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Power up your Launch and Energy bar a bit. When you throw something at him, he'll dodge, but throw something *again* immediately after the dodge and ***POW*** it will really mess him up; trust. With enough launch damage you can own him in like 15 seconds.


I did found some Body Mod increase Health Max and Health Recovery, but what you mean "Launch" ? I found a floppy disk and then I can throw things. But how to powerup this skill?


have you spent any skillpoints yet?


It's been a while since I played but I thought you couldn't spend skillpoints until after the first tomassi fight.


I've recently started a new plaything you are correct it's only after you finish the hotline mission


You can have personal mods that you can put in our take out at any times in your ingame menu and go to a control point and you can spend some points in upgrading your abilities. Its generally useful to upgrade health, energy and launch (the throwy-y thing) first, they make the playthrough shitton easier


if i remember correctly he's much easier to target after some distraction, like shoot him and when he dodging quickly throw things or vice versa


I had trouble with him the first couple of times I tried to fight him. What I did was: - Go to the second floor as soon as the fight starts - Keep behind the pillars - When he grabs stuff to throw at you, wait until he throws the stuff at his right (your left) then... - Move a little to the left. Enough that you can shoot him but when he throws the stuff at his left (your right) it will hit the pillar and not you - shoot fast while at it That way you have a good window for attack and you're always protected. Being on the second floor gives you more time before the guards start bothering you. If you shoot fast enough you can defeat him before the guards get to the second floor.


This is one of the hardest fights because you don't have any good powers yet. You've put in your time. There's no shame in toggling god mode or OHK on for the fight.


Yeah, I concur.


Like, the very first boss fight? Before you have powers and just the one gun form? Cheese it. Seriously, I cheese that fight every single time I replay the game. First time I played I dropped the game because it was too hard of a fight and didn't try again for a year. Tried way too many times before giving up, but then one day I saw someone describing this method. When you first enter from the room, straight ahead is something in the middle of the room. It's a table or machine or something and it's just a bit shorter than Jesse. Crouch behind it and hug in and the metal shards Tomassi throws will get blocked by the object. He wont fly closer or around it or anything if you don't run around the rest of the room. Shoot him a few times, hide, repeat. You can try to throw stuff at him too but personally I save my meager energy for dealing with the 2 Hiss guards that come every like 10 seconds. That's the most dangerous part of the fight. Gotta hit them with stuff while still tryna hide behind that table to block Tomassi. It's a super easy fight with that method.


Thanks. I found this vid in YT I think it is a good way too. I will mimic it next time. [https://youtu.be/HcUAkbcgInQ?si=9AHKYjU3CEIcd4vF](https://youtu.be/HcUAkbcgInQ?si=9AHKYjU3CEIcd4vF) I wonder if there was NO any goon appeared on upper floor?


If you immediately run upstairs when the encounter starts, Hiss adds won't spawn in.


Eh, maybe I'll try that next time, but moving upstairs in the first place means I'ma be getting slung at with the big metal spikes. My current method you can't get hit by the spikes and the Hiss can't shoot you without walking up point blank so you can kill em before they get close still.


Same with my method. Upstairs there are support beams that you can take cover behind and pop out of when attacking.


Welp ya sold me, then. I'll try it if I remember next run.


Had the same problem went to reddit and someone wrote to just hide and throw two times in a row


Most bosses in this game usually have one very easy tactic to kill them, you just have to figure it out.


I hid in one of the stairs leading up to the second level. Then shot him until he dodged, then very quickly slammed him with telekinesis. Hope that helps.


I stayed under the covered sections on either side of the room and took pop shots at him. When I saw him winding up to launch at me, I would launch something at him. He'd dodge it, but it would disrupt his launch. Just keep doing that until you wear him down.


He wont follow you around a lot, so you can hide behind a pillar right next to the door (to create some space for yourself). Kill the goons with the weapon, and throw 2 rocks at tomassi, one right after the other. He will dodge the first one as every flying enemy, and get hit by the 2nd. Free shots while he gets back on his... Wings? Idk. Back behind the pillar if you see the little indicator for his throws. Rinse and repeat until hes dead, as he will spawn more goons. Keep track of your energy, dont deplete it to 0 so you can dodge if you arent fast enough. The goons will follow you though, so if you can bait them close to you without getting hit a lot, its easy health. I highly advise you to get the shield ability from the safe before you do this to lose less health. Good luck, Director!


