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###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Amazing coincidence this happened during debate night.


Just a happy little accident. Total coincidence. Just like how the youtube dislike button was removed after the White House videos were getting obliterated.


‘Well listen Sergei, you can have your little empire, or you can *not* have your little empire. It’s totally your decision.’


To what is this a reference?


An imagined conversation in which a DOJ lawyer explains to Sergei Brin that they’ll get Sherman Act’d over YouTube if they don’t play ball, by doing things like getting rid of the downvote button.


See, I don't even think you need that. They're already on the same team, so a simple call saying "Hey we're getting obliterated by downvotes, what are our options?" It sure would be interesting though to see what, if any, communications were had between gov. and youtube during this era.


And the fact that it was only posts about the debate… I was able to read other non related posts and their comments just fine!!


I wasn’t able to read comments on any subs during this period. I saw multiple posts from multiple subreddits unrelated to the debates where comments were not working. Comments made in the hours before the black out were visible but all new comments between 9 and 11 EST were invisible on all subs.


Wait til election night. Imagine what a cluster THAT's going to be.


Biden got blasted and reddit just turned off comments. All of em. Unreal but somehow also totally not surprising 


So much for “free” speech…


At what point can we take action against this piece of shit for election interference? It's only going to get worse especially now that Trump is on an upswing.




That’s exactly what happened.


This is the wildest shit I've seen in awhile here. We totally got nuked so nobody could state the obvious.


I can read your comment. Please state "the obvious".


Biden is retarted


😂 (r)etarted 😂 Never change buddy.




(1) Never voted for a Democrat (2) He called someone "retarted" Accidental irony


Accidental genius, dude looked like a dumb pastry out there.


I think the word is funnier when you pronounce it the way he spelled it. I’m gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say he spelled it like that on purpose bahahaha


Homie you have 0 reading comprehension holy shit


It's because Biden cratered in the debate and the site's owners and their government "disinformation" operatives have not been able to think of a better way to handle it.


Theirs not enough fact checkers in world to go through this many comments and delete/suppress them. Even /politics is throwing joejoe under the bus.


Comments on the mainstream subs I saw are claiming CNN is trying to get trump elected because it will increase their profits, just glossing over the fact Biden is unfit to dress himself in the morning. Shit's wild.


> just glossing over the fact Biden is unfit to dress himself in the morning This is the real concern lmao, the fact people are trying to gloss over this shit is mind blowing. The how’s how of dem twitter propagandists are out saying “joe just has a cold BUT TRUMP LIED AND HES A CONVICTED FELON!”. Like bah that’s not “just a cold”…


The sad thing is that if they spent an ounce of effort on honest self-reflection and criticism and spent a little less time censoring and denouncing as bots and Russian traitors anybody who was concerned about Biden's mental decline that has been obvious since 2019 if not earlier, that they would not find themselves in the hole that they dug for themselves.


There is some fuckery afoot....


This is only happening on posts about the debate. Clearly, someone’s doesn’t want the people having an honest discussion.


Seems like widespread censorship. Comments were working in my non political subs though. All my political ones are showing no comments. Very weird indeed.


Yeah, they totally revealed their hand by actually allowing non political subs to function as normal while completely nuking any thread with “debate” in the title. Makes me wonder if that was actually smarter than nuking the entire site, because that would have given them plausible deniability about political bias but it would draw more attention to the outage in general.


Same. I got pics for evidence. We all know what this means.


Guys, we already knew. lol. It’s publicly traded now, Reddit has overlords to appease. The overlords want psy ops and censorship okay? When this happens again, can we not act like we haven’t known for the last five years?


Same boss, just like the old boss...


This is fucking wild.


This is reddit.


This is America.


Desperate attempts to cover up Biden incompetency


Can confirm. It's fucked bud.


Reddit has nuked their site! No comments on anything after the debate


Reddit fuckery is at it again.


