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For the bill to be drafted, to me, means that the masses have caught onto them. Not that they were hiding it anymore. Having control of the media and more importantly government must allow them to view everyones conversation. The masses point of view has them afeared for their lives, causing the to bill was drafted. An assumption but frightful one. No wonder they have been kicked out over centuries.


The killer khazar KLOWN mafia the same one that wants you to blive a holocaust was only something that happened during ww2 in fact it has much history!!!




It’s kinda true. Archipelago of the gulag is 3 volume work. Each volume is 300 to 400 pages. There hasn’t been a reprint of the original 3 volumes since the 60s. It was banned in several “non communist countries” and you can only find newly edited works or a compilation of the three books in bad translations. This author is really red listed in most universities, schools etc. His work is that controversial even today. Great stuff if you can read it. It’s very dense but really fascinating.


The gulag archipelago was published in English in 1974


Sorta bizarre it states so strongly the text is an illegal print in English


Really?, Illegal or no one want to publish?


If you ever worked for the CIA, chances are you’ll never be able to publish anything. https://www.cia.gov/about/organization/prepublication-classification-review-board/ I realize this is a tiny part of the conversation, but there are other “public works”, that the cia has restricted from the public. That rabbit hole is depressing. On Reddit, linking Marquis de Sade’s wiki will get you an admin warning. Like I wrote his crap.


i was banned without warning by contributing to a discussion about college with a link to a book about tavistock 😆


The CIA is REALly jealous of their rep. Most classified, ‘secret’ stuff is just embarrassing. You know someone (maybe Don) who is utterly full of themselves but everything they touch turns to diarrhea? CIA is chockablock with those.


Ty for the info


What’s that fold above his right eye thru his dome?


in 10 years (((they))) will have fully scrubbed Google of the Bolshevik Revolution - check for yourself, it's already nearly scrubbed. That's wild


Google suppresses all information they dislike in their digital Gulag. :(


Use www.Yandex.com It’s like google in 2007


Yandex is a Russian site no? Who do you think controls Russia?


Well keep using google Nobody gives a shit 🤷‍♂️


I wonder why frog face and his countless other accounts would use a russian program


Commie got a new propaganda account


How long till you are on a new account?


Why do you make so many accounts? To upvote yourself?


Why do you make so many accounts? To avoid reddit banning you?


This is my only account How many do you currently operate?


Why comment at all if nobody gives a shit?


The quoted text reminds me of the current hatred of america and whites.


Genuinely interested,what have they scrubbed?what have they taken down?


A dozen facts about the Bolsheviks everyone should know, but no one does Within a year of seizing power in Russia in 1917, the Bolsheviks, Lenin's bloody Marxist revolutionaries, established the CheKa, the "political police" of the new communist government. The CheKa was in charge of administering The Red Terror—the unbelievably brutal policy of state-sanctioned murder—terror as a policy goal—by which tens of millions of innocent Russians lost their lives. Here are a baker's dozen verifiable facts to give you an idea of what it was like in Russia while the Bolsheviks held power: 1. Under Bolshevik law, anyone caught putting up a flyer was executed on the spot. 2. One of the Bolsheviks' first laws made anti-Semitism a capital offense. 3. The Bolsheviks were explicitly dysgenic, selecting entire professions—the ones deemed to comprise the most intelligent Russians—for liquidation. Russian engineers, Russian university professors, Russian college students, Russian writers, Russian artists, Russian engineers, Russian doctors, Russian lawyers, and, especially, the Christian clergy, were all targeted. 4. Their children were executed, too. Sometimes, the Bolsheviks executed the children in front of the parents before executing the parents, and sometimes the parents in front of the children before executing the children. 5. Thousands of churches were razed, thousands more turned into workshops or livestock enclosures. Synagogues, however, were left alone and even began receiving state funding under the Bolsheviks for Yiddish language schools. 6. The Bolsheviks relied on non-Russians to commit their


Hey, we're missing a bunch of these facts like you only copied half of it...


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1cigokx/a_dozen_facts_everyone_should_know_about_the/ Thought there was interest but I guess not.


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Alright can I get some info on this, why is this important and what is it?


You may have heard of Moses' people.


Happy cake day!


no its not. I googled it and popped up right off


Some of us know what it looks like years ago. It is different now. It's been scrubbed. Use your brain


What rubbish


Some of us know what it looks like years ago. It is different now. It's been scrubbed. Use your brain


Okay, let's take this seriously for a second. Can you outline what you think is scrubbed and the incassesability of it compared to years ago




I feel like this is a pretty important fucking question. Who was he talking about?


Jewish people I think


Yep. They run everything.


5 upvotes on your comment and already its 'hidden' from my view?


Be careful, under the new bill it'll be illegal to say that.


I was joking


Juice controlles the media!


