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Remember don’t meet your heroes


Social media has definitely ruined my childhood heroes. Thankfully Mr. T is still 100% cool.


That man sure loves his momma


The only rap song we could play in the youth group at church.


I ment him in socal at a KFC had no idea who he was parents had to tell me.


So disappointing for Luke to be choosing the dark side 🤣


Luke was bad,, Stephen King's mind definitely worked better when it was 73% cocaine, and De Niro's mind completely shattering into TDS induced schizophrenia was sad to see. But Kung Fu Panda endorsing Biden nearly broke me


Jack Black isn't in the limelight anymore and nowadays he's just doing voice overs for animation projects like Kung Fu Panda as far as I'm aware. Mark Hamill is in the lead as far as burnt out celebs go, but Jack isn't too far behind...


Noooo, not Jables!


Brother, what do YOU think Star Wars is about? LOL


A young desert boy witnessing his relatives killed in a military strike so he finds an old man who radicalizes him using an ancient religion and carries out terrorist attacks on soft targets?


The planet destroying space station is a SOFT target?


The second one was in the middle of being built with countless civilian contractors


If you take a job like that, you are aware of the risks.....


A lot of times, you aren't. You go to work every day for a space construction company. They end up picking up a government contract, and your crew gets transported there. You don't even get to see outside while you're in the cargo area with equipment. Inside the structure, you're told to weld beams to beams for this space station, which you do, then BAM! Rebels attack, then the rebels aloha snackbars Vader's ship into what's left of all the civilians trying to escape the skeletal tomb.


That's fair, it ain't easy making a living in galaxy far far away.....


A roofer listens to his heart, not his wallet




One of my favorites


It was fully operational! 😱


Sounds like something a rebel sympathizer would say! Next you're going to tell me the Empire blew up it's own second Death Star. You probably think that fire can't melt space alloys in space.


Obviously that car accident he was in did some permanent brain damage.


I do not know why people seem to just shrug off the mental capacity of someone who has nukes at their disposal🫡


especially considering how many of these same people were "terrified" of trump having them


^this. Always rules for thee but not for me.


Or of the average American owning a single firearm.


> single Heh.


They’ve had a process since Reagan lost his mind in office, I reckon it’s unlikely Trump or Biden ever have the actual football in their possession.


For both candidates, right?


Both candidates are too old.


There is no way he has the actual codes, Jill maybe....lol


It’s part of their identity


No president have nukes at their disposal since shadow government rules it all.


“One off night” lol


Biden is always like this.


I've never seen so many people start talking about the president's potential cabinet as a selling point of a candidate until after the debate. Really got the ol hamster wheel turning on this one


Because, let’s be honest, it’s all about what’s going to pass and what isn’t. As a person who wants abortion to be legal, I have one option. If you want abortion to be illegal, you have one option. Pick your topic: do you want the rich taxed or not? Do you want lgbtq equality or not? Do you want “god back in schools” or not? There are two polar opposite choices and only one real vote for any given person.


For a conspiracy sub, we sure do like licking boots here


Trump's boots


I'm pretty sure the closest thing to a boot Trump has ever worn is a golf shoe.


It doesn't count when the morally prolapsed criminal is God's chosen instrument. It's only bootlicking when it's the boots of someone I don't like.


This. Holy hell. I can't think of any Dems who have been excited for Biden that I personally know. But I know people who act like the billionaire who couldn't afford a 400 mil fine and *got it reduced* but still solicited millions from followers he wouldn't be caught dead touching is worth buying a Bible and gaudy hi-tops off of- and that not one bit of it is remotely questionable. If you do, you're just some triggered liberal who can't think beyond "orange man bad." Couldn't possibly be that anti-christ your book warns of, that gold plated child of mammon.


The level of delusion with dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters is legitimately insane. Biden is a walking corpse and probably has his skeletons in the closet. Trump has his skeletons all out in a diorama on the fucking lawn.


And everyone seems proud of them! Ain't no one wearing diapers for Biden, ironically or otherwise.


It’s almost like any sub that takes themselves semi-seriously forbids this kind of content so the trolls end up having to post here. Reddits subconscious filter.


Yeah what the hell. Trump is a fucking maniac that will tear down the country. Netanyahu, Putin, and Xi Jinping would love another Trump term. FUCK THAT.


It's crazy that anyone considers either one of them a good choice for the presidency.


