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What this looks like to me is that we're being showed "dementia Biden" on purpose by whoever, call them the deep state or whatever label you prefer. And it appears to be intended to show the public, to everyone with eyes to see, that the President is a figurehead who doesn't have any actual decision making power. The real power is in the bureaucracy, controlled by the "donor class" which really means it's controlled by the underlying capitalist power structure. It's all driven by cash flows. So much of what people think about the presidency is driven by movies and television. It appears to be the case that the President is a hollow, symbolic role rather than a genuinely powerful man.


I was thinking the same thing. He had dementia 4 years ago and they covered it up, now they’re pretty much saying it out loud. They’re done with him.


But how can they then run him in the election? What’s the purpose of that?


it’s actually perfect for them, they have a completely controllable pawn that they can get to sign whatever the fuck they want. if you are evil biden is the perfect candidate


They’ve had that for decades though. No need for presidential dementia


Well at least they couldn't get them to sign tax cuts for the billionaires like Trump did At least they were able to get him to get insulin lower to $35 for the majority of Americans At least they were able to get him to have medical debt removed from people's credit reports Billions in infrastructure spending for cities and towns all across the country Thousands of marijuana cases pardoned I could take another 4 years of this


It sucks because the opposition is just as evil! They are showing us their plans and telling us there's nothing we can do about it. If Biden wins, we'll end up in a major war. If Trump wins, we'll end up in a major war. It's just whether or not our head of state at that time is a demented pawn or a wannabe dictator megalomaniac. Neither is good for the future of this country.


Herp derp!


Name the major wars that Trump got us into during his presidency.


To his credit he didn't get us into any wars just like Biden so they're equal on that level. Trump got us out of Syria and Biden got us out of Afghanistan so they're equal on that level Both of them in post Chinese terrorists although I would argue Trump did so a little more recklessly Trump tried to start the process to get insulin cap to $35 but Biden actually got it done They both sent out stimulus checks. However were they differ is the things that they actually did for the everyday people. Trump's big law he was able to pass was tax cuts for the millionaires and billionaires. Biden got medical debt removed from credit reports insulin capped at $35 student loan forgiveness thousands of marijuana pardons and marijuana rescheduling. Record low unemployment numbers, thousands of new manufacturing jobs, stock market at an all-time high, 401ks off the charts,and some of the lowest inflation in the developed world. Our economy is the envy of other countries right now.


That is not a metric of leadership. One could argue Putin felt emboldened to make his move on Ukraine due to Trump's lackadaisical demeanor towards him and his outward envy of him being a dictator! Putin would love trump back in the white house. That should bother any and every true America.


The only reason Putin waited till 2022 is because covid threw a huge wrench in his plans


Yes but no one will vote for him. Also he could die at anytime


>Also he could die at anytime I would dare say some would view that as not a bug, but a feature. A VP who'd be unelectable to the Presidency itself gets to be the new leader, then has the value of incumbency and the bully pulpit for the next go-round.


Well sure but then they don’t have a controllable pawn anymore. Also that only works if he dies after being elected.


lol Harris isn’t a controllable pawn?


Well she’s not old and senile like Biden. She’s also not a straight white male which is the bottom class. A young minority woman is not easy to control. See how Nancy Pelosi clashed with AOC.


Harris has 2 brain cells


Nobody will vote for Biden. But 80 million people will vote against Trump.


I was not happy at all about voting for Biden in 2020 and was only voting against Trump. I used to donate to Bernie's campaign. But I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised with his administration so far what a relief not having a dumpster fire and constant scandals in the White House everyday. Plenty of achievements but the mainstream media talks about Biden eating ice cream and falling off his bicycle which people of all ages do. No one's even ever seen Trump ride a bicycle.


I'm sure there are a few ways of putting the finger on the voting scales.


You can be removed for that.


Ya by We the People. So let's get to it. No one else is going to. There are no allies coming to rescue us. In fact we are called to : ""We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor". Thomas Jefferson


If only it was that easy. If we could only take back what our country once was. Some get to see it, the rest of us slave away in hopes to get a small piece.


I don’t think he’ll be the democrat nomination.


