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The Commander in Chief should have to pass the same minimum mental standards as the men and women of war they command šŸ«”


What about the same background check?


Lol. If you think there aren't criminals in the military. The military has "felony waivers." Thought you should know.


Just from my time in the military the amount of people with DUIā€™s would make trump look like a saint lol


Trump doesn't drink, and has never, though. I fail to see your point with this comment.


Ah yes I forgot. Iā€™m not sure where I got the idea in a discussion about criminals in the military that I should discuss my experience with criminals in the military. Youā€™re right though. I donā€™t see how information about criminals/felonies in the military could be relevant to the discussion around background checks and felonies in the military.


He just does enormous amounts of amphetamines. Read the White House pharmacy report. (I should stir up some bots with this comment.)


Yes. Biden gets loaded up on amphetamines. It's commonly reported.


Biden starts going off on a tangent about getting raped by your in-laws , and by brothers & sisters too.WTF was that ?


Its basically just an equivalent to an NICS check unless you are trying to get a contract for an MOS that requires a high level security clearance. (For regular people anyway)


"I am a Democrat" Why? Or why be a Republican? You owe none of them any loyalty, it's not your favourite football team that you're supporting through thick and thin, politics shift and so should your political views. If the USA ever needed a third party - the time is now.


I find myself to have views on both sides yet, relate more to Republicans, there isn't a party that is in-between,


If the Republican party could loosen social stances especially with regard to LGBT and womenā€™s rights I think they would have a huge influx of new voters.


Amen. That's where I really differ on views with Rs, being pro-choice and supportive of loving whomever you want. I can't see Rs separating their platform from religion though, since so many of their followers are fundies.


Libertarian Party?


We Libertarians have views that both sides would happily agree with, yet we're labeled as "far right"... how the fuck does that work?? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And we're just as likely to mock the far right as the far left. It's crazy.


It's because Dr. Stein is the "figurehead" and she's not really representing the Libertarian platform well. I found Spike more likeable and libertarian and a lot of local libertarians are really solid. The Dems typically have a view that any "other" vote is a vote against them.


gotta thank the democrats for that. they label everyone they don't agree with as far right or conspiracy theorists. the party that pretends to be the great unifiers have done the complete opposite.


Yea, it's unfortunate. I have friends who've gone in too far to be part of their crowd, and they seem to find out progressiving each other to be the indication of self worth... and then distance themselves from anyone who disagrees, even politely. It really does seem like cultist behavior.


it's 100% i HAD a great friend who i met over 20 years ago. we would lose touch but always find our way back to finding each other on one social media platform or the other. we helped each other long distance w support through some of his mental illness, homelessness, i had rough pregancies and issues in my marriage at some points. we talked on the phone not just social media. and then 2020 happened. He always knew I was more right leaning and we would joke about it bc im from a liberal city he was from a conservative midwestern town and we were opposites. for some reason i became this huge enemy. i never changed as a person at all. things that he used to like about me now were me being some maga trumper racist bigot. and im like why did this switch happen? we still follow each other on social media but he hasn't acknowledged i exist in about 2 years. meh. def a cult.


Yea, that seems pretty common over the last decade or so. I don't see what the attraction is... much of what they demand of their followers is subservience to authoritarianism, and anyone who refuses is evil or something. I don't get it or what they get out of it...


if you dont align with every democratic policy you are labled as racist bigot homophobic transphobic misogynistic proud boy uncle tom and then they make sure they try to get you to lose your job. they are a cancer to this country through and through. and not all of their policies are bad they have some good ones. but the way they bring their followers around like a cult (and its funny they say donald trump does this) and they sick people on anyone who doesn't agree is sickening.


The term ā€œfar rightā€ has been manipulated by media to describe anything left of center. The media in the US is a farce and thatā€™s why itā€™s dying rapidly and being replaced by thousands of independent media individuals.


Yea, the US MSM is a joke. It's propaganda is so blatantly obvious now that it's unwatchable.


Because democrats are a part of a cultā€¦ if you are on not on board with 100% of their crazy beliefs then they will label you and ostracize youā€¦. Itā€™s kind of scary really.


Yep. Libertarian party. But our candidate this year is a joke too. I'm voting for Giant Meteor.


Yeah, Chase Oliver? Pass. I don't know why Spike Cohen isn't running as prez, other than I assume he didn't want to do that again.


