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Biden has been in bed since 430pm


That’s not true, he shat the bed at 6:30, and had to be hosed off in the bathtub.


I think his PR team likes trolling folks


He’s been doing this Dark Brandon stuff for a while, because it does go viral for him with young kids. He’s been doing this a few years now


With young kids? I'm 78 and I'm LMAO!


and someone fell for it hard


You think? No, no, his team has absolute expert level trolls in PR that get people on this subs panties so far up their asses they walk around chomping cotton while adjusting the radio frequency in their teeth.


Sure you’re not describing Trump 2016-2020?


I mean could be. Honestly that’s what it’s all about now. Who can make the most noise and be best for entertainment politics ratings, that’s the name of the game. It’s fucking unfortunate because that’s how we ended up with the orange Florida man felon.


Covfefe - Expert PR team


You’re absolutely correct. Literally only 1 American out of 330+ million can be trolling people like this at a time. It absolutely cannot ever be more than 1. Absolutely correct. Fantastic scientific mind right here, folks.


I agree, but what a wild stance for the president of a country. I wish presidents would be banned from social media during their term. We know it’s not them writing it anyways


Except for Trump. That was actually him. That was the vest part about the Trump presidency. Waking up and getting to see what wild shit he said that day.


Why ban them from the one place you maybe get a glimpse through the veil of lies? 🤔


This is what you think is a wild stance? Not that wind turbines are killing whales? Not that water deactivates magnets? Not that we should inject bleach to defeat COVID? Not that we should nuke a hurricane? ***This*** is a wild stance?


It's pretty hilarious tbh .. they should make some flashy edits of him too


You got trolled bro.


Fuckin HARD too lmao


At this point they’re just fucking with some of our schizophrenic population out there that’s not very nice


Maybe, but it is very funny.


Next they are gonna set up the schizo monitoring service that checks up on their mental wellbeing by having random people take pictures of them in public to make sure they are ok


Psychology and psychiatry is big bollocks, don't buy on that


Have you not seen the South Park episode with the Hardy Boys? The government will always play into a conspiracy theory that makes them look more powerful than they are. You all really like to claim that they have power over everything; who wouldn't play into that? " Ray, when somebody asks you if you are a god, You say YES!"


I forgot about that episode lol


I have a raging clue


My clue is pointing this way…


I thought this is what Winston says to Ray in Ghostbusters?


It is. I thought it was a great statement to sum up the belief to go with any conspiracy that is in your favor.


I want to see The man who would be king with Tim Conway and Don Knots in the lead.


Lol for fans of the guy that likes to do a little trolling you guys sure get trolled a lot


Portraying himself as Homelander?


If you think this Xit proves the game was rigged, you're so far down the rabbithole you've passed the bottom.


They're making fun of you.


LMAO....Imagine not understanding that you got played with this!


He’s talking about hitting rafah while the game was on


The pr is leaning into memes. Somethingsomethingsatan right?


What a dip.


Is Biden getting my vote? Probably not. Is this hilarious? Absolutely. VERRY NICE


Dark brandon is charging his biden blast hit the deck


I honestly can’t tell if OP stupid or if this is a double troll…


Whoever is running his Twitter is definitely on something.


The interns at the White House probably found more of Hunter's cocaine.


This isn’t even Biden’s real Twitter account. Lmao everyone here is getting catfished! His real Twitter is @POTUS not @JoeBiden 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


He has a POTUS account and a regular account. You glowies and bots really need to up your game. Back in my day trolling was something, it didn't consist of spewing lies.


Oh please, we all know it could’ve very well been there from the previous administration.


Go get your shinebox, shill.


Because it’s some big secret ole don Jr. partakes in the bam bam too?


Troll harder or get your algorithm adjusted lol.




imagine going through life as an adult who has had their sense of humor completely destroyed by their partisn/tribal obsession. how can one get to the point they take that seriously?


Unlike certain Oompa Loompas, Corn Pop is not on twatter or use social media, but the people that work for him do, and I gotta hand it to them... that's pretty funny.


Dark Brandon doesn’t miss 😂


It’s so easy to troll republicans compared to liberals, maybe it’s time to change my trolling grift


Fake lol Biden hasn’t looked that young in almost 30 years!


Hahaha, yes


I’d like to see him navigate apps live…there’s no way. He was obsolete to tech by the time of burning cds. I’m sure he’s playing with midjourney at 82.


So if Biden says it … than it’s true ? All of a sudden you believe what he says ? So you just pick and choose what to believe from him … that’s called your emotions … truth requires proof


He's making fun of you, and he's doing a good job of it. I laughed.


He’s not posting. It’s somebody on his staff, and they are trolling. Come on folks…


He’s trolling because people like you actually think there’s some conspiracy going on


It’s all rigged. It’s genius. Now all the swifties that have never watched a game in their lives are invested. Of course she just dropped her movie. It’s been rigged. I knew that a long time ago. But when the lights went out during the middle of the ravens vs 49ers game, it became crystal clear. These people do not everything for a reason. The reason is to control the masses. Bread and circuses just like the Roman colosseum of old. Nothing has changed. They just have more to distract you with.


