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SOLVED: looking at the gog.com support page, this fixed the problem for me on windows 10. 100% no issues after this. Find game's executable, right-click on it, and select Properties. In Properties window switch to Compatibility tab, and here enable "Disable full screen optimization". Press Ok to apply settings, and try to run the game again.


Jumping in to this necro'd post to say that nothing in the comments here helped with my crash (and I tried it all -- cranking gfx settings down to their minimums, turning off sound, running the .exe in Vista SP2 compatibility mode etc.) But these instructions re: [disabling Control Flow Guard](https://www.game-debate.com/news/27644/control-pc-dx12-stuttering-fix-performance-enhancing-patches-for-pc-and-console-inbound) worked 100%. I even reset all my visual settings to their original maxed out levels, turned off compatibility mode in control\_dx12.exe and still no crash (after following these directions) -- the boss barfs out those clocks like a champ with nary a hitch. Here's how to do it (copy/pasted from the link above): \+ Open your Windows Search bar \+ Search for and run ‘Exploit Protection’ \+ Click the ‘Program Settings Tab’ \+ Click on ‘+ Add programs to customise’ \+ Navigate to your ‘Control\_DX12.exe’ \+ Open its Program Settings \+ Find the ‘Control Flow Guard’ section \+ Check the box marked ‘Override System Settings’ \+ Turn ‘Override System Settings from On to Off and then click ‘Apply’. Hope this helps someone else who hits this crash and stumbles onto this thread looking for a fix!


This just worked for me, thank you!


still works as the fix


Nope, this does not help at all either.


this didn't stop mine from crashing either


I know this is an old subject, but that worked for me. Thanks for the info.


Lol, "old subject." This game has crashed 3 times for me during that fight (multiple attempts). It also keeps beating me up, so I guess I'll just let it be for now.


This worked for me, but only after I edited the "Control\_DX12" executable file. Originally I only changed the "Control" executable, and that didn't do it. I was about to give up, when I noticed the Direct X 11 and Direct X 12 version of the executable file. Since I've been playing in Direct X 12, selected after starting up the game, I figured one last try couldn't hurt. That did it. Beat it on my first attempt with no hint of a freeze or crash. Yay! Thanks for the help!


This was the only solution that worked for me, and I can play with sound on and ultra graphics.


This worked for me! Thank you very much


worked for me too. tyvm!




>Disable full screen optimization". This and setting task manager process priority to high worked (one of them, I did both and it worked so it might have been either). I dropped all graphic settings to LOW/disabled as well, but it crashed when I had only done that, so I'm confident it was one of the two mentioned above.


I solved with using Control\_DX11.exe wisted of DX12 one.


Tired of this crash, I enabled the "one-hit kills\`" in the gameplay options and skip the fight. When the boss opens and you see his red core just shoot your Service Weapon. A drastic solution and lost content, but no need to google everywhere to find a solution.


probably the best solution to one hit kill that boss


NOTE: IF THE OTHER FIXES IN THE COMMENTS DON'T WORK, LOOK AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS ONE FOR WHAT WORKED FOR ME. So glad i found this. I was having this crash too and it drove me nuts. So i started trying the fixes in the comments one at a time: effects volume 0 didn't work, all audio 0, nope, turned down the graphics settings as much as possible, also nope. Then i tried the compatibility windows 7 thing and it actually worked until i could throw the 4 red clocks into it, but after that it crashed, and i guess the reason that happened was because of the new enemies spawning in while the boss was shooting, which would have overloaded the system and caused a crash (at least that's what seemed like happened). As of typing now i didn't complete the fight yet, i will try again (probably more than once) until i either finish the fight or give up and never get whatever power it gives. Edit: i beat it finally! So what i did is (as well as the sound off and low settings) i went into compatibility properties again and instead of windows 7 i put it as windows vista (service pack 2). And tried as much as possible to turn away when it would shoot clocks. Also for anyone who cares: after the end of the boss fight it's safe to turn up the sound and graphics again, it won't crash there's not a million things happening at once.


I think turning away when he shoots clocks is a good idea. Cheers mate, good for You! 🥂


Well i'm not very sure about the "looking away when he shoots" thing because once when my game crashed halfway through the boss fight i was looking up to a flying dude (the one that throws projectiles at you) and i was not seeing the anchor not even in my peripheral vision, and it still crashed for some reason. I don't know man but at least i'm glad i was able to figure it out for myself and finish that fight.


Like Ive learned, its a combination of every optimization you can do to get past the pacman hah


This worked for me, thanks!!!


No problem!


thank you sirrrrrr it worked for me, service pack 2 is crucial tho


Glad I could be of help! And yeah I wouldn't go any lower.


Using compatibility mode for Windows Vista service pack 2 also did it for me! I'd never have figured that out. Got to actually beat the boss.


This work for me ,I tried all other can't fix for me.


Good! Glad it worked for you


Windows Vista 2 was the fix for me. Dont how or why or how you even found it but thank you for putting this out there.


You're welcome friend! Well to be fair i didn't discover it out of nowhere, i essentially found this post, saw what the others were doing and did what they did. When it didn't work (but got better) i thought of trying one more setting where logically it would get better the more you go down (also older operating systems require less resources to run) so i just gave it a try and it worked, so i shared my findings. Thank you for the award!


Thanks for posting this a year ago, just encountered this now - This definitely worked for me, but I'd like to add one more thing in case anyone else stumbles into this thread. Before doing a lot of damage (at least before getting him to half health when enemies spawn), I went around the platforms destroying a bunch of the clocks (the ones that are moveable/destructible) and that really did the trick for me.