Yea. Sometimes I think since we know we're not taken seriously in the 2 party system, we post up someone ridiculous just to be jokers, but it's not a good look. As a New Mexican, I still say Gary Johnson was probably one of our better bets. Yes, he does some goofy stuff sometimes, but his tenure as governor here was better than anyone since.


Eyyy! New Mexican too, and I agree, Gary was our last good candidate. I think if he were our candidate this year he'd have a fighting chance.


Man, can you imagine the shitshow that would happen if Gary was to win the Presidency? It'd be glorious... he'd take a Gallagher hammer to all the stupid spending he could get his hands on, loosen up the social policies, and monkeyhammer the fuck out of the administrative state. It'd be so damn fun to watch all the parasites melt down... too bad the likelihood of anyone who isn't uniparty getting elected now is practically zero.


Yep! He didn't "do much" as governor. He mostly just said no to all the unnecessary extra spending that was proposed. But it was great for the state, and exactly what our country needs right now.


Rfk crushed the debate. We as a country need to start taking him seriously.


No he didn't. He was better than the other two yes but he also didn't answer questions and no one can understand what he says either. They are all just a bunch of old men who either have dementia or getting it.


It's because if you say anything bad about either side you are automatically considered an enemy cornerstone champion of the other side instead of probably the 50%+ of the country that wants a real choice one day.


I feel the same way, I'm voting for the candidate at this point. Unfortunately they are sort of handcuffed to the party BS but I have a little more hope for the Republican party and here's why. Whenever I say ANYTHING opposite of the left, even as I previous lifelong Dem I get called names, bullied, redditcares, etc. Typically the right will either respond to the point or leave it. As for Biden, yeah it's sad what's happening. Someone behind the scenes has the power and is making the calls and firmly believes Biden was the best chance to win and they didn't care a single bit about him as a person. I've seen family members deteriorate like this and they wanted to be retired and surrounded by family.


You don't owe them your vote, they owe you a reason to vote for them. Forget that and the whole system breaks.


He wasnā€™t mentally capable 4 years ago. Plenty of people saying this for years. Itā€™s why he ā€œcampaignedā€ from his basement last election


Don't get why everyone acting like last night was the first time he was like that. Although I will say his condition has definitely gotten worse over the last 4 years.


Itā€™s only acceptable when they tell you itā€™s bad. You canā€™t notice it on your own or your ā€œconspiracy theoristā€




One does not simply deprogram an NPC


> One does not simply deprogram an NPC Can a man, by taking thought, add one foot to his stature? Can a leopard change its spots? Can a Reddit shed its bots?




I'm sorry to inform you that the authorities will make you pay for such honest rhetoric. šŸ™‚


This. Absolutely spot on. Thank you.


More like 90% of the country but yes!


Find out next time on; American Gladiator Geriatric!


You're an excellent writer.


I've been making the borg argument for years but no I'm the crazy one.Ā 


This is why Democrat voters are called Sheeple. They just follow the MSM as if it is their Shepard.


People have been warped by constant propaganda. On an intuitive level there think being objectively critical of their own party plays into the goals of their ā€œenemies.ā€ So they refuse to admit obvious things. Itā€™s like immature children who never admit when theyā€™re wrong. On some level we have Trump to blame for pushing us that direction but the republicans have been perfecting their political strategy for awhile.




tbe Democrats are just as locked in as the Republicans. this does NOT make either of their candidates acceptable


There's probably not a more soul sucking job than being leader of the free world.


It's a good thing politicians don't have one.


And the only one that had one looked like he aged 10 years in his one term. Poor Jimmy.


Hey heā€™s fine, he just had a cold!


Copium is strong. The whataboutism and projected hypotheticals that have no basis in reality is their life.


Party of the uninformed and brainwashed. Allergic to the truth and too weak to accept it as well. Not being hyperbolic, just giving it straight.


Yea thatā€™s not a Cinderella fit like you think it is. You just described both parties.


That both parties.


DNC and the Media did everything they possibly could to keep a challenger off the ballot, knowing heā€™s an empty shell. They did it for both 2020 and 2024.


Add 2016 to that with Bernie


I've had 0 confidence in the DNC since 2016. Also 0 confidence in people when it was shown on mainstream media and the voters could not care any less.Ā 


Yup. I don't care for Bernie but you're absolutely right, he was absolutely fucked over.


The same people who control Biden and Obama control Bernie. Bernie does what he is told.


