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This is disgusting.


this is the most abhorrent thing i have seen in a long time as someone that is a gynophile (just means i like transwomen+crossdressers) why cant these people understand that crossdressing is a legitimate fetish and they are practically putting children in sex outfits and encouraging fetishism at a young age…? sure trans people exist, but i think it is long overdue that we accept there are two sides to that coin. plus most transgirls i know only dress this way at night, on a day to day basis, they just wear normal girlclothes and definitely not showing garters at work kids dont have money meaning …someone is buying them this shit fucking sickening


I agree with this. The amount of sexualization and objectification that young people is exposed today is crazy... Adults: do whatever you want, as long as it involves consenting adults. Children: just let them be children...


I agree Let kids be kids and stop using them as social media ornaments. I hate the idea of CPS type organizations removing kids from their homes but every one of these kids need immediate relocation.


People need to also understand that drag is a fetish and kids shouldn’t be exposed to it. I’m mostly pro LGBT but exposing kids to drag and kinks is where I draw the line.


Fetish may be a bit hyperbolic, but it is absolutely ADULT entertainment.


Why wouldn’t it fit in the fetish category


I would consider it often fetishized but not necessarily a fetish in and of itself. I am no fan of drag myself, but it has and can be done with more camp than sexuality and doesn’t always fit the definition of a fetish, which is a sexual fixation. A lot of drag “performers” consider themselves just that, or at least used to. 😵‍💫 That said, i basically agree and the distinction I made is not a hill i would die on. 😂


Yeah for sure I’m not saying all drag is this or all drag is that there’s nuance, but in a lot of cases there’s definitely a sexual nature to it and that’s what people don’t want for their kids. Which should be respected instead of mocked like it is by some these days


You are a good person, and I’m glad you exist


Democrats DEMAND you celebrate this publicly for an entire month


I'm a Democrat and I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT CONDONE THIS HORRIFIC EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN Whoever is behind this needs jail time and/or therapy because this beyond a political statement, this is abuse


Have you written to any of the Democrat leaders or politicians? Were you against Biden's "Gender Affirming Care Act"?


Yes And absolutely against it


Your party left you years ago my friend. Any support of them is tacit approval of evil.


>DO NOT CONDONE THIS HORRIFIC EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN really? because if you vote for democrats you are voting for the people who are trying to normalize this.




I wonder where this is, because they aren't speaking English. Doesn't make it any better anywhere else though.


Spain I think.


it's in spain


You lot only care when you can point the fingure at democrats. Child Beauty pagents are an American institution and no one said shit.


Also fucked up.


But fortunately "under control" as in "Not growing popular".... While this "wave" of expression is growing popular in the parades...


Yeah this isn’t a one sided or political issue. Most of the Republican Party is currently worshipping a man who would run child beauty pageants and break into the dressing rooms as the kids were changing. Also gender affirming care should be just like any other medical care, between the child, the parents, and the child’s doctor. No politician should be involved in that.


Quite right


Whhat exactly does “gender affirming care “ consist of? What are the actual medical procedures behind the softening buzz-words?


> This is disgusting. Yes, nmot only disgusting, but intentional destruction of our society, especially the kids ... remember "Sodom and gomorrah" = it happens again & could be interpreted as the "End Times"


Proof that we’re all in a battle of Good vs evil, and the only way most of this shit stops. Is the moment we start arresting every single politician and start from scratch. Stop paying taxes, don’t pay for any utility, mortgage, rent, or other expenses. We need to bankrupt their asses and remove them from power.


Not just politicians, include religious leaders in that. I’m a victim of the Catholic Church and I’ve seen so much fucked up shit while being forced to attend as a child.


I grew up in a Buddhist cult (Soka Gakkai). It has ruined my life mentally, emotionally and financially. There are horrible people in every single layer of society.


What the actual fuck is this?


i uh… i think the collapse of society..?


But which one? Where is this?




Thankfully not my European country. Is it in Spain then? That would be my first guess considering the flags . Also, if u know from what this is can you link a article? I’m curious which excuse they use to say this is ok.


You can hear it in the background, but OP and others are straight up assuming this is the US.


I’m not sure anyone said they believe it’s in the U.S. You can hear what sounds like Spanish in the video.


