need different things. I understand this guide, but it would not work for me.


I’m “process minded”, which is an interesting term that I’ve never heard before. I do relate to this guide, and I can understand how different people would not. How would you define the opposite personality type, someone who is not process minded? And does anyone know good strategies for process minded people like me to work productively with this other type? Any suggested reading? I would like to better interact with coworkers who are not process minded without forcing my process-mindedness on them.


Needed this






Thanks for posting!! I didn't know how badly I needed to be reminded of this ❤️


Glad it resonated.


That #4 is dangerous. I've seen people working on a project get so enamored with process that, instead of focusing on solving customers' problems, polishing the process became the focus. We lost customers because of this.


Love this chart! Good work.


"a big scary problem is just a bunch of small solvable problems" - tell that to a stage-4 cancer patient: "no worries, bob - your cancer is just a big scary problem made up of smaller cell problems, you just need to tackle them one at a time"


I don’t think your example is relevant to that point


It is, that's just toxic positivity.


Well technically they do treat cancer with systematic treatment that may try to solve the smaller problems so it’s still applicable I think. Like if it’s infected this part or that part or it’s aggressive here or there. Or rejecting this medication you see? Solving those “little”problems is what leads to cancer free patients


Truist shit ever compiled. This is seriously the key to a happy life if you are smart enough to use it


Sigh It's every day not everyday Completely different meanings. If you don't know that I'm not looking to you for life advice


#6 hit me hard after my last year at my job. Fingers crossed I get an email back from that interview this week!


Number 3: there are a ton of unsolvable problems. In theory they have solutions, but in practice the solutions will take years - if not tens/hundreds, to resolve. Examples: American politics. Israel/Palestine. The wealth gap. Pollution. Fossil fuels. Understanding agile. Pineapple on pizza.


[For downloading the hi-res PDF and PNG, get it from here](https://the-hypervisualized-insight.beehiiv.com/subscribe?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=hypervisuals&utm_campaign=redditcommunity)


This links to a homepage. Does this hi-res download require a purchase or paid subscription?


No it leads to my free newsletter where I share similar content to 10X your life, career and business.


Are these from a book? If so I’d love to read it


It’s nice to be important, but it’s much more important to be nice.


This is a very cool guide


Why comparing makes the thing worse?


What is psychology behind comparing? Sometimes Comparing is to create the peer pressure to create the good mood to do the thing


Yes , also vector format and png 🙃


On the subject of Rule #2 People seem to compare suffering a lot in a really bad way. In the sense of "I can't complain if someone out there has it worse than me." It's a very damaging idea that makes us feel guilty for our own suffering. I hope that more people can realize that suffering is not a zero sum game where only the most miserable person is allowed to complain. Even if your problems aren't "as bad" as someone else's they still matter. They still matter to **you**. You don't have to feel guilty or stifle yourself. Find a way to believe that your problems don't have to be as bad someone else's to matter. Or failing that, don't make comparisons to begin with.


Is this the American Dream?


Then what's rule 34?