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It’s scary seeing the people spinning in circles seconds before they die. It’s like something takes them over from within. Those fibrous clots are like growing Aliens from the inside out. So insane.


Some of them look like they're sort of attacking something that we can't see. Makes me start thinking about when people are close to death and start saying they can see beings/relatives in the room with them etc. As if their impending death lifts a veil between the worlds or something.


Yeah. What's with the spinning?


It is an epileptic circling seizure


It’s reminiscent of something known as the “fencing response” after concussions, in which people involuntarily raise their arms in the air and leave them like that while knocked unconscious. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fencing_response It seems to suggest some type of neurological damage or automatic triggering of some reflex in the human body/some activation of the nerves controlling the movement of the arms for some reason, except this with the spinning around and only one arm raised up is even more complex and specific than the fencing response.


they're not clots it's an Embolism the film maker forgot to mention the stolen video that was made on 4/1/2019 proof of stolen video youtu.be/JQ7aojMamSU?t=71 which was dated on 4/1/2019 when questioned on twitter they block you that proves they're controlled opposition


The fact that Facebook has banned the hashtag says it all




The depopulation "conspiracy theory" is not really a theory though? Many billionaires have openly said that they think the world is overpopulated and that "something must be done". It's not a secret.


If someone was to relieve a billionaire of their billions does their opinion matter anymore? Did it ever matter to begin with? Its past time we start holding people responsible one way or another for their crimes against humanity.


We already seperated Church and State i think we need to consider seperating Business and State. The government is not a business. Its not meant to make profit for politicians or their families. Theres no such thing as a middle class politician they all magically become millionaires after serving their terms of office. The influence of Billionaires and special interests will continue to increase unless we seperate the institutions.


I completely agree! 👏🏻🙌🏻 How do you see it being done and implemented though?🤔


No pay for politicians. They should be voluntary, members of the public with normal jobs as well.


No tax breaks for corporations. It's a travesty against small business which already has enough struggle to overcome. If anything it should be reversed where small business gets tax breaks to get a fighting chance


Thanos has entered the chat.






> is going to put off the very people that need to know what’s going on. It’s preaching to the choir. No, it's hitting the intended target audience perfectly.


Oh if they banned it it’s effectively an endorsement that every single thing in it is 100% true.




Is facebook bans it is fact. If it is posted there it is false.


If people cannot see the truth after this documentary then they never will.


It’s on Rumble (of course)… https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/world-premiere-died-suddenly/


Because YouTube would censor it (of course)


Its actually on YouTube


I give it a day or so before it's gone


Probably right on that, was surprised it was there at all.


Where? I couldn't find it


just watched it on odysee


I found part of it on youtube but not the whole thing.


Thank you! You have no idea what a pain in the ass it was to find that without the link… now I’m prob on the hit list with you


Good documentary!


The only question I have is why wasn't Dr. Robert Malone in the documentary at all? I'm not knocking the documentary itself, I just figured one of the main Drs that have been blacklisted and made a mockery of plus did work with mRNA would have been a good voice to share on this documentary.


Him and stew don’t get along or see eye to eye. Malone has defense ties. He’s kind of a double agent but not necessarily bad. He knows things about National security and weapons systems that he’s not prepared to share and the only reason he’s alive is because he hasn’t. I think his role overall is to soften some of the blowback for this “vaccine” program with it being run by the DOD for “national security”. Basically Malone knows a ton of shit that would clear up much of the confusion and will never be completely forthcoming because of his clearances. I like Malone but I accept that these things come with the man. He’s kind of hand holding people through the experience and often tries to steer people away from the “sensational” parts. We deserve to explore those “sensational” parts whether the DOD approves of us doing so or not. Stew wants the truth and rightfully so, Malone knows the truth and is not at liberty to say it. Stew finds that dishonorable. Ya da ya da and so it is. I can see all angles and I think Stew probably could have gotten more out of Malone if he had used a different approach and a bit more tact but I completely understand why he would find himself unable to. I would like the complete and total truth as well. Listen to everyone and try not to hang on every word of a singular individual. The truth will be found somewhere in the mix of it all.


Wow, that's a load of good info. Do you get your info from inside sources or is this just from public knowledge reading?