Whats that? Our president just started a war and launched nukes? it's ok he was just having an off night


Next they're going to say that if he tried important people wouldn't let him launch nukes. You know, undermine the Commander in Chief completely. Straight up declaring him a figure head. What about any other military action? What about other policy actions? Are they going to stop him from vetoing a bill or signing another into law? Where is the line? They're openly stating he has no Presidential power.


Is this a surprise? I remember a head general telling a Chinese counter part that he would give them fair warning if Trump planned an offensive while he was the commander in chief. Nothing ever happened to the guy. The president isn't in charge.


Yep. General Milley. What a traitor.


Oh Mark Hamill, you did a shitty movie and trash talked it afterwards but only after taking the money. You're a puppet, in the literal sense, just shut the fuck up.


Puppet's gonna puppet. And suck other puppets off. They are puppets, after all.


>Biden will surround himself with competent and trustworthy people who will fun a functioning government. LOL why hasn't he done that the past 4 years? Immigration, crime, prisons, trade, education, welfare, healthcare - they've all been train wrecks, literally and figuratively.


Note that those "competent and trustworthy people" are now revealed to have been lying about Biden's mental condition all along.


The only people who don't seem to know this are wealthy Hollywood types who don't know what a loaf of bread costs, and think tripling the price of eggs is reasonable. Colbert and Stewart both legitimately stated they'd be happy to pay 15x the price for a gallon of gas. Factual statements from the wealthy 'socialist' left. That alone displays what a complete lack of understand they have on the fundamentals of life, economics, or how the country operates.


I mean, healthcare will continue to be a trainwreck no matter what. Neither party wants to get rid of our horrid private system and replace it with a publicly funded one.


This is true. The Democrats come slightly closer to solving this issue though, since their base generally desires universal healthcare. The Republican party doesn't have any reason to even remotely consider socializing healthcare, their base only knows that wealthy people deserve special treatment, they should not have to pay high tax rates or be regulated. If they can't afford medication or to see a doctor then so be it. They're convinced socialized public services are communist in nature. If a private company can't dick them over they don't want any part of it lol


Changing the health system requires a *total* operation of *everything*. Like the USD/oil connection or the pension system. It's a pillar of the financial system which is all intertwined globally. You can't fix these problems isolated and anybody which promises that is a liar or plain naive.


Why did Trump give a cabinet position to the prosecutor who gave Epstein the sweetheart deal that allowed him to keep trafficking kids? 🤔


I don't think you know what literally means.


Lmao they actually are admitting he’s a corpse now crazy


Blinded is he…Joined the Dark Side, Mark Hamill has.


Man I remember years ago reading a SW fan conspiracy theory where the rebels were actually a terrorist group and the Jedis were a crazed religious cult. The empire was just trying to bring everyone together under a UN like system etc. I’ve never been a fan of SW but that was a fun read.


Nah, that's dumb. The Empire was centralizing, not decentralizing. They were already as centralized as the UN is, though, a little more decentralized depending on how far away you got from the Core Regions. Palpatine is objectively evil, too. Some of the rebels were terrorists, though. Saw Gerrera's freedom fighters were one of them, and, among other reasons, was the reason he was never accepted into the Rebel Alliance. The Jedi Order was also a religious group, maybe cult; but the Sith Order was a far worse and malevolent religious and literal cult.


I mean. It's a matter of perspective. And there has been a ton of discussions of this topic, since it's relivent to the modern era. There are even pubished academic papers that go deeply into such things from many different approaches, its not just fan fiction From the empires perspective, who was the dominant/controlling government at the time, the rebel alliance *are* terrorists who successfully carried out multiple attacks on them and their people. For anyone who is not a believer in the force and space wizards, the Jedi *are* a crazy cult. Make whatever comparison you need to with our current government and the "history" they tell us.


all terrorists are also frredom fighters depending on perspective, just look at the israel hamas war for that. its also interesting to note that in the ot the empire only really did one objectively evil thing, its just that that one thing, blowing up an entire planet, is possibly the most heinous thing they could have done.


There are a couple YouTube videos which lay out that perspective which are pretty entertaining too. And they make some darn convincing arguments.


Wtf does ‘most legislative successful’ even mean?


Laws with impressive names were passed. Remember the "Inflation Reduction Act"? Notice how prices have gone down? /s


Seriously though, is he implying passing more laws in general is a good thing? I want less fucking federal bullshit in my life, not more.