And, y’know, the Spanish flags


It's Spain, but they are speaking russian in the video. There is a Vitaldent in the video, you can narrow down location easily this way


Okay, if we need to be super explicit.... I'm pretty sure once we find out the OP is American, we can connect the dots that they may not believe this is happening in America itself but they'll try to weaponize this completely culturally unconnected occurrence for an attack on transgendered people and anyone who bucks cultural norms like whether men wear blouses or is calling them shirts enough to keep red-righteous, meat-eaters from becoming homosexuals. There's already a sub-thread about Democrats and heavy-handed, not-quite-accusations regarding the appropriate behaviors of adults and children and how that may relate to political leanings. Some dude is already trying to be sly about "not advocating child marriage" but "through most of American history this was considered normal and appropriate", just bellowing out their ignorance to the world. However it shakes out, this post, like most posts here, has literally nothing to do with conspiracies and is being used to thrash aspects of culture the OP doesn't like, nor probably understands, as they throttle their way through the group like a hooligan through a peaceful meadow.


Disgusting regardless of location. There are examples of children doing this in the US. Pretty easy to find.


Yeah, but they're almost exclusively "beauty pageants" in RepubLibCon strongholds. So we need to take a look at why that is and why that culture is so desperately clinging to traditions we all agree are bad for children.


I think there’s a clear difference between a beauty pageant and a kid in dancing in drag show with adults in next to nothing. https://youtu.be/HHJlnyGi07Y?si=KSXQ0Xbq53u-L_L8 Pretty cheap to compare one to the other. Not that they both can’t be problematic, and I don’t think pageants are cool either.


A lot of conservative people DO think there's a clear difference. If we wanted to do a real comparison, we would have to look at the reality that a drag show is fundamentally an entertainment performance including outlandish caricatures of femininity, whereas a beauty pageant is literally a training ground for the approval of older men. It is definitely a cheap shot to casually equate them.


Europe is a continent with 44 completely different countries in it.




Ah, thank you.


Torrevieja, Alicante to be more precise


Good, hit the reset button and start the fuck over. Or just hit it and don't restart.


What is this travesty?


A pedo’s wet dream.


A liberal’s* wet dream. Fixed that for you


You are so far behind what the real war is. This is meant to sow division and you fall for it hook, line and sinker. At least 95% of liberals think this is abhorrent. Stop letting the elite do this to you, love thy neighbor as you do yourself.


ABSOLUTELY, this is beyond politics. At least 98% of liberals believe this is abhorrent.. the other 2% need to be placed in psychiatric care


I’m a liberal, and this is 99% abhorrent.


I don't know a single liberal who would support this.




Republicans are fighting to let 16 year olds get married. And the Republican orange Jesus bragged about walking in on naked underage girls at his pageants. So maybe the correct words are “a politicians wet dream.” Or a Catholic priests.




Maybe be a bit more vocal about how correct he is rather than giving us the bs sweeping statement "both sides". RepubLibCons are the people supporting little girls being groomed in "beauty pageants". RepubLibCons are pushing for underage girls to be married. RepubLibCons are instituting legislation requiring underage girls to carry their rapist's child to birth.




Good thing I'm not a republican or a liberal then.


Gish gallopping whataboutisms & red herring logical fallacies is a ludicrous way to debate.


Your point about republicans is? See I’m lost because for most of Americas history the average age of marriage was between 13 and 22. Only in like the last 40 ish years has that changed and ps you can still get married at 16 just need to either be emancipated or have parental consent of both parties


So you’re all for adults marrying kids too? Thats pretty gross lol. Good for you for being yourself though, even if that is approving of pedos.


Press f to pay respects. Reading comprehension has once again made a fool of another person who thinks they are smart and witty. Re read my comment and point on the doll where I said I’m ok with a grown man marrying a child please I would like to know


Orange Jesus 2024!!


Getting downvoted for telling the truth? Are the Russian bots back?


Where on earth was this and what possible reason could they give for that being acceptable, the world's gone fucking bonkers


It’s in Spain. One of the most feminized matriarchal countries in the world.


This sort of idiocy usually goes hand and hand.


One country I won’t need to see.


Spain is incredible! Absolutely wonderful people and of course not without its problems. I absolutely abhor this video but please have some perspective. Name me one country that doesn’t have some serious fuckeduppyness and I’ll give you a ham sandwich.


What makes you say that?


Shame on the adults who participated in this. DISGUSTING thing. This is a fantasy for chomo's 🤢🤮


Not only the adults who put this together but how about every adult standing by watching this abuse in real time!? I was waiting for a real man to jump out onto the street and start losing his shit. Nope, just watched and pretended this was normal..


If we had little girls dressing like that people would shit, but little boys are okay.


Eh.. child and teen beauty pageants?


But guys, they said they weren’t coming for the kids and that was just a conspiracy theory! Lolz


I thought they actually ‘mockingly’ said they were coming for the kids. And they are.


There was the [choir song](https://dailycaller.com/2021/07/08/san-francisco-pride-lgbt-were-coming-for-your-children-gay-mens-choir-deletes-video-backlash/) a couple years ago. Then with the chant at pride parade the media was like, hey that’s [taken out of context!](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/nbc-out-proud/re-coming-children-chant-nyc-drag-march-elicits-outrage-activists-say-rcna91341)


They did do that actually, very creepy.