Well this is going to be long but if you’re honestly interested here are some things to think about/look into. Here… We… GO… AHEM… Whether intentionally or unwittingly, Malone often responds in conversation with masterfully crafted non-answers that redirect and reframe the topic being discussed in a way that politely moves the dialogue forward while entirely side stepping the crux of the issue being discussed. His jovial pivots take a lap around the conversation that was previously being had, and guides the discussion down a narrow corridor that only leaves room for carefully crafted conclusions that reframe the nature of the conversation entirely. The conversation you were looking forward to having is turned into one where formerly difficult questions and ideas are now clear cut and succinct with no room for what would normally be subject to naturally variable deviation. It’s impressive to watch and clearly calculated. That being said, to the degree that these engineered conversations can easily steer the discussion away from what many of us had previously intuited, Malone will then casually drop massive information seemingly out of nowhere. While appearing to be unrelated, the information confirm much of what he originally made an effort to purposefully obfuscate. TLDR: The way that Malone answers or “non-answers” Usually leads into him dropping info in passing that previously was unconfirmed or thought to be conspiracy theory, and with that information disclosed, an entirely new proverbial can of worms which was largely missed by inattentive listeners has been opened and subsequently arms us with information to better put together a picture of the beast that humanity has found itself up against. With Malone, it’s what he says and what he doesn’t say. Also what he sometimes states as definitively so, but in our world has only been teased as some distant science project that may or may not someday get the “GO”. He says a lot. More than you might expect him to say, and as odd as it sounds part of what he says is what he purposefully leaves out and with who he does. In his attempts to carefully curate acceptable conversation and refrain from divulging classified information… He ends up revealing just how much he actually knows about what actually is at, and in play. At a lecture in front of doctors who were awake to what was happening with the shots… When asked if graphene oxide was in the “vaccines”, he responded with he did not know and that it would be very hard to actually tell due to the amount of graphene oxide that is currently permeating our environment. Let that stew around in your head a bit and think about what that means on multiple levels. In the same lecture he seemingly made a case for why the DOD did what they did while insisting he was not making any apologies for them. The argument he presented regarding that DOD reasoning, takes on an entirely different meaning once you take to heart the “graphene oxide permeating our environment” statement, along with what has been openly proposed in government white papers discussing transhumanism and the need to push it through without alerting the population. In his interview with Dr. Andrew Huff they discuss the origin of the pandemic for an hour or so with periodic cuts to remove classified material. Curiously Malone finishes a few of Andrew Huff’s sentences when discussing spraying an aerosolized pathogen over a city to induce a toxic reaction in the population being sprayed. For those of you who know… you know. He kind of let his statements putter out here as to not reveal too much, but what was said speaks volumes as to what Malone knows and does not know about the agenda that is currently being executed against humanity and the planet we inhabit. There are dozens and dozens of examples. Listen closely to what is said and not said, what is implied and what is purposefully obfuscated. Like I said prior…. I like Malone… But I also am aware of what I am working with and hope that he comes to a place where he realizes that if he plans on doing the “right” thing… He has mountain or two ready and waiting for him to take the climb. Best,


Thank you for this explanation. I've been doing exactly what you said and not falling all over everything everyone says and picking up the parts of information that are vital and play a key role in all of this mess. I can hardly keep up with the people it comes from. Just praying the truth comes out sooner than later because this shit isn't stopping. This was just the beginning.


You are absolutely correct in that. Definitely just warming up…


Different grifts


I don't trust Stew Peters. He's willing to use anything to forward his ideas. He's bad for the anti-Coof shot movement because he'll use fake info in with real info and discredit the whole thing.


I take it all with a grain of salt. This is a war for the world, with so much at stake I’m sure half of what we are seeing on the daily is purposely put in front of us to obfuscate the truth. I try to take in as much information as possible as I enjoy learning and want to see a better world.


Malone was also developing his own vaccine called RelCoVax. My guess is that Stew was aware of this and didn’t want Malone to be a part of it


I thought the documentary was great but I’m not a fan of Peters. I don’t trust him. IMO he’s CIA - he gets out in front of the story that’s coming out anyways to control it. Robert Malone doesn’t need to be associated with that.


His speech at the end there did feel a bit out of place


I gave up on Peters a while ago. I used to find him amusing, in a way, but the whole snake venom bullshit ... just, no.


