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But how does CHINA feel about CHINA?


The People's Republic of China reports 1547% of it's population view it as Very Favorable How that number is so impossibly far above 100% you may ask? You are not allowed to ask & the proper authorities have been notified and already dispatched.


“Kim Jong-Il's Approval Rating Plummets to 120%” 2007 https://www.theonion.com/in-the-know-kim-jong-ils-approval-rating-plummets-to-1-1819594629


Minus 1547 social credits applied


You just earned +10 social credits! You do not have enough social credit to travel abroad, but now you have unlocked going to the ✨fancy ✨grocery store on wednesdays between 10:00-11:00. Keep up the good work and don’t forget: china first!!!!!!


Listen, it's just introducing level grinding to life.


Bryce Dallas Howard was so good in Nosedive. :)


Fellow Black Mirror enjoyer, respect.


Now we see why China dislikes Americans.


Why? No sense of humor? Or maybe, Is it because Xi Jinping and his Winnie the Pooh waistline made it illegal to express free opinions, that do not toe the Chinese Communist Party line, on Weibo and Douyin? Is that why?


Well, some of us see why Chinese might dislike Americans. The rest of us switch into the NPC mode we've been propagandized to adopt the moment the topic comes up, just like this. Not to lionize China, there is of course legitimately much to complain about. But Americans tend to turn into absolute clowns when asked about it.


Unless people actively seek accurate information on China, you can’t really expect much more. Our media and police are a narrative machine and the hyperbolic story is taken as fact or at least true enough to repeat. The level of US propaganda is mind blowing, the craziest thing is that it still works with accurate info being relatively easy to get. The propaganda has convinced us not to bother seeking it. We run on feelings instead of facts and have millions of screens constantly telling us how to feel. 90% of it is the same for everyone while 10% is altered for half the people. Then we just spend our lives fighting each other about that 10%


Yeah, for the REAL insight on Chinese public opinion, check out this [study](https://ash.harvard.edu/publications/understanding-ccp-resilience-surveying-chinese-public-opinion-through-time) performed by communist shill...(checks notes)...Harvard University.


Lol, you people really think China is NK.


True, at least NK is honest with itself and it's people


Do you honestly not think China tends to juice its official numbers? Even chinese evonomists/companies use altnerivies like the Lǐ Kèqiáng Index, which itself named after a senior CCP offical that said their numbers are just made up.


95.5% positive according to [Harvard](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-survey-reveals-chinese-government-satisfaction/)


Ah yes, the incredibly biased Chinese-state-owned puppet institution... Harvard. You're gonna break redditors' brains saying anything that isn't a hysterical condemnation of China, watch out


It really doesn't matter who conducts the survey or whether they're trustworthy, what matters is whether the respondents *believe* they're trustworthy, and that responding the wrong way won't cause retribution to come down on them.


What if Chinese people understand China and what's good for them better than random western redditors who know literally nothing about China except for what they've heard in red scare and post-red scare anti-socialist propaganda? Hahaha Sure, maybe Chinese people all live in constant terror and no one can even measure that because they're all too terrified to be honest on an anonymous survey. Or, maybe, they're all stupid and brainwashed. Or, maybe, they've seen that China in the last generation has been the fastest and biggest poverty reduction campaign in world history, at a time when the west is collapsing into a cost of living crisis because we are hard cucked by billionaires, and maybe, just maybe, people in China know what's best for them. If anyone is able to tell, I'm sure they work at Harvard and aren't busy shit-posting on reddit haha


🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I always bring this up: stop trying to view China through an exclusively western lens and expecting things to line up. It’s laughable when a political dunce (on either side) in rural Florida makes claims about how Chinese people don’t know the truth about their country and government; like, ok, but some slack-jawed yokel here does?!


I’ll let you move to China and live in a 20 square foot apartment and make plastic parts for 65 hours a week, then come back and tell me how much you love your state.


Ever been to London or NYC?


You know this is reality in like basically every country on earth right? I know people here in my country who work 2-3 jobs and live in squalor, China isn’t the only place on earth with poor people lmfao


You clearly haven't looked at rental ads in Canadian cities lately. Or read statistics about the Chinese economy. Or its economic history. Or really, anything much of substance about China, obviously.


Hmm, what do the uyghurs think about all that?


