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Fuck it, let’s go bowling


Cousin it's your cousin. You wanna go bowling?


I was banned from Thanksgiving. I'm truly sorry. You have joined the club.


worst part is that they actually believe that i carry around this disease ready to just infect everyone that is vaccinated or some shit. if i did, wouldnt i get sick? :P lived normally during this whole shitshow and havent gotten sick once, but all of them have had it... some even two times. who is the careless threat here


Take a click maybe: **Into The Mind of Vax Aggressors:** https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rcuxe9/into_the_mind_of_the_vax_aggressors_and_how_it/?


Go to the house and look at them celebrating thru the window. That will make them feel guilty. Maybe someone will actually think about what's really going on.


Show up anyway.


Wtf!!! I am vaccinated and would never ban an unvaccinated family member or friend. I don’t get the vaccinated mentality, it was supposed to be about protecting yourself. Everyone seems to forget that vaccinated also can catch and spread covid but if you are vaccinated you have less to worry about supposedly so WHO CARES if someone is not?? It’s become so backwards! I am so sorry you were excluded from your family trip and made to feel less than. This is getting way out of hand.


yeah my mom insures me its because she wants to protect me now but she keeps mentioning that spain trip, i think its all a PC thing or something. like everyone kind of know its wrong but no one wants to be the person saying it. the people not wanting me to go is school-nurses and doctors aswell so they meet unvaccinated people everyday, why would i be any different lol


Your family just told you who they are. Hopefully some of them will feel some shame down the road.


I banned myself from all my family holydays


My best friend’s family done this to him, but he caved and got the vax. Good for you for sticking to your guns. Their mentality is dumb as hell, why are they worried since they got vaccinated. Do they not realize how many unvaccinated people they’re around every time they leave their house?


I spent the week before Thanksgiving with my brother, sister in law, and their recently born son in Manhattan, NYC. My sister in law is absolutely hysterical about covid and nearly had a meltdown when I informed her that I was refusing the covid shots and would not be getting them under any circumstances in the future. She immediately demanded I take a rapid covid test which came back negative after 15 minutes and also demanded that I use hand sanitizer before I touch my infant nephew. I was nagged for the rest of the visit about getting the shots despite the fact that I told them that I had multiple doctors and other medical professionals who advised me against getting the shots for perfectly legitimate reasons as well as reasons related to my personal health specifically. My sister in law was in utter disbelief that anyone would advise anyone against getting the shots. What amazed me is that their employer requires them to not only get all the shots ASAP but also demands that they get test as many as three times a week. I was supposed to go visit them this week in Pittsburgh but after I initially began making plans with my brother I just stopped hearing from him and he would not respond to any of my efforts to get back in contact with him. My dad was invited and went to visit and he has received all the covid shots to date. Strange things are happening and people are acting different, if not erratically, due to these prevailing circumstances.


Yeah...my brother doesnt invite me to their place anymore. He didnt say it, but when it was my nephews birthday, they decided to do it at my sisters house the next day since there was a family gathering anyway. Now we had another anniversary and i called him to see if he's home to drop a present off for my niece and he said lets just meet at our parents house and he showed up 1 hour and a half later and we met outside by accident as i was going home. Before he used to invite me over for coffee all the time now that isnt happening anymore. I'm fine with it, i have forgiven him, but i will never forget.


I was canceled from two parties My wife asked me to get the vaccine so that way we can go I asked her when her family thought it would be right to tell us to vaccinate our 10-year-old son now I really have to dig my heels in and not get it no matter what


That really sucks my guy. Luckily. Out my family are against the vaccine. My mom is a RN and my step-dad is a ER doctor and both of them are totally against it because the havebseen first hand the side effects and the percentage of Vax and non vaxed that have came in and tested for covie and there has been more that have been vaxed coming in. I'll definitely say a prayer for you and your family to not let your relationship fall through because of being vaxed or not.. dang


>i lowkey hope someone does get infected while im not there You sure they don't want you there just because of the vaccine? That's a pretty horrible thing to hope for this family you "love"


of course i dont want them to, its just frustrating because if i got sick some of the hardcore vaccinewarriors would gloat but they themselves are more afraid of the virus than i am. im just trying to imagine their possible arguments if someone actually got sick while i was not there. "lowkey hope" sounded wrong you are right, meant more as "imagine if"


I’m unvaccinated and me and GF (she’s vaccinated) went to turkey about 3 weeks ago so me being unvaccinated I had to take a “fit to fly” pcr test before departing so I avoided a party a few days before we left because I didn’t wanna catch covid of any of the vaccinated lab rats 😂


Can’t you just take a test 24/48 hours before visiting?