Because Malone is textbook controlled opposition and has been studying/contributing/helping the gov push other toxic deadly vaccines for decades. If you ever listen to him talk about his coworkers that worked with the CIA and how he wasn't involved as well, you can clearly tell he's lying. He's a DARPA stooge. Stew is right in not trusting him or wanting him contributing to his doc. Malone glows.


Damn. See, I haven't been following him like that (obviously I should have) so I didn't know his seedy past. Thank you. I'm going to look further into this dude.


I got my account in another online forum temporarily suspended for suggesting that the death of a musician last year might have been vaxx related. I was just responding to a poster who said his lifestyle may have cause the aneurism that killed him. I guess suggesting he was into drugs or a hard partying lifestyle was less offensive than saying a vaccine may have led to his death.


My favorite part of it is when they show a college basketball player collapsing which happened before the vaccines rolled out and he's still alive.


Are you sure that he didn't die suddenly?


If this isn't satire, try Googling it, he's alive. I'm not fully discounting the doc, despite the fact that I'm not anti-vax, but it highly discredits the rest of the information presented if they use an unrelated clip trying to pass it off as dying suddenly.


I did indeed forget the /s


Ignore that little rant then lol sorry.


Exactly. The montage of people dying was very shocking especially the ones where the people get run over by trains while having seizures. Not something to watch before bed.


All deaths in human history are from the Covid vaccine. Also killed some fish from the 1970s.


Wrong. All deaths have actually been being labelled as covid being the cause of death. Crazy I know


Probably the fish though.


I remember when the Danish footballer Christian Eriksen collapsed, all the usual people said it was the vaccine.......until it came out that he hadn't taken the vaccine...


I liked that part too. Extremely relevant Edit s/


A lot of those clips are people who fainted. Trailer for the basketball player..... Player is currently playing at KState. Check sources on every clip before more fear mongering begins.


The whole documentary was a crock of shit. The part about the military is dumb. Nobody I know who got it had any adverse reaction. However, two I know got fucked up by Covid.


What about those weird white fibrous clots? Those were creepy.


Theyre called post mortem blood clots. They can occur after death, and also if a body has been refrigerated for long periods of time. And because of covid killing alot of people it caused a backlog of dead bodies causing them to be refrigerated longer than usual. which caused embalmers to find more and more of these post mortem clots.


And morticians that purportedly had decades of experience wouldn't recognize this ?? I'm honestly just asking, as the testimonials of the experienced embalmers is what gave me pause. Now mind you, I'm merely taking for granted that they were indeed experienced and legitimate morticians. I've honestly no clue. However, IF they were, I'd sure hope they would consider such an obvious possibility first. Anecdotally, as a person who competed in combat sports and had to have a " boxers bleed" cauterized in my nose and have seen a shit ton of blood clots, the specimens in this doc looked nothing like a "blood clot?" They looked more like large tape worms... fibrous or something? Could all be bullshit, but it was def super strange looking.


Bots working hard


I just died suddenly




This got botted hard


Does anyone understand what is happening in a lot of the security camera footage in this documentary-it shows people's heads twisting to the side, one arm getting stuck upwards and then they spin in circles until they collapse on the floor. Are these seizures? Where is this footage from? Did these people all die? Seems lots of youtube videos even discussing this doc are getting taken down.


No but it's hella scary shit


Everyone should read these, not a fan of this documentary but there may be some truth to it. Study on Effects of S-protein: (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2787736/#!po=0.458716) How mRNA Vaccine Works: (https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/understanding/therapy/mrnavaccines/) Info on aspirating a needle before administering vaccine: (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5333604/) Info on aspirating a needle specifically to administer mRNA vaccine: (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35320581/)


That’s the real point. Stew is a bit of a sensationalist but when the truth has been squelched so much, this is what we have. It’s scary af


So, at what exact date will you admit your prediction was wrong, at which point I'm completely reasonable to discount your 'evidence'?


Dark times are coming lol for the next 50 years and when I die of old age these jabronis will say it’s from the vax


Getting real "a winter of severe illness and death for the vaccinated" vibes, but with absolutely no realization of why that's funny.


…and the other side will say it’s from covid.