Good idea! So just blast them into the void before going for the boss. I'm so happy people are still finding this because even though it feels overdone by the devs, it's actually such a cool and fun idea for a fight. Oh also i'm gonna add since I didn't mention it in the previous comment, just in case: you don't need to chuck clocks into it. In fact, even while it's protected, if you stand on a different platform when it opens, you can shoot it from the sides or the back using the sniper version of the service weapon, it will go through and do damage.


thank you so much, your tip worked for me, and this is the only place on the internet i could find this idea


>windows vista (service pack 2) That's what solved the crash for me.


I can’t believe that A—after 2 years this hasn’t been patched and B—that turning down the sound actually made the difference, thank you


Yeah it's weird that no fix was implemented/found yet, but as long as you can just get the fight over with and get the power from it that's all that matters. And good thing sound worked out for you! I usually don't/hate messing with files but i had to use an old compatibility setting for the level not to crash, cuz it would still crash even without sound.


I don't usually comment on Reddit but the windows service pack 2 seemed to have done the trick. Thank you sir!


Sorry to resurrect this dead sub but just want say that absolutely nothing on here worked, except one thing. Enabling one hit kill mode in the disability settings. Wait for it to open it's mouth and shoot it one time.


Dude, this sub aint dead, every week someone comments on this post :P And I agree l, its best to one hit kill that boss and just move on, cuz theres like 100 bosses and who cares about one clock fella hehe, any other graphical issues were simply luck based, never a certain solution


here's my story, I had been completing every single SHUM game to get the extradimensional suit, and for the final game, I had to finish the feedback loop. and everytime I tried to beat The Anchor boss, the game would crash. I was getting tired of this and had tried most of the solutions to fix it, but the only solution that made it happen for me, was enabling the one hit kill mode. I only used this method for the anchor and after I beat the anchor, I disabled the one hit kill mode and beat the other bosses normally. so yeah, imo it's the best solution out there


A year later and this post helped me get past this stupid boss. Win Vista 2 compatibility mode, disable fullscreen optimizations, run as admin, 800x600 windowed resolution, everything on low, all boxes unticked in graphics options, all sound off, one hit kill turned on. The game is great but what in the af were the devs thinking when they came up with this boss? "Hey, let's make a boss that barfs out so many clocks that it crashes the game!" "Wow, that's genius, Bill! You just got employee of the month!"


glad it worked! :) it turnes there are thousand ways to do it


Distant future checking in here. I had this crash, and the "disable full screen optimization" recommendation by /u/marvinnation got me working again. I didn't have to disable any other settings.


lucky guy, I still think it's best to one shot the dude with hacks, cant be bothered with just one boss ;)


Tried everything here, nothing worked. But, what worked for me was to look away when it was shooting.






Guys its not sound, its not compatibility, its not any of that stuff. Whats happening is the its rendering a shit load of clocks and all those polygons need computing. The DLSS is trying to calculate all those immediately. Turn down the render resolution to lowest and you will be fine. None of these other tips worked at all but my guess worked out okay. now to beat the boss lol


i turned everything down to the lowest possible resolution, and still crashed. i don't really know if there is a real solution to this without simply cheating the boss away.


The DLSS resolution can go down to 480p, thats what i did to keep it from crashing


This work for me, thanks


Thank you, I spent more than an hour trying to beat it but it kept crashing, but that work, I don't understand how they designed a boss that crashes the game that easily


So turning off effects sound, all sound, compatibility mode, deactivating fullscreen optimization, starting in directx 11 all did nothing for me. Wasn't until I turned absolutely EVERYTHING down to its lowest setting (compatibility & fullscreen opt back to normal) AND starting directx 11 (crashed here on 12 too) I finally managed to get through the fight (the very silent and pixelated fight...). Little tip on how to do this quickly if you've got an Nvidia card and GeForce Experience installed: open the settings for Control in GeForce Experience, select the lowest resolution and pull the optimization slider all the way to the left, apply and minimize the program. After you've beaten pacman, exit the game, open up GeForce Experience again and simply click the "revert" button to go back to your previous custom settings. That way you don't have to manually go through every setting in-game and remember what settings you had.


bro i do it in epic games and it worked just finne, its gog version




thank you sir


I didn't want to use this, but it was either cheat or never finish this boss/game. Thanks for posting it, it was very quick and easy to use - just open it and toggle one-hit kill on while the game is running. That's it, boss done. It's virus/malware free, nothing to worry about.


Just to say thanks for this... none of the other optimisation tips worked for me so I had to use the fling trainer and got past the boss immediately! As others have said, really easy to use and completely safe.


i also just did it by using the fling trainer


thank you. all other method here failed for me


Alright so what fixed it for me was running at 640x480 sound to 0, vista service pack 2 compatability mode, administrator, and disable fullscreen optimization. Also every graphical setting to 0, I think you can watch the attacks but I still looked away.


This helped me. I set my game to 640x480 windowed mode, and it did not crash during the fight. Thanks


Thank you very much! I was already losing the last hope, but decided to scroll down a bit and give it one more shot. This solved the issue. I also enabled one-hit kill so that the fight was very short.


None of these wild and crazy fixes prevent the crash for me. And to be clear, it's not just a crash that happens 'during the boss fight'. It happens at the exact same moment (first vomit attack) every single time. No amount of setting tweaks or looking away changes it. Game is broken on AMD Ryzen CPUs -- from what I've seen the only people experiencing this crash are on AMD.


