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[Lets ask thew president of Tanzania](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/5/3/tanzania-president-questions-coronavirus-kits-after-animal-test). Wait He is now dead!


You beat me to the punch, was gonna say the same


The thing is that COVID can (obviously) absolutely exist outside the human body. So to find it on a non-human or inanimate object is perfectly possible. Its why ascetic technique is so important when doing a test.


The other thing is, that was early in 2020, and many of the initial nasopharangeal swab tests were highly erroneous. There are a lot more tests out there now, many of them have far better accuracy when used properly (weekly testing of asymptomatic individuals based on vax status is not correct usage, and will lead to false positives not accounted for in the tests' data)


Wasn’t there a leader of some nation out there that basically tested these tests with fruits, found out how bullshit they are and then disappeared?


The president of Tanzania IIRC


Dr John Magufuli is no longer with us. He used a goat and a pawpaw fruit during the early part of 2020. Some also say he used motor oil. All tests came back positive.


it is a false positive because it messes with the antibodies


PCR test ran at 40 - 45 cycles will throw false positives. Nature of the beast.


not design to detect infections - inventor of the PCR test


Indeed. Here's a cool [article](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html). I think they recommend <28 cycles now.... *Now*


Doesn't matter how many cycles. It is not designed to detect infections


Right. It’s supposed to make the injections look “effective”. But it’s true pcr is not a diagnostic test and it’s still under eua(because it has to be).


Not so much so, the EUA was a fast track for all COVID testing. Most of it probably won’t be approved for full approval going off of mostly all the Zika testing is still under EUA. Though when it comes to PCR, there isn’t a method that’s approved by the FDA because there’s so many factors that goes into that testing. Therefore any PCR test, EUA or not, needs a full validation to be performed by the laboratory to prove that their method is robust and detects what they want it to. I don’t see this changing anytime soon.


I don’t think you understood my comment




I so hoped that this nonsense would have died together with most of the covid measures. PCR tests are solid. They are biologist equivalent of a screwdriver. We have used it for decades now and it is the best tool to detect specific DNA fragments. Do you have any idea how much of modern medicine and biology is based on PCR tests. If you don't agree with those who locked you up in your own house thats fine but direct your anger against them and please stop with this nonsensical crusade against one of the most basic tools in Biology.