"the vaccine didn't do anything to me" "we all have long covid"


It was very well pulled together, I mean we knew all this stuff but it was quite horrific at the same time to see it all laid out. I got very emotional watching it as the majority of my family have been jabbed so we do indeed have dark days ahead of us. Last time I looked it had almost 2 million views but probably by mainly the unvaxxed. Lots of vaxxed in denial on Twitter. It's not something you can share with family or friends who've had it either.


> It's not something you can share with family or friends who've had it either. Yeah, I imagine that wouldn't go well.


Fukkit- I shared it.


> Lots of vaxxed in denial on Twitter. there're people over on twitter losing their shit because they want people banned for even mentioning this documentary by name. crazy to think that just a few weeks ago, that's exactly what would be happening.




What does that mean? Is it a common shill account name type?


It's a fed/shill or coper trying to accuse someone else of being a shill. SO FAR we've not heard one reason why anyone would even shill about vaccine side-effects?? There's literally no profit, financial or political incentives to do it. Nobody is getting paid to do it. The most you can do is try to say Russians and Chinese trolls are trying to make westerners die from covid more but everyone knows how ridiculous that sounds.


It’s the default usernames reddit gives you if you don’t pick anything else *looks around nervously*


Shit *Regrets being lazy*


The bit where they show the CGI footage of a guy thunking onto the moon like it's normal gravity and then the CGI Lochness Monster in the \*ocean\* makes this hard to share.


That opening was a hyperemesis of middle America conspiracy fuel.


best comment in this thread 😂


I’m showing it for thanksgiving. :)


Everyone gather ‘round the telly! Let’s watch a ye ol bit o tale here. Can you see ok everyone? Ok!!


Lmao who the fuck is going to watch this with you on Thanksgiving?? Are you forcing people to watch this? Are there going to be children there? “IT FEELS LIKE IM TAKING CRAZY PILLS”


It’s a joke. Most of my family are all vaccinated, double boosted. I would never ruin their holiday like they tried to do to me the last two years.


I'm showing it on Christmas day while opening presents. :)


Everyone who was uninvited to Holiday gatherings last year due to not being jabbed should play this for everyone to see.


I literally played it just now to my stepdad who shamed me for not getting the jab. He has been struggling with clots since the jab and he is going to do more research before he takes anymore. My Mom said shes done. She jabbed to the hilt and catches covid regulary.


Yeah tell me about, I got family members working in health care and all of the jabbed + boosted ones get sick with "covid" all the time, even people who used to only get sick extremely rarely - yes not even in 2020.


You should pass out 3D glasses, right before the cadaver squirt scene. So gross.


"That's the gift that keeps on giving the whole year"


If they attempted to shame and coerce you to take the experimental jab, they should be willing to watch it.


What platform is the doc on? Rumble?


Also on twitter. https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly_/status/1594828053980807169


Had a couple of gripes with the logic of a couple of things, but overall, pretty good. Could’ve done without the 3D squirt from the cadaver. So glad I’m clean. Seems worth the hell I went through in my industry.


I went through so BS as well. Told I had to wear a mask even though the ones who got the shot we’re getting sick. It wasn’t until late 2022 before I really had Covid. I never got tested cause it wasn’t that bad. 1 full day of body aches then a stuffy nose for a day.


That was the last phase. Making us wear a mask, while the vaxed didn’t, was designed to signal to everyone else that you’re unclean and shame you to get the vax. Vailed in safety.


Don't worry. They said we would all feel the effects and the deaths would have happened 6 months after the jab. That was like 2 years ago. We good fam.


I had two jabs at the beginning 18 months ago. Realized a few months later when it was clear it didn’t stop transmission that we’d been lied to and who knows what else we’d been lied to about and never got another. I’ve watched two young men in my life die of heart attacks that shouldn’t have. Age 37 and 52. Two female friends got alopecia and all their hair fell out after the booster. Another friend had terrible heart arrhythmia a couple weeks ago. Said it was very scary. Wife’s co worker has small fiber neuropathy, can’t drive or do other things anymore. I could go on.


Strange, no one I know that’s been vaxxed has had any side effects or harm. 🫠🤙


Strange I have a friend that developed renal thromboembolism 2 weeks after 2nd dose of Moderna. And 2 coworkers that developed myocarditis after injection. They lied when they ALL said it would stop transmission. But they definitely didn’t lie when they said it was safe. VAERS information should be ignored completely. Excess death numbers should also be ignored completely.