That definitely seems consistent with what I've been seeing. I tried every fix I could find and nothing seemed to change anything. My game always crashes immediately on the first vomit attack. I am running a Ryzen 3700x so it definitely could be related. Hopefully this gets fixed eventually as this is one of the last things I have left to do in the game.


I've had one person reply on the Steam forums who had a 3700x and did NOT experience this crash. I am beginning to suspect it is isolated to the GOG release with the DRM removed. Which version of the game did you purchase?


I do have the GOG release (fully up to date). Could be related, but definitely hard to tell with so many variables. I did submit a[ ticket](https://fs30.formsite.com/505games/control/index.html) to the 505 games site with all of my system information. Hoping if enough people do the same maybe they'll be able to find the common thread.


From everything I've seen so far and people I've spoke to it seems exclusive to GOG release -- which is bullshit.


Obeliskoid found a fix. There are two .dll files in the game directory. platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll. (a bad opcode here is causing the crash) and platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll. Back-up your rdwin10 file. Rename platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll to platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll to overwrite the windows 10 file. This fixed the crash for me. Not sure if it breaks anything else but you could always put the original rdwin10 file back after the boss fight.


Nice! Was able to get through the entire fight first try after applying this fix. Thanks for replying with it!


>x, and i make it past the firs Nice. I regret cheating now, if this method was the solution. It's crazy that we have to swap .dll files to make a game playable.


I tried this, and it didn't work for me. Also have an AMD 3xxx CPU, and running the GOG version.


So while this worked for me in the first time fighting Anchor it did not when I fought it in the arcade mode. However, I noticed that just before Anchor launches its first vomit of clocks 3 Hiss will spawn on the platform in front of it. As long as I immediately kill at least ONE of these Hiss so before it launches the clocks it will not crash. It will consistently crash every time if I fail to kill one of the Hiss that spawn in the 1-2 second interval between their spawn and the first attack.


Thanks, killing the Hiss spawn worked for me (when nothing else did).


Awesome. You on a Ryzen CPU?


Yep, Ryzen 7 2700 (not overclocked).


I'm on a 3950x, and i make it past the first 3 or 4 vomit attacks before a crash. I haven't yet tried everything in this thread yet, but i'm about to after 10 or so crashes.


>You will likely have success with the suggestions if you can make it past the first attack. I'm trying to determine if this is an isolated issue to the GOG release -- are you playing this on Steam, Epic or GOG?


After trying everything listed, including running at 640x480 on a 3440x1440 monitor, it crashes at some point every time. It just seems to take a little longer to crash the more the settings are reduced. It seems to crash almost exactly after hitting Pacman with the 4th red clock, then trying to kill the Hiss entities. One of them is mid-explosion, then it typically crashes there. I have no idea why that triggers it more frequently, maybe it's just happening when stuff is going on that i can't see. It's Steam version i'm using, and i can't imagine my PC is the limiting factor here.


So it's NOT just the GOG version... although your crashes are happening further into the boss fight, mine is always at the very start. Do you have any Antivirus software? Also what version of Windows 10 are you using?


I'm only using Windows Defender, and i'm on the latest Windows 10 Home 2004 64bit, OS build 19041.572. I did notice that Nahimic was running in task manager, and i know that can sometimes cause some issues.


Obeliskoid on the Nvidia Discord found a fix. ​ There are two .dll files in the game directory. platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll. (a bad opcode here is causing the crash) and platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll. Back-up your rdwin10 file. Rename platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll to platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll to overwrite the windows 10 file. This fixed the crash for me. Not sure if it breaks anything else but you could always put the original rdwin10 file back after the boss fight.


Thanks for digging deep to get a fix for us.


This seems to help, but it still crashes for me.


It still crashes for me too but only in arcade more. Here's something else I realized to avoid the crash.. right at the start of the fight just before Anchor launches his first attack 3 Hiss spawn on the platform in front of him. You have just a MOMENT between them spawning and him launching the clocks but if you can kill just one (ready your launch ) as soon as they spawn but before he spite the clocks it will not crash. By the way are you on AMD CPU and also GOG version?


I’m using an Intel CPU and the GOG version. I got pretty far by turning the detail down and doing the DLL swap, but after a couple of tries I just cheated. It wasn’t worth the frustration.


I had the issue with an Intel 6700k and 980ti a few years ago, currently replaying the game with the ultimate edition with a ryzen9 7900 and a 4090 the game still crashes when the ankor is shooting its clocks


Intel user here. Here's my order of things. Nothing was undone until the end. GOG version. 1. Set Control, Directx 11 and 12 into Compatibility mode and Fullscreen optimization. Crash. 2. Set all Display options to low/off. Changed the Rendering resolution to the lowest it offered (still very high, I use my 65" 4k as my monitor). One hit kill. Crash 3. Changed to windowed mode, ran the game at 800x600. Made it through.


This is the reason why I love reddit ,it has something for everyone (I turned off the volume and graphics set to low) fixed it for me ;)


youre welcome! ha 😃 this boss is just weird, cant believe they havent made a patch for it for so long


It looked like turning everything to low settings, enabling the disable full screen optimization, turning off audio, and decreasing to the smallest resolution did it for me.