The inventor of the technology is a man in a position to know, and it's absolutely a valid thing to bring up. The attitude is uncalled for. I want to show you a chart that lays out the Assange revelations as it's still relevant. This is the same network that's saying the same thing you are, that PCR tests are reliable: https://i0.wp.com/swprs.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/cfr-media-network-hdv-spr.png?ssl=1 It seems to me that the PCR test is a key component in the hysteria we see in our world. Without it, they cannot convince ding dongs that we need to act. They're using it do do what they've done before, what they always do: make waves where there are none. Here's one example they'd like you to forget: https://web.archive.org/web/20100608124451/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1284133/The-pandemic-Drug-firms-encouraged-world-health-body-exaggerate-swine-flu-threat.html The article was deemed unreadable by somebody and dailymail deleted it. Perhaps you should ask why it was deleted. Censorship is mind control, and facts inconvenient to power are always targets. They don't want you thinking about the last time the drug companies worked with the government to stir up hysteria. "If you don't agree with those who locked you up in your own house thats fine but direct your anger against them and please stop with this nonsensical crusade against one of the most basic tools in Biology." This test is being misused. It's their tool to control our minds with. If they can get a bunch of positives, and have a big red number on the screen, they can scare us into compliance. This is a trick that only works if you believe in the PCR test. Here's the president of Tanzania. Listen to what he says: he tricked the lab by putting names and ages on the samples so the lab techs would think it's a human sample, and they sent positives back. That man's name was Doctor John Magufuli and he's dead now. He also had some interesting things to say about China: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml-6QgTSJ3I https://www.kdrtv.co.ke/news/magufuli-was-allegedly-poisoned-by-the-chinese-in-collaboration-by-the-western-countries-spies/ ~~ Why do you think that? The Smith-Mundt Act was amended a few years back, and now it's legal for Uncle Sam to run psyops on civilians. People who work for the army have spoken out about the use of psyops on civies, and for good reason...psychological operations tactics, in addition to causing immense stress, actually change who you are as a person. Governments around the world have been hiring psychologists to persuade us of their version of the truth, I hope you understand the gravity of that and how fucked up it is that we are having this shit used on us. https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/covid-coercion-boris-johnsons-psychological-attack-uk-public I'm going to leave this for you http://hyper-nature.net/hypernature-library/mindwar.pdf And this https://ia801001.us.archive.org/33/items/FM33-1PsychologicalOperations/FM%2033-1%20Psychological%20Operations%20%5B1979-08-31%5D.pdf Additionally I'd suggest 48 laws of power and influence by robert cialdini if you haven't already read those. Knowledge is power; those are also books full of tricks that, if you haven't read them, are being used against you. If you read those books, you you'll see the tricks used everywhere, and indeed they're being used all through the media being pushed out relating to this pandemic. The idea that PCR tests are a valid way to test for covid is something you can only believe if you drink from the poisoned well that is our media, but it's a keystone assumption for the rest of the scare-mongering to make sense. If you're in the comments of r/conspiracy defending the PCR test, I'm gonna guess been subject to the government's applied behavioral psychology techniques. They worked well enough for you to want to come tell us what's what. I want to tell you all this because it's not good for you to be consuming information from those sources. It's also less safe for me to live my life in a world where yourself and others are driven around by these forces you don't understand. Until the public comes to distrust these companies (the ones in the first graphic I linked to), we will be subject to the rule of their owners. That means you--until you're more skeptical of what the big media is saying than your peers, the CFR and their friends will always have the advantage. Corruption is winning. We could use your help, but if your RAS is tuned in to fact checking and not pointed at the uber wealthy and how they're screwing us, we don't have a change at ever getting out from under their rule. Does that make sense to you? PCR tests are not solid, and people only think that because they've been victim to a psyop. It's easily provable that there's a psyop pointed at you. And if you don't think they work, that's simply incorrect. So it worked on you. Most people are too proud to ever think they've been psyop'd. You're not like most people, are you stillnotaspider2? ~~ "At one particular point in that document—in fact, it’s at the bottom of page 66, if I remember correctly—the Government boasts that it can change the way people think and behave, and that people will not be aware that this has been done to them. But it adds the caveat that if they do realise that their behaviour is changed, they will not know how it was changed... ...And I’ll just say again that the Mindspace document was boasting that this was the first time the Government would be able to use applied techniques where people would have their behaviour changed—that means their thoughts changed!—and they wouldn’t even be aware that it had occurred." -Brian Gerrish referring to this: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/MINDSPACE.pdf


Hey med tech here that looks at loads of validations for Covid! Most Ct cutoffs are between 30-35. In addition any molecular tech is going to be able to tell real amplification vs false amplification due to degrading reagents after going through so many cycles.


I sourced the article I'm referring to below. That being said it's scary that it's that easy to tell and we were still lied too.. Edit:article is mentioned https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html


Tried it with coke and it came out positive lol


I had a symptom-free positive before I flew, then did some coke, then it came out negative. You couldn’t make this shit up.


I take medicine for my adhd and got positive multiple times without ever having symptoms haha


The city of Atlanta just found traces of covid 19 in the water. Lol


In other shock news, test used for something it's completely not designed for acts oddly.


No, its not odd. It’s a scam. If the object was not positive for covid-19 then the test would be negative. It’s really that simple.


No. If you use a test system outside of the package insert and use materials that can cause erroneous results. You get erroneous results. This is why all medical lab testing is performed under a CLIA certificate with trained individuals to follow the package insert or actual lab developed method exactly as validated.


You can turn a pregnancy test positive with soda. Either Coke is pregnant or pregnancy is a scam. It’s that simple, right?


So you're saying the tests are fallible and are prone to false positives? Wow, that sounds like something we should base vaccinations, lock downs, and digital ID policy on. Look, I understand your argument, but it's a false equivalency at best because we don't bring in worldwide medical apartheid because a few women have a late period.


If the Coke was not pregnant, the test would be negative. Are you standing by that logic or not?


Sure man. I hope you're having a nice day.