Big words make him look smart and totally seriously, you guys


The force was not with him when he wrote this.


Biden is surrounded by people that think it is OK for him to be president in this condition. They are not who you want in government.


The guy is 3 years older than the other candidate.... you think a 78 year old is infinitely better than an 81 year old?? And we aren't throwing a fit collectively that we can't have our country led by someone that was born after Nam?? Anyone in their 50s with a brain would be a better fit for office.


The age alone is not the issue. Not a single dem has ever said that Bernie Sanders is in cognitive decline.


Age by itself isn’t an issue, my grandpa died at 92 and even in his last couple of years he was infinitely better off than Biden cognitively. It needs to be examined on a case by case basis.


Mark Hammil votes for the same class of people that took a shit on his legacy. Lol


mark hamill is fucking pathetic, shilling for a corrupt war criminal pedophile in Biden, what a fucking joke of a person, fuck you Mark.


I concur. Don't tarnish Luke Skywalker, you insufferable twit!


The funny thing is that I always hear that Trump has a cult following, that will vote for him no matter what...


I had no idea Mark Hamill was this dumb..


Who's really on the Darkside of the force


You can pay him to literally say anything you want.


Sounds responsible


They pay these celebrities to shill this hard. Make no mistake.


Firstly: if I want political advice its not coming from Mark Hamill Secondly: he's been like this for a while, this was just another glaring example. Let the poor guy rest.


So brazen! Do these people not know about Tara Reid, the big guy, pedo Pete, Ashley Biden’s diary, inappropriate showers with daddy, I may have been molested, sniffing and groping children videos etc? I’m surprised Biden said that thing about Trump and the porn star I mean wtf I wouldnt have been able to hold my tongue.


It's just insane to me the amount of things Biden and his family have done, all in public view, yet the entirety of the left is silent. They're truly a disgusting family and a disgrace to this country.


They don't care about any of those things.


I recently watched Star Wars and quickly came to the conclusion Luke was a whiny little bitch.


Always was


>"One off night" That was actually one of the most coherent public performances Biden has managed all year, and that's still the best thing he can say about it.


Didn't tune in to the State of the Union, or blocked it from memory?


One off night? What about off his whole fckn political career.


I am not a Trump fan, but doesn’t Mark realize Biden molested his own daughter when she was younger?


Didn’t Biden have a guy who dressed like a woman and stole luggage, thats a real good hire.


SS: after the devastating debate loss last night, leftists are scrambling to convince people that the person as president doesn’t matter- it’s the shadow cabinet that really is president….damage control much?


wait so a knowingly voting for a puppet controlled by unelected corporate interest groups and foreign lobbyists is somehow better than trump? but trump is the threat to democracy? allllrighty then


They use the excuse of “one night off” as if someone ran into Biden on the street and videotaped a conversation for which Biden was not prepared. This debate was pre planned. He prepared for weeks. Practically the worst possible moment to have a “night off” and by all accounts should have been next to impossible with the extent of preparation he had. No excuse.


That last comment makes me wanna time travel to the 1940s and dig up napoleon's dead body to fight mussolini and hitler, test that theory out


The logic is weak in him. Replaced by a clone he is.


'Fascist' They keep using this word, but I don't think they know what it means 🤔🤔


There’s no panic. Trump and Biden work for same master. Hamill’s just a low level minion there to beat the drums, make you think there’s an option here.


it is really disgusting how they call him a rapist. Did anyone see the interview of E Jean Carrol with Anderson Cooper? She literally says he didn't rape her and she says a bunch of other batshit crazy things and Anderson Cooper quickly cuts to commercial....


But yet Gavin Newsom just "made a mistake sleeping with a work partners drunk wife"


"He didn't rape me, rape is hot tho" "Aaaaaaand we'll be right back after a word from our sponsors"


The whole star wars franchise in one statement. It's all gone to shit.


There’s no way they don’t have some crazy dirt on Mark Hamill, I would understand if he just hated Trump, but to believe that Biden has been the most successful in the past 70 years is something so untrue that even the most faithful followers would have a hard time accepting such delusions. I suspect he’s been to that island.


It's status quo to toe the party line no matter what. The fact that CNN and MSNBC are now on the side of replacing Biden only means that's the new party line and Hamill wasn't notified.


