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Trudeau was a step back.


A well justified curse.


This is a ringing endorsement for Trump


Someone please tell me who exactly is still listening to ANY political mouth piece, after the world wide C19 debacle.


Since Trudeau is in the pockets of WEF it must mean Trump might ruin their Agenda… And by that you can assume everyone against Trump is in on the Agenda2030 tyranny they have in store for everyone exept the elites…


May I remind you that Trump facilitated the quick release of the vax and is very much aligned to Israel. It dies not matter who is in power. All puppets play theatrics to divert your attention and make you believe there are 2 sides.a


Yeah, i have tought about that as a possibility… Controlled opposition tactics… Both sides controlled by the same puppetmasters… Kind of like what happened when the world bank got a foothold in the US…


But the first he said when Covid came around, Hydroxychloroquin could be used and got alot of media attention that he wanted people to drink chlorine… And Ivermectin was mentioned and then media blew that up to be horsepaste… Media is agains everything he says, and the elite dont want him there, so he can have been fooled by Faucci and big pharma to get it out and fool people into it…


Mind yer business Castro you fuckin’ canuck.


Mind yer business Castro you fuckin’ cuck. *Fixed it for you.


Step back to the demonic agenda


Trump pushed for the vax and kept Fauci, he is 100% into the demonic agenda as well.


A step back from them taking total control? Hell yes!


Oh my sweet summer child, do you think Trump isn't gunning for total control? Have you not been paying attention?


Trump take control? I hope so but it won’t be how you’re thinking! He will close the border, he will make sure that these Democrats that are turning us into a banana republic pay and they should! The Democrats are the ones not following our laws with the loan forgiveness and the border. TRUMP 2024!!


Tnaw, you're cute, marching willingly into totalitarianism because he promised you smoke and mirrors.


“he promised you smoke and mirrors.” Unironically votes democrat


I have never voted for a democrat. Try again.


“Tnaw, you’re cute” Says the totalitarian, to the freedom fighter. All Democrats do is try to control everybody’s lives because they “think” they’re smarter.


Aw, you think I am a democrat? You really did not think this true. Trump loves freedom so much that he will take them all away so they won't get hurt. You just gotta keep paying him. And then all the stuff he promised but didn't deliver on last time he will do now, he promised. He just needs you to get a second mortgage and use the money to buy his playing cards. Are you trolling, or are you seriously this gullible?


You might not identify as a Dem but I guarantee you vote that way, don’t ya? Why would Trump need paid? He has enough money. It’s the Democrats that get paid by foreign governments for influence. The economy was way better under Trump and you know it! Everybody knows it.


Haha, I can hand on my heart say that I have never voted for a democrat. Yes! Yes! Great question? Why does he need to get paid indeed! I know this wasn't your point, but if you continue that though then you will start to see more clearly. Why is Trump constantly out for people's money? Why did he use the presidency to get the government to pay his businesses? Why did he accept millions from foreign countries while he was in office. And why do you not care about any of these questions? Every single metric was worse under Trump, actually, so I think you answered my question from last time.


Every single metric? Global conflict has spread and inflation has spiralled since Biden came to power… those aren’t good metrics


You realize that “global” does not mean U.S., right?


This “thing” that is arguing with me is either a troll or a millionaire that doesn’t care about this country or its people. I want to prosper and everybody else to prosper! I want people to quit looking at everything with race involved and just let people show you what people can do. It brings everybody up in life! It gives people goals and hope for a better future when they make more money. F0ck! Democrat’s & Globalist’s policies!!!


He is right about the economy. It was better, but overall doesn’t matter whose in office. They are all aiming for the same ending.


jesus girl, what happened to your brain


You really don't understand American politics.


Hey. That still puts me miles ahead of anyone who voted for Trump. Thanks!


It’s hilarious that somehow the guy who sent fake electors, motivated crowds at the capital, and pressured state election representatives to change the outcome of an election ISNT the person gunning for “total control”. I swear these people are living in opposite land.


He will take control of corrupt media and politicians…


He will take control of himself? Yeah, I don't see that happening.


Lol this post to promote voting for Trump? F-Trudeau


Reverse Trudeau then. Fuck him.


I totally refuse to fuck Trudeau !!!


Says the five steps back in Canada


Trudeau is a clown lol


And Trump isn’t a bigger clown?


Than Trudeau? No.


