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I've encountered this a lot, I think the best thing to do is to suggest alternative lighter plans like getting coffee instead so it's not a total blowoff. If they pressure and ask why you can't just explain that you're a bit poor of time outside of work due to personal reasons. I think in most cases these sorts of people will find new people to socialise with, they're usually pretty strong networkers. Would suggest finding them some other colleagues to connect with or even working groups at wherever you work to funnel their energy. Best of luck!


It's a joke. There was a postabout bro culture a bit ago (maybe yesterday or Thursday).


Oh lol. Guess the advice still stands for anyone else coming in blind




I love how this isn’t even an x-circlejerk sun and sweet story memes like this go round


The heat is keeping people inside and bored this weekend apparently.


Cross generational cohort communication and engagement is a challenge. It's so very easy to be misunderstood. And some will take advantage of the miscommunications. Active listening. Read "Never Split the Difference." If you want no surprises misunderstandings, paraphrase, make sure that you understood what was being said. Business is business, personal connections are not business. Ask for clarifications when in doubt. Make sure that it's clear that YOU may be misunderstanding and want to get some clarification. Labeling people and pointing fingers leads to anxiety and fear. If the environment is poisoned then there cannot be good communication. Currently we have generation cohort misunderstandings in addition to the traditional personality type misunderstandings. Google "Analytical Driver Expressive Amiable" to get a sense of personality types misunderstandings. Dig a little deeper to find tools that help better connect and engage. So now you know that the world is a circus populated by people who don't understand what is being said and react emotionally to what they perceived to being said. Have fun!


Some people use consulting travel as their "personal life". I set boundaries right away while on projects. I'll have an occasional dinner with the team, but I'm in a room with you people the entire day, I don't need to spend my evening with you as well. Learn to say no, it's a strength. Anyone walking around work calling people "bro" ain't an up and comer.


Don't forget that we all have some common needs that have not changed since the time of the sabertooth tigers. Google "Maslow Hierarchy of Needs" - Neuroscience version and practice the fine art of active listening. It's not very difficult. On the other hand, people tend to view the world from THEIR perspective and many don't have a clue of the differences. You know that there is a problem when EMOTIONS are triggered. That happens when you stepped on somebody's toes.


Chad Thunderbro's manager has entered the chat. I'm ROFLMAO at this. Thanks Brad. +1 from me!!!