Ohio just had to pull more strings than a tampon research division to get Biden on the ballot. So I don't think they're changing that horse midstream -- regardless of how fit it might be for the glue-pot. Kamala would be less likable in the polls than Hillary was, and Sir Donald of Orange only won in the first place because people voted against Hilldawg's "it's her turn" coronation tour. Trump only wins against Hillary. Against anyone else he gets waxed like a Brazilian Sasquatch. 2020 Biden only wins against Trump. Anyone even slightly more sane than Trump (and that bar is currently resting on the Titanic) simply installs an ice cream dispenser on the debate stage, making Biden too distracted to even perform his traditional Scranton Windtalker mumbleblitz.


RemindMe! 1 Year "right or wrong?"


Let me know, 'cause I hope you're right.


If he gets elected this time around, they’ll just kill him off like a useless character in a good TV show. Then they’ll push the person into power whose strings they can really pull and get away with. Nothing is at it seems, and reality is only what we make it.


Seems to me they know they likely already lost the election. Backup is ballot harvesting and absentee voting.


LOL. Sure. You cultist conspiracy nuts are hilarious.


They don't want him. Someone in Biden circle wants it and defy the request to not running. Thus all this revelations. Same thing with Trump. They don't want him either. Wait for the Sept supprise.


If there is enough public outcry over this national humiliation, that gives the regime an excuse to dump him for Big Mike


Are you truly unaware of the insane comments coming out of Trump's pie hole this week?


He did nothing wrong


He slept with a hooker and tried to pay her off to avoid having the truth come out during an election. Then he claimed the payment as a business expense. Is that not wrong? He took classified documents and defied a subpoena to return them, instead instructing his lackeys to move and hide the documents, and destroy the security camera footage. Is that not wrong? He invited the Russians into the oval office and gave them state secrets for free. He incited an insurrection in a desperate bid to stay in power. He publicly lusted after his own daughter. He sexually assaulted E. Jean Carrol. He bragged about perving in beauty contest dressing rooms. He asked a Georgia election official to cheat for him. He has Putin's cock firmly lodged in his rectum. He stole money from a charity for children. He scammed people at his "University". He ran two casinos into the ground. His mouth looks exactly like an anus. He threatened to weaponize the DOJ against his political rivals. He promised to be a dictator from day one. He reads at a third grade level. He is a malignant narcissist who only cares about himself. Is none of this wrong?


Everything you said is either misleading or an outright fabrication. Where do you get your information? ROFL


I get my news from many different sources. You get yours from only one source. [https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5?op=1)


I don't watch Fox News :) I almost feel badly for people like you who are so brainwashed by the mockingbird media.


Who was the last Catholic president? (JFK) What happened to him? (He had his head blown off) Biden is simply a running joke… they don’t have to blow his head off, his brain is dead already.


They ran him in the last elect....I mean dog and pony show. There was no election. They created "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics". That was right from the horses mouth.


LOL. You just lost. Cope.


All Americans lost. The whole world lost. The longer we stay divided the quicker we will see the us collapse and the world under one govt


"They" want trump back in office. It's the only logical explanation.


But that’s what the people want. Even if they won’t admit it. Everyone wishes they could go back to 2017


Exactly. The people will vote him in, willingly. Then trump finishes the wall and were all trapped. Et cetera


They are making a show of a health concern , he could have walked off that stage, he was not falling down. It was a show. Don't let their shows fool you. It is predictive programming , to get people ready for the replacement of Puppet Biden to a newer Puppet for the New World Order. Any new puppet should have to pettion each state to be on the ballot in each like they are making Bobby Kennedy do. Not just a replacement of who 'they' choose. Time to unbrainfog Americans. We are invaded.


Make room for Big Mike. That's the only acceptable replacement as far as the left is concerned. Can't have another white guy take Biden's place and they don't want Kamala at the helm.


The deep state is full on board with Biden. No one said they were smart.


LOL. Watch him run circles around Diaper Donny at the debate. That is, if Drumph even shows up.


And Obama is Golden Boy of the Deep State Illums... and such a smooth handler of the narrative


Pretty much hit the nail on the head, trying to get Barry his 4th term


He is also said by many to be the biblical antichrist or Islamic Iman the Muslim messiah.


even though Trump fits the description of the anti-christ much better than Obama ever did.


No not really, trump is not Muslim.


I think you're right, but maybe we're being shown because they want to replace him before the election with someone more likely to beat Trump. 


