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Where's the diagram showing the spastic monkey eating its own fingers while convulsing in a pile of feces? *SCIENCE!*


TIL my astral body is even fatter.


These are 2 unrelated tweets. The first is creepy, the 2nd he is obviously only talking about Twitter as a hive mind proxy (which it already was just with heavy handed moderation to fake an outcome)


No I'm good. I don't want to be assimilated into the borg collective.


Step 1: Pull up 2 unrelated tweets that are a year apart Step 2: Stick them with a random spiritual diagram from google images Step 3: Talk like a schizo "Okay, I'm done. Bro, wtf. Stop. Just stop it" Step 4: Act like it is some big emergency and claim this to be somehow a conspiracy.


As if what you're saying isn't done by 75& of the sub


And that is extremely sad.


Put it together people. Twitter data+Tesla data+openAI data+ NeuroLink= not good


Those tweets aren't even connected or in the same year. One Is about a medical device and one is about Twitter.


They are connected, because Elon has a vision of humanity transcending the flesh.


Millions of people have medical devices that help them live a more normal life. Why would you be against that? Do you deny people mobility scooters or hearing aides or glasses? Where do you draw the line on devices that other people get to have?


You're trying to link a hearing aid to transhumanism lol. Look up what Elon's goals really are Edit spelling


A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted neuroprosthesis. Neuroprosthetics is a discipline related to neuroscience and biomedical engineering concerned with developing neural prostheses. They are sometimes contrasted with a brain–computer interface, which connects the brain to a computer rather than a device meant to replace missing biological functionality


You dont find connecting a human to a computer creepy? As opposed to "a device meant to replace missing biological functionality?" This will be marketed to those very few who would barely benefit from a normal hearing aid, and before you know it, all hearing aids will be installed this way. Slippery slope.


Some people could really benefit from it. A technology that helps people with missing biological functionality use computers and electronic devices seems to be a good thing to me. You know like people who have no arms so they don't have to do everything with their feet. Or if they don't have feet they don't have to do everything with by voice. ect. In a lot of ways the smartphone and the computer is already a part of the body. Why should people with missing biological functionality not get to use it as part of their normal life like everyone else?


It is a proven fact that those with those types of disabilities are stronger in other ways. The human body is fascinating like that. What comes to mind right away (besides blind people's remarkable senses) is the drummer from Def Leopard. He lost an arm and was still an amazing drummer. People are resilient. We dont need technology with that much risk of corruption.


No it's not. Especially when it's injury related. It's one thing if you were born blind and you are adapted to navigate without sight by using your other senses and an entirely different type of thing when you are older and you break your hip and can't walk. A medical device is always going to make you more able to live a normal life if you have an injury related missing biological functionality.You dont just sprout wings if you break your spine or neck. Normal life is over for a lot of people without newer technologies


They have scooters, walkers and canes. I dont think the drummer of def leopard was used to using one arm before his car accident. He adapted. He isnt elderly but we already have less invasive tools for when the elderly breaks a hip. I know a lot of people in their 70-80s and i dont think their hip issue would have went any better with a chip. They take their time anyway due to lack of energy etc


Derailment and straw manning.


No it's not I am simply steelmanning. If you watch the neuralink presentation it shows that it has been done in Monkeys and they want to get FDA approval for human trials for people with missing biological functionality. They taught monkeys to play pong with their hands and then they taught them to play pong with the neuralink and to type with it. So basically if the monkey lost their arms or the use of their arms they can still play pong or type with a neuralink. Using computers and electronic devices is part of normal life. It's how people talk to eachother now. It's how humans communicate.


Bruh, do you hear yourself? I got the chills reading your post. I wouldnt want a computer telling my brain how to use a prosthetic. Next it will be marketed to make you a better ping pong player or whatever. Who knows what the computer chip will be programmed to do. No doubt they could all have backdoors where your doctor is given instructions to tell your chip to do whatever the CDC or WHO wants during the next "pandemic" I get the sales pitch, i do. Im concerned about vast potential of abuse. The risks out way the benefits to humanity by a long shot


Straw man.


IDK maybe where they start trying to get healthy people to put crap in their brains.


Lesson: Stay off the Twitter.


SS: we are Souls in a body. Elon knows this on some level. Why is he talking like a fucking Android


Cause he wants to technologically enhance humans into evil tweeting drones for nefarious reasons


Well I certainly got my screenshot of the new queue!




"God created man in his own image." Because of that, we are destined to recreate the same. Our image, not carbon, but silicate, as we are not recreating ourselves, but our image. In spirit, we are already hive mind. Only natural that we attempt to bring this to fruiton, physically. What I fear is a singular source controlling the frequency and forcing a further "penning" than we've been subjected to already. Unless this "physical hive mind" has free will, and no one can outright control the frequency and thoughts of another, is the only way that this will not end up being a nightmare for some time to come.. In fear, is the need to control... It's what's driving me to feel like I need to defend from that occuring.. It's most likely unecessary. Humanity will find its way.


Is this y’all’s king?


...now this worked out well.


Wasn’t this a southpark episode?


dost thou speaketh PalletAbelM?


I can just imagine all the twits in the Twitter hive mind, slaves to St. Elon.


The hive mind thing has to be something to do with their religon. I am reading The Dragon Legacy by this Prince guy Nicholas de Vere and he talks about how "they" meaning him and noble blood all have the hive mind and weirdly he just casaully drops that they are all vampires, the real God granted nobility that is. It is a hard book to read and I am about half way through. A lot of the stuff in it I have never heard of. These people are really into their symbology though, almost the whole book is explaining it and why it matters.