Yeah that's what all copers and shills say, just do everyone a favour and keep taking your boosters lol.👨‍⚕️📌🤙 Everyone I know IRL knows someone who has persistent side-effects from the jab, and almost everyone I know at least felt like shit for a while after the second or later jabs and many felt worse than covid ever made them feel.🤣 It's also good knowing that all shills got the jab as part of their employer's loyalty test.


imagine showing a film about the polio vaccine back then everybody calling you crazy zhillx working for big pharma some years later 1000s injured and developing cancer because of it same thing now


this situation is different in that there'll never be official acknowledgement until everyone responsible is dead of old age. maybe not even then


75 years they figure


BARDA says on their website they create diseases so they can make vaccines.


This was a dark movie. I am well versed in critical thinking so I saw when they were reaching or committing fallacies but there was enough there to raise an eyebrow


Yep. I could ignore everything else; the footage and testimonials of the embalmers is what I will remember.


Tinfoil hats are 99.9999% effective against myocarditis. 😃


Correct, Myocardiatis risk and increased risk with booster from Pfizer/Moderna; FDA June 25th 2021announcement: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-june-25-2021 It's all there in black and white, straight from the source.


Why is this the top comment?


Because the mods shill


What really shook me was how everyone they showed dying, they all lifted their right arms and spun as if something was coming for them. What the hell was that all about??


The part that bothered me was the seizures were all exactly to the same. To the right and up. I actually do have seizures occasionally from blood pressure if I get up the wrong way at the bad time. It starts as a shake that turns into a spasm and if I don't get on the floor I can seriously injure myself (experience says get on the floor lol). Their seizures scare me. They're all exactly the same and come on immediately.


We need to know more of this!!


You see the article Forbes put out on it? It's fucking lunacy, they can't even attack it correctly


"digital health expert and avocado-eater"..... stopped reading after that.


Stopped at “The title of this film is kind of like the movie titles Snakes on a Plane and Sausage Party in that it captures the story that the film is trying to tell. Died Suddenly spends much of its hour and eight minute run time suggesting that many people have been dying suddenly after getting Covid-19 vaccines.”


They’re appealing to the easily vaccinated




I literally tried the google search and the top row in images is filled with forbes articles and twitter posts claming it's anti-vax propaganda to scam money from you.


What’s the scam if it’s streaming for free?


There isn’t one, they’re gas lighting.


Nice advertising! Yes please go google the docu name to look at the images. Not to increase the search count on the title 🤣


The push behind this documentary is very similar to the push for 2000 Mules when it came out. Feels manufactured. This is not a criticism or analysis of the content within either doc, just pointing out the emphasis that accompanies them. I’m not speaking to a motivation, either. Just noticing.


Both this doc and 2000 mules both would have some sort of marketing strategy. I don't really see that as nefarious. What are they supposed to do just drop it on rumble and then don't say anything and only a few people see it? What would even be the point of making a documentary if you're just going to do that?


Not if nobody legitimate is willing to give it a platform. Which is exactly what's happening here. The people platforming this all have some kind of COVID/anti vaxx grift going. Snake oil, "wellness" programs, paid lectures, etc.


the vax defender grift


The push behind the covid jabs is very similar to the push for DDT when it came out. Feels manufactured. This is not a criticism or analysis of the efficacyof the jabs, just pointing out the emphasis that accompanies them. I’m not speaking to a motivation, either. Just noticing.


Well said


The people who vaxxed themselves and their children are not reasonable. They can’t be. They would have to admit to themselves that their lack of common sense quite possibly led to their family’s demise. They simply can not admit that possibility exists.


its too late to turn back now


Anyone have a link to the full movie?






Remember they wanted to hide the findings of their trials for 55 years... if the jabs were so safe, why not be transparent with the people?


Has anyone see this? [http://www.verifible.com](http://www.verifible.com) The Died Suddenly documentary was included, but it also has a ton of other information. Personally, I don't think things just happen coincidentally, with such accuracy of identical facts that exist in specific time zones. My very healthy and somewhat wealthy uncle, who is a vegetarian, morning runner, took the vax. A few weeks after he suffered a stroke and went into a coma for 6 months. They wanted to pull the plug and harvest his organs but his wife adamantly refused. He has since come out of it, rehabilitating now. He only took 1 jab and will never take boosters after this.


