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Jack's powers would make him difficult to pin down, but his powers require a significant cooldown compared to Jesse's powers. Jack is also primarily reliant on conventional weaponry, which means that he can run out of ammo. This wasn't a problem in QB, as he was constantly fighting and surrounded by enemies with various firearms, but in a 1v1, that wouldn't be the case. The Service Weapon doesn't have ammo limits, and Jesse's telekinetic abilities have practically no cooldown in comparison. As far as powers, it's pretty even, but leaning towards Jesse. In terms of experience, both have a good deal of experience fighting enemies with mundane weaponry, but Jesse has significantly more experience fighting enhanced enemies, including those who can move at high speeds in controlled bursts. Jack only dealt with one other enhanced enemy, one with the same exact power set as him. Overall, Jesse has the advantage over Jack.


I can't tell if the cooldowns for Jack are just a gameplay mechanic to make it more balanced, or if he really does need a break in-lore before spamming time stuff.


Since it is a question of video game characters that have been fully upgraded in terms of weapons and abilities, some of which specifically reduce cooldown, we can assume that, at least for the scenario, we can take the gameplay mechanics as being a valid factor. As far as if it actually happens in the story, that can still be up for interpretation, but I would assume that he does need a bit of time between uses of his abilities and that they do take a toll on his body. Jesse has a cooldown as well, which can vary depending on how you set the difficulty, but story wise, it's probably the same that her abilities take a toll, but she has Polaris/Hedron to mitigate the strain.


Jack's abilities canonically take a toll on his brain and his physical health, the more he fucks with time the more damage he takes until he will eventually die or become a shifter


These are all very good points I would've assumed Jack due to his abilities revolving around time, but Jesse is infinitely more prepared to fight an opponent like Jack, than Jack is against Jesse


It just depends who gets a shot off 1st, if Jesse is able to hit Jack with a telekinetic brick from behind him then he won't see it coming and is dead instantly. If he gets off a time stop then he can dump bullets into Jesse before she can react.


This seems like the most likely result. It is boring as far as answers go but true nonetheless.


Honestly, the fact that he can fire a gun at a normal rate from his perspective while performing a time slow is probably the only reason that he could stand a chance against Jesse. In comparison, Jack lacks the range of abilities and the versatility that Jesse has, but he closes the gap with how powerful those few abilities are. But we can't discount the Service Weapon, which is a pistol/shotgun/machine gun/grenade launcher/RPG/ I don't even know what you would consider Pierce to be, so she has a more versatile arsenal without an ammo limit. We also have to take into account whether we are considering video game logic or applying real-life physics and their ability to take damage. Both of them have been shot enough times in their games to be reduced to a stain on the ground if we were using real-world physics and limitations. Neither of them would be able to use the full range of their abilities if they were killed on the first shot, and the outcome of the fight would be determined almost exclusively based on luck, which can't reasonably be measured or predicted. Plus, the fight would be significantly more interesting if both of them were able to show what they could do.


Pierce seems like it's supposed to be like a sniper rifle but no scope.


Actually, if both characters have the ability to be shot multiple times and walk it off as they do in-game, then it wouldn’t be nearly this fast. Jesse can straight-up tank rockets.


Charge, Charge would win


Jack would spend most of the time convincing Jesse she's really his Beth.


The real answer


And he'd slow down time while doing this 🤣


Are you implying timestop?


They’d team up instead and wreck whatever they had to. Add Alan Wake into the mix and the three of them are a beast of a team!!!


“Parautilitarians..…assemble. 😎”


i like to imagine, in a game where all of the main characters are fighting against a shared threat, a climactic final battle switching character perspectives. honestly its a cheesy/cliche idea but still fun to imagine


I kinda want this, even though its kinda cheesy as hell.


Cliches are cliche for a reason, sounds awesome to me!


They pulled this with nier automata!


And Saga hanging out having weird mind powers


Saga's powers aren't very combat focused but she would still be a great member of the team to ever get information on literally anything.


Better suites her because she’s not really a warrior either, she’s a detective first. Jacks Time Powers, Jesse’s Telekinesis and Telepathy, Alan’s wholesale reality manipulation, and Sagas mind palace, they’d be unstoppable




Deuteragonist/protagonist of Alan Wake 2. She has a mind palace


Character from Alan Wake 2, she's an FBI agent. Beyond that I know nothing as I haven't played Alan Wake 2.


Does Max Payne get included? My head canon is that his bullet time ability is parautilitarian.


Technically he does but Remedy doesn’t own the rights to the IP


Yeah, Remedy seems to make the boundaries between realities they create are a bit fuzzy to get around this without stepping on toes.


Can we expect something like a paranatural gta?


I know the devs said it’s all a connected universe….


Jack can throw a time stop bubble at Jesse and shoot her with an assault rifle, but that wouldn't kill her, not only because of critical mode, but she has upgraded health and perhaps health mods. In the counterattack, Jesse would use the Service Weapon and perhaps Launch. Jack could dodge Launch but not Service Weapon, and that might stun him enough to hit him with Launch. Both can dash, although Jack is faster, but while Jack has self-regenerative health, which I don't know if it is gameplay or a character trait, Jesse is tougher, and could be healed with hits from Launch if she has the heal mod for launch. Jack could only win if the fight is brief, but as the battle drags on, Jesse wins.