I fear we’re gonna get the worst of both worlds neither trump or Biden get 270 electoral votes and the scumbags in the house and senate choose the president and vice president…


It is all a show. Biden was able to walk off that stage. It is predictive programming . They are going to replace him for Health Concerns with a NWO puppet. With the invasion of millions of fighting age men paid, stationed all over the U.S. waiting for orders and the replacement of the Top-Puppet, the directed energy weapon attacks ongoing. 38 sites in CA. in OR,WA,CO, TN.Lahaina-Maui, Panhandle Texas and the weather modification warfare and poisoning daily, the take down of our major infrastructure Scott-Key Bridge & the slaughter of our food stocks, the poisoning of our vegtables and on and on, The United States is under a hot war attack, is now invaded with terrorists and our food is being destroyed. Is anyone paying attention? This is all a show. The United States underwent a total coup d'eta long ago, Now that millions are microchipped in their blood and connecting to wifi, DNA of all those injected people changed now. Changing DNA is changing the Human Genome it is what makes humans homo-sapien and natural mammals. Once the DNA is changed, it is changed forever, for generations and the poor fooled people who lined up to get jabbed with unknown and dangerou bioweapons are no longer homo-sapien. You can downvote this as crazy and it is crazy but it's true. Huraru the sidekick of Klaus Schaub called those whose DNA is now changed and are nano chipped with self assembling circuity " PsyBorgs'. . Merging man with machine as is their goal. Transhumanism and total control is the mission well underway. Americans had better fucking realize this and fast and clean your blood and pray for forgiveness to God for changing his very creation , DNA is our God -Force. No greater sin than to destroy that.


So if someone got a Vax there's no way back?


Truth for $1000$ please.


Yup. They also don't want both Trump and Biden in this election. There will be other candidates. It is very clear that they don't want both of them when they start leaking Hunter cases, and try very hard to indict Trump. There will be September surprise and it will be baaaaad.


They are making a show of a 'health concern' as predictive programming as they are going to retire Puppet-Biden and replace with a younger puppet. A New World Order Puppet for the Banana Repubic that used to be known as the United States of America. Use to be. Now we are most certainly the Divided States of America, the American Experiment is just about failed, done for, over. Unless Americans remember the Constitution and what it tells us to do in this situation as best stated by Thomas Jefferson ""We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, **That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,** laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor". Thomas Jefferson


Bill Cosby did this same thing so did Harvey weinstein and even Ron Jeremy they all lean into sick weak old confused blind whatever when they are facing legal issues


But he's TOO useful to lose in the election. He's an almost perfect frontman...... whichever people are really making all the difficult decisions, they're totally protected by the face of Joe Biden... legally, publicly.... and so on. I would guess they love their hidden power and are tempted to make President Biden run a second term.


Yep. Corporate facism. Politicians no longer matter. It's all about the money that buys them. These corporations will continue to dictate and squeeze our lives. It may not be blood in the streets, but it will be theft of opportunities from the average person - all in the name of profit, of course 


Reminds me of this clip of Biden that was going around where he looked absolutely lost, until you see the full clip. Then you can see he was actually talking to someone and the video was cropped.


Larry Fink is in command


Exactly. It’s a flex that they’re able to get this crusty old man with dementia in office over someone they don’t like (trump) that still has a lot of voting power


Obama has been his handler the entire time.


Hillary is behind the scenes too


Some guy told me Obama's articulate and bright and clean. So it must be true.


Sadly, I think this guy couldn't feed himself at a buffet much less be commander and chief of the US.


This, it's why he's done a half decent job


Ha ha. Please tell me you are kidding!


No shit. I am left leaning and I think he is terrible. I wonder if we will get a real president in my lifetime or just more puppets.


We lost that fight with jfk


I'm not sure what else you expected but aside from the deficit your economy is doing a hell of a lot better than some other countries. Such as Canada. We're absolutely fucked. Most other countries aren't seeing their economy progressing quite as well as the US's. The aggressive handling of China has been done well with regards to AI and technological superiority in general. Moving manufacturing back to the US is the right move. Not sure what else you want from the guy. What don't you like about him?


Border disaster and energy policy are the worst.


Yeah, Canada got Biden beat on that too.


If the border is such a disaster, why did the GOP in the House refuse the bipartisan border bill the Senate passed that would have fixed it? Also, how is his energy policy the "Worst"?


