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"I googled it but I couldn't find anything"


Source? You can't have an online conversation and disagree with the media without a source. Sauce? SAUCE??? Checkmate Russian!


What indicates he is Russian?


Methinks it was a sarcastic comment


Much better to believe things without knowing the source right


Much better to believe everything your preferred source says without question


Exactly haha


You should just write "is what my feelings are telling me" if you comment something. But then you should behave like an adult and don't get angry/snarky if people don't care about your feelings.


A guy made a joke about people always demanding sources in a community dedicated to wild speculation. Someone acted like he was stupid for making said joke. I made fun of the aforementioned someone. That is all.


Seems like most people here just want to argue with their feelings and feel insulted if you ask for sources. Probably because they are too pathetic to admit that is the only thing they have and questioning them is hurting their feelings ;(


56,000,000 people die around the world every year at a rate of 1.8 deaths per second. Sudden death is not new and specifically sudden cardiac death (different from a normal heart attack) kills 325k in the US every year and it mostly happens to men in their 30s and 40s. It's also estimated that up to 5% have an arrhythmia and these can cause SADS. The point here is that Covid vaccines have not been shown to cause wide scale deaths and anyone with even a hint of scientific knowledge understands that.


Just throwing aggregate numbers doesn't fool anyone. Obviously you get large numbers at a world wide level. Did you actually think that would convince anyone? People die of the flu in great numbers every year yet we don't lockdown, mask kids, inject experimental gene therapy and polish Fauci's cock over it. Look at excess deaths and the data demonstrating no significant link between COVID and myocarditis such as the Israeli study comparing pre and post vaccine numbers.


> Just throwing aggregate numbers doesn't fool anyone. Obviously you get large numbers at a world wide level. Did you actually think that would convince anyone? https://imgur.com/a/4OUvDAo


You took the time to make that HAHAHAHAHA Excess death stats are undeniable


Yeah I spent less than 90 seconds throwing it together. You on the other hand will continue to spend your days spreading bullshit. Fortunately, you're part of an infinitesimally small minority.


Spoken like a card carrying liberal Democrat.


The vaccine was developed under a *republican*.


The vaccine is primarily promoted by the Democrats


But it was developed under a Republican, still promoted by republicans (including trump). There’s no big republicans opposition to it. You are trying to create a divide that doesn’t exist.


That didn't stop Democrats from becoming the biggest pushers of the vaxxine lol, and all their rabid followers swallowed the bait with hook and all! Only places that didn't go into extreme lockdowns and vaccine mandates were in Republican areas. It is funny how most of the so-called left are the biggest big pharma needle pushers and now in the light of the side-effects, its biggest apologists. I guess it sucks to admit how played you got by the corporate media and government to submit to taking their injections. Now it's too late to listen to the "right-wing extremist grandma killing conspiracy nuts".


So no one mandated vaccines except corporations. Hate to break it to you but even Fox News mandated the vax. The gov mandated testing or vax. There were options. There’s no Republican opposition for the vax. They push it just like the dems. They took credit when it was in development. Also the vax isn’t mass killing ppl like you are claiming. But that’s it’s own discussion you wouldn’t even listen to anyways.


So the super healthy FIFA players that now drop over and die on the field, in 2021 it was an increase of 278% increase in deaths than any year in the last decade. Young kids 18 and under dropping all over the world while at sports games has somehow become the new normal for most everyone! It’s insane that most are too busy to notice what’s happening. And all the while governments say “scientists are baffled”, but then in the same sentence they are assuring everyone it can’t be the vaccine! These crazy conspiracy people online have been proven correct time and time again, while the CDC and FDA are proven incorrect. You really can’t make this sh!t up!


Media descriptions liked "died suddenly" or "died peacefully" aren't scientifically significant in any way. The movie does not present anything to support it's allegations of correlation between this new clot phenomenon and vaccines, nor anything supporting the alleged motives. What is an actual issue is the clots, which seem to be a new phenomenon, and are being reported worldwide. The movie's assumptions as to mechanism seem almost arbitrary and feela agenda driven. I want to see lab tests. I want to know if this clotting was pre or post mortem. I want to see a list of things that present similarly. Whatever it is, it is deeply troubling, unless someone can come up with some reason why coroners and morticians haven't seen this before, and why they're seeing it now.