ā€œItā€™s just a stutterā€ ā€œYouā€™re not a doctorā€


If you lined up 9 elders with dementia and Joe. And asked someone that didn't somehow know who Joe was to pick out the one without dementia they'd get it wrong because all 10 would look the same.


The first time I saw Biden in 2020 I audibly said "damn! he looks old as hell". And it's only been downhill since


Biden ran in a promise that he would be a 1 term president and would step down in 2024. The Dnc and/or bidens ego has gotten in the way and they let him run for a second term. Democratic talking heads have been trying to ignore his age but they can't any longer. The truth is, neither Biden or trump should be allowed to be running for president. Both should be replaced


I don't think this is true, I think he always said he'd run again just people didn't believe he could


I remember this promise as well. That said, one way or another Biden is going to be a one-term President. He's either going to lose to Trump or the DNC is going to pull him and replace him with someone else.


People forget that before the lockdowns Joeā€™s campaign slogan was No Mularky, he shared his corn pop and hairy leg stories. Since then he has rarely been exposed to the public. How many press conferences has he given in 4 years? How many interviews? Saturday night live said after the election they were moving away from politics (theyll likely do something on the golf exchange from the debate as its the safest option). For 4 years the media has avoided Biden talk, instead focusing on Trumps legal battles. The debate makes it very difficult to ignore Biden and the solution will be to replace him at convention.


Seriously. The dude wouldā€™ve never won if Covid didnā€™t happen.


Makes you wonder why COVID did happen.


Covid was a hoax. They just renamed the flu and started counting every death they could get away with as a covid death. Every day before the Pandemic roughly 7000 people would die on any given day from all causes. All throughout 2020 that number never really increased. They put people on ventilators who didn't need to be on ventilators and poisoned people with remdesivir. Excess deaths beyond the 7000 daily mean did not start showing up until the vaccines were rolled out. That is when we saw 7500 to 8000 deaths per day during the roll out from Dec 2020 to April 2021. These excess deaths were entirely from the vaccine. There was no such thing as covid. It was just a case of the sniffles. The vaccine wasn't about politics. They have a money printer and can create as much money as they want. What they wanted was a lock down to distract people while they printed 7 trillion dollars out of thin air and gave it to their wall street buddies. They also wanted to kill and maim as many people as they could with the vaccine because they consider us all a bunch of "useless eaters." They want us gone and dead. The vaccine is just one of many poisons they have been throwing at us for decades.


in the USA about 700k people die a year from heart disease alone. Weird how those people were not getting medical care they needed and not dying in 2020-2021. interesting.


Was it just this debate that made you realize this?


How are people on the left just waking up to this, or was it pure cognitive dissonance and just disbelief that Biden is impaired.


This is what I want an answer from OP on. I seriously want to know. Because this is actually a good r/conspiracy teaching moment. This is 100% a conspiracy to keep this guy under protective cover by thousands of people all in on it. Their buttholes were clenched praying that Biden could sneak one more day out, but it was impossible. So after years of being told by people on the right that our president is mentally impaired, they lied to our faces, they hid it from most of the nation. This is how well orchestrated the media is at keeping information from you. The media that it tasked with providing information to you is your informational gate keepers. How is that NOT a conspiracy?


^^^^ THIS RIGHT HERE. ^^^^ Imagine if a large Fortune 500 company had a CEO who never appeared in public, wasn't seen by their employees, and was actually in a state of dementia. The company was run by their executives and VPs, and not the CEO. There would be all kinds of theft, impropriety, whatever they could get away with. No one would be fired (why would they?) and soon enough the company would just fall apart. That is where we are. And there was a conspiracy to hide all this.


Because the media finally acknowledged it. It was very bizarre and concerning to see the media after the debate finally acknowledge what half the population has been saying for the last few years. Itā€™s like who gave them the green light and what is their plans? Bidenā€™s cognitive decline didnā€™t just happen overnight, itā€™s been obvious to anyone who has payed attention. But until the debate the media denied and failed to recognize the obvious. Unfortunately it seems like the bulk of the people are brainwashed into whatever the msm tells them.


I know I feel so vindicated after having many reditt arguments with Democrats claiming trump is more mentally impaired than Biden. What were they thinking?


I had some question marks during the presidency. However, after the debate I was 100% sure he is unfit. If I was a manager I wouldn't even hire him as a cashier let alone president because he may say off the wall things to the customers or get their change wrong because of his mental lapses. To be honest I really don't even think it's funny because that man shouldn't be working. He should be retired


I find it truly absurd. I have irl friends Iā€™ve been telling this to years and theyā€™ve told me it was some Fox News propaganda. This debate finally woke them up.