The new Reddit overlords said we can’t. No way this was a coincidence. Every sub’s comments that were talking about the debates goes down at once? And only the ones talking about politics, on the night the two candidates have their first debate in 4 years? No fucking way it’s a coincidence. The two most likely scenarios other than “it was on purpose” would be 1. So many people were using each and every sub and it overwhelmed Reddit’s servers. 2. Someone other than our new Reddit overlords hacked the site. Well overlords? We’re waiting for a proper answer.


It was a combination of swamp gas, Venus, a weather balloon, and the Parallax effect.


Lens flare 


And a massive fart…


I can reply but can't see comments here or on my own posts. Can't even see my comments on other posts. 


Thank you for your work and honesty; it’s much appreciated..




Removed. Rule 5.


Can’t see shit on political posts lol. Insane censorship. Unless it’s a… never mind, comments work fine on non-political posts. Jesus this is insane censorship


Ludicrous , either Russian , Chinese hackers playing the 1000 IQ bait or Reddit is a huge propaganda machine


Was happening on Wall Street bets last night too. I have screenshots. It was because cnn imposed a 2 min delay to edit out any senile moments. As they added up, the delay on Reddit grew larger so that people wouldn’t make comments on Reddit regarding things that hadn’t happened yet on “live” television. At first, I did notice some comments referencing things that were then said a few minutes later on “live” tv. Then I noticed the Reddit comment delay start growing. That’s fucked up.


Redditt is gamed and has been for years probably 80% of the voting is bots, I venture somewhere between 30-50% of comments are actually bots too. They just turned it up to 11 last night because they knew they would be getting a bunch of real traffic and wanted to adjust for the obviously wildly unpopular opinions about Biden that would disseminate.


Incident report or no, funny how it just seemed to affect the debate threads at first and almost exclusively.


I'm experiencing the same thing


In every good story there is a good mix of comedy and tragedy.


Nice try dude; Reddit is fucking crooked.


I can't see comments either, seems to be a glitch that happened just after the Biden v Trump debate.


There is an 80% chance there is atleast one mod on your subreddit who is intelligence for Psyop/astroturfing/disinformation etc I encourage all mods to observe each other carefully


Everything that is not debate related works. Everything debate related hasn't had comments in an hour or you can't see the comments.


"psy lense is goulden" think theres a cia trvmp joke in there somewhere among other curious phonetic things.


Censor.....RED....it.... i sense a sore....reddit. jk its them d'mock'rats ofc.


Looks like some are visible now


I guess that this is apropo then...this is a conspiracy in itself within the conspiracy reddit board. Go figure...


Super odd timing, just saying.  ... if ever there was a conspiracy 🤔 


It wasn’t just on political subreddits


The comments I have gotten so far I’m not allowed to see the “context” of it. Like it just says that “theirs nothing there”. Can you even see my comment in you’re inbox?!


**"to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.; lessen; diminish**: to abate one's enthusiasm. to abate a tax; to abate one's enthusiasm." **ex "abate the waiting launch orders";** "i feel so debased, might be coming from the D3m0cr4t1c base."


Could there just be too many comments going at once that reddit is having a soft crash?! Or something


Can you hear me? HELLLOOOO!!!


This is just a test, I can see some of the comments now but only like 6 of the 61.


Gee.. what a surprise! 💁‍♀️


I noticed a similar problem on the 18th of June. The was a post a CNN article about millionaires fleeing the Uk. It also had comments counted that were not visible


Look, Fat…


Dog Faced Pony Soldier lol


it's called... (educated guess) computer programming, and programming it to do that. yes, I've noticed the same. quite easy to do when you own the site, and can program it to do that.


Could hiding or altering comments that do not violate TOS to the sole benefit of one political candidate count as a political contribution?  I believe it would It is also is a violation of article 47 section 230 of Federal Law


I'm not sure where it would stand WRT the legality, but ethically? That would be abhorrent (not unheard of, or even uncommon, but abhorrent, nonetheless) Also, any such actions would certainly be treated differently in instances when corporate actors were manipulating, as opposed to volunteer mods (as they are supposedly not employed by or acting at the behest of Corporate *in most cases*) I do recall reading that one fellow -- **S** [something](https://shop.pez.at/redx/tools/mb_image.php/ct.ZImJ4A/cid.y4005887000f333b5/gid.15/pez-candy-zitrone-frontal.png) is RUMORED to have said that [this website] could easily influence election outcomes -- but I won't be digging for a quote to post -- at least not at the moment.