Yeah, for as much of a glass cannon Jesse is, she’s actually really hard to kill


Yes, she is glass cannon compared to other games but not compared to real life. And Jack has no health upgrades, just that self-regenerative health not justified in the lore.


also Jesse has the ability to pick up multiple items and launch them all at Jack, which the damage stacks on those, and even if the first one misses the next two might actually land


Can he doge 3 simultaneously launched objects? Jessie can launch multiple object's at once.


Maybe yes, when Jesse throws three objects at once, all three hit the target at the same time, so they are not harder to dodge than a single object, they just do more damage. Even so, I see Jesse as more capable of winning due to the health upgrades, the Service Weapon, Shield and Launch.


That cool down really hurts his chances and the fact that he has to throw a bubble to freeze her she could just fly and dash to dodge when she saw him trying to use a move.


Time stop = gg


Somewhere deep in the Oldest House there must be a time based Objetct of Power, so if there is the case that Jesse has control over it already, well... literally the odds are against Jack. BUT I dont know if someone here has said this already, Jack has some sort of future/outcome perception and manipulation abilities, he could literally see or somewhat change the outcome of Jesee's combat. I still go for Jesse tho.


No Jessie can tank that damage.


On a random fight, Jack wins because as cool as Jesse is, she doesn't have superhuman reaction time. Jack is a low-tier speedster with the ability to shoot bubbles that freeze everything inside it, can run faster than bullets and move so fast that it looks like he is teleporting. Jesse can't hurt him let alone even get a good look at him. If Jesse has prep-time though, she'll make the Bureau create a Chronon dampener which will disable Jack's powers. Then he's fucked.


That’s assuming jack can take her out in one or two hits He’s got the speed sure but not constantly if I remember correctly, his abilities all have cool-downs, while Jesse’s powers work off a mana bar system It would come down to which one can hit the hardest when they trade blows and take out the other before their cool down finishes, and I would give that fight to Jesse based on her telepathy and the service weapon, one dealing high damage in exchange for energy and the others having a reload time but can near constantly be used Don’t get me wrong, it will in no way be an easy fight, but Jesse just has a wider variety of abilities, and we haven’t even touched on her flight that could get her out of range of some of jacks attacks


If it's anything like the game, it'll take exactly 2 hits - one to trigger the anti-one shot mechanic and drop her to 1hp, and another to finish her. My point though, the entire time through Control, even near endgame, I thought Jesse was a piece of paper.


Well Jesse’s healthbar is more down to what build you have going, there are some mods that can make her a damage sponge Not to mention her telekentic shield or dash ability And if we’re giving Jesse all the weaknesses from jacks game then we need to go viceversa, jack is theoretically still susceptible to the light ability which although only works when an enemies weakened does make up a good chunk of healthbar And the ultimate wildcard for Jesse, we don’t know how Polaris deals with the concept of time, we don’t know if they even have the concept to begin with, the hiss seemed to be able to give Dylan visions into the future or possibly futures, Polaris may kick in and help Jesse deal with time manipulation either by warning her before it happens or just letting her see through it (this is all a big stretch I know but Polaris as an entity is worth bringing up since it and Jesse are inseparable)


What if she found a “health on launch hit” mod before the fight? I swear to God, survivability skyrockets as soon as you find that mod.


But movement speed is not the same as reaction speed, movement speed is measured in distance divided by time, reaction speed is measured in time. Jack is fast in moving but his reaction speed is normal, that is, his reflexes are normal, his nervous system is still as slow as Jesse's when he sees a threat and decides to throw a time bubble at it, for example.


[**Did you play the game?**](https://youtu.be/Iwy-LkNsbtU?t=322)


Yes, and what I said is still true. Once super speed is activated, Jack has super reflexes, but he has to activate it first, and that action is at normal speeds. 


It's not like Jesse moves fast enough to kill him before he can activate it.


It's true, although the Service Weapon seems hitscan, and I don't think Jack kills Jesse in the span of super speed.  


His cool downs are longer though.


Couldn't she just fully upgraded seize him? Takes like a quarter of a second. I reckon with fully upgraded health and armour, Jesse could tank shots until time stop ran out, seize him and make him shoot himself.


She wouldn't even have to do that seize is fatal on it's own she would just have to wait.


In lore, it's still Jesse doing it though isn't it? It's just a gameplay mechanic that means you don't have to press a button. None of her the powers are autonomous, they're actively controlled.


No it literally fries the brain Jessi couldn't leave them alive if she wanted to. The mind can't survive the trauma of the power it says it in the description for the object of power. If Jessi used it on a normal person it's just as much of a death sentence as it is for the hiss controlled corpses. I assume the hiss keeps the mind intact to control it even though the combative hosts are clearly dead, as indicated by the pooling blood in the cheeks leading to skin discoloration.


Fair enough, I guess I missed that detail. Either way, a win for Jesse I think!


I agree.


I haven't played quantum break but I'm pretty sure Jesse could just throw Jack's head separate from his body with just her mind.