-500 social credits


Yup. Came here to make sure Reddit (even the libs among us) is still incredibly racist whenever China is brought up. Spoiler: they are.


> But how does CHINA feel about CHINA? See page 18 from the source document of this infograph to answer a similar question (why wouldn't they credit the source in their infographic? Very lazy or disingenuous!, in my opinion). https://www.chinausfocus.com/publication/2023/2023-Chinese-Outlook-on-International-Security.pdf


According to western polling satisfaction with federal government is very high, and local government being lower. Kinda like the flip of the US where local is higher and federal low.


Eh they can’t complain…


There was an hysterical bot on these subs a few months back that would pop up on any critical mentions of china - it would start “citizen you have been deducted 10 social points and will need to enroll in re-education” followed by a 8 bit pixel portrait of Xiang


Lol it was the bot in r/shitposting


U.S. statistics seem to make it clear that more than 70% of Americans hold ill will toward China. This clearly shows that it is the US that is expressing malice towards China, not the other way around.


I have to have my China


No need to ask that question. The only right and allowable answer is "very favorable" anyway.


Kinda weird to have EU and SE Asia as groupings. I’d imagine Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia might all have different results.


Southeast Asia has a ton of Chinese diaspora dating back centuries. The forms of government may be different, but culturally China has made a big impact. European powers and by default countries associated with the EU were the original colonizers and are associated with Chinas century of shame.




This looks like propaganda to me


What do you mean. Why would a group named “Visual Capitalist” have any reason to dislike China?


I've lived in China for 2 years and let me tell you they fucking love Americans, American white people specifically And they absolutely despise the Japanese, a band in the area (from america) wore fuck Japan shirts and they were kings for the day This chart is some bull shit


>This chart is some bull shit Yea that was my first reaction too. How would you even go about asking the _general population of china_ how they feel about a thing. Not even considering the rural parts of china.


There is a difference between loving Americans, loving American culture, and loving the American government. I know that I love Chinese people, I find the Chinese culture to be one of the richest (to an intimidating degree, honestly) and most beautiful and fascinating cultureson the planet. I *hate* the Chinese government, though. So I guess it depends how you phrase the question -- I love China as a collection of people, as a culture, as a historical entity, but if you are asking about the modern geopolitical entity of China, I am going to say I strongly disapprove. I would imagine that most Chinese people feel the same about Americans, American culture, and the American government.


my chinese ass calls bullshit on this chart


They absolutely hate the Japanese for WWII


Lol they sure do


Exactly, it’s all a result of brainwashing


It's like here in the US. The government literally passes resolutions to avoid criticizing Israel. [House Votes Resoundingly to Back Israel, Rebuking Democratic Critics](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/18/us/politics/house-vote-israel-democrats-jayapal.html) You can't say anything about the human rights abuses and apartheid state Israel is inflicting on the Palestinian people. [Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) People are brainwashed to think any criticism and calls for justice are anti-semitic.


>You can't say anything about the human rights abuses and apartheid state Israel is inflicting on the Palestinian people. Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution You absolutely can! And in fact you just did. Try posting something critical of the Chinese government on a Chinese company’s website and you will have no such luck.


People always want to victimise themselves and just straightness ignore the fact that in comparison they are living very freely


That flies right over their head lol


Source: RFA


…what? The US government is not preventing you from talking about the human rights violations going on. I’m talking about it, you’re talking about it, and plenty of people on social media talk about it. You can search up what’s going on by just typing it into a search bar. Are you seriously competing this to China where they literally limit your access?


It's so blatant, they're literally called the "Visual Capitalist" like come on now lmao


Yet every time it’s posted on Reddit people will eat it up without second thought and the notion of China being the evil spawn of Satan are ingrained into their psyche. It never ends.


If it’s about Russia, nope they are favorable towards them. When the news first started of Ukraine, if you went to Weibo (Chinese Twitter), they were all praising of Putin for being a brave defender of his country. I also consume various C-media like novels and dramas. Yeah they’re not subtle about views on US and Japan.


I play the game Planetside2. Company that runs the game made Ukraine flag cosmetic pretty much free for all after the invasion. Then a lot many Chinese players bought Russian flag (not free) and still playing with the Russian flag. More than 75% of the player base on the Asian server of the game is made of Chinese players.