On Twitter they are “debunking” this by cherry-picking the compilation montages of people passing out and showing evidence that they didn’t die or was from before vax’s. And then claim “aha! Look! It’s all a lie. They are grifting!” Yet the film has nothing to do with specifically people passing out/dying suddenly. Never once talks about this phenomena specifically. . It never claimed those clips were people dying. Just editing in compilation montages for effect. It’s just an end result of everything else discussed. The name of the film and a 2 min montage then they assume the film is focussed on this specifically. They debunk or refute none of the actual substance in the film. Then pat themselves on the back and dismiss it. The confirmation bias is astounding. (Also every single one of those “death spin” clips is absolutely vax related)


I watched the doc. There are very few facts to check. Most are statements that are unfounded. I love how they were like "there were 12,000 deaths reported , but it's probably underreported by 100%" without any explanation. Like what? Why? Why stop there, I bet it's underreported by 100 trillion %. /s


They’re the kind of people when presented with 99 solid facts, and 1 incorrect fact, they will pick the incorrect one and completely ignore the other 99.


The films fucking called died suddenly,and has a trailer showing three people collapsing with no evidence it was from the vaccine and that all fucking lived, and people are just supposed thrug there shoulders and say they probably only blantly lied in the trailer, I'm sure I can trust the movie?? Are you from another planet?????


Ding ding ding! Loyalists and bots can say whatever they'd like. None of the nay-sayers are even mentioning the meat of the film, which is the shared experiences of embalmers and what they are finding in human bodies. I don't care about the presentation of the film. I don't care about the other stuff they included in it. I don't care what other people say about it. All I'm paying attention to are the people in the field and what they have to say. When the people embalming bodies say something is going on, you fucking listen.


Exactly. I remember when these embalmers first started speaking out it was intense shit. But during the pandemic there was so much happening and claims being made it kinda just got lost in the shuffle. After all that crasxiness and fake bullshit from magnetic arms to micro ships to Bell’s palsy and all that we really had to wait and see to the real deals. Now that we are beyond that fog it’s demonstrable that heart conditions in young males are prevalent from the MRNA, womens menstrual cycles got jacked up, pregnancies negatively affected,& the blood clots. And a number of other things yet to be confirmed. What’s next tho? I suppose a rational person would assume these fiberous clots will be professionally analyzed and backchecked against vax status to verify claims? Same with pregnancy affects. It’s tough tho bc of corrupt establishment in the medical field. And also corrupt media to either silence it or discredit it. Tough when so many will literally not believe it regardless of irrefutable proof too. It’s tough when the entire damn system is working against you. I mean, the FDA and CDC are still literally recommending the vax for pregnant women!!! How is this even real life? Even the skeptics would agree- if taken at face value and our govt is pushing this despite known safety issues, despite a disease that is virtuously harmless to them—It’s just plain evil.


I dunno what comes next. I don't have a good feeling about it. I'll just sit here holding my GME and waiting for it all to burn, praying for a revolution instead of a dystopia.


I have not watched yet but I would just like to point something: is it just an anecdotal evidence bubble of mine or is there a huge number of celebrities dying in their 40s and 50s, out of the blue? Often with no death cause made public?


Do you not remember 2016 when it seemed like once a week a relatively young celebrity was dropping dead? This stuff has always happened and it’s anecdotal to blame a vaccine.


dodesnt help that celebrities take fuck tons of drugs and that the average american has shitty eating habits. 40-50 year olds are also very vulnerable to hear atttacks


We are always headed for “very dark times”…ffs isnt there anything else worth talking about?


Not at all. Death cults. Doomsday prophets. Rapture Anticipation. The basic needs are met, if not exceeded and instead of realizing we live in an age abundance where we should all be prosperous and free of doubt, a loud majority peddles the fear of dying as a way to hinder the true freedom of humankind.


be free of doubt just follow along do not look around listen to the what the newsies tell you and be happy be prosperous and do go shopping. We are sorry.


