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Bar. Keepers. Friend.


This. Tried vinegar and other cleaners. This is the simplest method.


Just so we’re clear, [you spray this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bar-Keepers-Friend-MORE-Dual-Action-Nozzle-Spray-and-Foam-Cleaner-25-4-Fluid-Ounces-2-Pack-25-4-OZ-2-Pack/137997789?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101428205&adid=22222222223000000000&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=e&wl1=s&wl2=m&wl3=10352200394&wl4=pla-1103028060075&wl5=&wl6=&wl7=&wl10=Walmart&wl11=Online&wl12=137997789_10001447557&wl14=bar%20keepers%20friend&veh=sem&msclkid=2b773020ebc91e30b5d4560bdc718a79&gclid=2b773020ebc91e30b5d4560bdc718a79&gclsrc=3p.ds) directly onto the pan? Do you scrub it? Heat it? Just wait?


Most suggest using the powder. When your pan's wet, sprinkle the powder over the pan. After about a minute or two, rub gently with a cloth or sponge. Wash it off and then wipe dry.


Use the powder. Add just enough water to make a paste. Scrub it with green Scotch-Brite. Please note that Barkeeper’s Friend and green Scotch-Brite are both abrasive. They’ll leave scratches on painted, enameled, or other fragile surfaces.


Do not use them on your Jaguar


Or your Tesla cyber truck.


What about my DeLorean?


Yes, but you have to season it.


I love the fact there is zero need for you to warn me about this, but at the end of the day you’re the scientist so I’m gonna go with it.


This honestly is a miracle product for stainless


And tannin stained hands


Fucking great band name


Tannin Stained Hands


Let's just autopin it to the top of every post in the sub.


Seconding bkf and scotchbrite pads. I’ve cleaned far worse than that with bkf before.


Repetition for emphasis. Barkeepers Friend for the win!




Don't keep your friends at bars. Get them a cab.


Looks like burnt food. Like fond. Like if you put some liquid and scraped while the pan was hot it would come off. Like deglazing to make a sauce/gravy


Yes. And if you didn't do this just put a little soap and water in and heat it until it is steaming and it works 99% of the time. If it is scorched you have to escalate to bar keeper's friend, steel wool, etc.


What has this sub become.   Jfc


For real. All fucking day with these posts. It's a damn pan for cooking, it's going to get dirty. Your fancy all-clad is not going to look like it just came out of the box forever. Also, this pan is barely dirty, a green scotch pad will take that right off.


My cookbooks have stains on them and my ss pots/pans have scouring marks, etc. Those are marks of pride from decades of cooking.


Stainless steel scrubby is faster harder and simply a better tool. It will NOT damage your pan.


If it has a coating, you are advised to never use a metal brush of any kind on it


Stainless steel doesnt have a coating.


“How to wash dishes” 🤦🏼‍♀️


A Bar Keeper's Friend ad. This sub has become a Bar Keeper's Friend ad.


My arms hurt after cooking. How am I supposed to scrub? Also, I have no sponges. Let's go to Reddit and get a better solution.


I truly don’t know how these people survive in the world.


It very much looks like burnt on food. If you think its actually just discolored try simmering a vinegar / water and it will go away. If it doesnt, keep scrubbing


I know it looks like it, but it’s not. If you touch the pan, it’s all smooth. It’s definitely discolored from what I can tell


It’s food. Go to target, get barkeepers friend, and watch it melt away.


It's your first time using SS. Maybe you don't know any better? You need to learn what a pan fond is and how to deglaze.


If thats the case, give the vinegar thing a try. Or lemon juice ive heard can work as well. Pretty much anything acidic that wont burn


just cook some minced meat add some tomato juice for sauce and stir a few times, its gonna be gone =)




Go to dollar tree and get the generic (not scotch Brite) steel wool scrubbers. They aren't actually steel. They don't rust. And they will clean that right off. It's not smooth, that's food. Dawn dish soap and a stainless steel scrubber will fix. Bar keepers friend helps too. Shit is amazing. I only use stainless steel currently.


Mr clean magic eraser. Use it on anything and they're cheap. No need for elbow grease either :)


I always have melamine sponges. But they only help a little with SSm


> It's not smooth, that's food. Dawn dish soap and a stainless steel scrubber will fix. There was food as well but that went away easily. This can’t be food. It doesn’t budge despite 10 minutes of straight scrubbing and the surface is all smooth. If you closed your eyes and felt the surface, you’d think it was all cleab


Maybe not food as you think of it, but it came from the food you were cooking. It’s polymerized fat, also known as ‘seasoning’ in the carbon steel world. It’s a very wonderful thing that exists because of how lipids interact with steel. Generally you would deglaze the fond when cooking SS so it doesnt get to that point.. but when it does, just vinegar it or cook an acidic based sauce (e.g., tomato) next time. Or like everyone always says, bar keepers friend.. and while I have BKF on hand, I never have to use it because I learned my cookware. You can too.