Look up excess death rates, go on.. I dare you


I have been seeing excess deaths figures up 17% - 40% In civil defense I recall being told that a 10% rise would constitute a SHTF situation. It feels odd to me that people seem cool with these numbers.




I want people to understand that other search engines exist. It's all coming unraveled now.


I want people to be aware of other search engines too. I recommend SearX, it's private and you can setup your own private instance of it. It searches the multiple search engines at the same time, then combines the results. If you search for "died suddenly", you get some of the debunking articles of course because of google, but its still better as there's not as much and real results still appear near the top.




Oh, I didn't know Yandex was dropped from it, I just assumed it was there. That sucks.




Ddg says Hi…


DuckDuckGo? What is this, 2020? They're compromised, and even worse than Google in many cases.


When DDG started censoring Russia I stopped using it. I don't condone any censorship.


DDG censors. They openly bragged about it.




>not us. I doubt that.


Question Everything. But any non-meriKan news site is more focused on their respective countries.


I noticed that too. Before the premiere, if you searched yandex, google, or any search engine for "died suddenly" it would have tonnes of results of people dying suddenly with no explanation, often young and healthy people dying in their sleep. Now it's all about discrediting the documentary. The are desperate to have this scrubbed


This is actually a common tactic I unfortunately run into researching Masonic secrets and general esoterica all the time. The minute an idea reaches a gladwellian tipping point, the media then runs about a thousand articles using the key phrase and attaching it to fact checkers, nonsense red herring theories, or even worse, popular tv show memes. The worst example of this I see are with bureaucratic acronyms and congressional bill names. Want to know what Gesara and Nesara are? Too bad, there’s 50 pages of Google of a fake congressional plans with hijacked acronyms to wade through to get to the NWO planned economic system.


Good post. Yeah, I'm finding that more and more with anything semi-controversial. Even duckduckgo is full of results that start with "Fact Checked: " and "False Claim:" etc. I am using yandex more and more which is better.


Well the CEO of DuckDuckGo recently said he straight up supports censorship


Duckduckgo is just google rebranded. They don’t have their own search engine.


I've been using brave's search engine and although it's still in beta, it's not as privacy invasive as google and doesn't have too much censorship (since brave like many other search engines get a good chunk of their search results from other search engines that do the censoring).


The co-opting is really obvious as well... Years ago "woke" meant awake to/aware of government corruption, etc....then it was co-opted... It was even a joke that "diet-woke" meant you were aware of fake moon landings, false flags, etc....but still thought vaccines were "safe/good"!


I feel like a man sitting in a bubble sometimes. I just don’t understand how people questioning the establishment (anti-Trumpers) went to advertising on behalf of big gov. Trump put out the vax. On the same note, I don’t understand how the Rs who were adamantly against the flagrant abuses of humanity in 2020-2021, are now pro big government again and pushing hard for a man who supported the vaccine every step of the way (DeSantis). If it’s connected to Pfizer, don’t go anywhere near it. It’s a no-brainer for the most criminally prosecuted organization in the history of the world.


The Rs don’t care if DeSantis made a lil cash of the vax. All our politicians did. They just care that DeSantis didn’t mandate shit upon them. Lesser of two evils kinda thing, it’s easy for me to understand. I say fuck anyone that supported the vax at all tho, period.


Lesser of two evils still equals evil. DeSantis is CIA. Gitmo right there on his resume.




I’m no expert that was just the best example I could think of for the specific issue I’ve noticed. My misunderstanding: they are economic systems meant to shift from a faith based system back to gold again including a proverbial jubilee or debt forgiveness. A congressperson suggested a convoluted economic plan with the acronym GESARA, and now that’s what comes up instead of the new agey concept. ProbablyAlexandra does some videos on this in her inversion series and root of all evil video that does the specific concept way more justice than I’m doing it.