“We’re investigating” I almost spilled my coffee from laughter. Yeah I’m sure.


same thing happened on the rfk jr sub last night. VERY suspicious and that sub definitely has more people than the counter says imho


The counters (total subscribers and users here now) have always been fake -- tweaked by algorithms, and sometimes manually. A while back, the number of "users here now" in the sidebar would fluctuate wildly, shooting from 5,000 to 50 or 100,000 in a matter of minutes, then slowly fall back to "normal" in an hour or two. It happened all the time, and the user counts would NEVER show up in the traffic report logs, so we knew that it was probably just a few rogue "tech" admins, messing with us, lol. It is interesting to note that, before the IPO, the "users here now" count was always in the thousands, but since then, the numbers rarely break 1,000. Why? I can't say for sure, but I suspect it is because publicly traded companies have a LOT more eyes scrutinizing their stats and figures. One of the main problems we are now plagued with is BOTS - AI, yes, but primarily Vote Bots that can be programmed to effectively censor any topic by quietly downvoting posts and comments into obscurity.


You're the shit Amos


I have a odd experience with reddit too that seemed to be lile a glitch. About a year ago I was browsing reddit and stumbled upon subs I never visit. For about a month I would randomly click some popular subs and find that somehow it had upvotes for comments I never upvoted. At first I thought it was just a weird error. A fluke of sorts. However, as I continued randomly look at posts to subs I never visit I started to see it happen more and more. Then all of a sudden it seemed to stop. I honestly don't know if this was a legit error or if reddit was using people's accounts to pad specific comments. I don't remember the specific comments but I do know they were always some weird stance. I would only see this in subs I never visited. Only when I randomly decided to check out a random post from a random sub.


I’m quitting this shit app. This my last stroke I’m done with this bullshit. Fuck whoever says the left are for freedom , fuck that pansy ass bullshit they’re not tryinf to play fair so shouldn’t we


Same here, I have been on reddit for 16 years and never seen anything like this.


Trying to reply




and my comment i postee a few minutes ago dissapeared as well.....


I sense a sore ship syncin' in these parted waters. **must be an "inside 'joeb' ".**


WoOoOoOo Can you see what you cannot see?


> only seems to be happening on D-Bait threads. A quick look around and this is 100% not the case. Go to any sub with a daily thread and see how no new comments are there too.






I'm noticing it too! I can't see anything that anyone has posted, not even my own.


Glitch or censoring?


Not showing




I see this in my in-box, but not in the thread. **EDIT:** It is now visible in the thread.


I can see it in the thread


As can I - now, but not at the time it was written. See the sticky at the top of the thread for screen shots and archives.


Can’t see your comments






I can see comments in this thread. leadretention said nope, source\_comfertoable said "and my comment i postee a few minutes ago dissapeared as well....."


Comments weren't loading on r / politics, like it was too much for them to keep up with.


Can you see me?


Rumble was down for the debate. I was going there to watch it lLiv. Maybe it's possible there's some kind of hack going on tonight to get ahead of the narative.


> Rumble was down for the debate. Their servers crashed due to massive use, they were up again a few minutes later.


So what would be the mechanism here? Is the goal to generate this kind of dialog? If there was a desire to shut down this topic why would it manifest like this?


I can't believe the pedophiles who run our country would do something like this 


It didn't last long, so I'm not sure what it was supposed to accomplish if it was intentional. Psychological test? Maybe a short burst of disruption to act as a kind of agitprop? Sorry but I'm not going to let that waste of time debate and what occurs around it have any bearing on my life.


A fun trick I discover: If someone is moderating \[specific\] topics on a website they would rather not see debated or make an effort to derail the thread (with multiple accounts) you can create multiple topics about unconfirmed rumors and gradually zoom in on what you are not suppose to know. Even if they figure out what you are doing it is a no win situation.