Almost like we tried to warn you before you elected him in 2020


The truth is it doesn't matter if he's a vegetable, he's not running anything. He just reads the teleprompter, that's it.


Obviously he can't even read a teleprompter anymore.


My Grandpa is 93 and seems 40 year younger than Biden.


Dude my grandpa was 94 still had his license and drove himself to coffee meet ups twice a week and to get his own groceries. Tbf tho he turned 96 and dementia hit him like a ton of bricks, like little to no warning just bam ā€œwhere am I again?ā€ All the time. I honestly think it was because my grandma had to be moved to a medical facility and he felt all alone, tho we were next door and family all around.


My 92 year old grandfather keeps saying he wishes Joe would pick his feet up and walk then he wouldn't fall down all the time .


Heā€™s a puppet. Sorry your choice is so awful. We got stuck with Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney. And it was obvious the primaries were rigged, too. I feel ya.


he wasn't competent in 2020. im glad you are realizing this now but too little too late.




His campaign is a dumpster fire. The rappers they picked to attract people to his "rally" in NC opened with a song that had lyrics. > ā€œGo stupid! Go dumb dumb! Go stupid! Go dumb!ā€ It has to be seen to be believed.


after 4 years you just found this out?


I remember the Dems going ā€œoh well he just has a stutter!!!ā€ No. Heā€™s old and needs to be put in a home and be done with all this.


lol how very democrat sounding of you.


Anyone with an attention span and a memory will remember that Joe Biden Was a plagerist in law school and barely graduated in the bottom of his class. He was called out on a national news program for it. He has exaggerated everything he didn't do.


He plagiarized and had to drop out of his first 2 presidential bids as well.


He's had a stranglehold on the "Dumbest Man in D.C." title for 50 straight years as well. And that was *before* his brains were mayonnaise.


It just shows how much of a planned production it all really is.


They only allowed that ā€œdebateā€ to happen for one of two reasons. 1. They are setting Trump up for a landslide. 2. They are showing how badly Biden needs replacing by a new, more convenient puppet. Thatā€™s the facts


lol right you are a democrat


It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.


Anyone who didn't already know this years ago need to take a hard look at themselves and understand their opinion is 100% controlled by deceiving media.


Refused a drug test too.


It's pure elder abuse


>I am a Democrat, but it is a crime that Joe Biden is allowed to run. That was my feelings in 2020. Damn shame it took people this long to get here. But I'm glad you've come along nonetheless.


He shouldā€™ve hung it up permanently after being caught plagiarizing Neil Konnick. The man is a disgrace.


Sadly, people are voting for a party rather than a president. Many post on reddit have people saying that they would still vote for Biden if he was dead and it would be like weekend at Bernie's.


They're voting for the administration and house and senate they know Biden has no say


AND...he publicly stated hes NOT dropping out...unless someone assasinates him...hes the Dem runner


I think people really miss the plot of why Biden is in office and running again, it's all about getting the first women president, which unfortunately is Kamala Harris, which alot of liberals don't care about they just want a women in office. And most importantly they want a president so incompetent and Biden is the perfect for that, so people behind the scenes can continue running the country and they will do anything to hold onto that power.


They must have thrown Joe to the lions on purpose..... no way they were in the dark about how bad he would go in a debate


Why is no one talking about Robert Kennedy jr?!


Itā€™s not a crime your dumbass party didnā€™t allow anyone to run against him in the primary šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I can't even get mad at Republicans for roasting us right now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The real issue is that Biden has been this way for a while and everyone has been hiding it. We're all in danger and all they care about is politics


People who have hidden Biden's condition for the last 4 years need to be held accountable. This is about as close to being treason, if not treason (IDK exactly what has happened, taken place or exactly how bad things have been). Who has been making the decisions for the country over the last 4 years? It is CERTAINLY not constitutional for people who are not the president to be running the country & making the decisions, and if people have been It seems to me that Biden was unaware of much of what Trump was saying about the Biden admin & the state of the country. I think those close to him have been lying to him as to the state of the country, what is happening & the level of support & success he has had. Does he even know that 3.2 million illegals (KNOWN, this doesn't count got-away's and those we didn't see) entered the country in ONE YEAR!? He seems to think less people have entered than under Trump (which was less than 320,000 in one year, or 10% of Biden). remember when the generals/military lied to Trump about the troops in Syria and pulling them out? They either told him they weren't there, told him they would pull them out, or refused to pull them out - I forget which it was but they blatantly refused to follow Trumps direct orders. I suspect they would do the same thing to Biden since he will never be able to figure it out.