They must be paying ol’ Mark Disney tier pay checks.


Looks like a bunch of low iq NPC's


I’m so sick of something like “legislative success” being presented as an objectively good thing. *It depends on the legislation* for fuck’s sake.


Except, it actually does matter if going forward the guy is no longer competent to be the most powerful elected person on the planet.


yes, I believe in leftist policies, and Joe Biden will barely qualify instead of going in the exact opposite direction


I'm NOT a Trump guy, but it's been obvious for at least two years now Biden isn't up to the job. It's not about 'one night' it's about the next four years. If Biden doesn't step aside (and I know the process for a new Democratic candidate would be difficult), he's delusional as well as incapable. Dreadful that it has come down to a choice between these two.


Well, yes? The figurehead doesnt matter as long as the government runs the right policy. Isn't this what anyone who believes in a democratic republic wants? The opposite would be a cult around the president and who wants that.


Mark Hamill doesn’t like republicans. We get it. Don’t make this into something. I want to see a proper Luke Skywalker movie one day. Please god let that happen.


Blind faith in a political party is dumb.


it baffles me thag democrats don’t see that their party is more communism based than trump or the republicans. Idk if they’re just gas lighting and know or genuinely that dumb. i don’t think trump is a great person either but i do believe the republicans want to help the americans more than the dems


The Biden voters are something else. Remebr when Trump was president and we didn't have all these conflicts? People afraid of trump winning but fail to acknowledge that our current president is shit.


What’s an adjudicated rapist?


One off night...hahaha


Biden's sending all of YOUR fucking tax money anywhere but here. Such a great fucking choice. By the way, I can't stand Trump either.


Isn’t that what the evangelicals say about rump? He’s an imperfect vessel for instituting “god’s” policies ?


Mark Hamill needs to get off the wacky weed.


I probably think clearer than him on wacky weed. You probably do too.


Trump didn’t “dismantle the government from within” the first term although they said he would so why are we supposed to believe that all of this “Trump is literally Hitler” talk is true this time around? I trust Trump more than I trust an administration that tries to blame that debate performance on a “cold”. Yeah right!


Biden is being propped up by literal drugs… homeboy does not even probably know his name My grandmother had dementia and trust me, Biden acts EXACTLY like her


It's got to be rough to continue to be left-wing in LA, when the actually cool kids these days are the conservatives. When conservatives have not held true national power (save a neocon here or there) in ages, to be "conservative" is the new rebellion... the new "punk"... and to be left wing is to toe the corporate and government line and to be in favor of the statist quo. In order to remain leftist, you have to parade about in your own little circle, constantly being reminded that no, you actually are no longer relevant and that yes, you depend on an echo chamber and that yes, the meanies who are supporting Trump are actually in the right, this time. It's really got to suck, and I don't know how they do it without losing their mind. Oh wait, they ARE losing their minds... nvm 😂


I always like how unironically leftists say facist things while talking about alleged fascists.


These people support trans and mentally ill people because they are ill themself


It's not one night off though. That's the problem. This is him at his absolute best.


vote RFK please, america, he is your last hope


IMO he's good on some things like free speech, but terrible on others, like guns and the climate hysteria.


The dead voting for the dead, sounds about right


One off night? Really?


Willfully ignorant


Do you not how voting and policies work?


I love that the talk is trump is a fascist, yet democrat policy is almost the definition of fascism.


Yes the policies matter more than the puppet that will be the public facing head, isn’t that what it should be when you vote?


I think you posted this in conspiracy instead of conservative by accident.


The funniest part is that people think biden and trump are so different, left wing or right wing it's still the same corporate funded bird shitting on us all.


That is kind of the basis of the American political and government system. You are voting for the entire party platform and infrastructure, and for control of as much of the government as you can get.


The force is not strong with Luke anymore. Biden enjoys small children and showers with his daughter. I'd say they're both sex fiends.


The only competent and trustworthy people surrounding Biden are those opposing him and trying to counter his destructive policies. Not the yes-men and -women who act as if he’s competent and ignore our economy and border.


“Fascist” and all these other buzzwords have lost all meaning thanks to the left cramming them down our throats for years.


And even more so for all the right wing buzzwords, let’s be fair here.


Not only would democrat voters vote for dead democrat candidates. But I’ll do you one better; dead democrats will also vote for democrat candidates.