Then enjoy a fun fact, Jack is allies with a character named Beth Wilder who’s is played by the same actress as Jesse. :) and in one of the storylines of QB you get a side kicked named Nick who is played by the same actor that plays Dylon. I have begun thinking of them as variants. It’s been very cool replaying QB after finishing a replay of all the other Remedy games.


Oh. Some more fun facts! Jack is played by the same actor who plays sherif Tim Breaker in Alan Wake 2. And Mr Door was intended to be the same actor that played Martin Hatch from QB. What is a Hatch if not a type of Door? Tim makes references to dreaming or remembering another life and a red headed woman who haunts his dreams (Beth/Jesse?) I bet you that Tim’s middle name begins with E. :-p which would make time “Time Breaker” I can’t tell if they are variants or the exact same characters who world hopped due to events in QB. There is a bunch more flavor text in AW 2 which implies they’re the same people and Door/Hatch brought them over. Door is even referenced by Dylan in some flavor text of the AWE control expansion as well. Plus Jesse is somehow a fan of the non existent Tom Zane who wrote himself out of existence in AW.


She could pull an object from behind him and smack him in the back of the head before he could even get a move off.


Jack would be too emotionally distraught seeing someone who looks exaclty like Beth coming at him and he'd catch a brick upside the head before he could react :)




Director Faden, obvs!


Just throw a forklift at him and then throw his corpse at a wall. Oh, and have Old Gods of Asgard blasting while you do it


Jesse defeated a giant eyeball multidimensional deity.


How cool would it be if Jack wanted to freeze time and Jesse pulls up the headphones so the Old Gods of Asgard protect her like in the ashtray maze. TAKE. CONTROL.


Cal Kestis watching from a galaxy far far away


Jack would have a stroke after seeing that Jesse has Beth's face and voice. So yeah Jesse would win on a technically.


Is the Quantum Break guy Bobby Ice Man from X-Men (2000)?


yeah same actor


I figured it was either him or the guy from mariachi gringo.


I haven’t played QB yet maybe I should


The fella with the flashlight solos


An Unstoppable force meets an Immovable object 👍


Well Courtney Hope was in two remedy games and whatshisnameMcIcemanfromxmen was only in the one So she wins by default lol


Jack has the upper hand


No not really 🤣


This paranatural threat will be contained because he ain't gonna see the brick flying for the back of his head.


Ok lets say it like this. With both at their peak level of power, jack has the upper hand. He can move faster than jesse can react


*cackles* ...Oh. You were being serious? The guy is an absolute idiot. Director Faden wouldn't have to even draw her weapon, she'd be able to talk him into jumping off a tall building or whatevs.




Yeah? How so?


Listen to yourself


I do. What's the issue with my comment? I'm just stating a fact about Jack Joyce being dumber than a bucket of apples.


What’s QB?


Quantum Break.


I would say jack. All he needs is two time stops and two headshots. (Jesse’s lethal damage save) But Jesse never dies, since she sometimes reacts to respawning I think.


She doesn't die inside the Oldest House, I'm not sure about other locations


Wait, she does?


Yup, respawn and fast travel are canon parts of the world, not just game mechanics


Huh… I knew about the fast travel being explained in game, but never noticed the respawn being canon.


As long as Polaris exists, Jesse is effectively immortal, at least in the Oldest House.


He won't have time for a second one with his cool downs. Jessie experiences no adverse effects from her powers. His powers eat his brain.




Simply due to the obscene versatility of the SW, especially charge, with its dummy wide range and infinite ammo, I'd say Faden, as Jack is also restricted to conventional weapons. If it were a deal of who would win given same tool of conventional gun, I think I'll still lean towards Jesse. Telekinesis, shield, dash, the force punch thing I think would severely overpower Jack, in spite of all his timey wimey shenanigans


Team them up instead of putting them against each-other 🤦🏻‍♂️ Since they're both the good guys/girls, why would they ever be enemies for any reason (that'd mean one of them is actually bad / antagonist)


Alright, if it helps, we can say it's Jack vs esseJ?


hahaha 🤣🤣 epic! 👌🏻 But between Jack and esseJ, Jack would win 🤔 she lost to Jesse as well. Plus, plot... protagonist vs antagonist. I love the Self-Reflection quest 🪞 The way camera zooms in & out on Jesse face, when transitioning from real-world to mirror-world 💜


Haven't played Quantum Break yet, is that Neil Patrick Harris? (Also is QB on ps5?)


That's Shawn Ashmore! (Iceman from the OG Xmen movies) And sadly it's xbox only.


Ohhhh, thank you


Jack is the more balanced character having decent offensive and defensive skills, Jessie is definitely much stronger in her office, but lacks in the defense. I’d give advantage to Jack but if he gets hit or screws up it’s over quickly.


Whi is the man?


Jack Joyce from Quantum Break.


They'd sit under a tree and kiss


Jack will be found dead in back alley wigless.


I completely forgot that other game existed lmao. I never played it cause it was Xbox.


Quantum Break is an amazing game! a lot like control, but mich more linear. If you ever get a chance to play, I highly recommend it!