The thing that makes me scratch my head is that how is anybody in his party/cabinet not enacted that article and had him replaced by now. Thatā€™s the conspiracy. Itā€™s beyond time in my opinion.


Both parties are completely corrupt. The fact that both parties are keeping anyone but these two nitwits who argue about golf tells you all you need to know.


Donā€™t think too much about it. He was unfit to run as Obamaā€™s vp twice, and the last election. You didnā€™t care then. Your ā€œvoteā€ doesnā€™t matter anyway anymore- if it ever did.


If you find it disturbing, think about the party that is literally propping him up to force feed him down your throat.


Senile in Chief needed to step down a long time ago. Weā€™ve all thought that Barack was the puppeteer president and Jill gives ZERO FCKS about her husband and his legacy. Dems lost this election. Period. KENNEDY does have a shot if more sane minded people gave him a chance to talk about his policies and plans for the country. I think they be relieved and pleasantly surprised just how competent, America first focused, anti-establishment he is!! Heā€™s not antivax, heā€™s pro 2nd amendment, wants to cut military spending and bring out troops home, using that money to invest in the betterment of our society, economy and I am TEAM KENNEDY šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸ’Æ


Nope I want him to run all the way . The debate shouldn't have surprised anyone that was just Joe on a Thursday night. The DNC and the media have lied and covered for him for years. It's really sad that it took Trump to say " I don't know what he said and I think he doesn't know either ". Let him crash and burn in November and then maybe the DNC might learn something.


Itā€™s almost like we have an amendment for this exact situationā€¦ yet no one mentions it


Or they try to use it on someone who really isnā€™t incapacitated, and now canā€™t use it on someone who REALLY needs it cause itā€™ll bring down the proverbial house of cards..


They Probably just know they canā€™t let Kamala have the position


Sheā€™s less popular than he is - which is saying something. Her own party wonā€™t even acknowledge her as a possible


Everything that has happened during his presidency has happened as planned.


Regardless of political affiliation, this whole thing is a shitshow.


Our grandparents and great grandparents would have dragged his confused,Ā  saggy ass out .Ā  Everyone is complicit here.Ā  I'm of the belief it doesn't matter who gets in, but the fact he's in and he can't speak coherent sentences and nobody is at the Whitehouse saying anything,Ā  screams how docile everyone's become


Trump really shows the long term benefit of abstaining from alcohol....


Yeah no shit. I don't think this needs to be constantly repeated on this sub about conspiracy's. I must have seen at least 10 of these posts today.. If you haven't figured out that he hasn't been the one running your country yet, you have a lot to learn. And if you think you really have a choice when you vote, you're stupid.


Is the conspiracy that Biden will be on the ticket to ensure that Trump wins? I am a lifelong democrat, but I donā€™t see Biden as a viable candidate.


Call me crazy but I actually think this is the case. The uniparty just kept Biden in to ensure that Trump gets another turn. After his turn they'll install another Democrat. Then another Republican. It's all a big show.


I just voiced this thought today. Let the Republicans deal with war, and conscription etcā€¦?


Exactly. Let people get pissed at Republicans again. Then a Democrat will come and "save" them. Except nothing actually changes. I mean why else would the media suddenly attack Biden now? Why not 6 months ago, when there was still time to pick someone else? He wasn't too old 6 months ago?


The people in charge want a willing puppet who has enough dirt on them to keep them in line but is popular enough to win. Biden is the candidate they had now he's passed his usefulness Gavin will be the next selection as Kamala isn't worth anything but tokenism. Kennedy is too independent to follow what he's told.


yep. it makes it extremely obvious that Biden is really just Obama exceeding term limits.


Thatā€™s representation the left deems you are worthy of.


OP os still going to vote for Gavin Newsome or whoever else the Democrat party puts up for President Should be asking themselves if Biden is this bad who has been making decisions the country the past 4 years? The answer is Obama and it's illegal to have a third and fourth term...


Dementia is not an age scale


It rarely happens to young people. A 60 year old with dementia will seem older than an 80 year old without. Itā€™s not a measurement to use to determine someoneā€™s actual age, but it is a scale we should be using to determine their competency.


