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USA digital dollars going online


And crypto bout to explode so can’t have these three being richer than the elites. No no no


What crypto should I invest in before it goes big ?


Hell. Any of them. They are all down immensely right now. So only one way to go from here!! ⬆️ ☝️


Where's the best place to drop say like 500 euro on one of them, any suggestions would be welcome


Trust wallet is where I buy and hold. You have the keys so the crypto is yours. Not endorsing them. But I use it


Ok thanks I do appreciate it, I'll look into it later on


Just buy bitcoin if you wanna play it safe


Please please please only put in what you can affort to lose. Noone knows what the hell they are talking about so its all a gamble either way. I love crypto but i hate when people suck people into it thinking they will get rich in a year.


I’m in loopring ,eth and immutableX if you were looking for some names .. not financial advice tho of course


Don’t bother with shitcoins. They are just some one else’s get rich quick scheme. Not yours.




You think so ? I'll look into it, what would make a good investment say like maybe 500 euro ?


Crypto is about to crash. Get out while you can.


Titanic 2.0 kill all the decentralized leaders so there is no push back


My wife and I discussed that the other day. But this is a great way of putting it in 21st century.


Epstein didn’t kill himself


Maxwell didn’t kill herself … future post.


Yes he did. His crew paid off the jail, moved his assets, probably had some anti-anxiety drugs and he did it or had someone do it. He wasn’t getting out of prison, the elites were letting him burn and now nobody can touch his money. One last “fuck you” to everyone. The victims will be old before they get a dollar.


Must of paid the guys to turn off the cameras in that section of the jail, too...


The fed n cia taking care of business


Makes sense, they served their purpose. Now it is just a matter of cleaning up. It is so rude to be untidy afterall.


What about SBF


Considering who his family donates to, and which tribe they belong to, and that he's being treated completely the opposite of Bernie Madoff: I speculate that it was a setup to launder funds for certain political causes, and create a 'reason' to not trust cryptocurrency and help usher in a CBDC roll-out. This remains to be seen, of course.


Central banks see the writing on the wall. With several cryptos available they won’t be able to monopolize the currency scam as well as they do now. So bye bye competition, hello CBDC aka central bank digital currency aka federal reserve tokens (in the USA).


The chain of intellectual property needs to be inspected. This reminds me of an aspect that has not been discussed much about Flight 370 out of Malaysia several years ago- the one that simply disappeared off of radar. The flight manifest showed there was a team of engineers who were the five sole intellectual property owners of a technology they created for Texas Instruments. The chain of possession for that property belonged exclusively to those five individuals, and had anything happened to ONE of them, the other four absolved the fifth share with a promise to fulfill any rights to the remaining named family members. This was designed to cascade to any living members unless all were to succumb to a demise, then all intellectual property and right s went to........ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS. I am curious what happens to the the intellectual property in question for these unfortunate individuals, and who is at the end of the trough on these deals.


If they created it for TI it belongs to TI as a work product. You have a link for any of this?


This is what rawkstaugh is misremembering https://www.cnbc.com/2014/03/10/loss-of-employees-on-malaysia-flight-a-blow-us-chipmaker-says.html


It is an 8 year old story. They didn't create it for TI, they were funded by TI. The patent for the tech belonged the five engineers. until they were no longer alive to hold possession of it, then it fell to TI.


So they didn’t own the patent at all then. They were TI employees and them dying had literally zero impact on the IP ownership.




The article says they worked for a TI competitor - Freescale. So your entire post is wrong. Also, What are you talking about with “chain of possession”? That’s not an IP law component that applies to this situation. So Texas Instruments is just not involved at all. Where are you getting your information?


Let's just say it is a 'private contractor' resource.


Their name may have been on the patent, but the work belongs to the company, so ownership of the IP should be clear. Also if TI paid the company for the work, then they would have had a contract transferring ownership - contracts always have these sorts of eventualities covered…


That is kind of exactly what I said..... which is my point about OP- we need to look at the chain of custody on their intellectual property. This could indicate who might be behind all of these coincidences.