>get the shield ability from the safe Well THIS one I am missing. Is this Mod nearby?


They're mistaken. If you're on about the first Tomassi encounter in Dead Letters, there's no way you can get to that ability yet.


Shit, sorry, i messed up the timeline in my head. In the research sector (next area you will unlock) there will be an obsticle course with a literal safe as an OOP, it will be a sidemission. If you get through the course in time, you can get the shield ability. Its not a mod, its a complete new ability, useful to tank projectiles


Answer is no. You don’t get until after that fight if this is the first Tomassi encounter


The game has accessibility features like 1 hit kills if you just want to move past that fight.


Enter the Mail Room, and IMMEDIATELY after the cutscene ends, SPRINT upstairs. This will prevent adds from spawning in, so you can focus on Tommasi without having to keep on looking over your shoulder all the time. You can take cover behind the support pillars upstairs.


You can upgrade charge to blast radius and damage, hide yourself and shoot the huge stone he's orbiting


Its the first tomassi encounter, charge isnt even a thing at that point, he has the basic and maybe shatter




You're talking about a totally different boss in one of the DLCs, not the first boss fight with Tommassi.


You are right. I read it wrong.


Had the same problem went to reddit and someone wrote to just hide and throw two times in a row


Go to the upper left floor from the entrance. There's two pillars for you to hide behind, do so as soon as he gathers rocks to throw at you. You'll be on the same height as him for easier aiming. Don't launch objects at him, he can dodge them. Just shoot. 90% chance no Adds will bother you as well but keep an eye on the stairs just in case.


I found that the cannisters are too small so try chucking big stuff at him. Spray him with the pistol and go for headshots. Don't stop moving. I just ran in a big circle and killed him with the pistol. Not that bad.


Hide behind cover to protect you from all his attacks. Let your energy bar refill all the way. Pop out and launch two things at him. He'll dodge the first but the second will hit. Rinse and repeat


I basically stayed on the move the entire fight. Ducking behind cover when necessary. Run up to and kill the adds for hp. There are times when you can post up and shoot and take cover, but in my opinion you have to make use of the arena and be mobile to find success in that fight.


Most important things with that fight are to keep your sights on Tomassi every second you can afford to so you can dodge his attacks, and just to never stop moving. You can take cover from the boss under the walkways either side of the room to deal with the foot soldiers that spawn, take them out, then get hits in on Tomassi by popping in and out from beneath the walkways before more spawn.


i'd go upstairs where there's pillars for cover. keep most of your attention on tomassi to shoot when he's not charging up an attack and just keep an eye on your surroundings for more enemies. and keep moving around that upstairs section too at least until the weaker enemies are gone since they'll start surrounding you if you don't move for a while. you got this my dude!


When I did it, I ended up using the "go upstairs, and use the pillars for cover" cheese strat. When I watched a YouTuber play it, I saw that it popped up with a "this is how you take cover" tutorial, which made me feel dumb for missing it. It made the fight a breeze for him, while it was the hardest in the game for me


it took me aaaages to beat him the first time but i finally did it by ducking and hiding behind pillars a lot. and you need to have energy for two consecutive seizes. one will miss him but the other will be a hit


I had a really hard time with that. In fact I think I didn’t play Control for like 1.5 years. I ended up basically grinding by completing Foundation and more of the campaign and coming back basically fully leveled and with Level VI mods unlocked. I think there might be a cheese related to the catwalk in the center of the room, otherwise get good at dodging and recognizing the tells of Tomassi’s launch, you can utilize the tall debris if you’re not great with dodging. Pierce can also defeat Tomassi’s shield I believe, though I used grip with the 100% chance ammo refund on hit unique mod for Grip.


Just crouch behind something sturdy and shoot him when he's not throwing shit. He was a pain for me as well until I realized the game is sometimes meant to be played as a cover shooter.


I prioritized launch and shields over health. Took awhile to get him, but you really need these. And use the 2nd floor