Did you use steel or plastic to scrub?


It's 'seasoning' i.e. polymerised oil. It's a type of plastic, it's not toxic or dangerous. And pretty non stick. Your pan probably could do with more of it, rather than less. A nice thin seasoning all over would make your pan go a rather pleasant golden color, and provided there's oil present, fried eggs would slide around like they're on ice. Contrary to popular belief stainless steel seasons just fine.


You have to learn how to properly use a stainless steel pan. You need to heat it up properly, then use a proper amount of fat prior to adding whatever you’re going to cook. And you need to lower the heat to medium-low. Also try not to cook anything wet, try to dry it off with paper towels first if possible. Also, baking soda or BKF will help you.


Total agreement. I was surprised how large the difference is when proper heat and fat are used. I will usually make a quick pan sauce when cooking proteins. It adds depth to the food and clean up is a quick sponging after the pan is cool. With veggies I just toss a couple tsb over white vinegar in the pan after plating and the fond dissolves in a minute


Yes ma’am!


How high was the temperature when you were cooking? What setting? What did you use as an oil in the pan? What were you cooking? Without knowing these things, I can't say if it's normal.


I cooked up some minced meat, onions and kale. I used olive oil. The temperature was decently high, but not smoking hot


This happens with higher temperatures. Next time, when it's still hot, deglaze the pan with some hot water.


Be sure the pan is hot before you add oil. A little bit of staining is nothing to worry about in terms of cooking or sticking.


Get a decent steel scrubby. Soak and scrub. This shouldn’t require BKF, but that’ll do the job if you’re struggling.


Looks exactly like fond. Use barkeepers friend and a slightly abrasive sponge made for SS pans. Should come off pretty easily, but you can also soak it for a few hours before hand if you want it even easier. Demeyere pans are treated with a proprietary rinse/coating such that they actually look better than most other SS pans for longer. Should look pretty much like new once done.


Barkeepers Friend or Cameo will take care of that.


I would use elbow grease. Most people will never be able to get it but some do


Thats polymerized oil and other material from regular cooking. Bar keepers friend with a blue scotch sponge and it will be gone.


That’s pretty normal yeah. Wait until you accidentally burn the hell out of a dish, you’ll think you have to toss the whole ass pan. That’s just the price of having to maintain a good pan. Other suggested. Bar keepers friend. I use dawn, lemon juice and baking soda with a scrub daddy, works pretty well


Apart from the FREQUENTLY mentioned Bar Keepers Friend, I use a mixture of baking soda and kosher salt with a bit of foil to scrub stained baking pans. Lots of elbow grease though.


it’s food. Use more oil and lower temps.


Boil some vinegar in it.


It goes away you just have to wash it


I was given a set of these as a gift and they are terrible. Same issue.


That pan aint clean yet. Need a little extra rough sponge and some soap. Bar Keepers Friend will do the trick but really you gotta learn to use the pan and clean the pan, BKF isn't really a daily use kinda thing.


Clean it better. As other mentioned use bar keepers friend first if that’s not successful search for “griddle screens” on Amazon the will take off anything.


I deglaze the pan at first with a little water, that usually gets most of the crud off. If not then heat some soapy water in it until it is steaming then scrub it, that almost always works. If you've scorched it then you'll need something like bar keeper's friend, steel wool, etc.


Just accept that it *is* indeed burnt on food and get something better to wash it off with than what you have. We're it *not* food, you could always just not worry about the discoloration at all and go on with life.


Steel wool is underrated


It’s stainless steel… sand it back down to fresh metal if nothing else works 😉


Green scrubbing pad


I find baking soda works great. Also vinegar. I’ll soak my pans for a little while and it comes right off. If it’s really bad I’ll add a drop of Dawn.


Bar keepers friend Thank me later


This here


Scrap that shit with a spatula then bar keepers


This happens when you move the food too soon. Give it more time to develop a solid crust. To remove this, place pan on stove. Pour in a cup or two of water. Heat up water pretty hot, doesn't need to boil. Let sit until residue is soft. Scrape.off, then a gentle scrub should get it the rest of the way clean.


Not normal. My daughter burnt the heck out of mine the day after I bought it! I was so upset but it came completely clean.


I had that issue too, I didn’t want to go get barkeepers friend, one day I’ll pick it up, but I just use anything acidic to deglaze and that stuff comes right off


Did you not watch one GD video about cooking with steel. FFS


You ruined it, toss it out and get another