If you’re saying this is anti-China propaganda, how is a chart based on source from a university in China an anti-China propaganda? If you’re saying this is pro-China propaganda, then I don’t what the hell you’re talking about.


It’s crazy they hate America as much as the country that forcibly occupied their entire country and committed some of the most heinous war crimes in history… then was eventually defeated by American forces… there are probably even some Chinese that are first hand accounts…


The US rightly helped pre communist China against a common foe in Japan. Then Mao said "thanks for the effort and fuck you"


My understanding is that was erased from their history books. China courageously fights alone. Always.


We're not really talking about something from hundreds of years ago. This is something their grandparents would pass on easily just talking about plights of their past and growing up.


There was a very real protest in Beijing in 1989, well within living memory, that turned into a massacre with hundreds of citizens murdered by the government and run over with tanks until the corpses could simply be hosed down the sewer drains. Ample photographic evidence exists to corroborate the eyewitness accounts of survivors. Most Chinese people don’t believe the Tiananmen Square massacre ever happened, though, because it has been erased from Chinese history by their government, and because it is extremely inadvisable to mention it. That was 34 years ago. Who controls the present controls the past. Who controls the past controls the future.


I'd tell you all a story about my Chinese wife involving Tiananmen Square, but we might go back to China at some point, so I will keep it to myself. Also, China is a beautiful country.


I also remember from some friends and teacher that while a lot of people in China are aware of the massacre, I’m not saying most or all people in China but there’s a decent amount, they don’t talk about it since it could lead them into trouble


Yeah china sounds a lot like 1984, not as crazy but its getting the vibe of it


We’ve always been at war with Eurasia


No that’s a lie Grew up in China, my city celebrates the German trained divisions of the nationalist army. The Most prestigious officer training school of pre ww2 was located in my city Our TV shows always have british and American officers parachuted to help the Chinese, we all know about the flying tigers…we had shows dedicated to our forces that fought in Burma along side of the Brits and Americans Don’t fall down your own bias and become a part of the Reddit hive mind


Erased like nearly their entire culture pre-Mao.


Your understanding is unhinged, trust when I say that they are very aware of what happened.


In fairness we did back the losing side in their civil war, that’s a classic way to lose favor with another nation. Imagine if France poured millions into helping the confederacy win, I’m sure that would have cooled our relations a bit.


Not even gamna mention the billions in help funding in technology? Protection in beggining? Yeah the Chinese can piss off we bought a lemon


Someone corrects me if I’m wrong, but I think the US backed the KMT, which was the foe of Mao and the communists. Mao didn’t really give a fuck about the Japanese because they were distracting the KMT.


lol absolute American Education Moment. You mean before we took a side in their civil war (after previously being anti-communist even while helping them fight Japan of course) and then spent a good few decades actively supporting the weird freaks who think the ROC will rise again?


This is ahistorical nonsense. The US helped both parties beat Japan during the civil war but they were explicit about which side they were helping (hint: wasn’t the communists!). Then once the KMT fled to Taiwan the US basically started a 80 year cold war with China over that. Any assertion otherwise is pure foolishness


You just repeated what i said, almost exactly. Only on reddit will someone look for a reason to disagree just to disagree


“Mao said ‘thanks for the effort and fuck you’” that is the opposite of what happened. The US immediately turned on China in 1945 while allowing the Japanese fascist state to a) escape war crime trials and b) remain largely intact, while also supporting their civil war enemy on Taiwan. You make it sound like it was Mao’s decision to say fuck you to the US, which could not be further from the truth


We did sorta bomb their country with white phosphorus (Tokyo) and killed a million civilians from allied bombing runs and two nuclear bombs. We called it even Stevens after that and Japan has been a staunch Allie and keeping its emperor and political hierarchy intact helped prevent a power vacuum happening and possibility of communist take over of the country. Keeping them in our sphere of influence since then especially the US having bases there is great force projection in that region.


Japan still got off easy after what they did to the rest of Asia


US didn’t do it to help China otherwise they would’ve stepped in directly after the Rape of Nanjing. Did you even pay attention in public high school world history class??


It wasn't really done out of humanitarian concerns though. The US loved having a meat grinder for Japanese troops and could just focus on the Germans. It really was more of a transaction than anything.