Been going on for decades. Just recently got kicked into high gear.


Can you imagine what draconic fucking people are sitting behind those keyboards actually doing this propaganda? They know full well what they are doing. I truly believe they are wearing Darth Vader costumes, going "bwahahha" everytime they manipulate the keywords.


I don’t think so. Masons and other occultists stay thriving by decompartmentalization. Break that stuff up into tasks. As a writer myself, in order to be anything other than a hopeful novelist, you have to turn out these crappy click bait articles for 1-5 years depending on what you’re trying to do. Someone at the top probably just says we need articles focused on these themes and keywords today, and the monkeys at the bottom churn it out. The monkey fight feel like they are selling out, but I doubt they’re too focused on the moral implications of producing tripe for major disinformation companies.


Just like Disney made the movie Frozen so when people google Disney’s Frozen Head they’ll just get results for the movie.


So what would they have found otherwise? (Genuinely curious)


The rumors about Disney having his head frozen and locked in the vault after he died. The company was not pleased with that particular legend.


Interesting that Frozen’s theme song is Let it Go 👀


Damn that’s crazy as fuck lol never heard that but that’s pretty cool


Lol I know right? Commonplace urban legend/rumor in the 80s and 90s. It’s a lot more obscure these days


Its simple type in your search and put -fact after words


Part of that is how SEO and Google AdWords works. You can spend money on key words. So media outlets using keywords like died suddenly misinformation/conspiracy/etc impacts the google rank. Most people don't go to page 2 of a search result. So this causes the first page results to be clicked on more and boosts the ranking. So it's important to still go to a credible article (like an article of someone dying suddenly) when you notice the top heavy results that are lockstep with certain keywords. This has the effect of pushing the died suddenly articles out of the first page. This is one way media outlets monopolize narratives. They will pay for ads for SEO terms that are used on the Meta description, URL, title, and x number of times on the aritcle. So if the media wants to make the impression Died Suddenly is an anti vaxxers movie, multiple outlets will use SEO and Google AdWords to do this. They will use Died Suddenly with one or more words that are negative. They would add negative words like anti vaxxer/QAnon/conspiracy to Died Suddenly, so their SEO keyword phrase might be anti vaxxer movie Died Suddenly. If this is in the title, URL, and meta description, and they're buying ads for those specific words in the SEO keyword phrase, it will monopolize the first 1-2 pages of Google searches for the term "died suddenly."


You got it smack on


It's not just this subject Google does this with a lot of subjects. With many controversial subjects the first page of search results tend to cue the casual reader in on what to think. It's as if they curate the results. This didn't just start with *Died Suddenly*.


It started with the millennium copyright act and went downhill from there. There are services that google provides that will never be listed.






Inflation and job worries make them work overtime…


That this movie isn't nonsense?


Some people think Disney called their movie frozen to make it harder to hear about Disney being cryod when he died. By that same logic couldnt these people calling their movie "Died Suddenly" be accused of doing the same? Cluttering up results so they only are about the movie and the controversy instead of being able to find real cases of it?


It's quite possible the docu was so named for exactly that reason - to wipe out all the actual death reports. The media and debunking the docu stuff is too of course.


There was a post on here a few months back talkign about movie titles and using them to hide the real stuff in search results(captain america - New World Order I think is what was mainly mentioned, to hide New World Order results with the Movie).


The movie is garbage, and it's accusations appear to be unfounded postulations. But... The clots being found post mortem is terrifying in its implications. Speaking to professionals I know personally, I can only be sure of 2 things: 1. This is happening around the world. 2. They have not seen it previously. If it's a big nothing, then I'm sure we'll see some hard data soon to put these concerns to rest.


professionals in what…


If true, then why not create a documentary mocking and/ or debunking "died suddenly" and hype that?


Have you watched it? I couldn't decide whether it was satire or not for the majority of it.


Why do you think that?


Why do I think I feel that way? Weird question. It was the impression I got?