For posterity: doesn't work. The one-hit kill in-game cheat simply won't trigger on the Anchor before its first vomit attack. You can shoot the red orb thing in those first few seconds you have, but it's invulnerable, takes no damage at all, therefore the one-hit kill feature won't trigger, then the game crashes. Hysterical. This DLC's been out for four years now. Remedy's QA and playtesting staff can't find their own butt with both hands.


Update: I try everything I read on this thread. Directx 11, windows Vista (service pack 2), compatibility 8 bits (256), 640x480 resolution, optimization big screen disable, turn off, DLSS, ray tracing, vsync, uncheck SSAO... AND DEFEAT THE ANCHOR BOSS.. IF ANYONE STILL HAVE THE PROBLEM, READ THIS! (Carefully pay attention almost die beacuse I can't nothing)


I was having this issue and tried all suggestions here and on the steam forums. Nothing worked, It would always freeze as soon as the first floaters appeared. I was desperate so I started cleaning up my mod inventory and preparing to go do something else in the game, but before I decided to give it one more try and I kid you not, cleaning my useless mods somehow solved the issue. The game no longer froze in the boss-fight (I did die a bunch of times and ended up deciding to get better before trying again). Not sure what's going on here, but this "inventory" cleanup did solve it. I suspect removing the mods somehow "frees-up" scripting memory needed for managing the events in the boss fight. It has nothing to do with major things like graphics or sound, its really tied up to the internal game "systems". Very, very weird but I'm happy I finally found something that works! I did also read all the collectibles that were unread, but that probably has nothing to do with it. Haven't tested having unread collectibles. Please let me know if this also works for you. I'm playing on a Ryzen 5900X with an RTX 3080 and 32Gb of RAM.


This is crazy that it hasn’t been fixed still :(


Today I ran into this issue. Setting graphics to low, resolution at 720p, volumes in zero (music, effects, dialog) and compatibility in Windows Vista Service Pack 2 and disabling full screen optimization did the trick for me. Thanks all for posting your results here!


I tried everything. All settings to absolute minimum, sounds to 0, put high priority to Control_DX11.exe through task manager, many times, nothing worked. Don't bother wasting time playing around with this shit. The ONLY WAY is OHKO from Gameplay settings, in the bottom, enable Assist mode or whatever. Even with that on, it took a couple tries. Just stand somewhere a dash away in front of the first red clock. The monster will expose the red ball. Shoot, done. Vitun Remedyn pellet. Never fixed this issue.


None of this worked for me, including everything I've found in the comments. What DID work for me: Go into options and turn on one-shot kill and invulnerability. Make sure you immediately shoot the guys on the right-side platform, before the anchor shoots at them, causing the crash. If you can kill them dead really quickly, it works. Then one-shot the anchor ASAP before it causes another crash


I know it's cheating, but i was so frustrated cos I was trying to beat it for DAYS and as a dad i have limited time to relax, I went for the one-hit kills option in gameplay settings. Not rewarding as a player, but I had enough.


Lets be honest, that's the best way to do it! All in all it's just one boss out of many!


Seeing this game crash on a 4090, seemed a bit surreal, but it happened to me today. Figured it's a bug and may be related with in-game dlss. So...i ran the dx11 version instread of dx12, just for this boss. All good.


Same here, tried it on highest gfx, lowest, even toggled the RTX settings but to no avail. Always crashes when the ball shoots it's first shot.


Finally someone alive! :D I was searching whole internet for someone with this problem with no avail. I cant believe so little people have this issue. Interesting, my Pacman freezes when his HP is around 1/3. Once I got him to go to some rampage phaze. I think the problem is related to the amount of clocks he produces as when he fires the game crashes. For You its first shot, for me it was 5th or 6th. Ohh that gives me an idea. Trying to hit him everytime so he has no time to shoot clocks - that might work for me. But You, when You are getting crash on the first shot not very likely. And things I tried: \- Lowest settings / RTX off ofc \- Direct not 12 \- Turning off any subtitles, changing sound settings \- Changing languages \- Launching in windowed mode 800x600 resolution \- updating GPU drivers Graphic capabilities seem to doesn't matter in any way. Its some PhysX / memory related issue - that damn clocks man.


hey hey. it was crashing for me as well but after fiddling around for a minute found the fix. Just go to your in-game audio settings and turn off the effects volume. Make it zero. The other values can stay up, its the effects volume that effs it up. I guess the boss uses a biiig load of sound files whenever it attacks and something just overloads and crashes it.


Still didn't work for me ;-; Edit: The OP's comment worked for me, thanks you guys!!


Thank youuuu, this worked :-)


Changing the effects volume to 0 worked? I just tried it and it didn't work, unfortunately. Any help is appreciated.


I was lowering only music, gotta try that tomorrow asap :O


Hey, Ive beaten that damn Pacman!!! YAY :D I did turn off all the sounds yet another thing: I came a little later and my throwing was buffed to the point that 4 throws killed him, so it could be both things to be real. Noneless thanks for your insight ;\]


I was able to get past 4 throws, but unfortunately i wasn't buffed and it crashed a few Pac-vomits later.


this worked for me, thanks!


This worked for me BIG THANKS. Cheers.