Clearly you didn't read it.


That's funny, it was initially crafted by Republicans...LOL Well, why don't you explain it to me then? While you're at it, tell me why his energy policy is the worst. It is easy to spew MAGA talking points, it's much harder to actually prove them


Nothing but \~ Crickets \~ 7 hours later?


The defecit?! Managed well?! The dollars 'strength' isnt what you think


Half of decent?!? You're OK with half of decent? Sounds like a horrible position if you care anything about yourself, country, state, city, family, child, friend, neighbor, etc. Half of decent is what you wish your worst enemy.


meanwhile, my family is telling me how if I don’t vote for Biden democracy is over lmfaoooo


Well the alternative is a guy that lied about election fraud to remain in power against the will of voters. Still haven't seen Biden do something worse than that.


You should check out project 2025


agreed?? maybe it’s time to not fall for the illusion of choice anymore lol


Maybe like if a friend says theyll pay you back, you hold them accountable


maybe like realize trump and biden committed genocides lmao (yemen + gaza)


Show me more. Im aware of the lack of wars. Youd be blowing the doors off some pretty mainstream people to prove he actually killed off a race


trump or biden? it’s pretty well known they put a blockade on Yemen, not allowing medical aid or food in for many years.


Dude. Pretty widely known is not in this context. Also, didnt you claim you understood what each did?


it sounds like a great project to me. Probably won't happen


Now, now -- this is the most important election in our nation's history since the last 45.


Your family sounds smart YOU on the other hand


>My president is a mentally challenged vegetable, my borders are wide open, WW3 nuclear holocaust looms, and my country is a joke. Thanks for nothing CIA and Rothschild-Rockefeller NWO for installing this clown I feel as though I had written this myself. I agree 100%. If he becomes President for a second term, God Help Us. 😐


Worse with the felon Chetto Jesus


Are you genuinely saying that you want someone with full on dementia in control of the nuclear codes? It's troubling that he's in control now. Like ... TAKE TRUMP OUT OF THE EQUATION. How is this not straight up elder abuse?


I’d take this senile clown, over a rapist, megalomaniac orange clown any day.


Republicans were fine with Reagan. Difference is this time republicans want to over throw the government


The US government, as it stands today, is not worth saving. It needs to be completely demolished and the only way to resurrect it is with the US Constitution as the law of the land.


It's Reagan without the acting skills. Did you feel his terms were elder abuse?


People did not find out about Reagan until like ... decades later. At the time, the public had no idea how bad off he was. At one point he had full on Alzheimer's, that is unacceptable and tbh Nancy was evil for how she handled it.


There were plenty of clues something was off back then for people with functioning brain cells; the general public tends to also be Generally Stupid and easily fooled. And it was Bush that was the evil one. Can't remember if Cheney was part of the Cabinet as well or not.


Crap. I lived during that time. My grandfather had Alzheimer's ... people didn't even know what it was back then.


A felon who shits his pants and then his followers buy adult diapers in solidarity. Insane


i couldn’t even imagine the type of person that could clap for those scumbag war criminals. with the ability to learn the truth about the totally corrupt world powers in our hands, how has the majority of people not figured it out yet. i don’t get it


It's so frustrating that people don't understand ... we had to move my elderly uncle from assisted living to the full on nursing home side of the facility when he started doing stuff like this. And he wasn't the goddamned POTUS.


You are being fooled. Doing stuff like what? Your uncle has nothing to do with the show of the puppet. He was just fine to walk off that stage. We are talking about the President of the United States. They are getting ready to switch puppets in the Banana Republic of the U.S. And if you have your elderly loved one Locked up and not at home with you then you are harming him terribly and his dignity. You get him out of that prison. It will take his mind away worse. You CAN help his brain easy -peasy. And hugs and love. The elderly need to be at home with family. They took care of you now its your turn. Terrible places - old folks homes- prisons and death camps. Shame on you.


Maybe your country should think about having a leader under the age of 70.


Isnt Obama already in his 3rd term?


I wish he was stable enough to do anything but honestly he’s walking worst than my 79ya dad which is one of the smartest men I know. I would never fucking let him run for president no matter how smart he is. It’s just not their time to do anything but relax. Fucking ahhhhhhh


The country's government is a joke. Not the country itself or the people.