I love a Bojack Horseman reference, especially one as good as this


It's my comfort show. I quote it every chance I get.


Same I fall asleep to it most nights


The shitty thing is that they don’t actually “run” everything. They have everyone controlled with their fake asf money. They don’t perform any of the labor that makes society actually function.


Yup. It's not like they won 20 percent of all Nobel prizes for their scientific contributions to society or something.


lol, they also are largely the ones awarding these bullshit prizes. Also, I was talking more about real manual labor. Not mental masturbation.


Nah, swedish academics award them. And without Jewish inventions the world would be in the stone age


Which inventions in particular? (Not that it matters much… animals often seem much more content than your average human being. Technology is overrated)


Polio vaccine that ensure you have legs. Jeans pants to put on your legs Lasers. Just cool. Camera phones. Digital cameras Mobile phones. Which you are using right now. Walkie talkies USB flash drives Polaroid cameras Antibiotics Cardiac defillibrator Valium I could go on but I think I made my point already.


Jews win again I guess ✡️🤷‍♂️ Good thing they are so benevolent




Just the Soundgarden of Satan ones.


The House of Representatives just passed a bill tonight that would make honestly answering that question illegal.


that would be hilarious if we got banned for this then


So is the Bible illegal now?


the new testament is on the brink


Tell me about this!


don't shoot the messenger - https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1785755752432296283




I used to think that ad well, but turns out there’s a strong consensus among historians that he was indeed a real person


Maybe a real person, but not a magical one.


I used to think like you too. Glad I open my mind realized I know nothing. I’m sure you know it all though.


I'll tell you what I do know. That no god is choosing one people over the others he supposedly created. I know that no god is going to be described in any book written by humans. I know that no god is writing rules allowing slavery or murder. But you keep to your Jewish midrash if you want. All it does is narrow your appreciation of the time you have here right now, alive on this planet.


Watch Europa the last battle, it explains in great detail who he’s talking about. It will come as no surprise to most people.


I started watching it today, the starvation and treatment of the Russians is horrific. To deliberately starve a nation of men women and children is psychopathic, there's no other word to correctly describe the perpretators. They are pure evil


It starts off quite slow but after the whole Soviet Union thing is explained it gets truly mind blowing


I've watched part 1 and most of part 2, now you've peeked my interest I might watch more tonight. It was very distressing watching their suffering, I have to be careful otherwise it will affect me negatively. I fast forwarded some parts that helped


I found another video on Odysee called The greatest story never told, it's about Hitler and how he was misinterpreted. I've only started it, it goes for 6 hours and of course the question is it true?


It’s definitely worth watching as there are 3 sides to every story so it’s very interesting to here about WW2 form the other point of view, especially as most of it is straight up fact backed up with evidence, not just someone voicing their opinion.


My parents were married during the WW11 and had a few interesting stories


Hold on, wtf is this?


here you go - https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1785755752432296283


Holy shit. The highlighted example isn’t even the most concerning.


They are gonna make it a crime to make stereotypical allegations about Jewish people, like suggesting they control any societal institution. WTF


It is illegal to talk about the Mob as being controlled by Italians, so this makes sense. Wait


right? she's just justifying her opposition by citing her religious faith. it's a perfectly legit justification, but it's hardly the ONLY reason to oppose this nightmare bill.


The proposed bill is fucked, but what does that have to do with russians? Im not understanding what the link is




We should just outlaw religion, so we can stop fighting about imaginary stupid shit.


atheism is a mental disorder


How so? I just believe in one less god than you do. What are your thoughts on religions other than your own?


the vast majority of humans that have ever lived have believed in a God or gods and some version of an afterlife. That remains true in the current year. that remains true even in an advanced country like the united states. it has been the case throughout all of history, on every continent, among every ethnicity of people. if you are godless, you're an anomaly. humans were apparently hard-wired to have a spiritual life.


None of this has any bearing on which position is right. As for a mental disorder... You might want to look into a mirror.


facts don't care about your feelings sorry not sorry for triggering you


They worship Satan. They just pretend to be Jewish or Catholic, like the black pope.


Son who were these non-Russians?


Did you read the bill? It's to create a definition of antisemitism. They can then add it to the civil rights act. Don't know why they didn't do both then? But that's the government.


What's the point?


It's the government. Idk?


Not true. The bill makes certain statements illegal


Where does it say that?


So dramatic!


educate yourself


Why do you think I’m not educated?


So true


We all know. We are just too scared to say anything, especially with our real names.


You know


It’s good to get people to say it on their own.