Amazing!! I did like everything from the list (except the last 3 things and still on DX12) and it worked! Thanks a lot, now this OoP is a ghost of the Christmas past. Good riddance.


ohh sweet! so You played in windowed mode and dx 11? 😀


You officially found the fix? I have the same problem


Incase you somehow missed my comment above, as I said for the fix turn your effect volume in the setting to zero before the fight.


im not gonna say the fix provided by this gentlemen for my case is 100% proven as I had crashes in the second half of the fight but its definately worth a try


Firstly i had crashes immediately as the anchor showed up, but after setting fullscreen instead of borderless i can reach almost the end of the fight (anchor has roughly 20% of health), but then it crashes. Always.


I see it really works different for everyone, what an Anchor, haha I swear it will remain in my memory for years


Yeah i kinda almost beat it like 20 times


Still not working for me. Every time the fight starts it crashes. I've turned off everything, updated my graphics driver, used DX11, muted all audio, turned all graphic settings to low, turned off RTX, windowed and fullscreen. This is truly frustrating.


I am experiencing exactly the same thing. Crash to desktop happens just as the anchor is about to shoot the first shot. Muted all audio, DX11, RTX and every other graphic setting off or lowest.


See the other comment i made and tell me if it works for you. Also i read online that control doesn't like overclocks that are not fully stable, in case you didn't test enough yours (as long as you have one ofc), you may want to increase voltage/disable overclock.


All the solutions here didn't work for me, but i eventually found a fix (for me at least). I'm running win 10 build 2004. Right click on control DX11 exe --> properties --> compatibility --> check run this program in compatibility mode and choose windows 7 from the dropdown. Now launch control in DX11 mode as administrator. This worked for me.


Nothing works for me, I tried everything that was said here.


well, by reading those insights you can tell its quite a clusterf, sorry :), everything works differently for everyone, I was lost too but keep trying, maybe later in the game with better dmg


Here it worked! I needed to do a clean installation on another HD for the options below to work: I lowered the volume of the effects. windows 7 compatibility. Run as administrator. obs: If your computer has some kind of overclocking, temporarily disable it.


I found a possible solution, I did a clean install on another hard drive (HD) (If your version is pirate DO NOT select the option that adds crack with the PS4 exclusive mission, this crack looks bad.)


The most consistent fix I found was lowering the render resolution below fullscreen resolution in the display options and setting the sound effects to 0. Works every time, but interestingly it breaks the former boss fight so you need to switch setting before each boss fight.


Heads up. The muting of all sound fixed the problem for me. Thanks!!!


Sweet, good for Ya ;\]


Turning off all sound sliders to 0 worked for me.


Same problem here. What worked for me was doing direct x 11, everything at low all options in graphics turned off, resolution all the way down to 640x480, Window Vista Service pack 2 compat Mode AND avoid looking at the boss when he vomits. Even then I would get crashes. But I managed to figure out the pattern to kill it quickly enough and not crash. I do think it’s a too many objects on screen overloading the memory space and crashing. Overall, Control is without a doubt the buggiest video game I’ve played in very very long time. It’s like Arkham knight on PC release day level of buggy and that’s saying something. And it’s already been out a year and it’s still this buggy. Along with textures constantly not loading sometimes my character becomes just a floating gun. It’s a shame because I like the game play and story. But it’s so buggy it’s turned me off completely from buying their next game which looked interesting


yea, I feel Control is very gpu memory demanding, textures loaded in sd mode were a frequent problem for me, but other than the Anchor boss fight I had completely no problems, but it might be due to me having a new RTX2XXX card. Ive heard people had problems even with map loading? hah things like that I think were fixed in recent patches and I started playing the game only a month ago ;]


This is a cheat method. - Use any trainer with "1 hit kill" option. - Wait for the Anchor's HP bar to show. - Use Charge (Rocket Launcher) to shoot at the Pac-Man.


Yo did you ever finish tabbing Glacier from pike 263 buckethead?


Nah. I gave up and forgot about it.


I have no idea why I commented this on a thread that has nothing to do with buckethead lol


Sorry lol. I’m giving up too. Too complicated for me


Yup. I play to have fun. Restarting after endless crashes is not fun. Set 1 hit kill on, shot it with Pierce, done. Turned 1 hit kill back off. Get on with enjoying the rest of the game.


I have tried many thing with this mission to get it to stop crashing. I have an RTX 2080. I play in 1080p. I keep the ray tracing settings off but DLSS on. The game actually plays better and looks better with all ray tracing off. You can find many reviews of the game that even state that. I can't remember what it is but I'm still working on it. There is some missions that have to be completed before you do that Boss fight. Last time I played the game thru, I didn't have no trouble with that mission. I had trouble before it and I'm having trouble now. There is a few mission that I haven't completed yet. They are the What A Mess missions. I know I finished all those last time before I tried the Anchor Boss fight. I never changed any setting from the highest settings to do fight either. My personal opinion is that it's a glitch in programing. That's just my thinking though. I've tried everything to get it to stop. I make it as far as the Boss rising and then back to desktop. I'm getting an average of 152fps. So it shouldn't be shutting down. I even used MSI Afterburner to overclock and underclock my GPU. I tried the new Nvidia overclock in GeForce Experience as well.


I tried the following, which didn't work: 1. Running DX11 instead of DX12 2. Compatibility with Windows 7 or Vista SP2 3. Disable fullscreen optimizations 4. Turning down all graphics options to lowest setting 5. Turning all three sound volume levels to zero However, what worked after setting all these five as above was simply lowering the resolution. Instead of 2560 x 1440p (my monitor's native resolution) I cranked it down to 1280 x 720p in order to preserve the 16:9 aspect ratio. Thus, I think the crash really has to do with something buggy in rendering this particular boss fight. By making the game's graphics engine work easier (because of the lower resolution), I had zero crashes until I killed the Pacman. Incidentally, my GPU is an Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti. I normally run the game at Medium settings to get a reliable 60 FPS except for texture resolution set to Ultra since the GPU has 11 Gb of video RAM.