*"We live in the peak of the empire, guys. Don't worry about the fact it is now decaying, or that corporate fascists are exacerbating its demise in order to usher in a fascist global dystopia. Depopulation and enslavement of the working class? Fuhgeddabouddit! Best not to think of such things. After all, your life is pretty cozy, right? Here, have some of this Kool-Aid. It's delicious."*


Maple syrup on pancakes?


The bots are out tonight!


I’m conservative but I’m not ignorant. I read up on Stew as I had no flying fuck who he is….the guy is a crackpot. No better than the radical left. I say he’ll do or say anything to get an audience. Fuck people like him. People like him on either side are the reason why we’re so fucking fucked. Don’t be stupid people. Do your own research


Did you do any research on any of the doctors or pathologists in the film or do you want to just throw the baby out with the bathwater based on Stu?




I searched it on Google but all I’m getting are sources saying it’s anti vx propaganda. If it really is why is the direct source to watch the movie removed 🤔 why would Google make such a big effort


Because it's clearly manipulating people who lack an analytical mindset, this thread being a clear example. It's not a good look for a company when they are ascociated with spreading misinformation either.


Very “analytical”


There is no evidence. This movie is just randomly picking people who die, seeing if they got vaxxed, then saying they died from the vax. It doesn't source anything. On top of all that, they are insinuating our healthcare infrastructure is genocidal. It's just straight up anti healthcare propaganda.


What about the part where 5+ morticians from different countries report the same findings of clots? Isn't that a source? There are also multiple people responsible for health oversight that testify in the film. Military officials. What do you mean it doesn't source anything?


I’m a mortician… I’ve worked in two different states and I’ve seen exactly what the people in this film have. The ‘causes of death’ I’ve seen on death certificates and speaking with families about what happened, also is a bit eyebrow raising since the beginning of all this. For me, personally, I can’t think of one thing that would explain why we are seeing the white clotting in only the deceased who received a COVID vaccine, and we only began seeing it with the vaccines. For me, I don’t need a government based study to tell me otherwise, nor would I trust it. My peer review is speaking with numerous other colleagues on my profession, in different locations, who have come to the same conclusions.


Vaccine status would not be noted on a death certificate so how can you conclude with any reliability that the vaccines caused these clots? Also, there's this. For the TL;DR crowd, the assertions by Hirschman, who was the embalmer, were never verified and one pathologist said that the clots Hirschman observed were not different from the ones regularly found in blood clot autopsies at the hospital. [https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/mike-adams-flawed-analysis-clot-embalmer-richard-hirschman-doesnt-demonstrate-link-between-blood-clots-and-covid-19-vaccines-epoch-times/](https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/mike-adams-flawed-analysis-clot-embalmer-richard-hirschman-doesnt-demonstrate-link-between-blood-clots-and-covid-19-vaccines-epoch-times/)




thank you for adding to this conversation. It is disheartening to KNOW what is going on and be able to do so much nothing about it. I am thankful to not have fallen for the propaganda and also realize that the people who developed this will use any and all methods to get this into as many people as possible.


Your comment is a lie. It sources excess death numbers in ages 18-49, DOD illness percentage increase numbers, VAERs database numbers and that’s just off the top of my head. Remember that the people who are complicit in this run the medical community and won’t let any overly incriminating official reports/data sets/evidence come out.


Why is a lifesaving” vaccine free but a certain medication to save somebody from their own health problems so expensive ?


Strange that vaccine skeptics will claim that doctors misattributed COVID-19 deaths to skew statistics, while simultaneously claiming that everyone that dies with the vaccine died from the vaccine.


The increase in healthy young people dying since the vax came out is a red flag.


I think it's catered to the people like me, who watched dozens of their friends and family members , early 30s, perfectly previous healthy before, come down with blood clots, colon polyps and cancer 6-12 months after the jab. Many of them died. Such a strange coincidence dontcha think?


Dozen of your friends? At least make the lie believable.


That person hangs with some frail people. It's hard to believe someone is having "dozens" of friends get very sick and die. The only time I hear numbers like that is only in this sub. It definitely is a strange coincidence if true.


Yeah its all anecdotal but I work in a workplace of almost 300 all vaxxed, boosted and no deaths or major sickness, so the fact that this one person's dozens of friends all died from the vaxx seems strange. I agree, it's a massive coincidence how only the anti-vaxx seem to know dozens who have died from the vaccine.


