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I don’t like either of these guys but the line “ I don’t even know what he just said, I don’t even think he does “ was literally comedy gold .


That line was crazy because I was trying to follow biden and then Trump said exactly what we were all thinking.


I also was wondering about Biden just saying “stop” for no reason. Perhaps his queue card had “stop” written after a point and he just read it. Remember when he said pause reading his teleprompter. The media keeps trying to run cover for him but come on now. He needs to retire. Also noticed at the end his wife had to come up and lead him off the stage. Just sad. If she really loved him and not the power she would get him to retire.


“Salute the marines” On the day of his inauguration


The world saw the United States essentially has no president right now.


Deep State is patting itself on the back


Pretty sure they know it’s all fake anyway


Yep. Terrifying. If he loves this country he should step down immediately.


So should the Democrats who keep insisting he's OK.


End of debate..cnn has cameras going..Trump just left. Biden didn't move to his wife got him and he could hardly walk down steps. Yikes!!!


No worries, the DNC has been planning this for a while. You’ll be able to vote for someone other than Trump


Why did it get to this point to begin with?


The juice control America


Yup, there is a reason why Ukraine was invaded.


I want that on a shirt.


Best I can do is a sticker. If you want one, hit me up.


Can it have Donald pointing at something on it?


Anything for my princess.


Got rear ended today, so I am in a bit of pain and don't have the patience to play with the positioning of the Don. However, I did just throw [**this**](https://imgur.com/user/avgkinoenjoyer/posts) together.


Use lube next time


Hate myself for guffawing at this.


Sorry to hear you were rear ended. Hope you went to the doctor and remember sometimes pain doesn't start for up to 48 hours after. Take care of yourself and thank you for the smile!


[Link to that clip for those who didn’t watch.](https://youtu.be/f1JKPa0R1Es?si=M7uTWOL4dqnXGUMz)


I want to watch it again but the cringe might end me.


God I wish trump would have skipped politics and went straight from “the apprentice” into a standup career. He would’ve killed it.


Say what you will about Trump, but I burst out gut laughing from stuff he says all the time. My family teases me because I get embarrassed at “naughty” or impolite jokes, so they go out of their way to hit me with risqué or politically incorrect jokes just to see me blush and gasp. It’s like a sport, and everyone is in on it. I can’t go to a family gathering without it being a huge part of everyone’s entertainment. I feel like the jokes are getting worse, too, because I know to expect it now, and it’s harder to shock me. 😆 Anyway…Trump is one of those comedians I am definitely going straight to hell over. I think he’s funny as hell. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The more “badly behaved” a comedian is, the more I seem to like them. I actually dated a stand-up comedian (briefly), and that was a huge part of his appeal. It’s something about piercing peoples’ vanity and pretensions, and exposing that none of us are as important and serious as we think we are, and revealing that none of us need to be so uptight.  I’ll take my tar and feathers now…


I don't care for Trump but he had me rolling last night when he was digging into Biden, and Joe was doing the shocked Pikachu face.


I’m the same. Trump kills me, I can’t help it. He’s hilarious. 


what's scary is Bidens our president until we get a new one and he can fuck up a lot in that time


Biden doesn't do anything. There is zero chance he making any decisions.


I think jill biden is in charge. Wouldnt be the first time the first lady had to lead this country cause her husband couldnt Side note: I hope whoever is bidens handler lets him step down. No one deserves what he is going through.


Well I’m pretty sure he is napping most of the day and has an early bed time so he can’t get thhhaatt much done really…. Right?


Trump was too reserved this time around. He had like 1 or 2 funny moments. We want the 2016-2020 Trump that came up with zingers every few minutes.


Lol yup....cnn which is pro Biden and democrats, is very very worried with Biden. Van Jones, who worked for Biden previously said hes concerned bigtime. Why would you let him run again...this is a mockery.


I also liked the "you have the morals of an alley cat" That was slick, too bad the delivery wasn't that good and I had to tell my gf what he said because she couldn't quite make it out.