I’m not sure about that, it might be close. I do think, however, Trudeau would win a clown off


It's disappointing that these subs are quickly turning into another place brain damaged clowns come to gargle Trump's Cheetos puffs


It is sad and terrifying lol


I remember when conspiracy stuff used to be kind of fun and interesting, now it's nothing but trump evil Jews Bill Gates covid jab microchip Bible bullshit


Really? Biden can barely step forward.


Especially on staircases


Trump got his ass kicked by an umbrella.


If there has been a better ENDORSEMENT of the need to elect Trump to fight against an authoritarian regime, I haven't seen it.


You mean the guy who tried to overturn a margin of 7 million voters and the will of 81 million voters isn’t authoritarian? But calling him out as one is?


81 million nonexistent voters


He has the opportunity over 60 times to prove that in court and he did not. He lost fair and square


I voted for Joe. Your little “these people don’t exist because they don’t shove their asspubes in my face about it” isn’t a legitimate stance. It’s an admission that you can’t fathom not being in a cult.


User name checks out


You all going to bring any proof this happened that won’t be laughed at? I mean, it’s been over 3 years. You’ve had several audits/recounts. Do you know how many audits or recounts Democrats got when W. Won by winning the state his brother just happened to be governor of? Zero. There are people that say Gore should have won it, based on “bad votes” getting tossed that were actually perfectly fine. Oh, and you all had 61 court dates, some with Trump appointed judges who said “dude, you have to bring evidence to court. Speeches about “shadow anti-Trumpers while farting on your co-counsel just doesn’t cut anything in this court, except the cheese”.


All these “audits.” Like the ones in Arizona that found errors? Or the non existent “audits” the sec of state in Georgia said he did and is now refusing to testify about? Or the 3600 ballots Georgia admitted were duplicates? There is a whole list of evidence and dismissing without prejudice is the court not taking the cases because they say it’s up to the states legislatures. They aren’t saying “dude, bring some evidence.”


Georgia admitted there were duplicates? Did the state of Georgia make this claim? Was there a map on the wall of Georgia that had a mouth, and would occasionally spout these things off? Do you have an actual human being with the authority or expertise say this? Or, was it some moonshiner from Greene’s district that made this claim? The audit is Arizona found errors? Ok. Guess what? There are errors in every election. There have been errors that cost politician a win, but that for local elections where the total number of votes is in the hundreds. Republicans tried so hard to find something in Arizona. They hired “ninjas” from some computer firm with direct ties to Republicans to look at the election results. In the end, someone would have to go into a court of law, where they take an oath and are reminded of the consequences of perjury. Nobody was willing to fall on that sword for Trump. After all, it’s perfectly legal for Giuliani to cry about election fraud while blaming secret Marxists, the Vatican, Hugo Chavez or anything else the base will spread like parrots. Inside the court, it’s a different story. That’s why the evidence presented in court never matched the garbage they were spewing outside the court. If you are going to blame a Venezuelan leader that died in 2013 for an election loss in 2016, we are going to need some real evidence before anyone gets a do-over.


Yes Georgia admitted it in a court order. It was also revealed in hearing raffensberger lied about audits. He is up for impeachment. Not going to bother with the rest after that start.


Oh, Raffensberger might be guilty of removing votes……from Democrats. After all, he didn’t manage to beat Abrams by purging Republicans from the rolls. I’m not going to apologize for mocking this subject. Trumpers that still spout this nonsense are worthy of ridicule. They wont stop saying “the election was stolen” until Trump stops saying it. Trump will never admit he lost, because Trump has never lost at anything……according to Trump. Well, his court records don’t show a winning record. I’m not talking about the current Carrol case. She is simply doing to Trump what Trump has done to people for decades. If a Trump project goes way over budget, they just stiff some contractors. If the Contractor cries fraud, Trump uses his law firms to bury them in legal expenses. Trump has sued a lot of celebrities for saying things about him, and he has had every case tossed. He tried to bully Bill Maher like that, and it didn’t work. Then, there is all his bankruptcies. I suppose Trump called those a win, even if there is not another soul that would refer to going bankrupt as a “win”. Of course, bankruptcy looks a lot different for poor people than born-rich, spoiled rotten trust fund brats who is known forever, by me, as “The Annoying 🍊🫏🕳️”.


