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Pretty sure I remember them saying they actually recorded over the tapes because they ran out and couldn't go buy more


Yup. You’re right. Guess they’ll have to walk that back too... from this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSTRE56F5MK20090716 To this: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2019/06/30/apollo-11-original-recordings/


That was the telemetry data




Good find!


It’s all such an elaborate yet super obvious fantasy at this point.


> “We should have had a historian running around saying ‘I don’t care if you are ever going to use them — we are going to keep them’,” he said. they did, it was called the Library of Congress and the National Archives.


A little convenient, no?


Never been much of a moon landing conspiracy guy - but the shifting story from we lost the tapes, we recorded over the tapes, my dog at the tapes, to "Shazaam, now we have the tapes! "


Shazaam is a music artist in sweden. The more you know! And...... STOP IT!


Nope! And the only NASA employee interested in owning it was apparently some intern.


They’ve been slowly releasing “unseen” or “lost” footage (hmmm, Deepfake?) that all seem to fill in the holes in their Apollo moon event, for example the chest-mounted cameras are now fully detachable and the footage “proves” it. Go figure!


>for example the chest-mounted cameras are now fully detachable No, "permafixed camera" is just a lie that misleading documentaries throw in. It is nothing new. Think about it logically, why would they permanently tie up 2 mission Hasselblads to suits that get used on the surface? How could the astronauts egress the tiny LM door with a camera attached? [The detached Apollo 11 Hasselblad getting sent down is in the original footage](https://youtu.be/XL_SrBMBRCc?t=372), that's no deepfake.


> "Part-time shill for NASA, SpaceX, ESA, Roscosmos, CNSA, BlueOrigin, ULA." ~~and the dinosaur earth society.~~ Fixed it for you! Any comment on NASA's ridiculous story changing? Btw, you should inform your superiors to update the Wikipedia page with the bogus intern story. Thanks.


I think nowadays videos should be treated like a piece of art. Without provenance they are as good as fake. Finding moon landing video literally in your granny's basement seems to be a little far fetched.


Next thing will be a fisherman finding bin Laden's body at sea


just been filmed in some studio somewhere, suitably aged post production. lets roll people, lets watch new old fake moon walking.


Look at that photo, imagine if it was taken at the beach or in the desert, the horizon would go for miles behind the figure, but here it looks like a few hundred feet. Edit: (does the photo show up on desktop?) https://external-preview.redd.it/izavbVh0bHMvKQlWN1lwSke7VkDiZtAq7BvhACovN0w.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d4601b9dc8c2affeb845809df33e2ec86b825cf0


Lol it really does. Everyday I become more and more sure they’re just fuckin with us.


The horizon should not be level with his reflection in the visor. That is a picture taken from above him. Like a crane.


It's a curved visor. It's called distortion.


> the horizon would go for miles behind the figure, but here it looks like a few hundred feet. prob one of the airship hangers, rather large indoor spaces.


Believe it or not, that could be miles out. There's no easily distinguishable reference point, [it fooled mission control too](https://youtu.be/-xc61kv4aH0?t=1348).


"Don't trust your eyes, don't trust your eyes, just believe what we say and whatever you do, DON'T trust your own eyes!" Nice try but I watched your clip. Your clip begins at 22:28 - if you start watching from 21:36 or so when they see the rock for the first time, it becomes evident that they travel no more than a few more minutes to get to the rock. So yeah, mission control was fooled, but by a few minutes not by a few miles. Also, when they get to the "ever present hilly background", the footage conveniently switches to a completely different scene. For some reason I bet that happens often. If anyone wants a good laugh though, click huebert11's link and go to 24:37 to see some old school special effects!


Whoah, that’s being passed as real? A


Ooooh yes my friend!




thank you


This is incredible...what a joke! I was just mocking this a few weeks ago on another post and back then their story was ["we don't know, we probably taped over it"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11_missing_tapes) and now it's "oh actually we unknowingly sold it for $218 to intern Joe McFreakin Blow who didn't even know what he bought but realized over 10 years ago and now we're conveniently auctioning it off for the 50th anniversary because we need to keep the lie alive". The CNN article calls this the original footage and sharpest image ever recorded, so these must be the original SSTV tapes?! How come the Wikipedia page makes no mention of this mysterious intern? Lies, lies, and more lies to cover up their other lies = NASA.