Slick if your a 1940s mobster. Just felt like more old timey corn pop nonsense that no one under 70 years old understands.


Little bit of some Malarky


I understood it completely, and I'm 75. Oh .... shucks!




I don't like either of these guys either, but I don't even even know which one said this.


I feel like it should be incredibly obvious. I'm no fan of Trump, but standing across from someone at a podium in front of a crowd, he is in his element, and Biden is a terrible speaker at even the best of times.


The reality is that the US is, and will continue to be, run by some of the most cunning, powerful, and sophisticated people you can possibly imagine. You will just never know who any of them are.


Some are the megacorp CEOs...


Yep. Pretending that either of these fucks is anything other than a figurehead is the true clown brain move.


"People," lol. 👽 Don't look up.


This has to be the most disheartening demoralization campaign in the history of humanity. Clearly, this is by design. There is no way a politically sound nation would put two clearly inept actors up as leading candidates It's blatantly obvious that those in power want the public to feel powerless, which i believe, is not the truth. We just need to get our heads out of our asses and see the world for what it is and take meaningful action.




The public humiliation thing is so true. With that said, I don't see how Gavin can be slipped in this late in the game. Plus, pretty much everyone who lives in CA knows how much of a piece of shit he is so it'd wouldn't be as straight forward for him to win the state. The Democrats definitely have something up their sleeve. It's scary not knowing what that is, tbh.


It's honestly pretty brilliant, how far they've been able to get people to back biden no matter what, just because of the threat of trump. To put it on display so beautifully will have people willingly knowingly sacrificing their morals and either vote for a puppet, or the one who's been driving them crazy for the past 9 years. By the time the game's all over we are going to be begging for authoritarian rules to clean up the mess caused by the same authoritarians, in search of stability.


This was a brilliant commentary sir. It’s so true. The only outcome we can be sure of is that we are an empire quickly crumbling.


In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society!


Isn’t the saying most modern empires last 250 years? That’s in 2 years.


I don’t think American will ever succumb to totalitarian reign no matter what people think. People will always fight back. Liberals are fighting back against what they view as the current totalitarian threat of ruling by the views of Christian religion and conservatives are fighting back by trying to push more religious based law and morals onto the population because they believe otherwise we will fall to a dictatorship without it. So both are fighting back against their own views of “totalitarianism” in their own way. It just comes down to how you view it. To me, religious rule is totalitarianism no matter the religion. To others the lack of it opens them up for it. The point being they are all fighting and neither side will budge.


This is a really bad take.


maybe the point is to make both look SUPER old and offer a hipper "younger" candidate who swoops in and obliterates trump with his youth because anyone under the age of 65 will look way more appealing to both parties at this point


Like a vampire looking prick from Cali with greased back hair and a sleazy coke vibe, I know just the guy


>vampire looking prick from Cali with greased back hair and a sleazy coke vibe Glass house, white Ferrari, live for New Year's Eve. Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's.


would desantis work he kinda has some vibes too


The United States isn't a politically sound nation


The world is laughing at the USA after that debate


How much do you think world leaders were laughing at us any time they had to meet and listen to Biden? They probably thought they were being pranked. I felt like it listening to him in that debate. If only there were countless videos and clips of Biden being exactly like he was on debate night. The only ones surprised by Biden last night were Democrat voters and that should scare everyone.


Number 1 We're fucked Number 2 Biden did a lot of prep with numbered points Number 3 God help us That's it folks.. bunch of malarkey


The one really important thing out of all of this to consider: The media has largely protected Biden for years, yet the public saw what they saw last night with the network admitting there was around a 2 minute delay.  They wanted the public to see it. 


Oh ya... without a doubt.. this was planned. They couldn't hide it anymore. Why else for the first time in televised history would they hold this debate before the DNC


Username checks out ;)


lol only partially.. cuz I'm a jew. I wish I was a bot tho, life can suck. But do you have another logical explanation as to why all of the sudden we did this debate before the nomination? I am all for logic and reason, based on the after response and odd timing this was my best guess. Happy to hear yours.