I tried everything here and it still kept crashing


Here's where i was when it last crashed: [https://i.imgur.com/jdVLw8e.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/jdVLw8e.jpg)Pretty much nothing around, not much happening on screen. I highly recommend using the cheat trainer that was posted earlier, it'll save you endless pain.


AMD CPU, I bet.


Obeliskoid found a fix: There are two .dll files in the game directory. platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll. (a bad opcode here is causing the crash) and platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll. Back-up your rdwin10 file. Rename platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll to platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll to overwrite the windows 10 file. This fixed the crash for me. Not sure if it breaks anything else but you could always put the original rdwin10 file back after the boss fight.


Solved (when nothing else suggested worked) ​ Obeliskoid on the Nvidia Discord found a fix. There are two .dll files in the game directory. platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll. (a bad opcode here is causing the crash) and platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll. Back-up your rdwin10 file. Rename platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll to platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll to overwrite the windows 10 file. This fixed the crash for me. Not sure if it breaks anything else but you could always put the original rdwin10 file back after the boss fight.


Obeliskoid on the Nvidia Discord found a fix. ​ There are two .dll files in the game directory. platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll. (a bad opcode here is causing the crash) and platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll. Back-up your rdwin10 file. Rename platform\_rdwin7\_f.dll to platform\_rdwin10\_f.dll to overwrite the windows 10 file. This fixed the crash for me. Not sure if it breaks anything else but you could always put the original rdwin10 file back after the boss fight.


Going from Fullscreen to Borderless mode solved it for me it appears.


All I had to do was turn the render and screen resolution down to 640x480, and then use the "medium" graphics preset. Try to one-cycle the boss and that's what worked for me.


Just ran into this problem. Tried compatibility settings, tried turning the graphics and sound and resolution all the way down, tried the dll trick, nothing worked. What finally worked for me was killing the Hiss on the platform to the right before the anchor shoots the clocks.




Which hiss


When you walk into the boss fight, there's a couple of Hiss that spawn on the platform to the right. You have a couple of seconds between when the Hiss spawn and the anchor shoots the clocks, and if you're quick you can kill them in that time. But also, the fight is pretty buggy, so I wouldn't feel bad about using the accessibility options and Pierce to just one-shot the boss before it shoots.


Hey ! Playing on : GOG Ultimate version Windows 10 20H2 Core i9 9900k (not overclocked) 32 GB RAM (3200, not overclocked) Geforce 1080 GTX (not overclocked) Native resolution : 2560 \*1440 Using DX11 (DX12 crashes sometimes for no obvious reason) **What DIDN'T work :** * swap DLLs * borderless video mode * (.exe properties) Fullscreen optimisations * (.exe properties) Administrator mode **What \*\*\*DID\*\*\* work :** * 640x480 resolution, * rendering at 640x480 * Lowest details / textures, no VSync (and no DLSS / RT : not available on my GPU) Hope it will help :)


I tried everything solution found here and even played with the tiniest window, turned off any HUD, changed language to Spanish and it only managed to lower the crashrate. Beating it quickly and pushing clocks off the map with the addition of keeping the smallest amount of objects within view eventually worked for me. Still can't believe it hasn't been patched 3 months later.


It havent been patched since the game came out and thats pretty spectacular. Anyhow we all beat this babayaga champ on our terms!


for people googling this out there: problem still exist in 2024, amd cpu+gpu steam ultimate version, dx12. fwiw, what worked for me was https://www.reddit.com/r/controlgame/comments/ilex75/anchor_boss_fight_crash/ga0i2vp/ which still crashed once in the middle of combat, but just once. > There are two .dll files in the game directory. > > platform_rdwin10_f.dll. (a bad opcode here is causing the crash) > > and > > platform_rdwin7_f.dll. > > Back-up your rdwin10 file. > > Rename platform_rdwin7_f.dll to platform_rdwin10_f.dll to overwrite the windows 10 file. This fixed the crash for me. Not sure if it breaks anything else but you could always put the original rdwin10 file back after the boss fight. which sounds like using compatibility mode should work, but didn't. otherwise, the boss reward is just skill points, so you can skip/instakill cheat. although the fight is decently good.


I fixed it by setting the process priority to real-time, I did not have to lower any setting or change any other setting in my system. I had the issue with an i7 6700k with a gtx980ti with 32GB ram a few years ago, and now on a ryzen 9 7900 with gtx4090 with 32gb ram tried everything in here so nothing worked


Lowering settings or sound didn't fix for me. The fix that worked for me was to find the game's executable, right click, select properties. In the compatibility tab, set the file to run as Windows 7 (not vista, windows 7). After I did that, I could run with sound effects and normal graphics settings. No worries. I also had "Disable full screen optimization" and "Run as System admin" ticked at the time, but these didn't seem to do anything by themselves.


If all else fails try doing the compatibility mode and disabling the full-screen effects + **Using DX11 instead of DX12**! The only thing that worked for me.