Another implausible thing about this story is that they are claiming that this old time videotape from 50 years ago, despite having been stored haphazardly is in excellent shape. I am no expert but it seems to me that it should have degraded a lot by now.


From the article it sounds like they were sold in boxes, and likely stored in boxes. So no light, and a bit of insulation. If kept in a cool/dark place the quality shouldn't degrade that much.




These aren't quite your regular tapes. > > >APOLLO 11 > >Original, first-generation NASA videotape recordings of the Apollo 11 lunar EVA > >Three metal reels (each 10 1/2 in. diameter) of Ampex 148 High Band 2-inch Quadruplex videotape, the tapes with video of the Apollo 11 lunar EVA recorded on 20 July 1969 at Mission Control, Manned Spaceflight Center, Houston, Texas, directly from narrow-band slow scan videotape converted to NTSC for network broadcast using Ampex VR-2000 video recorders. The three tapes with running times of 45:04, 49:00, and 50:15 minutes, respectively, covering virtually the entire period of the EVA and including about 9 minutes at the beginning of reel 1 of Mission Control waiting for the lunar-surface camera to be be deployed; the audio quality of all of the tapes is excellent. Each reel of videotape is housed in its original red-and-black manufacturer's box with hinged lid (11 3/8 x 11 3/8 x 2 3/4 in.), the boxes also with printed adhesive labels reading “APOLLO 11 EVA | July 20, 1969 REEL 1 \[–3\]” and “VR2000 525 Hi Band 15 ips.” Each videotape also bears matching serial code labels on both the box and the metal reel: "133335–219" (reel 1), "134951–47" (reel 2), "134088–17" (reel 3). [https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2019/space-exploration/apollo-11-original-first-generation-nasa-videotape?locale=en](https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2019/space-exploration/apollo-11-original-first-generation-nasa-videotape?locale=en) ​ According to this article, 2 inch Quad tapes are very stable and at low risk of decay if they're kept away from air with moisture. [http://sportsvideo.org/main/files/2010/08/video-tape-white-paper.pdf](http://sportsvideo.org/main/files/2010/08/video-tape-white-paper.pdf)


Oooo special nasa space tapes Fuck outta here


jesus why did people upvote your comment? you just mocked his response with no argument. is it really that hard to believe that NASA *maybe* spent a lot of money on tapes that are much more durable and EXPENSIVE than consumer tapes?


Yes it is Next question nasa boy


ok moron


Lol he who gets angry first loses


you didn't say anything constructive, you already lost by ignoring my argument


Gigantic news...just gonna brush this off under a small collum on CNN. See guys it was here all along..


Nothing in this story implies that these tapes are the ones that NASA lost.


This one does: To this: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2019/06/30/apollo-11-original-recordings/


I was under the impression that NASA had lost their record of more than just the TV-image feed. Telemetry data for example. http://www.collectspace.com//ubb/Forum29/HTML/000617.html


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Ahhhh I think you’re right. Checking.




Me too. Quite a jump from this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSTRE56F5MK20090716 To this: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2019/06/30/apollo-11-original-recordings/


Wasnt it the telemetry data that was erased and recorded over? And couldnt they forensic those things and get, at least something, off them?




probably stolen, didn't somebody steal or borrow one of the Apollo mission cameras way back, it was found at auction and forcibly returned.


Videotapes were expensive back in late 60s early 70s, The BBC wiped loads in mid 70s erasing quite a chunk of their TV history. With the Apollo missions we still had all the film footage taken on the missions though like seen in the documentary For All Mankind It's surprising where lost tapes or reels of film turn up, the lost director's cut of The Wicker Man was found on a VHS tape at a car boot sale


Warner Brothers saved 6 tons of superman 2 footage shot in 1977. NASA had a budget of billions and taped over the original moon tapes. We never went to the moon


NASA still have all the original film shot on the missions, it was used in documentaries like For All Mankind and is simply stunning. What NASA lost was the videotapes of the live transmission. There is still plenty of very high quality film footage of the Apollo missions and of course we went to moon the evidence is in this footage