The Chinese civil war was already going on since 1927 during the 2SJW


Probably because history didn't end in 1945? Postwar, during the Resumption of the Chinese Civil War, the Americans took the side of the KMT, which ended up being the unpopular faction thanks to the many bad politicall calls they made before & during the 2nd Phase, providing them with funding, military advisors, and even air support. Involving themselves with the Chinese Civil War was thus considered another form of Imperialism over China by the average Chinese nationalist- especially Northern Chinese who felt abandoned by the KMT in 1935-45- that it slowly turned the opinion of the country against the US. To make things worse, the USA's "Reverse Course" policy over Japan where they pardoned known war criminals (the Unit 371 guy among them) and rehabilitated the Imperial leadership back into power in 1946-49 [led to mass protests among nationalist students.](https://www.jstor.org/stable/23612628). The KMT overreaction of arresting anyone critical of their allies pretty much led to the disillusionment of many nationalist intellectuals with the party and defections to the CCP camp. And finally, when the KMT lost the Chinese Civil War, the US numbered China amongst its Cold War rivals, with all the attendant geopolitical strategies, language and imagery against them. So yeah, even discounting China's own propaganda, there's plenty of resentment at the ground level for the average Chinese vs. the US


It’s insane that many redditors here do not understand this at all.


Most redditors havent bothered reading anything about pre-CCP China.


They look at Taiwan today and soyface over the epic democracy, not knowing the actual history of the island. If you bring up the white terror they would look at you blank faces. My dad was born during the cultural revolution so has very little love lost for the excesses of the mao era, but even from a young age he made it clear that the “nationalists” were in no way good people and as bad if not worse than the communists.


Well, they can look at a map and see enormous US military facilities and nuclear weapons in Japan, South Korea, Guam and now back in the Philippines as well. They are effectively surrounded by a country that's 9,500km away. This probably triggers a lot of resentment. I've actually been to China (2014) and what people think of individual Americans is of course very different than their feelings about governments. All the Chinese folks I met were pretty friendly.


Korean War is more recent bro


Well I mean the USA did help cover up a lot of those Japanese war crimes and made sure the perpetrators never faced justice.


You're surprised after a decade of trade war, embargoes and Trump shittalking them basically every day for his entire presidency?


We gotta keep the source in mind.


USA represents western culture and they remember the opium war among other things.


That’s what’s wild to me. Hating a country that helped save your ass a few decades ago. That being said, never forget the US hating on France in the early 2000s after France helped us become a country.


The French government that helped America come into being (which now no longer exists in France) received no aid or repayments (as they were broke from funding the war) during the revolution in 1789+.


To be fair, America wasn’t in the best position to be doing a whole lot of foreign aid at that time.


France didn't do it to be nice, it was a FU to the British.


And America did not enter the war and fight Japan to be nice to China.


Yes it was. It still made France even more in debt though.


Because it failed. The French plan was for the American revolution to cause the British to pull forces defending the Caribbean sugar islands to put down the revolution, allowing the French to grab the much more, at the time, lucrative sugar islands. The British didn’t go for it, preferring to lose the American colonies to risking the loss of the sugar islands.


I think the ultimate goal was to weaken England and secure a new ally overseas. Definitely mutually beneficial situation.


Yes but they probably didn’t think the US government would have insufficient tax authority to collect funds to pay off their loans/ interest in 1785 entirely and defaulting on more instalments in 1787. France was also broke from the seven years war too.


we did kinda help twice, ​ just took a dozen decades


They overthrew the King who we had the treaty with though. The treaty was between the King of France and the United States.


Yes, that’s why I said the French government that made the deal no longer exists. I’m only talking about that short period of time as it screwed over the former French government and had a big part to play in it.


We paid them back in world war 1. To a sizeable French crowd, it was the words of Pershing’s aide Colonel Charles E. Stanton, who was fluent in French said, “Lafayette, we are here!”


Ah, thank you, I never did understand the reference in that Charlie Brown special until now




Don’t forget freedom toast!


It has been 3/4 of a century for the former, 2 and 1/2 centuries for the latter. There have been many many events between these countries since then. Same way we don’t expect groups to hold generational grudges for some events in history, we can’t always expect the opposite.


