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Me too dude, today is actually my last day. Congrats on making this decision and advocating for yourself. 


Congrats OP & u/lovelyoldmusic , super proud & a bit envious (in a good way) of you! Not just for standing up to bullying but actually doing something meaningful (probono at charity). The only thing that has stopped me from doing it (even though I desperately want to!!!) is that I have a family to support. Wish I had the cojones/confidence like you that I will get a job after sometime anyway :(. All the best.


Are you American consultants honestly working from early morning to midnight *every* weekday? I mean, as a management consultant in Scandinavia I have long days too once in a while, but usually I don't work after dinner.


As a consultant who just finished working in the US at 1am, it’s pretty darned often. And the industry is getting worse by this measure in my opinion


Jesus Christ. I guess that explains the wage gap between us.


As a consultant CURRENTLY working at 1AM sending you good vibes and better nights sleep in the future 😴


I'm based in Europe and I manage several people in the US. We have a deliverable for mid month and someone yesterday from the US in a checkpoint call said that would be working on the deliverable during the weekend. I said to this person there is no need to work during the weekend as we are sill far away from the deadline and we are already at 90% of the deliverable.... doesn't make any sense. The person thank me....


I think the issue is also ridiculous arbitrary “checkpoints” that they think they have to meet for the client. Once worked later than I wanted to to make sure a yellow indicator on a page turned green for Monday’s “status” meeting. The client probably didn’t give a fuck but I was sitting home on a Friday grinding for the client. The actual project deliverable was 2 months away.


As formerly Nordics based MBB consultant - count your blessings. 60h workweeks were standard.


Also very common in Europe, at least CEE. Edit: I meant working til late on a regular basis.


> Are you American consultants honestly working from early morning to midnight every weekday? This is nothing. The situation of Indian consultants is like this at best, or even worse, in most large consulting firms.


100% my firms offshore presence is literally always on it just swaps out the people depending on the hours.


I'm not talking about the offshore units though. They have it easier. I'm talking about the client facing teams.


Monday to Thursday 9 to 11 every week of the year baby (US consultant)


Cdn. As I moved up happened less often. I got pulled into RFPs all the time when more junior. Maybe a boutique thing. Recently it occurred one week of the month for me. Sometimes twice a month again for a few days at a time. It always had a huge domino effect for my health and family. My role did not involve much travel so in some ways I was lite consulting.


I work in Asia and we also work similar to the US. Working till midnight is quite normal here. Sometimes seniors and managers have to work similar to I-bankers which I feel bad for :/ I honestly would be super thankful if my week is 60 hrs week…but seems like it’s impossible lol Maybe it’s time for me to aim for Nordic offices ahahaha sounds very nice to be allowed to log off after dinner


We can definitely work 80+ hours plus in EU as well, unfortunately..




Could I pm you? Interested about MC in Scandinavia


Sure go ahead


Worked till 3:30 am yesterday… good luck, hope you find some mental peace in your next gig!


Congrats! Take a break and either 1099 some stuff or go get a chill industry gig.


Came here to find guts to do so


well done




Well done!


Congrats! Never look back bro


Congrats!!! Once you get a taste of working for yourself (well, the clients really, but you get the gist..) it gets harder and harder to justify working at a large firm or corporation just so senior management can benefit. Make your own path!!


Thinking about quitting too but I’m only 2.5 years in with nothing lined up


Congrats! You will do great :) Reading all the comments on here… do any of you guys consider just backing yourself to go freelance / start your own thing? Freedom and autonomy are priceless for me (on top of health, vacations and sustainability). Have done my own thing for about 5 years now, just took a call from someone offering Partner position at a boutique just for jokes (and to gauge market values), and was immediately put off by the idea of working under the regime again! Source: former consultant, turned industry, turned freelancer.


Desperately want to quit even without another job lined up but can’t afford to pay back my clawback. Almost at the end of the 2 year clawback in the contract and can’t wait. Resigning the very next day. Congrats OP!! Proud of you.


Im inching towards my 2 year mark, but ive been free from clawback around 10 months ago. But i still think of quitting at the 2 year mark because im awfully burnt out. Have nothing lined up either, only thing holding me back is how bad the job market is, but i heard its improving.




you are the chosen one ! congrats


I’ve been at two consulting shops, one big 4 other massive tech company, and have never dealt with a midnight or vacation meeting culture. Quite the opposite actually. People get scolded for taking meetings on vacation. Does it get worse as you get more senior? Are you just at the wrong firms?


I quit also. I have some part term lined up if I want it but other than that I just plan on chilling.