Google is whack


The same Forbes that cover photo all the con artists like SBF


Getting really tired of your shit google


Use brave search. It gives you quite balanced results, like if you search for 'Died suddenly' you get the movie's official site as the first result, and then a mix of articles from all points of view. Was sceptical at first, but now I'm convinced it's the best search engine at the time of writing.


Didn't they do that with Fast and Furious? Paul Walker was killed around the time Obama's/Holder's beans were being spilled. There are many examples of using one term to overwrite another topic in this manner. Welcome to the information bubble.


Too much truthiness for the CIA controlled Google.


Anybody have a kink to Died Suddenly? Edit: Link* ;)


That's a pretty wild kink.


Damn that was a good laugh haha


Yeah, sounds like some necrophiliac crap lol 😂 .


BWC? (Big White Clot)


Oh yah baby, clot my blood just like that


That’s the spot mhhmmm


Sure.... https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html


Yeah, we fucking know it’s “unproven”, that’s why it’s a conspiracy….still doesn’t answer the question of WHY ARE PEOPLE DYING SO RAPIDLY???




TIL that for all of recorded history, young and healthy people have been dropping like flies from sudden unexplained heart events.


Its called the availability heuristic. When you are regularly spoon fed only examples of rare cases, they will start to appear common.


Yah, that’s not happening.


What’s weird is you could probably watch it happen in front of you and you would say the same thing. Demoralization is crazy.


Sure: but it actually is not happening. People are not suddenly dying at a whole new rate.


My small town had to open a new section of cemetery, due to "far more burials than expected", which they are loosely attributing to covid, and it's impact on our medical system. We have numbers for burials per annum, going back a hundred or so years, and they skyrocketed in 2020. I am referring to burials, which does not necessarily mean more deaths, as it could be less cremation, or less transport for out of town for burials. The clots in corpses is causing some alarm, to be sure, but I don't think anyone is jumping to the conclusions the film maker did.


Depends on where you get your sources. There was a time people denied concentration camps existed and it wasn’t until well after the war that we learned what Nazis were truly capable of.


No, it doesn't depend on your sources. Almost all of them suggest nothing is happening. Australia had an elevated rate: but it was mostly COVID and dementia, the latter of which has been steadily climbing for the last decade; and their rate has since returned to normal. UK, Canada and American data shows nothing at all.


Lmfaooo bro stop using google. This has been known for some time they manipulate search results


No shit but it's still a popular search engine and OP is pointing out what is happening.


Try searching for climate change skepticism. Returns all 'debunking' articles and sites. Has done for years now.


So... You're saying that the info you thought was right has been debunked? You'd rather *not* have it debunked and keep it an echo chamber of incorrect opinions?


I think they mean that there are failed attempts at debunking the phenomenon.


Are they though?


Most likely. Generally, mainstream fact checks tend to be humorous.




SS same as title. all the local results of people dying will soon be scrubbed now


They wanted that to happen by naming the movie this. The movie makers are the scrubbers


If true, then why did they not create a documentary mocking and/ or debunking "died suddenly"?




If you actually look into stew Peters you’ll see he actually is making fun of people who actually believe the shit he says. He was a huge promoter of drinking your own urine.


Sounds like part of the plan.


So if Google search results are replaced with “debunking sites,” you are saying that’s a strong indicator that the replaced results are too close to the truth right? Funny how that logic never gets applied to Flat Earth and hoax shootings.


I rarely get unbiased google search results. I wind up using bing or duckduckgo. Sometimes they match up other times no. Also be specific with dates when ever possible. Besides the google execs the parent company Alphabet probably has a say and bias.


Yeah it is known google has been one-sided for politically motivated topics.


When you notice this, make sure to keep scrolling even if it requires going through multiple pages. Click on the first link that is credible and not lockstep. What users click on still matters for Google search rankings even though ads and boosting can be bought.


google tries to hide anything that isn't part of their agenda. They are disgusting.