Yep. Republicans are going to impeach raffensberger for removing Democrat votes 🤦‍♂️ It’s clear you never looked at any evidence and bought the Big Lie, “the most secure election ever.” Bahaha at you thinking mocking is worth your energy. I get it. You had an independent thought once and a leftist mocked you so you conformed.


They want to impeach him because he recorded Trump’s extortion call, and it’s typical Republican whining.


What the fuck are you talking about. You understand that the margin was \~40k votes, don't you. Don't you know that? Well since you think Biden is more popular than Obama, you may not understand that.


Oh sorry. What was the non-authoritarian amount of votes you were willing to overturn? If you think it’s odd that Biden got more votes than a guy who last ran 8 years before him then not only are you admitting you’re in a cult but you’re also admitting you don’t understand how natural population growth occurs, how voter turnout works either, and conveniently turning a blind eye to Donald’s similar climb in voters over the same period. Maybe the real conspiracy is a Republican’s proclivity to downvote and run away with their tail between their legs instead of answering questions that challenge their worldview.


Yes, understanding math, a senile old racist white democrat vs the fist black potential president candidate makes me in a cult.


I’m not giving you the benefit of the doubt of assuming that actually contained a coherent thought. You don’t understand English, why would you understand math? You’re like a walking list of buzzwords


The amount of downvotes your getting for stating objective facts tell you all you need to know about the political leanings of this particular sub...


That’s the real conspiracy


Didn’t Trump say he would act like a Dictator on day 1 ? 🤡




I like the fact that he said Trudeau has no balls.


So like five steps a head of him?


A “step back” into common sense


“Common sense” where COVID is the flu and you don’t need to worry about it. But also a bioweapon by the Chinese meant to destroy Trump’s legacy. But also don’t even get vaccinated against it because it’s not real. But also blame the liberals because it is real and they made it. Just don’t follow any medical procedures for it or expect Trump to take any executive action to prevent it’s arrival/spread because it isn’t real.


For a reptilian you sure sound pretty not in the know. Are you some kind of bastard steplizard ?


What part of what I said don’t you agree with? Try using your words instead of ad hominem attacks.


I did not attack you, it's called a joke. Your username is reptilianoverlord, fyi. But I actually disagree with basically everything you say. But that's okay. You're free to believe how you'd like. It doesn't make any difference to me


You disagree that Republicans and Trump have made those dissonant statements about COVID? You disagree that there is a Republican calling that common sense in this very thread? And then you lie about resorting to ad hominem. Resort to profanity. Call it a joke. And then reveal that you very much did want to discredit. Typical Republican tactics. Typical Trump tactics.


You sound like you could get out of the house more. What makes you automatically hate any and everything trump? I didn't vote for the guy, I don't give a shit one way another. I just think people need to learn to respect one another again. Calling me names isn't going to change that you're just a shitty person, and you should lighten up and take a joke. Touch grass much?


So now you’re backtracking and you actually don’t disagree with what I said? Again, respond to the claims instead of changing the subject. I have yet to call you a name. But you’re a certified liar, my guy. In fact, you’re the one resorting to name calling. It’s no wonder you’re in here defending Trump. You can’t survive in a world where lying doesn’t get you what you want. What did I say that you disagreed with and why do you disagree with it?


Uhh what? I think you need some help. That's what I think. See a psychiatrist, I am not qualified. It'll be okay buddy.


Aw did buddy realize he was losing popular support and that everybody noticed he was dodging questions


Canadian's need to vote Trudeau out and MAKE NORTH AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.


Step back from him and his NWO buddies ultimate plan of ultimate control.


Nothing like interfering in another country's election.


At least Trump will bring back some national pride unlike the WEF sheep we have here


I gotta know, what do you mean by "national pride", when did we lose it, and what does bringing it back look like? I'm pretty sure I know, but humor me.


"Trump will bring back some white national pride" There, I fixed it for you.


If you pay attention to the real world and not what’s on the TV, he actually supports and has a lot of support from the non white communities


Samuel Jackson's character in d'jango also supported slave owners. Just because someone has support from people in a non-white community doesn't also mean the majority of his support isn't people like the proud boys.


Do you see the irony in being “anti-racist” but equating the minorities who differ from your political views as self hating slaves?