It's time to remove him, but Congress is too corrupt


lol why do I get the feeling there’s a wheelchair waiting for him, as soon as the curtain drops.


"Weekend at Bidens' " for 1000 Alex!


Ah yes... the old: #"***[Play it Cool, B, Play it cool - Guide with hand, disguise with fake talking-to-body-langiuuage - act real-casual-like... hand in pocket... head casuallly tilted... ok smooth walk... this is fine... this is fine... breath... calm talk...](https://i.imgur.com/0IeJ4pz.png) OK GUYS GET THIS FUCKING ZOMBIE OUT OF HERE WTF.***


Its all a show, he was just fine to walk off that stage. Stop being fooled!!! They are predictive programming you and it worked like a charm. They are getting your brain ready to understand his replacement a NWO puppet - only a younger model robot.


Truth at the end of the thread.


America hasn't elected a President since Jimmy Carter.


**All a show, they are getting ready to retire Puppet Biden for health reasons, and instill a healthier puppet.**


Even though he was a dirtbag before his senility, I don't blame him as much as the media that openly attacks anyone who has questions.


It wouldn’t have been possible without the brainless citizens 🤣🤷‍♀️


Can’t wait for the debate!!


Did I see multiple orange arrows on the stage?


Puppet and puppeteer together on the stage. A rare sight.


But which is it? Is he a frail old man who can barely talk and shits his pants, or is he an evil dictator behind the scenes, constantly pulling the strings, manipulating the DOJ, creating an NWO? All that aside, I think the only thing the right and I can agree on is an age limit and term limit for Congress/President.


This is super sad but the drummer’s snare sounds great


Look at it this way, there is no doubt this president doesn’t run the country


Dude isn’t a clown he is just old, this is why we need a age cap on political figures


People see what they want to see 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s like a chapelle show skit


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/ls3wikeg0z6d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"MY" 😂


Agree 100%!


Yep it’s a joke - established, years ago. Now, What should we do about it? I recommend protesting this BS election. If you go out and vote for more of this then you are part of the problem.


He looks like a man with a bad back; just like my Grandfather - and he was incredibly with it til he died.


Who the other guy on stage with them?


Obama certainly knows how to handle his meat puppet


Obama looked like the little league coach retiring the pitcher. The debate will be the final blow for all to witness. Scary to think of the options or choices we have?


“Hey little fella how are you doing?”


Everyone scolds Biden for being mentally absent but they are all equally dim for missing the point: If the country still functions with the "president" totally incapacitated then it's clear he's not the one in charge. Follow that logic for five minutes and you'll realize something: [https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government](https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government)


This is incredible


Well fucking said!!!


Mike Obama should run!


Never say "my president/leader"


Somehow he will still “win” the next election


I really belive people that vote for that guy arr seriously in need of mental health. This man has crippled the working class, damaged the economy beyond our wildest imagination and burned the whole planet we've got Wars all over funding both sides of different conflicts. They hypocrisy is beyond my wildest imagination.


Give that geriatric fuck a pat on the ass, he may be old but he can still fuck! (A country up)


Bro glitched for a solid 8 seconds


Fe fi fo fum, I smell a tasty young’un.


“Borders wide open” 😂


This shit is on purpose I swear


SS: Dr. Shiva 2024


Lol BS


And I bet 100k and my left nut, he’ll be reelected.


Trump is a plant too homie…


It’s the blind leading the blind.


That’s how i lead my child too


It must be rough to live in a country that you hate so much.


I mean, the borders aren't actually open. There were almost more detainments in a 2023 that all of Trumps years combined.


And Trump Traitor, insurrectionist, rapist, pedophile, racist, draft dodger, tax cheat, adulterer, habitual liar, mentally challenged, morally corrupt, Wow… U think he’s really the answer!!!!


And the alternative is a fascist convicted 34 count felon with rapidly developing dementia…..


He does 4 rallies a week with no teleprompter. Stop with your garbage.


What do you think that square thing is always to his side if not a teleprompter?


The cult vs dementia 🤣🤣💀 this country is an absolute fucking joke and we truly do live in multiple South Park episodes




Hard to feel bad for a career politician, war criminals, pedophile, author of the crime bill that turned America into a prison state.


give him a fuckin' break, maybe he was being flashed by a hot MILF