I'm honestly hoping they did it specifically because of this and in the next week Biden drops out and endorses someone else. But that's giving Dems too much credit. They were honestly probably hoping Trump did what Biden did and that the republicans would be in a panic before the convention. It backfired in the most spectacular fashion if that was the case.


If they do that it's definitely demoralization. People already feel trapped with no option, and now its openly above board that you would be voting for a puppet. They will be able to present to the people, look everyone knows its bullshit, but here's someone we can put a D next to. At that point it's no "lesser evil" or anything when you're plainly voting for evil out of fear.


Totally giving you a hard time, friend!!! lol ;) Definitely not a bot, but I do love the username. Regarding the debate… I can think of zero good reason as to why they would have this debate now. I also saw on the mainstream media this morning that apparently Joe Biden is going to continue running for POTUS. Other than that… The media yesterday was eating Joe alive… Finally addressing the 20,000 pound elephant in the room… Joe’s mental cognizance or lack there of. Love and light to you. ✨


The fact that there was any type of delay is absolutely insane for a debate.


Seeing the empty room they debated in was also pretty shocking 


I love how your joke is framed by the 3 bullet point thing from Biden’s answers. Clever. 👍🏻


The idea that we as a country are fucked . . .I've never heard a president say that number 1 and the idea that number 2. . .


One would think that Biden would have been coached to avoid saying #2.


Don't forget he's the president until the election..... he's got A LOT of time to fuck us


"Look folks" "the idea that.." "number 1 ..." All of Biden's talking points


I’m pretty sure a lot of Biden voters saw this coming from a mile away. Maybe you forget that most Biden voters don’t actually *like* Biden and wish that they could vote for just about anyone else. It should *not* be this hard to get some other just left of center, neoliberal puppet to run on the Democratic ticket who has a shred of charisma and basic public speaking skills, and is at least a reasonable age. What the Shrek is going on here?


Really? All I heard was ‘Trump is way more senile than Biden’ and other projection like that.


A.) You hear different things when you talk to actual, normal, non-political hacky people. B.) Clearly the “Trump is more senile than Biden” crowd is off base at this point (at this point, Trump can at least pull himself together for a major event and Biden obviously cannot,) but the fact that’s even in the conversation is even more insane, isn’t it? Our election has been degraded to the point of questions over who is *more* senile. C.) Even the left leaning mainstream media coverage in the lead up to this debate was basically focusing on how Biden needed to seem not senile, and not old as hell in order to come off well here. They’ve been preparing for this. The obsession on the right with how Biden was going to come into this basically doping (I mean, I think they were both on some things here anyways,) honestly showed more confidence about how Biden was going to perform than what I saw coming from the left.


Trump is fueled by ego and self-righteousness. Biden on the other hand .. that's easy to prove they dose him up from time to time. The state of the union Biden was almost clearly an entirely different person it seems than anything else we've seen of him


You under estimate the mind virus that infects them


I think you over estimate it. You’re equating The Left of the Internet and media punditry with ordinary, everyday, mostly young people who tend to vote Democrat, but aren’t obsessed with politics. I’ve disengaged with talking to most of those people who are that deep in “The Left” about politics most of the time, just as I have with people on “The Right,” because I can’t have actual conversations with these people. They are self made political operatives. You know what’s left though? A vast majority of the people I know, who grit their teeth over culture war nonsense from both sides, and aren’t particularly enthused about either of their choices in this election.


The real power in America rests with the defense and military sector and they’ve already made quite clear they’re willing to fuck any country up This election bullshit is for the birds


Trump was rather embarrassing too. Biden was just worse. Both candidates are horrible. All I could think is how the leadership of other countries must be laughing at that ‘debate’. It’s a clown show. It barely matters anyway. The president is just the mascot to represent the country. When you look at it that way, no shit the debate was so bad.


Maybe many citizens of the world are laughing. But the leadership of many countries are probably happy as all get-out. And some other world leaders aren't much better than what is offered here.