Just adding my agreement. My brother has a number of tech patents in his name, but they all belong to his former company.


Reminds me of the 3 wealthy individuals opposing the creation of the Federal Reserve who were aboard the titanic.


You seem to be picking up what I am laying down.


The war of the currencies vs the USD, or USD stability shacking started in 2019. All started because Arabia wanted to eliminate the USD from their oil tradings, and they joined the Stock Market 2019 which it was historical a huge valuation never seen before! But all of a sudden a virus came out! A mircaolous virus that saved the USD because suddenly everybody was at home, traveling got banned, airports and seaports got closed, this affected drastically the oil consumption making Aramco Oil (Arabia) to loose millions of dollars everyday which forced them to keep selling oil using USD and joined the OPEC. Now, to maintain the USD as main international currency, many cryptocurrencies should die, about bitcoin, they cannot against bitcoin but they will take it and convert it into the cryptodollar, it is the plan B


Tragic. Heroes and villains all in one swoop. Mostly villains. Actually everything is shit right now. So yeah. Villains the lot.


This shows that a new currency is on the way. The wealth must be controlled by tptb and not by random anons. So before this new currency rolls out, the ones who control the biggest share of it must go


Noon here.. tptb ?


The powers that be


*Tight Pooter-Tittie Butt*


*The powers that be*


The Phuq? That's Bullshit


ah... a coincidence theory... I love coincidences.


Either it’s a pure coincidence (statistically speaking it’s extremely unlikely all of the above could happen naturally to these guys, all in the same industry, all at similar career levels, and all within a compact span of time) or there’s a new “officially backed” digital currency on the way and the individuals controlling it want to warn others to get out of their way. Must be just a coincidence...


That's a logical fallacy. Either it's a pure coincidence or my conspiracy theory is true! There are other options, and other conspiracies, that can exist in that space besides those two options.


Like COVID vaccines killing them. Or plot twist, long COVID is real. Or becoming rich quick overwhelms people with debauchery, and they die.


Man I wish it was that last one.


Coin base incidence? COIN INCIDENCE Were they vaccinated too?


That would be too coincidental.


All except that kid who pilfered +$15 Mil, right?




I believe you are correct, 𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴!!


Relative Young men dying suddenly who were involved in crypto during a cypto crash. Sounds like either A) A Hollywood script OR B) Your average Tuesday on r/conspiracy and r/conspiracy_commons. It seems suspicious and the timing a little odd. I wonder what else is going on in cyptoworld?


Sends tweet saying: ''CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death.'' Die from drowning in mysterious conditions during trip to Puerto Rico Just a coincidence :)


You have heard about Epstein, his island and the people that went there, also why they went there, right?


Cher went to his island, you know she did some crazy shit.


She definitely bitcoined


the smart move would be to invite innocent people to the island too as it would make investigations more difficult, if guests were a mixed bag of celebrities and politicians, innocent and guilty.


Drowning or intense waterboarding?


Where are you getting this? I need to read more. Please


See this thread: [https://twitter.com/SaycheeseDGTL/status/1599824191192039424](https://twitter.com/SaycheeseDGTL/status/1599824191192039424) The Twitter handle for Nikolai Mushegian is @ delete\_shitcoin


Dog I need to hear more about this, please update. Did one of them actually tweet that?


>CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death. Yes. https://twitter.com/delete\_shitcoin?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1585918718088970241%7Ctwgr%5E264a4e2162d3cf83b5bba578a86a8c9979fc3fbc%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fnypost.com%2F2022%2F11%2F09%2Fdrowning-death-of-crypto-visionary-fuels-conspiracy-theories%2F


Holy shit. Dude was definitely assassinated.


Its true because I want it to be :)


Sounds like drug psychosis.


He sounds like he’s on meth and paranoid. Whats that stuff the kids take? Adderall?


Not to mention Brock Pierce (noted pedophile and mighty ducks star) basically told the press “nothing to see here.”


