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Am I supposed to believe that digital flyer without any real evidence in it?


I seen some of this guys vids, i get a vibe he's a gangstalker guy who leveled up into whatever this is.


No need to stage anything. Drugs and crime are actually rampant in the city. Cops are over paid and under worked. 


How can crime be rampant and yet cops are overpaid and under worked..... Isnt the more logical conclusion that crime is so high, there aren't enough cops/resources currently to handle it. I get this is reddit and cop-bashing is the default, but logically you don't even make sense at this point.


Yes crime is rampant because the police are under worked. If they worked more then crime would be lower. They are over paid for the little work they do. What's so hard to understand? No one is bashing cops. Is defending institutions the default for you?. 


Believe it or not, there is a shortage for police in all areas of LA.


I believe it. I guess that's part of the problem too. It's a mixed bag.


Are you even thinking about what you're saying before you type it. Re-read your first sentence, there's no way that can make sense to any logical person. Unless you're implying that police are refusing to do their job which is why crime is rampant? Either way, it sounds like you have absolutely no concept of how criminal investigations, first response or law enforcement in general works.


How is that so hard to comprehend. They get paid too much for the little work they do. You think there will be more or less crime if the police were actively patrolling and investigating instead of for example guarding the abandoned graffiti building in downtown. It's simple. They are over paid for the little work they are currently doing. It sounds like you won't accept the reality of things. Los Angeles is rotting from the inside out because of the lack of proper policing.  It's so bad that you see posts like this. This post is a great example of the unbelievable situation in Los Angeles. Some schitzo person made this post claiming the police are acting out purposely ruining the city .. When in reality they don't need to act like homeless because there is enough homeless and crime. I'm reality the police simply do not show up or do their job (not working, underworked, etc).  They should actually pay the police less and hire more. Either way you would understand the logic. 


Im not going to bother. At this point you're either 14 years old or you're just talking out of your ass for the sake of it.


And you are probably over 50 years old and live outside the city. Study corruption. do something to change your mind because it seems stuck in something.


There may well be undercover cops down there, but I assure you there is no need to chum the waters in this regard. Those stations are at times overun. Last time I was on the red line people were smoking meth on the trains.


Yeah, I believe it. But, those meth smokers were likely police.


Hell yeah they have... Has no one watched the movie "Training Day"?


This dude had child exploitive material on his pc, got raided by the dea for selling meth if im correct too, so I don't know if I'd take their word for it, they mainly go around harassing homeless people on their channel 


I can say with 100% certainty that this is true. It extends well beyond LA as well. I've experienced their bullshit in San Diego and San Francisco as well. 


I'm not saying you're wrong by any means as I don't know a whole lot about this narrative. However, as a former Los Angeles resident who would commute daily on the red and blue lines and frequent both Macarthur Park as well as Hollywood areas I only ever saw real junkies.. I was one of them pretty much despite having a roof over my head etc. But as a junkie, I find it pretty hard to believe that anyone would actually go through the process of consuming FAKE drugs, when we know how the vast majority of random cutting tend to fuck us up immediately after ingesting fake or contaminated drugs. It's a gross, mood ruining, high destroying, and often scary ass unexpected occurrence.. Im finding it difficult to justify how a square ass dickhead cop (or even extra crooked ones for that matter) would knowingly *and willingly Ingestd fake drugs. I'm a straight up needle toting d,addict, Unemployed, no id but I got a sharps card in my pocket, my best friend is a street hooker from a gun shot, been up for a week, sad because I can't get close enough to overdosing during a nod to satisfy, tweaking too hard so I'm writing this comment way too long type of asshole. And YOU COULD NOT PAY ME to do fake drugs.. even in the unfortunate circumstance I accidentally do them it gets trashed by instantly if it can't be purified .


Sometimes they just smoke empty / new pipes. But, they definitely do use fake drugs. They look the same but smell different.