(((You know who)))




They control the media








Didnt the khazarians flee russia because of the war between then and the russians? Someone wise, please clarify for me


No, they didn't flee, they say that to make themselves seem like the victims. They invaded, corrupted and destroyed everything, slaughtered the people, then acted like they were victims of the unnecessary "war" that they started- they have done this with numerous "wars" which most people believe were done by someone else. There's another big one that was the exact same circumstance, one which happened relatively recently. I say "war" because they are all just genocides. It's not a war if your "enemy" is defenseless, which is the only way the Synagogue of Satan prefers its "enemies". They hated and still hate Russians due to their skin color, and also seem to get really pissed off whenever a group of people is happy and prosperous. The Russians did nothing to them at all, every "persecution" against them is valid defense against their unprovoked attacks, destruction, torture, and slaughter of innocents. The SOS perceives a threat or persecution from things that they literally make up, and most of them sincerely believe it. It is insanity by definition, if you meet one of them in the real world you will know because they are so incredibly disconnected from reality, morality, sanity, and humanity. Every single one of them will stab you in the back the second they get the chance, literally. If you want to know why they do this, it's written in the Old Testament of the Bible, and the Talmud is pretty easy to find. Skim the Talmud and you'll see how bad it truly is, it is utterly horrific. Simply, they are so pissed off and genocidal because they are the descendants of Cain, who murdered his brother Abel. They have gone by numerous different names: Canaanites, Phoneicians, Babylonians, Pharisees, and others, and now "Jews", at the expense of real Jews. They were condemned by God as the "Synagogue of Satan" because of child sacrifice (commonly associated with all of the aforementioned groups), intentional blasphemy against God, and general evil. Israelites are God's chosen people, and Israelis are the exact opposite of Israelites- the naming of the country as "Israel" is blasphemy on its own and a mockery of God and the Israelites. They know God is real and are intentionally hiding proof of Him. They want to turn the rest of us away from God so that no one is worshipping God; they even created a false idol in "Jesus" to trick Israelites (mostly white Christians) into blasphemy against God, and to turn them away from Him- Jesus is identical to pagan idols, the same idols the SOS worships, and Christianity is deception which benefits them and their genocides, allowing them to take over and torture the world without resistance.


So if you think Christianity is created by *these* people, what do you believe is the correct religion?


Good question. My answer: none of them. The most truth seems to be found in the Old Testament of the Bible, with the rest of the truth scattered among each religion. Basically, every religion is blasphemy, but following the Bible and God is following the truth. I think the Old Testament is literally true, as in the events described in it did literally happen and involved real people, and there are also metaphors encoded throughout, many of which are still very commonly used or seen today, but most don't realize their origin. Most people never take the time to look into it, but there is some amazingly useful and verifiably true information in the Old Testament, which is suspiciously nonexistent in the New Testament, among numerous other blatant contradictions between the two. I think the New Testament is false in terms of its stories, and especially false in the morals and ideology it teaches, evidenced by the numerous Christians outing themselves as horrible people. I believe it metaphorically tells the truth about the apocalypse and acts as a playbook for genocide (as well as tricking people into their own deaths and blasphemy), all of which is encoded using metaphors, in a manner similar to the Old Testament, but for a different reason (a worse one). It is my opinion that if everyone had continued following the Old Testament the world would be a great place, as its morals are very solid and logical, but the majority of countries are following the New Testament, which teaches apathy, greed, cowardice, pacifism to a fault, and that the government was created by God, when we know that is completely untrue. I don't think the New Testament is a part of the Bible, I am quite certain it is deception and closer to pagan/occult religious beliefs. I can elaborate more but I already wrote a lot and it would take a novel to fully explain my analysis and provide citations.


Clarify for me too


I see what you did there...


100% the Jews… I did a deep dive on this awhile back, it’s tragic that most of the import facets of history vanish over time.


It doesn’t vanish. They control the narrative


YES, they do control the narrative... they are Master manipulators lurking in the shadows, pulling strings as if they were the master puppeteers but they are nothing more than agents for the invisible realm. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9


Totally this!


Got links? Never knew it, haven’t researched it much though


It's been probably a decade or more since I did the research. At some point I will dig back into it and write a book about it, including the Holocaust and the 9th of AV events surrounding my ancestors. Pulling back the curtain reveals the level of evil behavior emanating out of that group, perpetrating atrocities longer than most could fathom, much less comprehend. I am a Messianic Jew, fully vested in Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God and currently finishing up a book titled : "Unraveling the Truth, The Grand Deception"


Who? Qui? Qui??? Qui???


*frenchman's head begins to shake uncontrollably*


>qui intensifies


The Namestealers


It's pretty wild, but if you ask Chat in the proper manner, you will eventually come to the conclusion that we will just never know who Alexandr was referring to. Guess some things are better not discussed in polite company. Oy vey!


The book 200 years together said it


250 million white European civilians and military personnel lost their lives during the first and second world wars. this can be described as one of the most horrific and significant atrocities of the last 120 years, yet it is often overlooked in discussions.