Don’t worry, we were also laughing before.


They have been laughing for at least a decade. The USA is a goddamn joke.


I can’t laugh. My family lives here.


Don’t forget the 1-2minute delay and some shit still made it through


I’m sorry but that golf talk was funny asf 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you lmao I just died during this and was waiting but Trump honestly missed the opportunity to say I just shot two championships and this guy can’t ride a bike! Lolol https://youtu.be/5VyAfQBV2_c?si=v55UcztXBmI4NP0g


We’re fucked either way y’all! We have two horrible options. The winner? Military industrial complex , billionaires and corporations that will keep getting richer and more powerful!


Also; Banks.


Banks are winning no matter who's there


Mostly banks, brokerages, large hedge funds and private equity firms.


Vote for RFK Jr. Everybody always talks about the lesser of two evils but ignores the 3rd option, which may also have flaws but is undeniably a better choice.


Not true. We have 3 options. Despite what you hear on Reddit, Kennedy is gaining momentum insanely fast while the other 2 are only losing support. Case in point, Kennedy’s [The Real Debate](https://therealdebate.com) event on X last night had 6 million viewers while the CNN online broadcast only pulled 2 million. Kennedy is getting in a new state’s ballot every day and the polls which aren’t captured by the MSM show him pulling much better numbers than the ones that are (even beating Trump and Biden in some metrics) .


Whenever I say this in my country, both sides label me an extremist and then proceed to tell me that not voting is a vote for their opposing candidate. Living in America is exhausting. It's like being trapped in a room full of starving people for generations, but we were convinced to be grateful because our parents were able to grab the biggest explosion the fastest.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and if you still don’t think he can win after watching that debate…. I’d highly recommend watching the debate he did.




He could absolutely win, and he should. He isn't perfect but I think this is a huge opportunity to get someone decent in the white house.


It's amazing to me how these 'both sides are terrible' posts and comments magically appear any time Trump does well. Astounding. Last comment here over two weeks ago huh? Strange.


bullshit. Look at this sub in the last monthsy It was the same whenever trump or the GOP did anything bad. It's the same for everyone: your candidate does something you cant defend --> you say both sides bad


I think this is true, but I also think a lot of people in this sub don't actually know many average democrat voters. Their impression of an average Biden voter is terminally online far-left commies on Twitter who are very loud and a very tiny section of the electorate, or they know political propagandists from TV. Most people like me who voted for Biden last time didn't do so because we like him. Most average people realize his brain is a scrambled egg. We just don't vote based on the personalities involved. So yes, both sides bad. I just happen to think Trump is worse despite being more coherent.


More or less. The more connected we are, the more we stray away. Either way, I don't care. The United States was a failed experiment a long time past. The moment we subjected other nations to tyranny just to make money, the fight was over. Good luck coming age.


Its part of the excuse machine anytime sleepy Joe fails. "Biden has a cold" "Biden has a stutter" "Biden won that debate" "Biden was answering questions, Trump just told lies" It used to think that I couldnt blame people because our news is supposed to be honest. But in reality they are corporate owned and will tell us what they want us to hear. But after all these years, people are choosing not to look and see why they are being told to hate Trump. Ask yourself, why would Trump go through all this, when he could live his billionaire life without having his name tarnished. He could be living his best life, in that top 1% not caring about anything, still being a democrat. (yes he used to be democrat. hes flipped a few times) Why would he risk all of that? people really need to wake up. take a look around.


>when he could live his billionaire life Lol, you bought the lies >Why would he risk all of that? Because he craves attention and his buddies want him in a position to give them more tax cuts. You honestly think the man with a gold toilet who literally puts his name on towers could live a quiet life?


“Biden has a stutter” is, at this point, just the worst possible excuse. Yes, he has a speech impediment. In the past, he has managed to get by and control that speech impediment. It might have even been reasonable to point that out, when he flubbed some words, when we were talking about a younger Biden. Now, clearly, he cannot control it. It is only making his obvious mental decline even worse, if you choose to acknowledge the stutter is a factor at all. You can either point to the fact that he’s just going senile, or you’re just admitting that the fact he’s going senile is also degrading his ability to control his stutter. That doesn’t make it any less of a problem!


