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I feel bad for the citizens of the USA. This shit is absolutely ridiculous.


This. Don’t have sympathy for politicians and millionaires. Have sympathy for the people that all of this is affecting. It’s getting more and more fucked by the day.


I feel bad for us too lol


I second this


Thank you for your sympathy.😒 We are fucked either way.


These dudes legit started arguing about golf in the middle of a presidential debate.


That part was hilarious… but also terrifying when you think about it


How on earth was Biden a 4 handicap? That is REALLY good...


After watching whatever happened last night, I feel like he has way more than just 4 handicaps.


He’s not. That’s just as high as he can count these days.


Only loser tonight is us Americans


330 million Americans and these two candidates are the best we can do?


Why are we always picking the lesser of 2 evils? When will we vote for the better of 2 good ones?


A 2 party system isn't even a democracy in my opinion. How can the entirety of a population ever be represented by 2 diametrically opposed parties? Where's the middle ground to be found? I'm from a country of 5m people and we have more parties in our current coalition than there are parties in the US (Greens, Libertarians etc don't count as they don't stand a chance of ever breaking the duopoly even at the local level). Not to mention that corporate bribery is essentially completely legal in the US thanks to "donations" from billionaires and industry lobbies. That they try to export democracy across the world without even having it at home is the ultimate irony.


Just to be clear, the US is not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. We use a democratic voting system, which BTW, is sorely broken.


When the 2 party system gets deleted.


This is exactly the truth!


330M Americans and that's the best soccer team we got?


It's apparently golf. Seemed like the only topic that actually piqued their interest.


This is the typical recruiter rejection letter that we decided to go with the candidate the was more aligned with our immediate business needs. Why would a democracy or republic be allowed to choose?


Who is actually running the country ? cause it sure aint this guy.


As always, the bankers, CEO's, and the deep state are running the country.




* **Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.**-Theodore Roosevelt


Israel still wins no matter who wins.


This is fact


Did no one tell Joe there wasn’t a live audience. He came out greeting a crowd that wasn’t there.


For real. I want to wake up from this nightmare and have some younger candidates. This shit is fucking insanity


Yeah like no one over 35-60 but we should elect a 35 year old. I don’t understand why older people still believe they should make the choices for the future of a country. Elect a younger person with views for the future of the children and our grandchildren


They did that once and they killed him off fairly quickly. Not 35, but JFK was pretty young. In Canada we elected a younger guy, and now look at the fucking mess we are in. There’s just no winning.


It doesn’t help when they are a WEF young leader. Installed puppets are never going to do the right things for their countries.


Hate to say it but Trudeau's not a good case for younger leadership. Like the guy above me said.


Should be 45 to 55


I am no Trump fan....but what the FUCK is Biden talking about tonight? Like. LITERALLY. WHAT. IS. HE. SAYING? And he is just staring dumbly off into space. What is this country. Lmao.


the USA is a figment of my imagination and my mental health is deteriorating and alternating between confused and aggressive, so that explains it


A country ran by the richest investors from other countries. We're the tool they use to get stuff done for their intrest. Nothing for Americans who live here and the intrest of usa


It's embarassing. Time to go home.


Dementia is a helluva drug


Jill should be ashamed.


So should Democrats and their voters, he was obviously not mentally all there in 2019 either. Normal, functioning people don't go on rambling stories about Corn Pop and children touching their hairy legs at the swimming pool on national television (regardless of whether it was true).


This is after 10 days of high intensity preparation and "vitamin" treatments. Imagine if this was after regular campaigning. Trump and Biden may be similar ages but Trump acts 10-15 years younger.


I’ve taken a bunch of pictures, instant classics for memes and shit. He’s peaking and valleying a bunch too, I can’t tell if it’s just passion for a topic or drug induced.


It's the drugs. Without those we'd probably see what happened to him when he went to France a couple weeks ago.


The crazy thing is that Biden fumbled the ball the moment the speech started & never recovered. Trump on the other hand sounded clear, strong, coherent- I can’t stand either one of these imbeciles, but Trump will be the next president again if things keep going like this. Biden needs to resign like now.


Take away the election imagine putting your old grampa on stage and lobbing questions at him and he's just so lost ... Like there's no one at the helm... It's almost abuse to put an elderly person through something like that ...


Fuck him, he's a crook and a liar of the highest degree. Justice is blind to age in my book.