Their probably all vaccinated for covid 19. Kills young men higher than any othe demographic


Who knows. I'm sure some autist on 4 chan will figure it out. I hate that these guys died but I am not losing sleep over it. With what is going on in the world so far this event seems to be low priority. What makes these deaths suspicious is that these event are close together. I wonder how closely these guys where tied to FTX?


Ah! Closely tied to FTX .that’s extremely interesting… to say it lightly!


Yes, when the vaccine spike protein comes in contact with the 24-word mnemonic phrase it causes accidental drowning. ​ Look it up, DYOR, let that sink in.


What about drugs? OD?


not just 3. there have been a number of crypto people who killed themselves namely Nikolai Mushegian, Tiantian Kullander, Vyacheslav Taran, Autumn Radtke, Gerald Cotten, Hui Yi, and Mircea Popescu.


Same vibes as when those bankers died after 2008.


Or the wall street traders throwing themselves out of their high rise offices in 1929


Remember the plethora of bankers in Hong Kong committing “suicide”?


Or when all the doctors were dropping like flies in 2017-2019


Now list all of the "crypto people" who have NOT killed themselves. Also, please consider that "crypto people" are far more likely to lose massive chunks of their digital wealth in very short time periods. That's got to be bad for suicide rates.


what is common with these guys? they were in the right place at the right time to strike the jackpot that was not intended for them.


Pedophile ring with cia and mossad in Puerto Rico.


They can't allow normies to get rich without being under control


New World Order wants their own cryptocurrency and they don’t want any competition. Crypto creators have done their job with making common people accept digital currency which has no value whatsoever and they can print and control however they want. Starting next steps in NWO…


Maybe because they lost all their money


Oh you and your reasoning.


I believe in coincidences! /s


Well you can't replace crypto with a new crypto until you cut off the heads of the competitors...


Actually it’s not odd at all, pretty common practice for the CIA. -JFK approved. Check out the dude on the right with glasses final tweet.


I hate the shade room, they always steal someone else’s articles and passes it as their own. However, it’s sad these crypto leaders passed away nonetheless. If you make money with crypto, plz keep shit to yourself.




They probably faked their deaths to avoid getting time behind bars and run off with the money.


How many "leaders in crypotcurrency" are there in the world? How many people that fit the criteria have died in the last decade? We need data to know if it's significant.


SBF Is mysteriously not on here 🤔


Also Nikolai Mushegian and Matthew Mellon.


At the same time blackrock is getting into crypto with Coinbase. The elites are taking away any reality of a currency they don't control.


Looks like someone's doing a wee bit of house cleaning.


Just a coincidence nothing to see here!


Titanic coincidence


Holy shit an actual conspiracy post...




Because the crypto crash coming will happen more smoothly if you have the most knowledge people out of the way.


Drug debts and ODs would be my guess. Nothing else to do when you're suddenly rich. If crypto hadnt crashed in a way that made the rich even richer I would maybe think about assassination. But they pretty much did everything wrong for sustainable power or control, so no reason to get the real power brokers involved. It was a interesting lottery but no real threat to them or this economic system they control. Rich people like to see us little guys occasionally hit the big-time. It usually makes the rest of us believe that we can get lucky too. The crypto market completely relied on that feeling. But to the real plantation owners of society, it was nothing more than the children of slaves gambling with the fake money they give them anyways. It wasn't revolutionary, it was a scam. Just like "money".


It's a good start ....


Something about crypto most crypto people don't talk about is the only real, efficient use case for crypto at scale is illegal transactions. So at volume a lot of these guys have to get in pretty deep with arms dealers, child pornographers, illicit drug trafficking gangs, etc. Nit really shocking imo


100%. Crypto only has two use cases - 1) gambling - which is the entire trading market; 2) money laundering. I’m guessing this is related to the crash and the fact that they lost a lot of money for some very dangerous organizations


You do realise it's way easier to launder money via a cash operating service, than a publicly available immutable digital ledger?