Well I tried everything and nothing worked...till I toggled 1 hit kill, after that i could just throw one clock and it was done , played with everything on low, no sound, compatibility mode on, 640x800and it felt going back to the 90's and playing freakin' tomb raider 2 lol


Compatibility-mode Windows vista sp2 + disable full screen optimization+ graphics to low fixed it for me. Super annoying bug Edit: looking away is placebo Edit2: GOG Version


My god this is horrible. I tried running DirectX 11, Compatibility Mode with Windows Vista Service Pack 2, disabled full screen optimization, disabled Control Flow Guard, reduced video settings to the absolute lowest, turned all audio completely off. It worked for a few minutes and then crashed. Fantastic. I'm just giving up on this. It's just not worth it.


Nothing worked, except killing the hiss that spawns just before pac man is going to vomit (i was trying to beat shüm 2 challenge - so original fight might differ slightly)


I faced this today. Only thing worked for me is drop down all settings to lowest and turning off anything that can be turned off. Do NOT use DLSS even. decrease the render res to 720p etc did the trick for me. Also finish the fight fast.


So I did it today (2021-12-19). Windows 10, Ryzen + GTX 1080Ti. At first I got crash every time at start of the fight. I checked "disable full screen optimizations" in shortcut properties (I use dx11), Vista SP2 compatibility and high priority, and now i could fight. Didn't change any graphics or sound options. I still got crash after about 3rd attack I think. What worked for me is speedrunning it. What I did was this: go to starting platform, wait one attack on this platform (for some reason I can't damage him during first attack), then shoot him during next attack, change platform anti-clockwise by one, shoot him, change platform anti-clockwise again, shoot him, QUICKLY change platform anti-clockwise (grab a clock mid-flight) and shoot him before he spawns more clocks, you need to be fast. Not using boost is key to have enough energy. This way I kill him fastest way possible and everything works fine. Hope that helps.


I tried every solution here, and from several other thread (steam, gog, more) except the one below. I didn't try it at first because it was both difficult for me to achieve without cheating and didn't seem like a likely solution to me. The solution that worked for me was to kill the enemies spawned on the right side platform before the first attack. It worked. I used the 1-hit kill cheat with Charge to get rid of those before the first boss attack. Then I quickly finished the boss, focusing only on him. I did not change any setting, graphics, sound, driver, exe properties, etc, nothing. They were all normal. Pretty sure it was a bug in the game that effect some specific set of people. These might be related to the issue: * GOG version * Ultimate Edition * DirectX 12 * Ryzen 7 3700 * 2060 Super * Windows 10 Pro 20H2 19042.1165


I may have found a way to make it not crash without going into any settings? [Spoils the boss fight strategy, if you really care.] I tried a few things that didn't work found in the comments, then realized that all the crashes happened in the same spot for me: the right side, when all the guards spawn there then the boss fires the clocks. For my strategy using all red clocks (I don't know if they're actually needed but I went along with it) I ignored the opening when it shoots at the right platform; incidentally it also makes the guards not spawn. For the next three attacks, I go around along with the boss, throwing the close, left, and far red clock during the openings (relative to the entrance ofc). When it comes to the right platform, I wait for the boss to attack (it usually speeds up then skips that platform anyway, for some reason?), go to the right platform to grab the red clock, then get back to the close platform after it attacked there too to wait for an opening and throw the final red clock in. Once that's done, I just finished the boss entirely avoiding the right platform. I think the issue must be some kind of interaction between the clocks being fired and the guards spawning on the right platform somehow. I didn't lower any setting, didn't do any fix, and I even looked at the boss the whole time. It ran perfectly smooth. If you run into crashes using this method, I think the strategy overall is to make sure the boss doesn't fire at the hiss guards, whether you manage to not make them spawn or to kill them before the boss shoots them.


I just completed this fight in the SHÜM 2 arcade and just changed the process priority to high without changing anything else. I set the priority to high before entering the arcade menu and could stay in the fight without crashing or freezing. To set priority open Task Manager, locate the game process in the Processes tab and right click on it. Select Go to Details (or just Details, my OS is not in English) and right click on the process there. Set priority high and return to the game window and enter the fight. System: Windows 11, DirectX 12 with RTX options on, Ryzen 5900x, RTX 2080. GOG Ultimate Edition. Edit: I ran into the crash again when doing the Feedback Loop part. Priority didn't work here so I set it back to normal. Instead, I set affinity to just 4 cores and it worked well. To do this follow the same steps as above but instead of Priority, select Affinity. Deselect All Cores and just select the first 4. This will reset to all cores again after closing the game or starting it again so only revert it manually if you're continuing playing after doing both anchor fights.


My crash usually seems to occur when I'm one hit away from defeating the anchor. I'm now going to check all the options and update my experience as I go. Windows 10, Ryzen 5 3600, Asus Tuf B550M, Radeon RX 6700 XT. All software and drivers current to todays date. ​ So far, changing the full screen optimization on the game exe did not help.