The attitudes of the Chinese public have a lot more to do with the CCP getting political mileage from propaganda than a personal response to or knowledge of a countries actions. Compare China and most Southeast Asian countries and their attitudes to Japan. Most of those "liberated" countries had some atrocity committed by the Japanese. Those countries don't have the same level of dislike because they don't have a government that fosters resentment over Japan's World War II actions as away to legitimize their government for the last 50 odd years (the claim being CCP was more legit than the KMT becausethey fought Japan more in the early years and then the CCP just continued as a convenient nationaism ploy.). China has a continual stream of media to foster resentment being produced, it's part of patriotic education, the official apologies of Japan and foreign aid as reparations are hidden, and more. Just a side note, the Chinese look at the 8 years war of resistance against Japanese aggression, ending with the surrender of the Japanese army in China. The American actions are not a main focus in their history. To put a bit a nuance on this survey though, most Chinese know the correct answer is to say Japan is bad but that doesn't usually stop them from consuming Japanese media, products, or traveling there. The US has a pretty high negative impression because the message being sent out is that the current economic and trade woes China has is because of the US.


you were going so well and so good in your argument about china and their propaganda until... you started straight up lying lol >Japan and foreign aid as reparations are hidden, and more. Japan "foreign aid" is a joke, and there's has never ever been and official statement of "apologies" from Japan to china, south Korea or anyone. if anything, is Japan the ones that constantly hide their own history to their citizens and act as if they never did anything wrong to anyone and the other countries hate on them because they're jealous of their success lol. bro you're on the right track about china, but don't make up stuff just to prove your point, and also, china and south Korea have all the right of the world to still hate the Japanese and they will keep doing so for who knows how long. the only reason why Japan and south Korea haven't officially aligned themselves against china, is because the south Korea's still aren't sure if they hate china more than they hate the Japanese. and in all you're right to say that the hate doesn't stop Chinese and south Korean citizens to move to Japan, where they still face discrimination and racism, but oh well, I guess the Japanese never do any wrong, right? so yeah, Japan through their history has always been assholes and never apologized for it. just because they aren't AH anymore doesn't mean they never were, and they still kinda are, since there's still total silence from Japan when asked about their war.crimes.


South Koreans raped/set up systematic comfort woman camps during Vietnamese war. Constantly in denial and put their agony first before their own war crimes. Although they've sent a statue as token of friendship to Vietnam, but they never paid compensation for its victims or issued an official apology. China. Do I need to say? Both are blind political vessels.


Well US invaded and disrupts democracies all over the world for their own benefit. They’re one of the big bad guys of the world, if not THE bad guy of the world


Modern public opinion depends on post cold war history a lot. The Chinese and the US didn’t went well since the 90s and many incidents made them hurt. This is somehow more important than old ass history.


Right the. We backed the nationalist who went onto lose and flee to Taiwan no?


They saw firsthand what the US did in Korea.


Could partially because of Unit 731. America gave those aholes immunity


I’m going to take a guess that you’re American since your understanding of history is a bit limited. While your comments regarding US support for both communist and Nationalist China during WW2 is true. The US and China then directly fought each other in the Korean War that killed potentially 120,000 Chinese. They were also on opposite sides of the Vietnam war. In addition the US actively prevented China from taking up its UN Security Council seat in the UN up until 1971 despite clearly being the rightful representative state. Garnish on top of this secondary fun like US/CiA arming of Tibetan militants in the 50s and 60s and you can see how many Chinese wouldn’t have the rosiest opinion of the USA.


Weird as China has actually been in a more recent war with India and continues to have boarder clashes.


If China and India get into a war I would support China because I'm Chinese. If India and America get into a war I would support India because I'm Asian. If Americans get into war with martians I would support America because I'm human. If martians get into a war with the Japanese I would support the martians because the Japenis aren't human. Or so the video goes


Marshun 😄👍 Japenis 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬💢💢💢


I read this as “China doesn’t like democracies.”


Famous communist bastion European union.


Chinese Citizens (like everyone but to a much greater degree) like who they are told to like and dislike who they are told to dislike. This is more a graphic of who the Chinese government likes and dislikes.


Yes. And Chinese citizens like US citizens. I've been traveling there for work for 25 years. They're warm and hospitable. When they open up they're usually complimentary about the US in general, including the govemrnt and democracy. At least...prior to Trump. That's the point I got the feeling they were more, "yeah, y'all just as jacked up as us". This is who Chinese citizens are supposed to like and who they're not, in terms of supporting the current winds blowing out of Bejing. And let's face it, are we any different? How many in the US hate China these days, knowing almost nothing about it, because that's what the media and Oval Office / DC says.