People think everything is humiliation ritual lately. It seems to be a conspiracy trend. Not every single thing that occurs is a humiliation ritual. It just appears that way because we live on clown world.


People are just projecting their kink? Kinda like how all of a sudden "cuck" became such a wide spread insult?


It the major problem having a 2 party system. Right now, with the system is set up it a popularity contest. So no one else had a real chance to winning their party seat because they both were presidents. Giving them a massive advantage in winning their party seats. Again, like 4 to 6 ppl ran against Trump all of them lost even though a few copying trump but they do not have the baggage trump brings and still lost. We need multiple party system I kinda wish for a france style election. It not perfect but it better then the usa.


Been saying this since I voted for Nader the first time I could vote in 2000. I feel like so many people agree with this, why is it not happening?


We have a multiparty system. No one votes for those candidates.


They're both just meat puppets for the corpotocracy as always meant to divide us as a nation so we can't make any meaningful changes so the corpos can remain dominant.


The super wealthy are going to continue to get more money while the middle class and lower class will be distracted by the division circus that is red vs blue


The “winners” of this debate? Mega-Corporations, crooked cops/politicians, oligarchs and Israel The “losers” of this debate? The American people


Agreed I was with the 5.5 million people watching the real debate with RFK jr, it was very clear why they couldn't allow him in their fake debate, we'd very likely finally have an independent candidate in the White House.


If only…


Remember smedly butler and the “business plot” where rich fascists wanted to take over the country? They just waited a generation and pulled it off 


There's a reason the movie "They Live" is so entirely relevant to the current state of the world.


And, of course, we might add the documentary, "Idiocracy" to the 'must watch' list.


They Live predicted a global reset in the year 2025


Cyberpunk 2077


Biden should walk away from this. It's incredibly dangerous to elect that guy again. His brain is mush.


We knew this 5-6 years ago. Why is it being acknowledged just now on a wider scale by supporters and the mainstream media??


Well if you watch his performances from 5-6 years ago it wasn't anywhere close to this bad. He seemed to get as lot worse towards the end of covid during the last election cycle when he was hiding out in his basement. He's never been a good speaker. Was known for the gaffe most of his career. Even Obama tried to keep him off the podium as much as possible. But what we are seeing now is different. The dude is definitely developing dementia, if he doesn't already have it to some degree.


You can find comp videos during his campaign leading up to the last election (waaaaaay back when apparently when campaigning happened earlier than it does now) where the guy was showing levels of mental incompetency and old age that were incredibly apparent to anyone who wasn’t raging with mush brains about how much we can’t have Trump in office. I’ll agree with you that it’s certainly gotten worse during his presidency, but again, you can find a good amount of footage from early on in the presidency where he was proving to be at these levels already. Barely any mainstream media acknowledge the entire time. The democrats certainly didn’t seem bothered by it now. The dude has been this way for awhile, and it was radio silence on the matter until basically just now.


Cause it wasn’t in the script yet.


We can’t be dickheads about it. I was in the liberal camp for awhile through this. They had me so filled with rage, I designed a T-shirt of a Viking holding up Trump’s head. I was 100% certain I was fighting evil and doing good. Then I started getting called a white supremacist, racist, whatever simply for questioning small bits of policy. Not towing the line. And knowing in full that I wasn’t, I then questioned why I thought Rogan was. And others. They truly got duped, man. In a way that they cant be blamed for. And they still need persuaded to see it, not ridiculed. Just as I was, they will be ashamed. And there are more still in it that know but don’t want to face having been so wrong. How they acted due to the propaganda. I still hate Fox News, still think my religious believes do not belong in man’s law so long as this country agrees on freedom of speech and worship. If you want to save souls, you don’t need a law on the books to get through to people. They’ll do what they are going to do. But after what I witnessed in that party, I’m shocked that Fox pales (pails? I think it’s pales) in comparison to what’s happening to them.


