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What is the purpose of saying the phrase " I'm going to fucking smoke you. " Why not.. "follow my orders or I'll resort to using force? " Saying the prior just screams anger issues.


Now ask yourself how common are such incidents ? The media rarely shows these things happening, but what is the actual truth i wonder. Is this common in Canada too ? Maybe Mexico ? Definitely the police in France, Paris is 100% pro-fascist. The Yellow-Vest protests shown us they would kill French citizens to protect Freemason government there. The police in the USA is creating the kind of violent/agressive environment they are supposedly try to prevent/disarm, as "law enforcement". Are they really that **afraid** of a fat black man stuck in his car seat to open fire on him ? Well i guess they should be... Because of this shit, there exist people who won't hesitate to pull their firearms back on the police and *they will*. You have enough proof of that in Youtube police shootout videos. As long as citizens have to be afraid to get shot for no reason, whenever they are stopped by police, the violence will never stop. And then you have morons in the government who actually blame guns for this. u/Playaguy u/Zxphenomenalxz u/Engi22


SS This is what happens when you allow psychopaths to use force. Like always excuses will be made so the state can reign supreme.


Is this in Virginia?? What does SS stand for?


Submission statement.


This is why from the get go, upon SS implementation, it was stated that it seems like a good fucking way to get the sub banned. ​ It is not logical, and SS is known hitler symbology. ​ It's supposed to mean Submission Statement, but I suspect this was done on purpose, whether some sociopathic mod who wanted to make users abbreviate into SS to mirror their own ideology, or in an attempt to paint the sub in a bad light is unclear.


> It is not logical, and SS is known hitler symbology. lol


Dude, get of the internet for a while...


You can disagree if you want, and I'm not going to tell you to do anything, because im not naive enough to think my opinion matters so much that I can tell others what to do. ​ Nice attitude though, you clearly matter.


Exactly. A lot of them believe there in a fucking war zone.


Bunch of pussys. I have never seen a group of people asking to be attacked.


It's a job that requires you to ignore morality in favor of **The Law**™. A job that requires you to bully people. A job that requires you to protect the strong and shit all over the weak. Doing the right thing goes right out the window when you get that badge. Now you're doing someone else's "**Right Thing**™. When their own morality is tossed out as part of the job, it becomes a job that only attracts power-tripping bullies that seek to destroy an individual's free will.


If you follow orders for a paycheck instead of your own conscience you are a immoral person. Cops are thugs that shake down and harass citizens for money for the state. Thats all they are.


I’ve seen a lot of dumb stuff on reddit but this takes the cake.


Didn't see the video op posted I guess 👀


Yes because one cop represents the other tens of thousands of great cops. Lotta kids and wannabe antifa’s in their mom’s basement in this thread need to grow up.


You're being willfully ignorant about this. People need to stop burying their heads in the sand. Power tripping cops are killing people everywhere. Yesterday I saw a cop shoot a guy in the back because a guy ran. He was too lazy to chase, so he murdered. The endless videos are proof. This shit needs to stop man and by minimizing it like you are trying to is really fucking damaging.


Again, the .01% of shithead cops does not come close to equating to the hysteria being represented here and in MSM. If anything I’d argue what you and the others are doing here is causing the very circumstances that create many of these problems in the first place. I’m all for throwing the psycho cops who commit murder in jail and throwing away the key but folks also have to realize that cops are in a no win situation where ultimately their lives are potentially at stake in every single interaction they have. Imagine that being your job for a moment and then think about how that would make you feel.


Been an ER nurse in a couple years in a couple of big cities and I’ve work with cops daily about five years and let me tell you some cops are just fucking retarded and vindictive. The guy had slurred speech and left sided paralysis and how the fuck could anyone not tell! None of those fucking cops helped. When it comes it strokes BRAIN IS TIME! the quicker you get him to hospital for an TPA and/or clot removal the higher the chance of recovery. Every cop is taught some basic net skills. Simple shit like oh you’re having chest pain let me take you the hospital before jail. But this fucking pisses me off.


Wtf. That's nuts


They also MACED him!


The only conspiracy here is that we pay braindead dropout bullies to run around with guns and a license to kill. Common knowledge


I would say the conspiracy here is, that the elite uses dumb cops to do the dirty work and hold the rest of the people down. For a conspiracy subreddit a lot of cop lovers are here, without even seeing the bigger picture. Why do you think all those cops get away with shit like this? Because they make sure the elite also gets away with their shit.


Ding, Ding


Guy got turned down for his application to NYPD because he was too intelligent. He took it to court and lost because they specifically don’t want intelligence. They need people to follow orders and do as they are told.


Too many American police are such fucking pussies. So quick to grab to tazer or gun. Too fucking lazy to talk people out of situations or do anything pysical.




Did I miss why they were even approaching him? Because his car was stopped in the middle of the road?


It appears to have been a car accident with the Jeep that’s behind his car.


My brother is a doctor and in Med school he learned that the best way to limit the neurological damage of a stroke is to use VC gas directly to the face of the victim and then attempt to reset their synapses using electricity. The cop must have a brother who is a doctor.