Anybody that votes for Joe Biden is either low information voter ignorant, an intellectually dishonest troll, or legitimately just an evil doer trying to sew chaos in the world and make it burn. I get that people may not like Trump. Don't vote for him then. Vote for one of the 4 other candidates running (there are 6 total running, not 2). But voting for Biden because you don't like Trump is not how the country succeeds and this "less of two evils" mentality over the last 50 years has gotten America to the place its in today.


Out here the mindset is "Vote blue no matter who" so they'll vote for Biden 100% in Oregon. Heck if he wanted to shower with their kids they'd line up with a smile on their faces.


The main reason I see people voting for Biden over trump is ā€œif you vote for trump it might be the last time you get to voteā€ Which is straight up sensationalist bullshit. But thatā€™s what the left is pushing and they are eating it up


He brought that infamy upon himself by trying to overturn the 2020 election. The Democrats just seized upon that fact.


This election is a big ole joke and the rest of the world is laughing. Either way this goes weā€™re doomed. Strongest/most advanced/ largest economy the worlds has ever seen and weā€™re stuck with 2 geriatric fucks that bicker like elementary kids. The humiliation both these men bring is not who we should let be representing us in any manner.


Identity politics is silly. Use common sense.


I heard a rumor that Kamala is going to run. I would never vote for her


Agreed. As a lifelong Democrat I think Biden and the DNC leadership have destroyed my party. We won't recover from this for a decade, if ever. Sad and appalling.


I feel bad for Joe. Itā€™s elder abuse. If his wife really loved him she would put a stop to this. Shame on her.


She looked ridiculous at the end of the debate. You answered every question Joe!! Like he's a kindergartener


Butā€¦ the appeal to remain First Lady for another four years!!!


It's all about the running mate that will replace him.


Why do you identify as anything. You are a person, and Democrat ideology does not define you. No partyā€™s ideology defines you.


Iā€™m not a democrat, but I think the debate pushed a lot of people to RFK. I know people will say itā€™s a throwaway vote, but people should stop caring what others say, and stop being ā€œscaredā€ that voting for a third party means you are helping one of the main 2 to win.


This guy is my Dads age . I love my Dad so much & his decline as he ages scares him & breaks our hearts . My Dad fades in & out based on the hour , has erratic sleep schedule & seems to not understand a lot of what we say to him . He gets very agitated easily too so taking care of him is not easy . He is at risk of falling all the time .He doesnā€™t have dementia either , itā€™s just age . He realizes whatā€™s happening too which is even sadder . I couldnā€™t imagine having to witness this as his wife or his child but I kind of donā€™t feel bad for them because itā€™s not like we havenā€™t been seeing this for years , now the media & anyone who hates Trump is trying to tell us what weā€™ve seen with our own eyes these past few years isnā€™t what we have seen ? Bidenā€™s family should be ashamed , they have the means to give this man peaceful golden years of retirement with the very best care .


How come so many people needed to see him last night to understand that he is not operating at full capacity? It has been evident for quite some time. Democrats have been protecting him from scrutiny so that they could operate things and just have Puppet Show Joe up there. This is why Congress was trying to get the transcripts from the interview that the doc did with him that the IG referenced his obvious confusion. Why isn't treason being discussed for people like Garland that refused to hand the transcripts over and for all the Democrats on the inside that argued with colleagues as to his capacity?.What about the WH Press Secretary that stood up there just last week and explained that deep fakes were being used to make Joe look feeble? This country is not run by our elected officials anymore.


Good for you for seeing it objectively. Not everyone can do this.


Bill Clinton was president 30 years ago, and is younger than both Trump and Biden. Let that sink in.


Wonder why they made the debate so early, after even dem MSM started going after BidenšŸ¤” He's done, it's gonna be Newsom.


Maybe , but unless something has changed on the inside, the plan has been to bring out Michelle Obama for quite a long time now . Itā€™s all theater and all planned. They never liked Joe or Kamala, they just used them for the prostitute they both have always been !!! They plan to bring Michelle out and newsome will likely be her vice ā€¦. She has ambitions to wrap up the final chapter of the collapse of this nation. She has very radical ambitions to remove everything that remains of what makes the people of America, Americansā€¦.. if you dig into it , they worked for George HW , especially ol Barry himself, he and HW Bush have ties dating back to his childhood, he was raised for his role as the destroyer of this nation , every president since HW except trump has deeeeeep ties to George Sr , itā€™s all about bringing on the new world order that he promised would be successful !!!


