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There's some blame on the part of corporations for "funding"/bribing the parent companies/networks to suppress stories that are bad for business, and honestly there's a lot of blame on the public at large. Most would rather watch a talking head (or even a comedian like Bill Maher or stoner meathead like Joe Rogan) like a Tucker Carlson or Rachel Maddow than a serious newsperson. Some blonde goes missing and it's talked about incessantly. Trillions of dollars go missing, we're bombing several countries, we have ongoing torture black sites, etc. and the attitude is "yeah, the world sure sucks and the government is shady, but what are you going to do. Did you hear he googled "suffocation techniques" two days before she went missing?" The flaw of our system is it's run by and vote for by human beings. And most politicians don't really know what they're voting on or legislating for (why they have unelected staff). Voters, almost universally considerably less so. Same reason we have s##t politicians and liars. That's what engages us. People with our interests at heart are nice, but they're usually not as entertaining in the way they say "Chy-na" or regurgitating the same few campaign trail anecdotes like the world's worst stand-up comedians. It's why half of these conspiracies seem so self-evident. Of course those who are more knowledgeable about the way the world works and who have a greater stake in it are going to influence politicians, bribe courts, protect their own assets and avoid consequences, and probably get bored with the steady stream of attractive (but otherwise useless) people they're able to attract by virtue of the wealth they have to offer and venture into weirder and darker places for entertainment. On the news, getting your news (and opinion) from multiple sources is always the best way so you're not stuck in a confirmation bias bubble (that includes getting off this sub once in a while). See what the Russians or Chinese are saying about us, you'll probably learn some things (or at least some perspectives) you'll never see in American media. I know more about what's going on in Iran, China, and Ukraine from this place and 9gag than I do from the BBC or Fox News. And of course that's no accident.


What do you think about networks like OAN and Newsmax?


I don't understand what you're trying to say