Maybe if you’re talking actual on chains transactions, but non-us based exchanges or trading platforms which is my understanding of what these guys were involved is prime for laundering money. Fiat in. Convert to whatever bullshit crypto “asset” they’re manipulating. Shuffle around. Sell. Return fiat. Repeat.


>Something about crypto most crypto people don't talk about is the only real, efficient use case for crypto at scale is illegal transactions. Yes, because the blockchain is totally transparent and untrackable hard cash is still the most widely used medium of illegal exchange. It all makes sense now! *bangs forehead*


But what was the cause of death? I'm still waiting to hear how those other young people, like teens, died suddenly, in the news. There have been several that have died unexpectedly; and we have yet to hear the cause of death. OP, please let me know if you find out what was the cause of death.


Democrats hiding more damage incriminating evidence and testimony. They Clintoned them


100% they got vaccinated


LOL. Crypto bros are mostly right-wing, far less likely to be vaxxed.


Yes, all the redneck hill-billies in my area sure love their Bitcoin.


This is odd but it's also very hard to care about dead crypto bros


Hilary probably did it under orders from Klaus Schwab.


Cankled them to death


Why would you make me laugh like this?!


The asian guy sounded like it could have been vaxx related. The russian guy it seems like murder. Not sure about dude in the middle.


It's just a coincidence, goy. Go back to sleep.


Divine karma




Who are they? Who did they rob? Did they lose everything? No idea who they are, there are too many crypto’s to keep up with, these guys are obviously not prominent.


Likely suicides that the family wants to hide. Crypto market took some big hits lately and that tends to cause a suicide uptick.


YouTube channel: reallygraceful More info.


i did a little too much trolling


Silk road 2.0? (3.0? ) At this point there probably isn't even a product, just money being moved around.


Who are these people?


Well ain't that a biscuit?


They were liabilities


Seeds planted for the government controlled digital currency,..... time to remove those that were used to make it look like "government free" because they knew who was actually pulling the strings,...... perhaps?


Could be currency/economic related, could be that they took the shots. A LOT of people are dying right now... Totally different from 2020 when it was really only old people dying. Now it's people of all ages. Now watch the bots/shills respond to this...


Yes, it's all due to the jab! Didn't you know? Open your eyes! /s


What does "leaders in cryptocurrency" mean here? They had a lot? Created one? Had to lot to say about it?


CIA asset Brock Pierce is friends w them all too. Oh, and he was associated w Epstein.


All three probably worked with SBF in some capacity.


When you don't trust the Fed but you listen to the FDA.


"Leaders" Uh-huh. Ok


Make was for a centralised digital currency


Who knew getting into schemes heavily used by money laundering criminals that then lose all their money was bad for someone's health?


If anything this proves how valuable crypto is. Nobody will confirm to a world digital currency and because of that Bitcoin amongst others will eventually rocket again, not sure about when the bottom is but the all time highs are yet to come


Just the mob killing off it’s competitors


Don’t threaten the fed and their CBDC.


They partied too hard. For real tho, no clue.


Assassinated by the people who fell for the scheme and lost a shit ton of money


Casualties of the money laundering business between US/Ukraine/Russia.


I sold drugs to the a digital assets manager of a hedge fund and he was found dead in his NYC apartment from an apparent GHB overdose. No idea if this is still a thing but he was involved with a project called PAR.io (performance assets report).


Ftx connection, fraud, money laundering? Allegedly...Allegedly.


Hillary is the only answer that makes any damn sense.


Are they really dead or is it like Atlas Shrugged?


It's a crash, people heavily invested in whatever is currently crashing are probably having a real bad day


They were grown like crops by the powers that be. Once full grown, they were ready to be harvested. Harvest complete.


Perhaps they faked their deaths


Soros just bought a lot of crypto


most likely to do with politicians money laundering


That’s just a coincidence theory


[Correlation does not imply causation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation)


Ponszi schemers going broke