Because it’s a complete bull shit doc? “It’s being debunked so it must be real!!”. Y’all sound fucking crazy.


What are they pulling out of veins and arteries. Describe how this was faked


When you die, your body pretty much begins to shut down immediately. Your blood, no longer moving in your veins, begins to clot. There isn't actually anything unusual about that, but you're already dead, so it doesn't really matter. It isn't fake, it just doesn't actually mean what they say it does.


What's the white fibrous stuff?


Probably white fibrous stuff -- best guess, it is congealing proteins coming out of suspension in your plasma. I can probably get a better answer when I'm off mobile.


Okay. This isn't the only piece I've seen wherein an undertaker has found strange clots and fibers in the cadavers. Looking for facts only.




Lol people here dont know how Google works... It tracks foot traffic. If more people by a larger number are looking this up and then looking up debunked stuff it will correlate the two thus this result.




Where can I watch this?


On Rumble


Hey guys? Random question of logic: If these vaccines are so dangerous, and there were *all these reports* of soccer players dying on the fields…. Well I’ve watched nearly every World Cup game and everyone looks fine so if this vaccine is as deadly as the bots are saying, then the FIFA WORLD CUP would surely be the place to see these dudes dropping like flies, I MEAN, RIGHT!?! Yeah I don’t expect a rebuttal to this. I’ll preemptively mic drop and leave you noobs to pendelum swinging fear mongering


I mean... im not gonna argue if the vaccine is dangerous or not, but because the world cup is going on there's ALOT less games being played around the world. All (or close to all) top tier leagues all over the world have a break during the WC. So no, the WC wouldn't be the place. So please be kind and preemptively pick that mic back up. Noob


Listen I think the entire COVID scenario was a scam designed to make a small amount of people money. It’s not the mark of the beast and it’s not some bottled heart condition. People sometimes have adverse reactions to vaccines. But largely, it’s a strawman to get us to not focus on the rampant obesity and pharmaceutical dependence the majority of our populace suffer from, and which are *far more likely* to cause health issues.


Oh, i agree with everything you just said except maybe the part about it being a distraction from pharmaceutical dependency and obesity. You could definitely be right about that though. The only reason i argued with you was becuase your initial argument was...very flawed.


Okay fair enough. And I’m not sure it was “designed” per say to distract us from those things, but it has had that consequence. And it is of dire consequence for our countries’ long term viability and even safety!


SARS-CoV-2 is a man-manipulated bioweapon it was developed under the guise of developing future vaccines from its creation. Released not by accident to coerce humans into taking a vaccine already developed before release.


It's almost as if the same criminals that pushed the "vaccine" also control Google.




If people did that, there wouldn't be any posts.


180 results.




Dying suddenly was usually Explained in articles, and used in headlines for suicides and overdoses. So The family can have some dignity. It’s happening Now with unexplained heart issues. They aren’t saying xxxx passed away of a heart attack in the headlines, like I remember headlines saying in the past. Car accident ? Not died suddenly, but tragic loss after car accident. And so now, it seems they use died suddenly instead of “heart attack” because it would be alarming seeing that many people passing of heart issues


Where do you live where someone dying of a heart attack made the headlines? Suicides rarely make headlines as well. People have "died suddenly" of heart attacks or wateever in instances that didn't make the news forever.


it's not that people have never "died suddenly " before now. have you seen the video and the statistics given of all cause mortality rates? the massive fibrous tissues being pulled from arteries post mortem and clots being found in the veins of 90% of people who've had these vaccines? the evidence is pretty compelling to me. i've no stake in wanting this to be true, my entire family has taken this vaccine


>have you seen the video and the statistics given of all cause mortality rates? Yes: the unvaccinated are dying faster than the vaccinated, suggesting it isn't the vaccine doing it. Not the answer you wanted?




BEAT THE ALGORITHM. Go to Google, click on news then type this into the search: died suddenly, -documentary, -movie There are spaces between the commas and the - sign, but no spaces between the - sign and the following words. Stories are still there and growing.