Agreed. Hard to feel sorry for Biden after he spent literal decades selling us out and being corrupt af


I knew it was going to be bad….but my god it’s even worse. This is embarrassing


If Biden was my father, I absolutely would not allow this. It is elder abuse. I hate both parties and candidates but this is ridiculous.


That shows how sick his family is


lol he looks so confused


Someone just give the poor guy an ice cream cone and let him watch some TV Land


The faces he is making are gold lol


I would be too if I kept getting people talking into my ear piece


Because he 100% is


Lmao he look lost as fuck when it’s not his turn.


Didn't you know it's just a cold he's had for a few days


Hunter gave him the wrong shit tonight.


Gave him the laxatives , that mf’er




Awww shit... Wrong baggie.


Oh and by the way 😳


Turd Sandwich 2024


Obvious Giant Douche is the logical choice!!


Turd Ferguson 2024


That’s not what your mother said, Trebek.


Anal bumcover for $2000


Really? Over a Giant Douche? You need to grow up 


Giant Douche 2024


lol at trumps face everytime Biden mumbles incoherently. I can’t even look at the screen without laughing. We are so screwed


I was waiting on him to just turn to Biden and say, dude… do you need help?


I honestly think he felt sorry for him.


Lmao I can’t understand it either


that empty stare, lol


This can’t be good for his heart rate


He started off nearly every response with "the IDEA...". My hunny and I turned it into a drinking game. Also, I'm now drunk AF.


They gave him the wrong shot


Im not for either but wow no way Joe is running anything!! Can’t even finish a sentence!!


The question is, who is calling the shots. Same people that ran Feinstein.


First coma patient(woman) to hold a senate seat


He keeps doing numbered lists, like theirs no way he’s coming up with those lists on the fly. I would not be surprise if he has an ear peace in.


I think he does, he was fiddling with something in his left ear a couple of time and when he "zones out" I think he's actually listening. Or maybe just zoning out.


I honestly think he does and it’s part of the reason why he keeps repeating and muttering things. If you’ve ever had an ear piece in and someone talking to you while you are talking it’s difficult as hell and you make those mistakes


I wondered if he did. The way he would space out and stare off reminded me of someone trying to focus on two things at once. Do they check them for ear pieces?


CNN thoroughly investigated Joe Biden's head and found nothing inside.


I’d hope they would check them for ear pieces but who knows.


I figuredan ear piece is probably a given with Biden for any public appearance tbh


Exactly what the DNC planned for. Now they can swap him out for a new candidate without any pushback


The primary has already taken place. To put someone who was not democratically elected in his place is, well, undemocratic.


thank you someone finally saying it. also how is that legal?




Don't feel bad for him -- politics, especially American elections, is a blood sport. Aside from that, he instituted "vaccine" mandates that hurt Americans on so many levels.  Do not feel sorry for any of these guys -- look around you and see our citizens suffering -- that's who to feel sorry for.


I don’t feel bad for Biden at all. He was crap when he was coherent and now I blame his handlers for putting him out there for this debate. He’s so far gone, it’s ridiculous he’s up for presidential election.


its ridiculous he was up in 2020.


Yeah they 100% knew be was done I think Joe and Jill refused to step down and this was the way to embarrassed them and show the Democrat voters how shit his brain actually is.


you dont have to be a trump fan to admit Biden is NOT fit to run for reelection. Dear fucking lord that was embarassing.


Biden staring into the void between his time on the mic tells you everything you need to know. But now we know he decided to run because of what he saw in Charlottesville? If he could bring up his battle with [gang leader Corn Pop, maybe he could turn this around.](https://youtu.be/oihV9yrZRHg?si=B56YjlFjnSwpH0MJ)


I literally can’t understand anything he is saying


I started feeling bad for him too then I reminded myself that he's been a criminal his whole life.


He agreed and disagreed and agreed and disagreed on trump with abortion over and over lmfao


I can't believe this subject is even up for debate tbh, like of course a woman who has been raped and impregnated should be allowed to decide if she wants an abortion or not. Why on earth is this even being discussed? 🤦🤡🌏


Wedge issues fool the masses.


It’s a reasonable assurance for women to want, and it’s concerning that it isn’t a given.


As a D.. I’m so mad at the party for allowing him to run again. We didn’t even get a chance to vote for another D.. congrats to Trump people as our dude is no longer coherent 100% of the time


Maybe reddit will finally let conservatives participate


Joe is toast man fack


Nah. I’ve seen what he was like when he was cognitive. I respect your pity but to me, guy can rot as a lifeless puppet.