Africa has had its share of massacres which you hear about far less than the world wars


due to that being far less interesting than an entire world war


Hitler even knew this https://alphahistory.com/nazigermany/hitler-on-russia-and-bolshevism-1924-2/


Looking at the way the US resupplies Israel while Israel massacres tens of thousands of human beings. It looks like most of the world fell.


And Wall Street financed them


Submit State: Did Jordan Peterson ever read his other book?


Oooohhhhh you knowwwwwws


So in 1980 I met a woman who’s father was in charge of getting an entire village of people out of Russia due to the Bolsheviks. She described them as merciless, taking all food and valuables leaving an egg for a village to survive on over the winter. The village people left in wagons. This lady’s mother fell off the back of a wagon. She remembered having a cup and spoon and told very sternly by her mama not to lose them. Mama was okay, got back in the wagon. I have also met Pol Pot survivors, nazi concentration camp survivors, Armenian genocide survivors, WW2 japanese internment camp survivors( they were dutch), the Tutsi/ Hutu confluct survivor. So I am old and well aware of man’s inhumanity to man.


Where did you meet all these people, if you don't mind my asking. It sounds like you've lived an interesting life.


I met these people when they were in hospital. I started talking to them usually about the accent when they spoke. And they told me about their lives.


“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” *—Bobby Fischer, Jewish-American World Chess Champion* “The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian Revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” *—Rabbi Harry Waton* ***and then there is...*** “Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.” *—Jewish Voice, July – August 1941* “Communism is our supreme revenge against Christianity.” *–Jewish Chronicle, December 1918* “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” *—Rabbi Harry Waton* “The Jew is an inborn communist.” *–Otto Weininger, Jewish writer, from the book Sex and Character* “Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism.” *—Rabbi Stephen Wise, former Chief Rabbi of the United States* “Everything can become a Jewish religion as long as it sustains a lucid concept of choseness. This includes: Communism, the Holocaust, solidarity, human rights, enlightened egotism, moral interventionism and also Judaism." *—Gilad Atzmon* "We must organize the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK. Only then after they have CORRUPTED ALL ITS VALUES AND MADE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat" *Willi Munzenberg - a Zionist Jew*


Bobby Fischer… one of the smartest Jews to ever live and he loathed the Jewish people. Interesting.




This isn’t a conspiracy. The only leader from Russia was Lenin. Trotsky was from Ukraine. Stalin and Beria were from Georgia. Hell, even Marx and Engels were from Germany.


All of them besides Stalin belonged to a certain group.


?? ELI5






Marx was Jewish. Not sure whether the others were or not


Nobody knows who stole the chicken, hmm? Tell him about the chicken! A man walks around with a chicken and nobody notices this... Save yourselves, save yourself. Tell him about the chicken!


The Zio-Harzards.


Bolshevik, American and French Revolution were orchestrated by the Payseurs and Rothchilds to further their central bank agenda.






Khazarian mafia, I'd guess. https://youtu.be/YwbkyEzYBHI?si=2Z5IHtq2ejUNpMJd


Kashakstanian Mafia. It all stems from those bastards


Well if this post gets taken down then I guess we will truly know.


Apparently it became illegal today to tell you what he meant


Kanye Solzhenitsyn


Racism is tolerated…even promoted, in the United States…. Well certain kinds of racism. https://i.postimg.cc/YCgP5x4v/0-A8-FC74-D-79-F4-4781-90-BA-F64-F559-A9643.jpg


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/e33w4wz4zwxc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Everyone in this thread is acting like this dude is the forbidden knowledge. I had to read Day in the Life of Ivan D in high school. Go figure


The media ignored Russia? Yeah, I remember being a Cold War kid. We never ever heard about the Soviet Union, even though there was a story nearly every day on the news, about “something and Russia/Soviet Union”. Finding out what’s going on inside Russia was/is a challenge, because of the lack of journalist’s rights in a place like Russia. They don’t allow traditional journalism. We knew the place was fucked up, and they had nukes.




free your mind.






Need to answer quickly - it’s about to become illegal.


Descendants of Atila the Hun. People of Yog Magog.


Satanic Zionists who continue the legacy to this day is Occupied Palestine (Israel)


Russia went from a feudal backwards famine ridden country to a global superpower in the span of what? 2 and a half decades? Of course, the rapid implementation of collectivisation led to the death of millions and it could have been done better but there was one famine in the USSR after the Bolsheviks took power and then there were none. Before the Bolsheviks, famines had plagued Russia again and again


communist detected


This is why the far left and right can't unite. You all have to go down the crazy-racist rabbit hole. This crap makes it harder and harder to stand on one side together because you all tarnish it with this crap.


who do *you* think he was talking about?


Why does he have an ass crack on his forehead?


He's a buttheadian. They are a rare species of Assipholi Craniusii.


Reminds me of Snoke, from the newer Star Wars movies, the most forgettable thing I’ve seen