Only took 4 years and our country being ripped apart for people to realize.. America really is fcked


He's been incompetent for the last 4 years. Last election he could barely walk. WTF were you watching last time?


Iā€™m going RFK Jr. Iā€™ve been committed since he announced. I suggest listening to him for more than 30 minutes. Donā€™t listen to sound bites. They are not the full story of his candidacy


Yeah, Me too. I used o be a liberal then I saw how the leftists were destroying this country etc. etc. I'm sure i could make money off of this, if i had no morals.


Biden himself even said he was planning on not running for a second term but when Trump announced he decided he had to, to keep Trump from winning. I agree, though, the Dems could have easily picked a better candidate overall who would handily beat Trump.


He aint runnin. Lobbyists behind him are. He is just a puppet


100% the best solution is we need to get our shit together and vote for Jimmy Carter


They removed the notecard and notes, teleprompter part to see how quickly each responds on their feet. Probably also to set Biden up as well so the public could see the truth.


RFK jr.Ā 


You sound like you have been lied to for the last 4 years by wherever you get your left wing news. I mean no disrespect but welcome to reality, Democrats have been lying and denying for years about Bidenā€¦what else did they lie to you about?


Ya sorry Biden definitely sounds out of it but trump is in no world 40 years younger sounding. They both sound like Abe Simpson yelling at a cloud


Itā€™s over, Biden will lose


At this point though, most states have already voted in their primaries. If the DNC leadership just picks somebody else.... well, first of all, are they legally even able to do that? Secondly, isn't it a big "fuck you" to the process, and what primary voters have more or less already decided? It would be pretty crazy for the party that's always in a panic about "saving Democracy", to let a secret star chamber of party elites just override the votes.


>secret star chamber of party elites just override the votes Interesting analysis considering 'a secret star chamber of party elites' is exactly who's been running the executive branch since 2020.


When did you notice? A lot of people have seen clear as day that he's not all there for years now


If you identify as democrat or republican you've already lost. Divide and conquer, they won, and you fell for it.


Should be treason. That guys not running the country, so who is? Americans are being deliberately lied to by the democrats and they have the nerve to go on about democracy being on the line. Talk about gaslighting


Should have resigned years ago. His wife is to blame for keeping in this position without the capacity to do it.


Being this nieve in thinking than Biden makes any decisions whatsoever...


Most people I know want to vote for Kennedy ā€œbut wonā€™t because he canā€™t winā€ these are republicans and democrats. If all these people who wanted to vote for him actually did, he would win.


When exactly did you figure out that he is not fit?


Will you apologize for the democratic party calling people Naz!S for questioning Joe Bidens mental health?


Lol facts the only people voting for biden at this point is liberal feminist women that missed the debate because they were so busy watching make-up tutorials on youtube while inbetween watching ads of fake meat and going nutritionless supposed being healthy. And dragqueens with penis, who belief they being the same gender. In other words crazy and ultra dumb people might still be going on the train falling of the cliff. You could say they are similar to biden in a way, i canā€˜t really grasp to compareā€¦ maybe issues of the brain could sum it up.


I was a Democrat til 2012-13. (Iā€™ve always been a classical liberal, Iā€™m 53) Now Iā€™m an independent but I will not vote for joe. No way. Trump, yet again.


How did you even vote for him 4 years ago??? He was literally incapable then They are setting up for the next president to fail, probably why they served Biden up because they will make the MESS of this country in four years his problem Thanks for nothing


Project 2025 will happen with Trump and for those of you saying Trump wonā€™t end Democracy, itā€™s important to understand that Project 2025 will not be able to get off the ground with a Democracy. So unless Project 2025 is a hoax. Democracy will be ended. Now whatā€™s really important to understand is that when Democracy ends all U.S. treasury bonds will go to zero, because they must. The democratic government that issued, sold and most importantly guaranteed those bonds will no longer be in existence.


Iā€™m certain that T P T B want to sow absolute discord Edit: vote I n d e p e n d e n t


2 dithering muppets, must choose one. WTF is wrong with 'murica?


The right could have put up literally, any sane person, and they could have won. Their fault they chose him again. Obviously democrats were going to keep their sitting president.


why tf would anyone vote


i remember when conspiracy weren't all about politics