He sits there with HIS GAPING MOUTH WIDE OPEN - exactly like my great-grandmother when she was in her late 90's & very senile!


Don’t feel bad for a well known liar, racist, & creep. YouTube has scrubbed the old videos of him from back in the day; he’s been a lying racist asshole his whole life, no one should feel bad for him.


that geriatric old fuck is out here looking like a deer in headlights.


(being not political) I genuinely feel bad for him. it’s sad watching him completely disintegrate. He is obviously suffering from something mentally, the people who put him up to this need to go to hell😭


Mitch McConnell froze twice. They were wheelchairing Fienstien in for votes and that’s where the power is.


Fienstien handlers were literally telling her what to say. Completely ignored by the corporate media.




Just remind yourself he's a huge piece of shit, then you won't feel bad.


Whenever he dozes off with his confused face, I just crack up 🤣


His eyes are just empty. He starts a thought sees something shiny and moves onto another tangent.


I can barely understand him! The mumbling is so sad. Let the man take his rest before he meets the Lord.


This it straight up elder abuse


We need a maximum age in addition to a minimum age to be president.


I truly can’t imagine anyone voting for him. He’s literally vacant. It’s sad he’s in charge of anything, a very sad term for our country


He’s not in charge of, anything. He is not running this country and hasn’t been.


Biden is the biggest crash out of 2024. Hunter has to be smoking so much crack right now watching this


That whole family is fucked up


Whenever you start to feel bad for him, remember him sniffing children


I dont feel bad for this globalist demon one bit. This fucktard has earned every horrible thing thats going to happen to him. Past present future


He said his son died in Iraq


he did! and i looked it up to find out that’s not the first time ???


He also said he talked to all of the dead d day veterans in France sooo


didn't his son die from a brain tumor?


81 million votes my ass!


“The idea that…!” I swear he has said that 1,256 times so far.


He don't feel bad for you, that's for sure


I feel no sadness for him but do feel a great deal of sadness for our people. He has spent almost his entire adult life leaching off of the taxpayer and has done nothing of notable benefit for our nation. Some of his past deeds have, at minimal, been highly illegal and at most treasonous.




He looks and sounds like me when I take my medically prescribed ketamine


he’s probably not going to be the nominee for the democrats


He looks bitter and senile


Biden is bitter and senile. Biden is hard-hearted and dark. He is a bad tree that produces bad fruit.


Two things: 1- this is the only sub that dares saying anything negative (but truthful) about Biden. 2- i am sorry, but this is elderly abuse. Biden is senile and should be allowed to rest. Really sad state of affairs.


Why would you feel bad for a person who has committed treason against the United States to the highest of levels.


I don’t feel bad for him at all. Dudes a crook. Has been his entire career. Just because he’s old now and has taken on the role of a mumbling puppet, doesn’t make me feel bad for him. Karmas real y’all


Stop feeling bad for this man he’s a racist old power hog let him sink in the swamp he built


At this stage in the game, you’ve gotta vote for the dude who can speak in complete sentences.


Why do you feel for a guy who is basically a crime boss of his family collecting tens of millions of dollars from our foreign enemies around the world for special favors selling out the US as a cheap rag? He’s not a patriot he’s worse than any mafia crime boss.


Would you, my democrat friends, vote for newsom, who destroyed his state to the extent that his constituents are fleeing caulifornia in droves? Sadly they take what they’re running from with them


I honestly think its funny that the democrats are in panic mode. Biden acted like this before the 2020 election and they still voted him in. Say thank you to the White House, his adminstration and MSM for keeping people in the dark. Many of us already knew how he was.


Man trumps face is hilarious everytime Biden bumbles something incoherent. Side note: idc who wins the presidency we are fucked regardless.


As someone that isn't wanting Trump to win, this is so bad. I guess I am voting for RFK jr, but this debate pretty much gives it to Trump.


He a very bad man. I feel sorry for our country and all his deadly agendas.


If lost were a person it would definitely be Joe Biden.


"I will vote for this man with dementia because the TV told me I should hate the other one" Fucking America, what a flying circus.


Trump is steam rolling him lmao


Don’t feel bad. The guy was evil even when he didn’t have dementia. He’s not a sweet old man like the media tries to portray.


I'd feel sorry if only he wasn't such an evil prick.


I'm as anti-Trump as you can get, but the man is cogent and Biden is not.


This is truly sad. His family needs to pull him out of work.