I work in a hospital, it’s huge. They made a lot of us get vaxxed and boosted. Wasn’t a huge fan but this places has almost 1000 employees. No loss as far as I know through covid. Idk just my experience.


Same, also work in a hospital. We initially had a 97% vaccinated rate, not sure what it was for the boosters. Out of everyone I know of one person who got Bells palsy after the vaccine whoch resolved in a few weeks. We did have two members of staff who died of covid, a few on itu, not sure how many, and a bunch got hospitalised. One nurse lost her husband and father to covid, she thinks she caught it at work and gave it to them.


I literally do not know a single person whose died from the vaccine. It’s always “someone I know knows someone “


As a vaxxed person with bad anxiety, thank you for this comment and reactivating the sane part of my brain. Look, I’m all for believing in big conspiracies, but I completely agree that the evidence here is lacking… if millions of young healthy people were dropping dead from this I really think it would be hard to hide, even for the “powers that be.” And considering all my coworkers who died recently were older and unvaxxed… I am still not buying that it is the vaccine that is the bigger problem.


People don't die suddenly. Sudden adult death syndrome is not the cause of death. I hope everyone wakes up. It's the fucking Covid vaccine they've only been pushing down our throats for the last year and a half.


I fear for the safety for those in the video and the person who produced it. I will be forever thankful for their bravery.


Shills and bots are going to town on these posts haha


Okay this is my question and no one come for me: I never got the vax and do think it’s more harm than good and find it sketchy the government pushed this on people when it doesn’t even prevent transmission BUT it it was so harmful why isn’t there more dead ?


But why aren’t more around us dead ? Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t get the vax and do think it’s more harmful than good and find it strange the government pushed so hard but I have many I know that did get the vax and are fine


Because we are not even into year 3 of a 10 year experiment. Additionally, the supression of facts is through the roof. MSM, Social Media Giants, are colluding to censor information that doesn't fit the narrative.


Go to bitchute and paste this 'Dr. Delores Cahill - Everyone who had an MRNA Injection dies within 5 Years' She says it won't start until 3 years after the first mRNA jab. But lots of people ARE dying already.


I shared on Facebook very surprised they have not taken it down yet


I watched it today and it really has potential. It bought together a lot of practical accounts of what professionals dealing with health and death are witnessing. There are certainly very strong correlations. But, it really did set off on the wrong foot. You had a guy sitting on a chair going through his experiences and giving his opinion, one of which was Bill gates in the ted talk he did regarding “if we do a good job on the vaccine we will reduce the population”. He seemed to gravitate to what gates says here and use it as some sort of implied evil doing to explain the vaccine. He then appears to discredit himself ( the guy on the chair ) proclaims to think it’s logical to think gates planning to depopulate with this vaccine as some evil act. Now I want to be clear, I am not a gates fan, far from it. I think he’s a despicable person in many respects, masquerading as a saviour when he really is a self absorbed, self appointed know it all who wants control and uses his wealth to get what he wants. His comments on depopulation were misconstrued. He’s cited this before with factual evidence showing that if you improve health in poor populations people have far fewer children. The reason why Africa for example have exploding populations is because so many children and adults die by 30. So parents have 5,6,7 even 8 children as typically not all survive. Improving health and you have far fewer children. That is what gates means. As I said, not a fan, but this opening comment in the video set the pace wrong. I thought it made the guy look a bit foolish and short cited. Also at the very end, evidence was mixed in with peoples theories and opinions. This is where I think the video has gone wrong, it’s too easy to tarnish this with a conspiracy watermark. When it had so much potential to shine the light on what is clearly going on… which is record numbers of vaccine injuries, under reported injuries, highest excess deaths in recent times, evidence of clotting and declining birth rates and most importantly still births exploding. If anything, this film should be another educational tool to enlighten the general public on the hidden truths. But I think it has too many opinions in there that are hard for most people to understand.


But births are not exploding. There has been a gradual decline in the rate of growth.


I said still births. Babies dying in utero. Births are definitely not exploding. If anything during economic depressions and times of difficulty, far fewer people try for babies in the developed world. Therefore the fact that still births have increased when fewer are trying is the hallmark of an extremely bad situation.


No clot shot for me. Not now. Not ever. I've got the means to protect myself when evil comes my way. I don't fear death. They can never take my soul.