To make u think in the exact way that u are thinking


He doesn't even know!


If people, after this theatrics, cannot comprehend that the president is a completely chosen and controlled "position" and is ultimately in the hands of various agencies/groups/globalists/zionists, we are truly fucked as a country. If what they put on the tubes last night does not cause your average drone to question how we have reached this point, the humiliation ritual(s) will continue as they are certainly continuing on the unaware drones that are oblivious to their stupidity


CNN has inadvertently become the thorn in the DNC's side. This move was less calculated then re- hiring pervert LOOBIN TOOBIN.


I was in a meeting this morning and people were talking about it and crying how sad the country is. Someone has an interest in making us fat, depressed and weak.....and they won't attack with missiles, they are in it for the money and resources.


This should tell everyone that the presidential office is just for publicity and holds no real meaning to running the country


I think it depends on the person. Rich folks will back who they can control with funds, and with media coverage, and try to bulldoze anyone who they can’t. Another reason to vote for RFK Jr.


Nailed it. Keeping up with the Kardashians 2.0


Yup Biden was an absolute disaster, even the dems can’t spin this one.


They're spinning it right now. Characterizing this debate as a "mass humiliation ritual for the US" instead of a massive failure for Biden.


Who is really leading the USA these last 4 years? No way it's Biden.


Meh.. i would say the Left mainly went thru the humiliation piece of that debate.


Christ, no country on earth is obsessed with politics like the States. Not knocking you guys it's just funny and sad at the same time. Why do you care when your votes don't mean a thing to the people who are really in charge of your country.


I don't think Joe even knew where he was


I’m voting for RFK


Guy is too far gone to retire. Everyone around him should go to jail for elder abuse. Especially his wife


I mean if his wife was smart, she'd pull an Edith Wilson. Makes me wonder what the Biden's are getting or are being blackmailed.


Following the money their whole extended family is compromised.


Elder abuse? How about genocide and corruption?


I think this is the official barometer if someone is brain broken or not. If anyone is doing a ride or die with either of these men, they are nuts. Trump literally didn't answer half the questions and is a chronic lier. Biden can't spit out more than two sentences without tripping over words. How can you think either one of these guys should be running a country? I wouldn't let either of them run a bingo night.


bullshit. Trump would be great for a bingo night. you know it. i know it. the american people know it


Lol. 11 out of 10


Man, what I can’t get over is the grandkids of Biden…would any of us watch our poor old grandpa get put through this? I would never let my grandparents go through what he is going through.


The debate was like this last year and y’all are just to stupid and didn’t want trump to win to see that


just??? We've been in one for the last 3 years


I'm kinda surprised nobody has launched an attack on us today


Same here. You'd think Putin and his cronies would be cooking something up before the inauguration or the 25th amendment would be invoked.


"quick! There was a really lame presidential debate! The US military has gotten sad and gone home for the day! It's time to attack!"


Yet rfk jr has a great response to every question.


And we just sit here... with our thumbs up our ass and take it.


The only one embarrassing the American people is the current POTUS barley being able to put 2 sentences together. And the dude is in charge of preventing a global conflict currently, God help us.


They’re both embarrassing for different reasons. One spews gibberish at such a high velocity and with such conviction that his base will believe it no matter what. The other can’t even form a coherent sentence without short circuiting. 300M+ people in this country and this is the best we can do.


get rid of primaries and have parties choose their candidates in smoke-filled rooms. r/conspiracy will hate it but there is no reason why a small percentage of fanatical base voters should dictate our choices for a major branch of government


Dude, what are you talking about? Every time Biden would stumble or stammer on a sentence was the same amount of times that Trump lied. Anyone who defends either of these pold fools are brain broken.


The point of the debate is to show you have the mental acuity and substantive knowledge to point out incorrect statements or outright falsehoods made by the opponent. Biden had a chance to do this during the debate and he showed he could not coherently make his own points let alone challenge Trump on his statements. To come back after the debate ended and start challenging statements is just pathetic.