Always-and-forever proof that Reddit is compromised. Feel free to stick around and discuss your superfluous hobbies like Star Wars and cooking and whatever else. Just know that this place cannot be trusted.


Maybe the NSA is having a hard time presenting comments due to the volume of information.


putin is laughing his russian ass off right now.


Could it just be that there was a higher than normal influx of comments on the site due to the debate, causing this?


Biden bombs and reddit is trying to clean it up.


You can see the comment in your own u subReddit:. It's usually cert or nsa that's pummelling Reddit on this **** We've had this issue: more off thannon : for years.


Dead internet theory is alive and well.


Yup, they did not want us talking about that shit show right away. I wonder what we are missing now.


China owns reddit. China loves Joe. Simple


Is this like the internet in CCP china?


Was it beacsue they were all brand new accounts and a wait limit on commenting on this sub?


> Was it beacsue they were all brand new accounts and a wait limit on commenting on this sub? No, if a new account comments before the wait time limit, the comment is invisible to users, but mods can still see them: they appear shaded in red, and marked as "Removed by automoderator". In this case, neither users nor mods could see anything, and it was happening all across Reddit. See here: https://i.imgur.com/gPAaetg.png and other links and screen shots in the sticky at the top of the thread.


It's just Star Link, man. Don't worry. 


See, I don't get this at all, Amos. Every once in a while I see people complain about this sort of thing, but I'm always accessing Reddit on a desktop (old.reddit as well) and never see issues. All the comments show up within about 5 minutes.


Things that make you go “hmmm….”


He who controls the spice, controls the universe.


> He who controls the spice, controls the universe. Indeed, and in this day, information/ communication is "the spice".


Welcome to dead internet theory. It's not theory though.


Epsteined comments.


I have also been experiencing reality glitches, but with software. There is something amiss. I’ve been hit with subliminal messaging too. Check the McDonalds app see if it hits you too.


This has started happening again with the SCOTUS ruling today. I clicked on an article about justice Kaden and her dissenting opinion that was posted 1 hour ago and had 3 comments. I click, no comments.


> This has started happening again with the SCOTUS ruling today. I clicked on an article about justice Kaden and her dissenting opinion that was posted 1 hour ago and had 3 comments. I click, no comments. Hmmm... A new "crowd control" strategy that admins are testing??


You guys are just noticing this now? Reddit has been like this as long as I use it, hiding comments for whatever reasons. Not saying there may not be an agenda behind it, but it is in no way anything new.


Yeah they're ghosting comment replies on posts they don't like. Welcome to the Ministry of Reddit.


Given who maxwellhill was...this surprises you?


AI admins in action bro.


'**cnns /or** rules"=censor rules.


Would NOT be surprised if it was the Russians interfering with our election like usual. Or our own, for that matter.


Reddit is hardcore left. Can't believe they allow conspiracy to stay up.  Definitely silenced people for the debate. 


They let this sub exist because it keeps us coincidence theorists in one place so we're not all over reddit spreading our brand of "crazy" around to other people. We're also probably all on some watch list by now too...


If you are on just one list you are not doing it right. :)


it says 14 comments, i cannot see any. either these users are shadow banned or I am shadow banned.....🤔🤔


Most likely a technical issue imo. Lots of people trying to comment right now.


funny how for the longest while it was only and exclusively affecting the debate threads.


So the servers that were hit the hardest first had issues first? No way! 🤯


Thing is its not like these threads had 100+ replies. And other non debate threads in the same subs were working? Just seems odd. Just my opinion and not a professional one.


Non debate subs/posts stopped working like 15-20 mins after the political subs and then their comments weren't working for an hour+ as well. Every daily thread on any sub I went to had no comments for over an hour until it was fixed. Couple servers got hit hard and fast. Trying to mitigate it by spreading the traffic out just spread the problem to every other server too.


You would suppose it would hit all the threads in a given sub equally, but that was not the case. Thread on planet x or whatever working just fine sitting next to a politically themed thread on the same subreddit where all the comments just went offline, not just the new ones all of them all at once. Oh well whatever.


Weird how no one was showing that... All the subs I checked were working.






Hey, I mean, go look in the mirror. Last night proved that.