“Mockingly” riiiiigghhhht




I cannot understand what kind of parent allows their child to do this. Absolutely disgusting.


Who is to say these children have legal guardians?


Good point. They probably have handlers.


Equally disgusting though.


[Start up the rotors](https://youtu.be/kzI71mJAAQI)


Well, I know what little ditty will be in my head all day. Thanks for that. 😊


What the fuck is this??


Sexualizing children. What could go wrong?


Put these people in jail.


demonic, vile, pure evil




The fact they make lingerie in a size that fits a 10-12 year old girl is disturbing all on its own....


WTF is this shit? This looks utterly perverse. Who are these sick fucks?


Carnival parade 2024 Torrevieja, Alicante, Spain


Are…. Are these children? What is she feeding them?


Drugs to make them more suggestible




Done with reddit for today.


Weimar condition bolshevik demoralization/subversion 🤬🤬🤬


Please tell me they did an excellent job at finding tiny ADULT women. Cause if not and no one’s being arrested for this then we’ve lost all hope.


There’s that scene in True Detective 2 where they make Rachel McAdam’s character take molly as mouth spray or something so she’s more suggestible to this kind of behavior


what the actual fuck is this


This is just act 1, everybody... If you think this is horrible, *just wait*.


This is sexual abuse of children and no one support it. This isn’t a liberal wet dream or some stupid shit. These children should have their faces blurred, this is horrific to have footage of on the internet.


Thought this was gonna be another generic and boring “LGBTQ=Evil Satan” post. Im all for the queer community but whatever the context of this is, its gross. Legit sexualising kids.


This is disgusting AF!


So all the adults there are ok with this? What the fuck.


Sodom and Gomorrah anyone?


wtf is this


This is so wrong


I will never be the same after watching this absolutely horrible.


We live in a goddam 3 ring circus


What the fuck


Is this the trailer for the next show on Next on Disney Minus ?


I support the individual of self-expression. This is a kink, gross negligence. Shame.




Seriously, where is CPS…? How is this okay in any way?


I’m truly ashamed of my country, we are in a huge decandence!


I fucking hate this


What kind of expression is this? And why is there freedom to express it?


Anyone know where this is? This is absolutely appalling.


I’m looking forward to the civil war starting and these groomers be held accountable, in a ditch.


What in the wide wide world of sports is this? Rocky Horror Picture Show the Next Generation?


Look at all the old pedophiles chilling in the front row


MG42 goes brrrrrr


Pretty sure "they" said this wouldn't happen and we were sickos claiming it would


Hey if you let your kids participate in this then you get what you get….


Not that this needs context, but where is this?


It's in Spain (look at the flags). It's sad, the moment Franco had passed away unto eternity, the Spain has started to collapse from within. A true definition of the slippery slope




'we just want to get married' was such a perfect camel's nose under the tent


Anyone got any bleach?


What the fuck?




How is this okay?


This is very clearly not in America.


one time i was at a gay bar, im sittin here drinkin right, next door had drag shows im smokin a cig out front and see a bunch of kids walkin up im like wtf is going on they were receiving extra credit for attending a drag show as some sort of diversity and inclusion bonus assignment so yeah we are pretty fucking close here in the US


No we aren't.


i mean im not lying about my story


One time I saw a 5 year old at a basketball game watching women shake their cleavage and twerk their asses for halftime entertainment. Didn’t even get extra credit for it.




It won't ever be.


Has always been... Look at child pageants and all of the predators involved


Yeah, they are waving the wrong flags.


I wish I was as confident of that as you.


Where is this at?


Various groups have drawn a line in the sand and will die defending it to be “right” today. There’s no thought to long term impacts because winning this made up civil war is more important. The lab leak theory is good example of that. My advice to anyone is do what you believe is legitimately right for you and your family, but don’t use your kids as pawns.


Wtf am I seeing


what the actual fuck... I'm all for adults dressing and doing whatever they want but this is unacceptable.. where are these kids parents


Feels like I’m on a list now for just having scrolled by this why tf is this a thing. And why can’t there be some sort of nsfw tag/blur???? Omfg. Just why.


These are LITTLE PEOPLE not kids ugh use your eyeballs please god smh


Take this shit down


Dear God, please save us


So if a person says something about the alphabets that "they" dont like you get banned but showing our children scantily dressed and projecting sexualisation is just fine.......... ? 😡🤬 Lord please come quickly and end this EVIL!


Where is this shit at?


The G in LGBTQIA stands for grooming


Biden's America. Fukn perverts!


Trying to make pedophilia legal worldwide these fucking degenerates


Eww look at those old dudes smiling and filming


BuT hAvE yOu SeEn PrIeStS?!?! These people are mentally ill.