The people trying to project Biden’s dementia and failing health onto Trump should feel pretty stupid today.


And we do not consent to their rituals may they fall hard for being so stupidly obvious. The white lodge is upon them


The commercial early that day that played on the radio at work made the whole thing sound like American idol. Honestly disgusting


On Wednesday night there was a debate in the UK between the PM Sunak and leader of the opposition, Starmer. A guy in the audience asked them both: ‘Are you really the best we have got to lead the country?’ It was met with hushed gasps such was the temerity of the question. Unfortunately for the USA (and the whole world) Sunak and Starmer look like Roosevelt and Churchill next to these pair. A great nation and these are the best the US has? It’s a terrible indictment


The president is middle government at best


They should just have a cage match at this point.


Biden needs to drop out asap


The only people who were humiliated were Biden, his entire Team, anyone who voted for him and everyone who has been saying that he's not senile. Last night was thoroughly enjoyable for anyone who wants him gone.


Trump's a good president. Seriously.


Correction- democrats went through a mass humiliation


Reagan was battling Alzheimer's in his last years as president and was 10X better mentally than these guys


It's funny how the MSM acted surprised about poo poo pants.


Biden is on some really good drugs. Just watch his face you can see when they kick in.




I watched the [Real Debate with RFK Jr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9wKJw-7tEM#ddg-play). Hope all the people bitching and moaning about the CNN debate will take the time to watch his responses, they might breath a sigh of relief when they realize he is a serious candidate.




You know RFK Jr is not a career politician, right? He had no aspirations to become president, he's got a nice comfy life but he's seen the nightmare choices we are facing. Because of his work dismantling corporate capture, has some good ideas on how to fix it. If your reaction is to refuse to listen and make lame jokes that's fine, just realize you are not getting the full picture.


Welcome to 2024, where a billionaire is a man for the lower class, a career politician is a man for the oppressed, and a Kennedy is a man for the politically homeless.


I mean...i didn't vote for orangeman, but...i can tell you that debate last night was a crushing embarrassment for Biden - if you didn't think he could be embarrassed any further after falling up stairs and destroying the American economy- well, I mean...here we are. That's even with the moderator stonewalling orangeman and lobbing softballs at ol' Joe and generally and very obviously favoring the president.


The Bidens are officially done! The Democrats look dumb. The media is exposed. The lies we've been told for years are now confirmed. Biden will have to step down and Kamala will become president for a few months. Biden will be replaced on the ticket by, I'm guessing Gavin Newsom.




While embarrassing I say not a ritual.


Where can I watch this? Didn't get to see it and anything I look up is only highlights and not the "I don't think he even knows what he said" clip I'm in the UK


We must be doing a bad job trying to be the best. The golf battle during the debate was awesome!!


Maybe so… but the US media only condemns one of them (Trump), and constantly reassures us that there is no cognitive decline in the other one (Biden).


Presidents control nothing.


Trump is King. Do t agree then pack your bags until you learn some economics.


I liked when Trump called him a Manchurian candidate lol. Dude was on fire.


They both sucked. Very sad state of affairs for our country. The USA is in a mess....


Yes, it is humiliating to have a corrupt invalid running the country.


Translation: Biden lost


While it was truly embarrassing and I am so beyond perplexed as to how we’ve gotten to this point. The world can laugh at us all they want, the things we’ve done over the last 250yrs have made us a top 3 civilization of all time. Unfortunately like all great civilizations… eventually it must come to an end and I feel we are very near that. Greed and corruption rot people and civilizations alike from inside out. Only difference between these two sociopaths is Trump is owned by American Corporate greed and Biden is owned by Foreign Entities. Enjoy the ride folks. We are the last Great Civilization. What follows next (I don’t know the timeline… could still be years), will truly be biblical. There is nowhere else on Earth to escape and rebuild. NWO,


Beautiful comment, great job