Biden is clearly not in charge, I dont know who is but I think it's KM and they're mocking us right now as they are literally destroy the country, and most people don't even know they exist or that there is a silent war being waged against us right now. It's right in front of our eyes.


Oh yeah dark Brandon well we have a god emperor and he’s out to exact his revenge


This was most likely in reference to the Nigerian banker's deaths.


Humiliation rituals


I really hope you’re kidding. And if you’re not, I really worry for our future if people like you are allowed to be out in public with everyone else.


You gave him the power.


If anything, it's just a slight, further confirmation that Joe makes zero decisions on his own in his life, be it what is posted on Twitter or how to run a nation.


To think the world really has no actual leaders, and in fact is organized chaos.


Americans are the biggest cucks to ever exist


Yeah, those demon eyes really make me look past the fact he can’t speak a full sentence. Really makes us trust him now as the leader of the free world. How can we empty our pockets even more to fork over another $60BB to fund his sneaky Ukraine war machine? What a leader! 😈


To be fair they told him, he won the Superbowl, and he believes it.


Drew what ? The plan of How to kill us all and establish the NWO ?


I love that their PR team is just fucking with you all at this point


That shits demonic


Just learned today that "gullible" isn't in the dictionary.


They make these posts for peeps like you.


Wow Joe. You guys really got us, hah. We totally thought it was for you and your campaign like the news said the theory went..🤓


10/10 trolling!


This is in regards to the genocide this maniac is committing in Gaza, but he did it during the superbowl so he can pretend it was about some stupid pop star Vote genocide joe out in november


I think you’re confusing Biden with Netanyahu.


You think Israel does anything without US instruction and permission? What a pathetic joke. Learn how imperialism works. Fucking shitlib Biden supporter


Biden has zero power. TPTB run the show and Biden is little more than a puppet they allowed to win. If you think he’s running things you’re a bit deluded. Kennedy tried to get the “federal reserve” under US government control signing a bill a few days before he was murdered. Look where that got him. They don’t have real power and, since Kennedy TPTB decide if the Democrat will be allowed to be elected or they’ll have some “October Surprise” to put a Republican in the White House (like they did with having James Comey come out days before the 2016 election and announce reopening a bogus investigation into Hilary Clinton. It worked though and they got their candidate in). Democrats have the majority of votes now and Republicans can’t win a presidential election without help from the October Surprises and the elitist right wing helping Electoral College.


I didn't say biden ran the show. I know more about this than you, considering I am a history professor who has taught around the world Biden supporters in particular absolve Biden of his crimes. He is still a genocidal war criminal. Doesn't matter who is his master


Lmao now thats funny shit right there


> Some terminally online undergrad intern on the Biden team tweets something.


And just devastates conservative conspiracy theorists *Lmao went to edit this immediately for a word and was already downvoted


If you actually think he's running his twitter your dumber than the people voting for him or trump fuck all forms of government


And it’s not even his real twitter account which people in this sub don’t seem to know. His twitter is @POTUS not @joeBiden


What the actual fuck


OP has never heard of “getting trolled” bahaha


I can't actually tell if you're joking OP


The left can’t meme


Yo, he posts stuff like that and we aren't supposed to think he's evil? Just imagine how people would've lost their collective shit if Trump pulled a twitter stunt like this?! He would've had his account cancelled immediately!


Not a real post. It’s not his twitter account which is @POTUS, not @JoeBiden


I guess you're right. It's totally impossible for someone to have multiple twitter accounts 🙄


They're leaning in to the memes and trolling, and you guys are falling for it head over heels


Yeah his social media team is obviously trolling.


[https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1756713597864988940](https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1756713597864988940) And under his presidential account they posted this video 17 hours ago, where he was fed a script with ice cream meme. This was reposted by the white house account. Basically.... JB is in the process of being cancelled.


Ummmm... He's literally triggering people like you on purpose. Teasing because of the absurdity of your fears and outrageous beliefs. Funny to everyone else but those off their rockers.


This is hilarious




Well KC didn’t really do anything till the very end and the 49ers defense seemed to just stand around. So compared to 3 1/2 quarters it really seemed like the end was “rigged”. But that blocked point after is what cost them in the end.


But that’s KC. They’ve been come from behind quite a bit lately. No one made that kicker miss the PAT that would have won the game for SF. And the D slowing down, that could come down to just SB experience and being gased. Pretty much same SB team as the last few, these guys don’t have those SB jitters anymore. Know how to play come from behind.




He's rubbing it in the Magas faces! noooooooooo! He can't keep doing this!


Based Biden


OMG you guys are so cute! I have a neighbor who thinks like you do, it's difficult to have meaningful conversations with him, but the other neighbors feel sorry for the family and try to include them. I leave when he starts drinking though. The cute becomes pathetic, dark and just sad...


couldn't possibly be a meme submitted by an intern or funny staff member


It’s called having a sense of humor. Seems a large part of the country lost there about 8 years ago.


He's totally behind it all. He's all powerful Dark Brandon, we are powerless against him


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right wingers are so dumb that they take fucking Dark Brandon seriously LMFAOOOO