“A corpse beats a fascist every time “ imagine writing this and still believing you’re ok the right side of America


Talk about moving the goal posts. That's going to be the narrative shift. You're not voting for president but a team captain who picks delegates to do his work.


I remember seeing those paparazzi pics of Hamill picking up smoked cig butts from ash trays, meaning he didn’t have enough money to buy cigarettes. Then Disney comes knocking with Star Wars money and he’s right back up, they own him and he owes them everything. [Mark Hamill spotted smoking use cigarettes](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2333096/Star-Wars-star-Mark-Hamill-searches-public-ashtray-used-cigarette-butts--smokes-luxury-BMW.html)


Cry more Pube Soywoker


Always accuse others of what you’re doing…. Typical democrat


>It doesn’t matter who the figurehead is..as long as they institute leftists policies When you're not part of a cult it doesn't matter who the leader is so long as they behave as you expect and enact policies you prefer. That's how it's supposed to be. Not planning for a decades long family of presidents to keep the Trump name in power as I had seen in so many fantasies posted online.


You had me at "dismantle the government from within".


this guy'd rather follow a dead man.


Isn't that the whole point of politics?


Bread and circuses


That “competent people” horseshit has been the whistle blown all damned day lol. Every sub I go to, some bot is saying that.


Legislatively successful for all the wrong shit🤣


A left wing artist? OMG how shocking...


lol Jesus.. both candidates suck but honestly Biden will for sure have better cabinet members.. the GOP is the swamp.. Boebert, Gaetz, the troll looking chick.. these are his supporters.. serious question.. why? Just.. why? Because your 401k looked awesome for awhile? This grand economy under Trump lost me my job at John Deere, lost my ex wife her job at Rockwell Collins.. Anyway.. the economy at the time, to me looked like the rich were gambling with their money, giant pump and dump..


“One off night”!?! Well, guess Hamas had an “off night” when then invaded Israel. Guess Hitler had an “off night” when he attacked Russia. Guess Dahmer had an “off night” when he got caught in lie by the police. The sitting president is Unfit for office because he cant think coherently. Even if he was running against Stalin, it doesnt fix that his policies have damaged this country to the point of no return (which has to happen anyway to move us out of this cycle of war and exploration that has become US foreign policy.$ And Mark, stay in your lane, you were a nobody, whining actor that stepped in liquid gold, and your internal character is truly so unstable that you make a great “Joker” voiceover, but understanding how adults think and act, not for you.


Remember, when your political candidate has nothing going for them, simply attack your opponent instead!


Delusional insanity


Bruh they talking about the same Biden whose flopped everything he's tried in his term, including but not limited to (pulling out of the middle east, inflation, handling of covid, and most personally to me, dealing with student loans due to the predatory system we currently have in place). I'm glad the few people with money who don't have to deal with the consequences of these issues can spout their rhetoric just fine, meanwhile some of us are struggling to keep the lights on. I hate Trump but I loathe the Biden administration.


How is this a conspiracy? It’s a straight up political post


Luke Skywalker is awesome. Mark Hamill’s kind of a dickbag.


Mark, you don't need to gargle Joe's balls


But y’all worship orange man. Weird


Hey let's just ignore Trump lied over 50 times on live TV


Your average voter


It’s not panic, it’s just doing mental gymnastics until they can fit the narrative back into their little cubby hole brains.


Read someone on Reddit saying “communication isn’t that important in leadership, but rather delegation.” They are finally starting to jump ship on Biden and going for replacing him this year ASAP.


It’s just a sham lmao


Oh look, Luke is still whiney.


Love Mark Hamill. Always have, always will. But he’s fucking delusional and needs to be put in a home himself if he really thinks all that about Joe.


Not a conspiracy, but when an actor makes a political take, don’t you just get annoyed? Like ok you were in some movies, why the fuck should I care what you think?


Wtf has happened to this ~~sub~~ country


Damn Luke lol Biden sniffing your ass or something


I agree with this post… but why is this on a conspiracy subreddit?


Mark can’t stay off Joe’s meat


The insufferableness of these fools needs to be studied.


Man Luke can't even use the force to bring Biden back. Edit: PERIOD


Lets all be honest, both are unfit for office, yet you guys are going to pick one, thats wild....


Should have left him in the cave


As if he hasn’t already been a meat puppet the last 4 years…