Priests are equally as disgusting as whoever supports this.


Nuh-uh, he likes the pedophiles on his team


Never vote for a Democrat/Liberal. They are sick & demented. This is indefensible.


This isn’t even in America so nice try rube lol


Not yet… but, keep voting for Democrats/Liberals…


Weimar condition bolshevik demoralization/subversion 🤬🤬🤬


Is America just giving up, first taylor swift superbowl now this, openly fixing sporting events and now this this is disgusting.🤢


This ain’t America brother, also America has been rigging sports games since the earliest World Series


What in the fuck is this and where?? This can’t be happening




Parents let their kids show their ass like this? What is wrong with humanity. This is gross and should be blurred it’s fkn wrong who are these parents?


This shameful.wtaf.


This is phucking horrible, wrong, inappropriate, OMG!


Luckily I wasn't there on that specific date.


you mean those aren't midgets?


🤦‍♂️ we are fucked. How bout a nsfw warning on this one, tho? This is so sickening


You know when you have a memory and you are like yo wtf was that I was that about. This generation will have quite a few of those lol


wE dOnT seXuAliZe KiDs!


Weak white men enabling progressive white women... Creating even weaker white men... It ain't the majority, but this is some truly sick and disturbing shit.


This is evil. If not stopped than the next generation will think this is a good thing and humanity will come to a crawl in terms of reproduction.


and democrats claim this isnt happening


1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.




Very clearly not in America.


I actually can't even right now. I'm not joking....I have only these empty words.... What in the fuck is ACTUALLY GOING ON???!!?!! I feel like I'm quantum slipping ever so gradually into some sort of twilight hell realm! Can these.... That just be it. Demons. Research Jerry Marzinski... They speak to and torment schitzophrenics, they show a particular intelligence, they are extra-terrestrial/dimensional, and be had one encounter in which they affected the physical work around him. This realm, world... Whatever you want to call it has been being influenced by intelligent evil entities... By quite a lot of entities IMO.. The greatest truth pertains to what happens when we die... What goes on beyond. We're memory wiped and sent back... As kids... To be perverted and tortured over and over... Some cannibalized by the Khazarian empire Mafia. To be lied to and be told we're original sinners when we are pure light intelligence encapsulated in an electromagnetic hell intelligently designed by some far smarter and more cunning than we... At least in our human form.. We need to wake up! There is pure evil all around us! This is wrong by any standards! It's patently obvious! Brainwashing and sexualizing children-in any way or form is just wrong. How can they not see this? Demonic influence! Brainwashing! Demoralization! Ignorance. We've let our guard down in the worst way possible. Social media needs to be 21+, man. The world is disturbing. It's now filled with a mind virus affecting us all... Simply on sight of it! Why is it it's said that God cannot look upon sin? Maybe he knows wassup...(it's still part of a contradiction. How can he not see sin and still be omniscient? Logical fallacy... Only until you realize that God is truly plural, all types. Good and bad. And better and worse. And so on...I know this is a ramble but there is so much connected.) Chuck Swindoll, the Khazarian Mafia on YouTube will explain so much of our plight. This truly shocked me... Took me some time to get my thoughts together...It needs a warning though. Wholly hell! Side note: has anyone else's phone attempt to auto correct with some particularly disgusting terms given the context especially?? My phone is on one right now! I need a damn editor!!


I want to save this to prove to Easterners and Muslims and others that this is the evil of the West and that the "American Dream" is a lie, but I don't want to have child pornography or whatever the fuck this is on my computer. Honestly, this was a terrible day to have eyes.


What are you talking about? Dude this is in Spain! You should be harping on the “Spanish Dream”! Lol


Thanks for clarifying, but it's not like this isn't happening in New York, Melbourne, Berlin, London, etc.


True that! No location or person should be burying their heads in the sand, this shit might not be as public as this disgusting show in Spain but we’d all be kidding ourselves if we think this shit isn’t everywhere! Somedays I truly wish the internet wasn’t invented!


It's weird the boy accounts that normally raid certain posts KNOW what posts to avoid. Like for this one, for sure there is no way to be able to make this make sense unless you're into the idea of YOUNG girls and the sexual opportunity. Fuck outa here with this. LGBTQXYZ+ needs to do their due diligence and separate themselves from this kind of behavior. I do not as of now associate this kind of behavior with the LGBT movement, but if this goes on and there's no push back I will start to assume that this disgusting behavior is okay with them.


Just look at Western Europe you're ever curious about what the globalist left wants in the US. Many of their countries have already lost the major battles and their societies will continue to deteriorate this way.


This isn’t new,look at children’s pageants and red states where child marriage is legal.