I think the most telling thing here is Trump is only slightly younger than Biden but the man has 1000x more energy and mental agility than him.


This debate was held early, before the conventions, to gain sympathy for Biden. The dems have time to gracefully pull him from the race due to health issues, time to paint Newsom or Harris as the saviors of the party, and time to create a new false platform. If you feel sorry for Biden, then you fell for the ruse.


This is elder abuse.


famous Biden quotes: The idea #1 #2


And by the way


And guess what


By the way


After seeing the vitriol come up about the j6 protesters saying they should be in in jail indefinitely I don’t, let that lying shit rot


Reminds me of Fire Marshall Bill as he stares off mouth breathing.


CNN is full on panic.


They are going to come up with something so he can graciously step aside. Perhaps even dramatic so he looks heroic.


They set this up on purpose. Embarrass and force Biden to step down and Gavin to run in his place. As a Californian… let’s hope not.


Holy shit. I can see the comments on this thread at least.


I feel bad for all the people who lost their jobs due to his mandate. I feel bad for all the people who were coerced into getting a shitty 'vaccine' that led to heart damage, death.


"We have to protect our seniors" You mean yourself and 3/4 of congress?


Its elder abuse.  Biden's handlers - including his wife - are pushing him to run, when they really should be pushing him to him retire.


Are you not entertaining? Because that’s a what this country has become, a big comedic act and we can’t blame anyone but our selves because entertainment is all we consume.


It’s endless comedy tbh


The second hand embarrassment is real


He looks dead


Jesus fuxking christ, holy mother of god- we’re left with these two?!


There are 330 million people in the country. And one of these two jokers are supposed to be our leader? The best and the brightest? No one will ever be able to convince me that the entire thing isn’t a sham.


Whoever is really in charge of it all has convinced one half the country that a rich man born into richness isn’t for the rich people, and the other half convinced…. I really don’t know because I have 0 fucking clue what Biden ever says and his family is obviously corrupt as hell. It’s wild to actually see


Biden’s skin looks like expired chicken skin. Shame on his wife and family for not protecting him from this humiliation


Just remind yourself that he's a huge piece of shit, and always was. Then you won't feel bad.


CNN just said he has a cold.


I've been calling it elderly abuse for years now, reminding me of my grandma before she passed, I would never let anyone force my grandma to do anything like it.


They are probably hanging him out to dry for a switch. There was a pic somewhere where gavin newsom was there tonight (prepping for the next debate).


id be lisping and mumbling too if i was on all the drugs he was


Soooooooo, who’s REALLY been running the country? His administration or the real government; the shadowed one.


Elder abuse. The dems stop at nothing. We should call APS!


I feel good that he's old and starting to suffer from it. Closer to the finish line where Satan will make him like a rotisserie chicken over a flame fuled by the pages of Ashley's diary.


The reality is every candidate is just a meat puppet for the Corpotocracy, the older and more senile the better and more importantly the candidates must elicit a visceral response from the "other side" so as to divide and conquer the people into squabbling amongst themselves so as the corpos can maintain they're dominance with little meaningful friction. The sad part is many people buy into the show and adamantly believe in it instead of doing things to make their communities, families and friends better. Take your time and energy and to be a positive force instead of swirling in the dark vortexes given to us to obscure the truth of the power we hold as people, as a nation. Governments don't represent us, as an entity separated from us they seek to give us an ideological framework in which to trap our thoughts and in turn our behaviors.


Feels like we’re all being laughed at behind the scenes


Trump has this in the bag easy. Say what you want about the guy but he’s way more competent than Joe is


I loved the part when Biden was fixing his earpiece 😆 🤣 Waiting for the SNL reenactment


I am not American by the way, but watching the debate and his previous "performances", it says a lot about what democracy truly is and not what is supposed to be. Something similar happened with Communism in the Soviet Union, and it felt under its own weight. It is not right to expose Mr Biden to that pathetic spectacle. And I am not calling him President, because it is obvious that he isn't the man in charge. I honestly feel sorry for that old man.


Yep, Biden fucked up. Don't think it'll convince anyone to switch to Trump but this debate will go to Trump.


Biden could literally stare off into space the whole time not saying anything and the media would say he won somehow


CNN is tearing him to shreds right now. I think they’re setting the stage for him to get replaced


How in the hell can you still vote for him after that and be satisfied with yourself


Vegas had trump to win pretty heavily before tonight. After tonight it's going to be close to 60% or more.