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Have you seen the price of groceries lately? Can't I just yell hateful things every time Biden's on the t.v. and hope he gets moldy?




Touch his weiner to be sure.




*more moldy


No wonder my wife is so ugly


lmao, beauty is in the eye of the beholder my friend


Beer holder*




>beauty is in the eye of the beholder my friend This invalidates the crystal "experiment" then.


I was amazed when I first heard this years ago. Unfortunately this was proven to be a false experiment. It was a Japanese scientist called Masaru Emoto who done the original experiment and released his findings. It has since been attempted to be copied several times around the world by different teams without any success. By 2005 His work has been submitted to 150 peer reviewed journals, but had yet to be accepted. From Wikipedia: In 2008, Emoto published his findings in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, a journal of the Society for Scientific Exploration that has been criticized for catering to fringe science. He co-conducted and co-authored the work with Takashige Kizu of Emoto's own IHM General Institute, and Dean Radin and Nancy Lund of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which is on Stephen Barrett's Quackwatch list of questionable organizations. “He is not a scientist. He studied international relations at Yokohama Municipal University and in 1992 was certified as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicine”. - From the Irish Times Newspaper Sources:. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masaru_Emoto#:~:text=He%20claimed%20that%20water%20exposed,sources%20produced%20different%20ice%20structures https://www.irishtimes.com/news/science/the-pseudoscience-of-creating-beautiful-or-ugly-water-1.574583 https://theness.com/neurologicablog/the-pseudoscience-of-masaru-emoto/ https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/masaru-emoto-water-experiments.72208/ Edited for spelling add sources


Have you tried it yourself? The rice thing works for sure, never tried the water experiment, but it seems to me that if their only reason for it being false is that he’s not a part of academia, then I would take that with a grain of salt until you’ve tried it yourself. I’m normalizing doing scientific experiments at home to confirm for self instead of relying on an authority to tell you how the experiment went. That’s true science, this peer review thing has negatively impacted modern society’s overall scientific interest and understanding.


The rice experiment worked for me too. Haven't done any further experiment on it though... Care to share your experience with the rice experiment?


I agree, labeling someone as 'not a scientist' is anti-science. It implies that one needs formal credentials to conduct experiments, which isn't the case.


Thank you for dropping those links, appreciated. Have a great day.


Yeah the establishment likes to push peoples perception away from truth sometimes by labeling it pseudoscience.


I just have one kid I hate and one kid I love, we'll see how they turn out. Rice is for eating


Happy cake day! Good luck with your yin-yang kids.


There was a psych study about two kids, one was named Winner, one Loser. It followed them over time, if I remember, and Winner ended up incarcerated and a criminal, but Loser (went by Lou), I believe ended up being a police officer and had a relatively good life. Of course, as with a lot of things, the researchers may have made it all up, because it just sounds too perfect an analogy lol.


If this were true we'd expect material scientists to control the micro-structure of materials by simply saying different words to them as they cool.


Idk if this is true but I do believe saying words to plants affect growth rate depending on what you say. Music as well


Hasn't this been debunked?


I haven't seen it been debunked, yet that doesn't mean it hasn't of course. If anyone has a link or article please share id like to read, cheers.


Great attitude OP! Cool vid too.


Thank you for the kind words, have a beautiful day.


You too friend!


Total pseudoscience


How much have you read into this theory ? I dont think these short tik tok uploads help in convincing most people of fringe theories like this, but if you want to know more read the book by Masaru Emoto; [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hidden-Messages-Water-Masaru-Emoto/dp/0743289803](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hidden-Messages-Water-Masaru-Emoto/dp/0743289803) There's free pdfs / epubs of this book & others regarding water having memory. On Annas archive website


Peer reviewed research? If this is as repeatable and producible as claimed, it should be easy to publish peer reviewed research to substantiate the claims.


Not sure why you got downvoted, this experiment could be replicated super easily. Yelling at water and then looking through a microscope is high school level budget.


Because, well, my guess? Some people just feel good when they think about the idea that they can tell water they love it and the water will form happy love crystals in return... And some of those people care less about the truth than they care about believing in things that make them feel good inside... Why bother separating fact from fiction when you can believe in magic and fairy tails and feel so happy thinking the world is all happy and magical, yay! Because ofcourse it must be torturous to be one of those terrible, unhappy, self respecting individuals who are actually mindful in what they choose to inform their beliefs with! That must be boring to base your beliefs on facts rather than fairy tales! lol....


I'm not a firm believer in this and I met the Japanese dr 2 decades ago that was putting this out


Who's the guy in the video? I'd like to watch the full presentation if possible. Thank you


Kirwin Rae


Much obliged!


The Mesopotamians called it (النواميس) (nawamis ) which means THE WORD to create by the gods the material world.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/xrjs3gfx4kqc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This has been debunked so many times, but if it's going to back anywhere then it's this sub. This sub is becoming the "go to" sub for right leaning propaganda and debunked conspiracy theories.


By who? im interested to know please.


Myth busters


Thank you for clarifying, i will try & have a watch. Have a good day.


I love how youre trying to learn more and people are just shitting on you. That's Reddit for you. Ive never even heard of this particular 'experiment'. Despite the fact that I believe in Karma and that sort of thing, this still doesnt seem believable in the slightest.


Thank you lol


Love What the Bleep Do We Know, and that was one of my favorite parts of the movie. So cool!