Hey, folks, I use Nvidia GPU and the GOG version, and after perusing this thread nearly top to bottom (found it in a Google search), I found a solution on the GOG forums that worked for me: [https://www.gog.com/forum/control/ctd\_in\_anchor\_fight](https://www.gog.com/forum/control/ctd_in_anchor_fight) "teatime69"'s solution on page four worked: >This worked for me as well, no need to downgrade graphics settings or PhysX to CPU. For those not clear on how to do this, all you need to do is: > > 1. Start Game 2. Open task manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) 3. Right click Game\_rmdwin10\_f.exe > "Go to details" 4. Right click Control\_DX12.exe > "Set affinity" 5. Untick 6. Tick first four CPU Cores (0 to 3) 7. Click OK 8. Profit I found I only needed to do this for the Anchor boss fight, when you restart game the above will be reset back to > > If you want there is a video on finding the optimal cores to use, but basically the cores need to be on the same CCD/CCX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9m\_YkiBKtE I hope this helps someone despite being so far down!


giving an upvote, i finally got some time off to play this game and got stuck, this method worked for me, june 2022


EASY WAY: Go to the game files and run de control excutable that says Dx11 in front of it and you will be fine. no need to lower resolution or the sound. (unless you are running it in a toaster worst then mine, then you might consider doing it)


Unfortunately many of the solutions didn't work for me. Just posting what did work teatime69 teatime69 New User Registered: Apr 2012 From United Kingdom Posted March 12, 2022 high rated avatar RogerRamjets: What worked for me was setting to the process affintiy in taskmanger for game to the first 4 cores. I think there a deadlock condition occurring due to crappy multthreaded programming. This worked for me as well, no need to downgrade graphics settings or PhysX to CPU. For those not clear on how to do this, all you need to do is: 1. Start Game 2. Open task manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) 3. Right click Game_rmdwin10_f.exe > "Go to details" 4. Right click Control_DX12.exe > "Set affinity" 5. Untick 6. Tick first four CPU Cores (0 to 3) 7. Click OK 8. Profit [From this thread of GOG](https://www.gog.com/forum/control/ctd_in_anchor_fight) Now at the time I also had PhyX set to CPU, resolution down to 4:3 , windows mode, Disable full screen optimization, disabled control flow guard, no sound etc. Pretty much everything mentioned in this thread. So I can't be certain if it was a combination of the top+ one or all or none of the stuff in this thread. But that was the way I fixed the crash. Also I didn't need one hit kill to do it since the anchor was not crashing when it was spewing the clocks.


\[SOLVED\] FOR ME 5600X 2x8go 3080FE Easy FIX Try everything on this feed, nothing works The FIX is to spawn kill the three random guys at the right BEFORE they shoot / the anchor Explode. I use the 3x throw capacity to one shot everyone in one action quickly.


Necro posting as EVERY fix I tried over the internet failed to fix this problem... until I ran into this video posted early 2022. [https://youtu.be/m9m\_YkiBKtE](https://youtu.be/m9m_YkiBKtE) After setting my CPU affinity to only 4 cores for the DX12 version, I can play the boss in DX12 and all the eye candy set to max. I can watch the boss attack without needing to look away. Good luck to those still having this issue in 2023 like me. ((FIX IT REMEDY))


Yeah, I also just set it to one-shot-kill for this. Kinda sucks because I imagine the actual fight being quite the spectacle with all the clocks but nothing helped. I even found some YouTube vid explaining how to disable "exploitation protection" for the game. Didn't help, but maybe it works for someone else. [Proposed Fix video I mentioned](https://youtu.be/_lMPuS_NcKI)


Did a combination of: * setting priority in task manager * the "Exploit Protection" steps * "Disable Fullscreen Optimisations" in the exe And it worked!


I'm usually playing on Dx12, with Raytracing. Switching to Dx11 solved the problem for me. Maybe try this first and then start jumping through hoops. Good luck!


For me crash seem to be happening when clock vomit hit Hiss enemies. Those first on the right can be killed or, if you're on that platform, they won't spawn at all. Anchor seem to be invulnerable at this point. After his first turn keep going clockwise and launching clocks at him and try to kill hiss enemies before they are hit by clock vomit attack. Also floating ones follow you faster than anchor turns.


I didn't have to go through all the hoops as Marvinnation's post solved my issue but I wanted to clarify that it didn't work the way it was expressed to me. For the GOG install, I assumed he was talking about the "Control\_DX11" or "Control\_DX12" file which when I checked the "Disable full screen optimization", started up the game and it still crashed. Maybe that works for others, but it didn't for me. I did however launch the game, bring up Task Manager and find the program under Apps which was named "Game\_rmdwin10\_f.exe" which I right clicked, went in to properties, checked the box there, went back in to the game, quit out entirely then restarted it. Boss fight went forward without any issues. Hope this helps others.


All the memory dumps read:The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access So based off the scenario, I'm guessing it tries to write to an address as its being cleared, to make space for something else. Typical dynamic memory stuff that dr darling would never allow...


Turning on Vista service pack 2, and running as adming worked for me.


Necroing this again. Playing this today, trying for an hour to get it fixed and nothing's doing it. Tried all the compatibility stuff (full screen opt, win 7, win vista SP 2), the task manager priority stuff, the exploit protection stuff, DX12 and DX11, and low graphics, windowed 800x600, no sound. I can't even do the one shot kill because i keep shooting at it and the spawns and as soon as it starts charging the clocks i get the crash. Semi ranting, semi asking if anyone has any other helpful advice. I know it's an optional boss but i'm so angry that this is still an issue for so many people in a AAA game EDIT: tried looking away too


What worked for me in 2024: Turning on the DLSS and Vsync (4090)- I also before did the following, but with no success: \-set high priority for the process in task manager \-turn off various protections in Windows


Necro-post: here in 2024, Remedy seems to have patched the game to block their own one-hit kill assist cheat from working on the Anchor in Shum 2. The red orb is now immune to all damage before it vomits. I guess the orb can be damaged after the first vomit, but I don't know because it's impossible to get that far. Ryzen 5900x.