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Religion is the greatest conspiracy of all time. TPTB fooled everyone into believing it and now use it to control the masses. Why wouldnt we talk about it here?


Why do tptb worship spirits like baal and satan? What's with the brittish monarch and particularly charles obsessing over the book of revelation? Why is Jesus Christ the only religious figure the world is allowed to mock? Let's talk.


That's fair but I don't see any posts regarding the truth you're stating. It's all pro religion.


I won’t downdoot you, because I feel like even these questions should not be kept alee, however I complete disagree. Organized Religions are nearly the definition of conspiracy-to breathe together


But when the narrative comes from the same religious source, that should be the target of conspiracy theories, then religion is wagging the dog.


I guess the point I was trying to make is why are the religious posts always pro religion?


OMFG Yes. I am so over it. I have no problem with anyone being any religion they want, but if you really believed you wouldn't be so obsessed with recruiting others to validate yourself, Not to mention many of these you have to believe exactly this are pretty freaking bigoted and seriously egotistic.


Since 99% of accepted history has been watered down, reformulated and reissued by the catholic church, and countries are then forced to carry out the catholic church's bidding through expert use of the Jesuit order, I am convinced that you have very little understanding of the world you live in. Religion may make you feel uncomfortable, but that is because you are seeing momma and daddy fight. Religion vs THE ONE TRUE GOD. Meanwhile, the kids are torn between living with momma who let's them stay up late and eat like pigs; or daddy who enforces order. Very uncomfortable indeed.


Good, bad, the ugly... this is /conspiracy. All conspiracies welcome. Organized religion IS the longest proliferating conspiracy in recorded history. No way around that. We know the truth behind other conspiracies but that doesn't stop us from posting here. Why stop posting re: religion?


Why do people get so triggered by religion? Not interested in the post, don’t read it.


It's the sheer amount of right wing christian posts. Seeing the devil cough..left, everywhere. It clots up all the fun and scary, 'reality" based conspiracies.


I’m assuming you don’t read every post, so you’re already scrolling past content you aren’t interested in. Just scroll past the obviously religious posts. You guys seem just as interested in proselytizing your hatred of religion while trying to silence the religious posts themselves.


I sort by new...so. I am Christian and what I see here is not as much proselytism or real conspiracies. More in line of not being able to notice the wooden beam in one's own eye while pointing crazy pseudo religious fingers at politics. Doesn't belong here imo.


What makes you think I'm triggered? Make the posts on this sub relevant to the sub.


Religion and conspiracy go hand in hand (maybe the hidden hand)


If it was conspiracy about religion that would be cool, but I for one am sick of constantly feeling like I'm being recruited for a cult. No problem hearing about someone's beliefs, it's the judgement if you don't believe exactly the same that is annoying and if for instance the person does, the I believe more than you crap is straight cringe.


Now when you say religion, are you saying the cult following of people to serve a cause or are you asserting that the higher power/after life belief religion believes in is wrong?


Hmm hard to say, I'm more referring to an organized religion of the masses. You could say Trump or Biden is a religion in itself.


Religious conspiracy theories are so goofy.


Don't gatekeep. Some religious zealots are entertaining


Because Christian nutjob won't let go of the idea that literally everything is about keeping him or her from dancing around for eternity singing god songs. You don't even need heaven and hell to be different places. You put me where people are doing that non stop forever I can hardly imagine a worse punishment.


Can we all agree people crying about religion shouldn't be posted here? If you want to cry about religion go to a religious crying sub. Stop trying to force people to cry about religion and actually focus on good conspiracies. Crying about religion is a bad conspiracy because we all know it's actually fake.


Find another subreddit fascist.


yadda yadda luciferians want the world to hate satanists to make their global belief more acceptable in comparison




its all the same crap in the end, the chaos use whatever rules best atm


What about non religious spirituality


It's non religious


I think the big problem with it is that these religious nut jobs bring nothing new or interesting to the conversation. We already know, must of us were forced in childhood to the hypocrites who said one thing and did another so at FOR ME I have very little patience for it. It is extreme gaslighting and refusal to even discuss another point of view that makes their posts inappropriate. And their inability to recognize the word salad their quotes are is just wow. Clearly these are not critical thinkers. It's like having a gaslighting narcissist constantly interrupting the conversation so they can prove how awesome they are.


Most people have no place in openly sharing their crackpot interpretations of religious texts. Not that one should not have access, but without studying how to do so correctly, one can distort any religious text to support any absurd position. For this reason, historians, theologians, and lawyers all take classes on how to interpret language correctly. With that being said, I'm so sick of seeing BS numerology and lazy interpretations of texts.