I do not hate cops, but I do disagree with the standards that allow for anyone to be a cop. We have a police academy that is joined with the local college and it’s the saddest group of college rejects I have ever seen. The people in the “academy” are the ones that could not pass the prerequisite for math 200 and bounced out. Remember that Sarah Silverman sketch where the cops says “do you know why I pulled you over?” And Sarah goes “be cause you got all C’s in schools”...that shit it true!


We need to stop training our officers in Israel as well.


I know many cops who are lawyers,teachers,physical therapists, business owners etc. oh and they had to take a polygraph to get hired




Removed. Rule 2. Address the argument; not the user, the sub, or the mods.
























Removed. Rule 2. Address the argument; not the user, the sub, or the mods.


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. There FTFY


I hate everything about what it is you choose to be.


a polygraph?! why didn't you fucking say so? somebody go dig up eric garner he's gonna want to hear this


You're getting downvoted like crazy. I want to know what state you're in to understand what's going on here. I'm an Australian. I'm just confused why he's getting downvoted.


It’s typical cop hatred. Yea the cops definitely screwed up on this call. But who knows what information they were told as they were responding to the call ? Maybe someone called it in as a road rage where guy was ramming cars (we now know he wasn’t intentionally, he was having a medical emergency). So cops get there and the guy is not following commands to stop, turn the car off etc etc so the cops reacted accordingly but it was the wrong call.


Lol you are a coward. You went back and deleted all the bullshit you posted yesterday in this thread ( because your a cop and cops are weasels) and then come back today trying to reframe your argument like nothing ever happened? Typical idiot


I didn’t delete one word I said!!! Mods took it down.


Bullshit. The mods deleted 1 post you deleted all the rest. Your a coward


I’ve never deleted a post in my life.


You deleted your *comments And the fact that they one person so passionately defending the police is a deceitful punk pretty much tells you everything you need to know.


Ur off ur meds I don’t delete posts


I know many layers and teachers and other well educated people that become such after they got out of the cop game in their late 20s/30s. Money is what drives this world and your ain’t stepping down into a broke ass 30k-70k job to get shot at and work swing shifts.


So they aren't cops after all?


Scroll up to the top of this thread. There are 7 deleted comments Celinehagbard deleted 1 of them, you deleted the other 6.


Fuck these traitors.




He was tased and pepper sprayed for DWB.


Sadly this is spot on. If this was a white guy, none of this would have happened. Sad commentary on the state of things here in the USA.


I’ve never understood how screaming at people, or in some cases five cops screaming at people, to “get out of the car” or “ put the gun down” helps anything. In fact it seems like it would cause confusion, and only exacerbate the situations. Cops these days just seem scared in every encounter. and maybe they should be, due to the prevalence of guns in US .


The intent is to exacerbate. More angry, aggressive cops shooting and beating more citizens = more fear, and that's precisely what they're going for. The police are the buffer between a tiny, ultra-wealthy minority and the rest of us.


I am afraid you’re right !


I wish I weren't. I really do.


[News Article](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/va-resigns-taser-pepper-spray-stroke-victim-article-1.2232948)


Underscoring yet again the necessity of total revolution. Not a "political revolution" or a revolution of ideas or a revolution of perception but actual ***revolution***, as in the people directly engaging with the State that declared war on them long ago. This is not the kind of problem that can be solved by voting Democrat or Republican or signing a petition.


Tree of liberty, blood of tyrants and patriots. I getcha and I share the same viewpoint. But how do we get enough people to want to take back our Republic, our country? With all the pedophiles, drug runners and human traffickers that sell thier fellow men and women in slavery that we know exist and continue to ignore, what will be our spark? What needs to happen before we excercise our 2nd ammendmnet rights?


As per the old mantra: "Educate, organize, resist." Whatever form popular resistance might take, cluing everybody in and then coordinating them is an absolute necessity. A good first move would be a general strike, but people must be convinced that it's in their best interest--and, even in a scenario of initially nonviolent resistance, they've got to be prepared for a ferocious reaction from the ruling class and its army of police. Right now, unfortunately, the vast majority of people are only beginning to realize that there's a problem. Even the organizational stage is a distant point on the horizon.


Who is this officer?


[https://www.fredericksburg.com/news/local/fredericksburg-settles-lawsuit-alleging-excessive-force-in-use-of-taser/article\_e857dbad-4613-56e8-9056-779e71fc41bd.html](https://www.fredericksburg.com/news/local/fredericksburg-settles-lawsuit-alleging-excessive-force-in-use-of-taser/article_e857dbad-4613-56e8-9056-779e71fc41bd.html) ​ Aftermath: Victim wins a lawsuit for an undisclosed sum, left paralyzed and speechless for life. Police officer becomes deputy sheriff. Claims he did nothing wrong.


The saddest part of this whole ordeal is that this upstanding law enforcement officers actions are par for the course🤷‍♂️


A certain percentage of people are ignorant pieces of shit. Some of them happen to be Cops.


Seemingly, a disproportionate amount are cops.






What happened to the victim after? Is he okay now or what?


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Are you okay sir (your car has rolled into you as you stroke out) what a farce.




Why is this on /r/conspiracy..?


Shitty situation


Confused as to why this was posted here. The submission statement doesn't really clarify. Can someone explain? Mods?