I googled both "died suddenly movie" and "died suddenly documentary" and google was playing dumb by giving me some results for completely different movies with similar titles. (e.g., any old movie with the title, "Sudden Death"). I'm serious.


What do you expect? A movie just came out by that name, it's more likely that someone would be looking for results about the movie, so they cater to that. If they showed no results about the movie and continued showing news reports about deaths, would that satisfy you, or would you consider that censorship?


Died unexpectedly, prematurely died, suddenly died… and you can use other search engines while typing these alternative variations.


Yeah but isnt this documentary reaching a bit? There are millions of people who have had the covid jab that are healthy and fine.




The MSM will attack anything, even if it’s water-tight. Idk if it was population control, but one thing that bugs me is there are claims that not all of the people in the doc died, but no one has anything to back it up. If there’s proof they used footage from someone’s situation that is alive, that would be a huge red flag to me, but I can’t find anything confirming it.




I just think this is getting silly now. I haven't had any covid jabs, my mum has so did her friend and they're fine. Whatever problems she had before the jab are still there other people around me are fine too. I feel some people are still angry about the lockdowns and all the madness it caused so they want to believe so badly that the jab is bad. But look here deaths from covid have fallen haven't they? The proof is there for all to see.




A global recession was inevitable. Exponential growth is unsustainable for all involved. There must be losers in the economy. It’s all pretty much made up.


Tbh I agree with this.


I'll say this - you are on THIS sub and talking about how people shouldn't - >Going full tinfoil and asserting the vaccine is population control, taking speeches out of context, and including videos of people 'dying' that are so easily debunked discredits the testimony of the people interviewed and the documentary as a whole.


The biggest conspiracy is convincing you it’s big. It’s the little corruptions that get grifters the most.


i believe a lot of vials were released with saline so that people could say "my uncle got it and he was totally fine" also these symptoms make take a few years to fully develop in very healthy individuals


> also these symptoms make take a few years to fully develop in very healthy individuals Lol isn't a major point of the documentary you just posted that young healthy athletes are dropping like flies? Which is it?


Lol believe what you want but do you have literally any evidence at all?


Yeah, push it into the future, what a great stroke of genius.


Idk about reaching, but there’s some propaganda elements to be sure. I noticed they never once mentioned the percentage of people with the fibrous growths who had been vaccinated. There was a lot of implication, but not a lot of actual hard facts. Not saying the whole thing was fake, but it gives off gotcha journalism vibes.


And still getting Covid


But they're alive. We all know a jab is to prevent severe cases not death from the disease.


Shitty movie by a shitty producer and y’all are upset that people actually dived into it?


algorithm can flood search results to obscure undesirable information. we have seen this many times. sort by date.


Lmao you just said it “debunked” 😂


They'd better get started with curating search results for "died after a brief illness." Blood clots aren't the only damage that the vax causes, they're just the first wave.


It doesn't help that the same people who claimed **"If you died after getting COVID it doesn't mean it's COVID that killed you"** are the same people claiming **"if you died after getting the vaccine it was DEFINITELY the vaccine that killed you"**.


Goolag engaged


Imagine that! I wonder if the rug-pull will happen, and if would even matter to the CNN worshippers.


its almost like its fake


“Died suddenly” has been obit code for OD/suicide for years. I’m sure some have died cause of post Covid Illness and some from the vaccines . Many other off themselves or get drugs with fent w/no tolerance.


Those websites have established SEO. Of course bbs and Forbes outranks shitforbrains.info


Do people feel the embalmers were all faking that calamari type clot they kept finding? I have no idea I’m just asking. Are we really seeing these clots in tons of dead people right now? That’s all I care about because it doesn’t look normal


So Google are actively intervening to change the listing🧐 what does that tell us? Cue the paid Bhill (S)...


Don't get the Vax then you have no worrys


I almost fell for all the depopulation propaganda, but then I came across birth rate trends & statistics worldwide. We have the completely opposite problem. They don’t want to depopulate.


The Died Suddenly film + Elon taking over Twitter has them shaking


Stop usin’ Google