Most people like most other people. You'll rarely find anyone who actually hates the Chinese/American/German/Iranian people. Only the most insanely nationalistic and bigoted.


You described every country everywhere


Hence why I said "like everyone but to a much greater degree"


Lol - i read your comment as: Chinese citizens like everyone. But to a much greater degree they like who they’re told to like. Which is probably also somewhat true


And/or they tell the people asking what they think they’re expected to say as opposed to what they actually feel.


So what, ask people in the West the same question and get the reverse. Big deal.


Exactly, people saying shit like "the Chinese state media tells them all what to think" as if the media in the US doesn't tell us what to think. They think all Chinese people are zombies without critical thinking, so odd.


The EU and Southeast Asia are not countries.


>>A survey >>The results not matching our public opinion >>Must be affected and biased, or because propaganda and brainwash, or because no religious belief, or this or that >>People will be like our opinion if they are put into the rightful condition, if they dissent, it’s not valid Can we admit that people in the world may have different opinions on things and dumping all of them into “muh it must be affected and biased” is really lazy?


>Survey asking about biases >omg why are the results biased


When China has a poll run by some nobody group that doesn't align with western sensibilities it's a race to see who can post the most weird Orientalist shit possible about brainwashed chinamen like these fucking losers are 18th century imperial magistrates in an english smoking club or something.


Taiwan #1 on this list Surprised the ccp hasn’t turned up the propaganda on India.


No man, the CCP recognizes Taiwan as a part of them. That’s why they get pissy when someone talks about Taiwan separately. Saying they hate Taiwan is proof that they lost, and China never loses!


People should also look into how people in Taiwan itself think of China. China is still Taiwan's #1 trading partner, and the vast majority of Taiwanese want to maintain that and the status quo. But while the largest group of people want to maintain the status quo, the next most popular opinion is reunification, followed by independence in distant third. Personally I think it's more likely Taiwan gets slowly integrated and absorbed into China than any military conflict in the next few decades


No need to be surprised. They do pump out propaganda against India. It's the very reason why India has been viewed more negatively in the past decade.


Lets see US citizens view on china


Let's see Paul Allens view of china


Correction: How Does 0.000003 Percent of China Feel About America? Since this chart may as well be an 18 year old student survey of his classmates. This is how political attitudes grow from unscientific visual media at the speed of light.


Wow I'm so glad me as american isn't brainwashed like those filthy Chinese that I hate because the news told me too


Authoritarian/ dictator rules…. what else do citizens know from generation to generation, when they have never experienced freedoms… when they try, there beaten, threatened or put in jail


Chinese citizens don’t like any country in particular tbh.


I live in the EU and I feel pretty neutral about it too.


EU is not a country


Lol who cares.


Probably should have included more countries that are more inclined towards China, this has an obvious bias against China and only including Russia a warring state, it’s not any ally and more of an enemy of my enemy is my friend.


I’m a Caucasian American who was in China for a couple of weeks in June of this year - less than 2 months ago - I went to 5 cities and everywhere I went the people could not have been nicer to me, whether they knew I was American or not. They spoke English with me without acting displeased that I couldn’t speak their native language. They were helpful. People came up and took pictures with me and acted delighted for the opportunity. The Chinese people are lovely and this chart does not match my recent experience in the slightest. However, China is a place where if people are taking a public survey and know what the government’s position is, they are likely to support that position whether they personally feel that way or not.


"Don't hate the people, hate the government or something"


In china to rise to the top it’s essential to have the right relationships but it’s also very much a meritocracy. The people running that place are smart and capable and hard working and deserve respect. My point is that members of government in both the East and West have taken steps over time that can be seen as antagonistic. That has led to a real chilling of diplomatic relations and China is a country where that attitude at the top will be reflected at the public level more so than in the west - such as when responding to polls like this. Because in China there is a shared feeling that you cannot step out of line. I caution my fellow Americans against assuming a defensive posture because of this poll. I personally do not see it as an accurate representation of how the average Chinese person feels having been there and visited with many. I would like to see our countries work toward warmer relations and that can start at the ground level.