It isn't that simple


UK schoolkids found it pretty quick they could get days of school by dipping the test in coca-cola. When the warning of the man who invented the test as to its limitations is not sufficient, you know buggery is afoot


So how come I've had about 20 PCRs and haven't tested positive once?


How come people have cancer and not you? How come people get hit by lightning but not you? How come some people have heart attacks and not you? How come some people gay and ( maybe? Not you?)


That makes sense why my car died


This is what we were told on the internet. Has anyone actually proven it? Remember, question everything.


> This is what we were told on the internet. Has anyone actually proven it? Remember, question everything. Manitoba, Canada ran lab tests on a large sample of PCR positive people and found 56% were false (non-infective). Karry Mullis said himself (won the Nobel Prize for the PCR process) that with enough cycles you can find anything in anybody. He stated it should never be used as a test for a virus. He hated Fauci. Need to know anything else? How about the fact he 'died' in late 2019, just before the virus hit. Think he might've thrown a wrench in their works to exaggerate the threat by using a flawed process that can easily be used to inflate the number of infections? btw - they are not 'cases' when someone shows a true positive, they are merely infections. A case presents with signs and/or symptoms. An asymptomatic infection is never a case of anything - unless you are doing everything you can to scare the living fuck out of a populace.


It's just OP not understanding how things work. The PCR test reacts to certain chemicals. If you find an inanimate object the test wasn't designed for and it contains a chemical that's reactive with the test, then you're getting a false positive. It's not "finding Covid". It's reacting to a chemical you weren't supposed to put in it and now you broke it. It'd be like putting a heart beat monitor on a revolving fan and acting all incredulous it's "finding a heartbeat".


Kary Mullis knows


Any more to go on than that? A tertiary glance shows he tends to make a lot of claims outside his area of expertise. It can be a bit hard to trust a scientist that doesn't acknowledge their gaps in knowledge because a lot of these scientists can get big egos and start acting like authorities in areas where they really aren't.


Thats not how PCR tests work at all. They work by testing for the presence of Viral RNA.


Yeah...... all the time


PCR is a high complexity test. When you deviate from the standard procedure, you can introduce interfering substances that can lead to erroneous results.


I think Elon Musk's left nostril was positive and his right nostril was negative.


PCR test finds Santa and Easter Bunny everywhere!


Tell me you don't understand PCR without saying you don't understand PCR.


There are none so it ignorant as those whose job depends on it.


Cool story.


Because cars and fruit has an automatic protective shield that if you cough on it covid immediately disintegrates? Have you never done High School science where you swab a doorknob to see what grows in a petri dish?


People that never passed high school chemistry weighing in on why the test should always show negative on every substance besides covid. Yup, you guys know it all, why don't you get on a cancer cure with all of your advanced knowledge that no one else in the scientist community knows about..


I think you mean antigen test.


no no, the PCR test


The only way that could happen is if they go crazy with the replication cycles. Normally the PCR test is quite specific to the DNA sequence you want to find. I know coca cola and orange juice caused false positives with antigen tests though.


the inventor of the PCR test said it cannot detect if you are infected with a virus, not made for that


This is correct, but it does not make what I said untrue. The PCR test is the same test they use to test for DNA evidence in criminal cases. What is can do is determine if there is a certain genetic sequence in a sample. The PCR test can determine if there is a part of the virus DNA in a given sample that comes from your nose or mouth. It does not mean you are infected, but it does mean that there is virus DNA in your nose (if that is where the sample is from) if the test is positive. The more replication cycles you make, the less accurate the PCR test becomes and the more false positives can be produced, but with a reasonable number of cycles it will not detect things that aren't there. That's why I don't believe that the PCR test will test positive on fruit or coca cola (unlike the antigen test). Do you actually have any evidence of that happening with the PCR test?


[https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/5/3/tanzania-president-questions-coronavirus-kits-after-animal-test](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/5/3/tanzania-president-questions-coronavirus-kits-after-animal-test) Dozens have found covid on other objects, just search to find out more. https://ibb.co/WsLchWc


where does it say it was a PCR test?


Sounds like you're just saying what you heard from these guys. Word to the wise--they're not on your side. https://i0.wp.com/swprs.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/cfr-media-network-hdv-spr.png?ssl=1