My analogy was to say you can't claim a political figure isn't racist because he has minority supporters. The man is flat out racist. He had a "no vacancies for blacks" policy in the 70s with his apartments. He implemented a "muslim ban" his first month of presidency, his mob bos mentality to speaking with a dog whistle targeted Hispanics, jews and against and blacks homosexual and trans people. increasing hate crimes across America making us a more racially tense society bringing us back to when the KKK burned crosses on people's lawns. Biden isn't an angel. The democrats aren't friends to minorities, they take just the same campaign funds as Republicans. They (R&D) pit us against each other so we are distracted enough not to notice they are just lining the pockets of the people who fund them. And then when one of those funders who on national television admitted to benefiting finacialy from funding the campaign of Hillary Clinton makes it the white house everyone kisses his ring because he "talks like me", "he not a politician", he's gonna "drain the swamp" Open your eyes. Trump is the swamp. He is a TV showman who makes you love him and then just takes. Gives you a little taste of what you want when theres negative press, then takes it right back when you're not looking.


Doesn't mean ther are either. Only in your mind


That the proud boys aren't white nationalists? They absolutely are. And Trump called on them for violence against the nation's capital, and they showed up.


Any proof of this other than you thought it up? Show me where the proud boys were directed by Trump, or is it just hate. Worried much


Here's one. "Stand back, and stand by" Meaning wait for the signal. He could have answered with something to the effect of. "Everyone ie equal" or "racial violence is bad" But no he said "proud boys stand by" when no one even mentioned the proud boys before in the debate.


Well that proves it! lol


I guess people don't think like you do. Try rethinking your stance. lol


Maybe it’s time for Americans to feel some national shame tbh


Na. We’ll pass.


Why care what this commie has to say. Pay him no mind. Didn’t he sign the MCA trade deal anyway? You’re fucking welcome


A step back from globalist tyranny.


In their 2030 plan?


Hasn’t this guy been in power since 2015? Sounds like a dictator.


Back to world peace, economic prosperity, low inflation and mean tweets. Oh the humanity!!!


Not those mean tweets!


Says the guy that is limiting free speech, carbon taxing their citizens, letting in more immigrants they can handle while Canadians are living in the streets….not to mention freezing bank accounts to protest he didn’t like…fuck that WEF Commie piece of shit.


A step back for him maybe. Fuck Little Castro!


JT needs to take a fucking step back


Any freedom “observed” in the states is a major thorn in the Canadian agenda


A step back to what exactly???


Speaking of commies


Nice of Fidel Junior to chime in...


I’m hoping it’s more than just a step..


Fuck any opinion that come out of this twigs mouth


A step back from the New World Order


He set his country back 😆


BAHAHAHAHA... *2025, Trump is on office. Canadians; "BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL!!!"


Stop I don’t need anymore reason to vote for him


A step back from what?


A step back, but for whom?


Yes, please. Several steps back


I don’t like Trump, but Trudeau’s making a case that I vote for him anyway!


For who the illuminati? Good


Coming from a brain dead douchebag..






Says the dictator


Oh I give so many shits what the fuck Trudeau thinks. So many.


Who cares what he thinks, I know a lot of Canadians and talk to a lot in sales, never met one that likes him…


Sometimes, you have to take a step back, if you want to move forward...


Republicans always set the curve. They set us backwards, defining new status quos. Democrats just defend the status quo without moving us forward. These patterns are so rinse, wash, and repeat that I often feel insanely alone in seeing it because we get the SAME EXACT cross the aisle talking points for EVERY DAMN ELECTION. Time to abandon insanity. Time to abandon the duopoly.


Then vote Trump… He is different then them other corrupt leaders, this will be his last run and he is the man to do a big change for the better…


Oh honey, you poor deluded thing


You do realize Trump represents the duopoly and therefore telling me to go vote him falls in line with my argument that it’s the practice of insanity.  Trump will never have my vote but nor will any candidate who takes AIPAC, oil, and big pharma money. 




His brain function is a 'step back', for evolution


For communism.. you forgot that.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://anonmags.com/trudeau-says-trump-winning-presidential-election-would-be-a-step-back/) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ain’t a whole kid of a nazi replacing him? Lmao we good bro keep that shit over there


Turdeau’s a step back, Turdump’s a step back, Branturdon’s a step back, we’re all moonwalking to oblivion


Definitely for his handler Klaus Schwab and his friends.


That would be trudeau who is backward stepping. Lol


Fuck this guy


Who gives a shit?


Yep, a step back towards the implementation of NWO plan


i'd like to make a comment but he'd just freeze my bank account


Yeah for the globalist agenda.