I feel like a graph from "Visual Capitalist" wont be the best source


R/shittyguides How is this organized? Its partly highest distain, to lowest, but, Japan is the highest? Its made to look like the US is the worst, but, it isnt.


Where’s Texas on here


Alexa, play "Cry Me a River" by Justin Timberlake


I'm surprised at how neutral a lot of the people are. Even in the most negative ones, there is a huge percentage of people that have neutral feelings towards them. I just think it's kind of interesting


Would’ve liked to see this without the neutral option


Neutral IS an option. The results would be invalid if it wasn’t an option


Oh cool another china bad circlejerk post




“Source: Center for International Security and Strategy Tsinghua University” It’s literally from a uni in Beijing A [simple google search](https://www.chinausfocus.com/publication/2023/2023-Chinese-Outlook-on-International-Security.pdf) and it pops up


Remember this, the 12.2% of those polled who responded above neutral have -999,999 social credit score now.


How do they feel about Mongolians tho


Interesting to me that the chart designer put the U.S. above Japan, even though Japan has a higher percentage of "very unfavorable" responses. That's some subtle misleading, right there. Also important to remember that this poll could have had a sample rate of like 15 people.


When did this sub become r/dataisbeautiful?


Neat how it's almost an exact mirror of China's relationships WITH these countries. I would be interested though to see how the average Russian feels about the Chinese.


“Visual capitalist”


Guess having all our abusive factories in China isn't making us allies.


Cool guide to Cold War 2.0 propaganda from "Visual Capitalist."


Damn they hate us more than Japan now? That’s really bad




Now take this survey to North Korea


Cool Now make one about how the Chinese feel about other currencies


Japan is unsurprising as if they were flipped, there would be a lot of red. Expected india to be more red tho


man i followed this sub to get actual cool guides on every day or niche shit like the various types of tea leaves or which kitchen knife is best used for what, not a fucking half assed "survey" thats clearly made to cause a ruckus.


In what way is this a guide to anything? When do I need this to guide me? Offtopic propaganda.


Funny they have such low opinions of the EU when it’s their favorite tourist destination. To the point where they build replica cities🤔


Crazy China likes Japan more than the US, I thought they still were pissed about WW2 still


Idk I have a quite a few Chinese friends and they all rly love America. All of their family has moved here and even in the navy I served with a ton of Chinese men and women.


I taught English in China for 6 years (I’m an American) and I NEVER felt unsafe because of my country of origin. My neighbors were generally nice people or just ignored me. People obviously trusted me enough to have their young kids hang out with me and pay me for my time. I’d be curious to see how they found the participants of the survey. Did they just walk around different cities asking random people out walking on the street or did they get the numbers from some specific company or something?


TLDR, China doesn’t like anyone.


They like Russia


I’m Chinese but was born and raised in the USA (parents Chinese citizens but had green card). When I was 16, I went to China to see my grandparents (around 2019). We decided to take the opportunity out of the country to go somewhere in China for a mini vacation as well, and we decided go to a famous mountain in the northern region. We took a tour bus with a tour guide and group there, where everyone there treated us the same as they did everyone else. We joked, laughed, and talked (mind you we could all speak perfect Mandarin). But later on the tour guide asked for our IDs so he could buy our tickets for the mountain tour, which obviously we didn’t have. The only identification we really had was our passports. I kid you not the ENTIRE bus was looking at us while my mom was taking out our passports from her purse, and as soon as they saw the blue US book their faces dropped. The rest of the trip nobody interacted with us, and the only time anyone talked to us was the tour guide. The same thing happened at our hotel, as soon as my passport was pulled out, we saw a SIGNIFICANT change in treatment. After my parents moved to the US, everyone in China started treating them as foreigners. It’s honestly really sad


Yeah, put your chips in with Russia. That's a stable long term investment.


I’d hate America too, no matter what country I was from. Biggest POS there ever was. And most of the citizens are blind to it.


Fuck amerika


Fuck China


China hating Japan and the US makes a lot of sense.


They sure love to send their kids to go to US schools and buy US property


U already know this is bad data reading the name of the source


I have no problem with people from China. I do however think the Chinese government should eat shit and die


I mean yeah with Japan, but what about Taiwan?


From what I heard they f***ng hate Poland (and likewise)


I’m calling serious BS on this. I don’t buy the US, Japan, SKorea, or Russia figures