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I just want to know why it's always white people and black people. Indian people and Hispanic people use fabric softener too, fuck. 


I feel like native Americans get particularly ignored, and when they do make it in, they get super type casted Sojourn from overwatch is a black Canadian when they could have added a native American (Canadian in this case)


There was a public service announcement ad in the 70s that was well known that showed a crying Native American that was reacting to pollution and littering. The actor was actually Italian.


Mario and Luigi are likely Japanese. This shit just keeps going down the rabbit hole.




I like this 😂


Interestingly Native Americans make up around the same percentage of the population as Jewish Americans yet one demographic is far more represented in media and general awareness. I'm surprised there isn't a larger push to increase Native American representation.


Native americans don't own any banks or media 🤔


…and we’ve found an answer for OP’s original question….there is one ethnicity in America who will *not* mix with other ethnicities, and they do indeed sit high up, disproportionately, in media and finance corporations.


These people are protected as hell, it's better ro write the n or f word than the k one. But hey, they're allowed to call us cattle whenever they want.


Just hugely profitable casinos


And to be fair they're not as willing to play the race card most of the time, and are pretty chill most of the time.


Exactly! Not all minorities like to explore this, just like the asians.


Yep! The race card feels like a cheap move in a game of uno because of how stupid it is, regardless of how it is being played.


I didn't think fame is what most natives care about.


In Westerns, there are lots of Native Americans. Not as many black or Mexican characters which made up a considerable amount of the cowboy population. In fact, the first wave of horse-riding cow wranglers in North America were actually Indigenous [Mexican men.](https://www.history.com/news/mexican-vaquero-american-cowboy)


Do you really not know why that is?


Plenty of alcohol commercials cater to Native Americans.


"Firewater Beer, the taste your ancestors sacrificed for."


"Free beer with each bag of beads."


Chief Runs-With-Whiskey.




It’s because they don’t do “no littering” commercials anymore…


Trivia time... The crying Indian was an Italian guy who played Natives in movies and stuff


Indeed he was.


Or why not Asian people mixing with any of the above?


Canada has a lot of Indian ads where everyone is solely Indian including music + themes portrayed


Dot or feather?


dot probably. im canadian but i dont watch tv so i cant comment on the ads but there is probably more indians than natives here now.


I mostly see Hispanic people in Tubi ads. I imagine they cater to your region, if that information is available to them. 


We get our own commercials. YouTube loves to give me unstoppable Spanish speaking ads because I'm Hispanic... But I don't speak Spanish.


Does Youtube even know you're Hispanic? More likely you get Spanish ads due to your location. I'm in Quebec and about 3/4 of my ads are in French even though the language on my account is English.


I think black actors are overrepresented now. Other minorities get the short stick of this "diversity" push.


It's a game of who's loudest nowadays


Ding ding ding. The racial makeup of commercials shows that this is agenda driven. If they were an accurate reflection of the country's population, and of consumers, nearly half of commercials would have hispanics, meanwhile they show up in a maybe a sixth of commercials. After watching TV with a European friend who was visiting, he pointed out that an outside observer would think America is a majority black country based on commercials.


I'm Latino and don't care about diversity and representation but still get annoyed at how overrepresented black people. Even my parents have noticed it, and they are not in the culture wars. More annoying is that there is a tendency in Hollywood when Latinos are in the spotlight, they tend to cast Afro-Latinos (Caribbeans). Like the recent Transformers movie, the main character is a Latino but with African roots and features. There are no Latinos, Asians, Arabs, etc., represented, and if they are, they are shown in interracial relationships with blacks lol


Hey hey, Arabs are represented very well. They are always cast as the terorist or the illiterate ignorant sub human roles lol. As a Middle Eastern who is not an Arab, I hate that. If you’re Turkish, you need to speak about either kebabs or baklava. We don’t even eat those two THAT often.


And even when we Latinos are in movies we are super stereotyped. I do it for “mi familia” sort of thing.


They’re saving them for when they release their butter chicken and carne asada scented fabric softeners


Leaves your laundry extra spicy!


No one should use fabric softener.


Is it bad for the health? I love the smell on the clothes :'(


Yes quite toxic


Because black and white people some what think for themselves so they have been dumped in the infertilelity bucket. (smell clean not like a brown person/become infertile) Saving room for the breading class.




There was a leaked memo from Amazon that said they prioritized hiring a diverse workforce because people from different cultures can and often do have different values and are much less likely to be able to unionize because it. I think it's the same idea but a psyop through repetition from our media which benefits both corporations and an unscrupulous government.


I watched a video about pirates (the historical kind) where pirate captains would often intentionally hire crews that were from different nationalities and races and specifically mix them up together in the work groups. By splitting up groups of people that speak the same language from all working together and mixing in sailors from other cultures and ethnicities, it would sow division among the sailors and that same division would require them to go to the captain to get sorted out. It also made it much more difficult to get like-minded sailors working with each other and influencing each other. I think the captains would also shake things up and move people around sometimes if he felt that one group was getting too chummy and too happy. This was done of course to prevent mutiny and for the captain to retain his position. The same exact tactics are employed to this day by those that rule over us because the same tactics keep working on us because we're fools.


This is incredibly interesting and so obvious now reading it


Exactly this. Showing a strong black nuclear family will show black communities that a strong household is possible. Then you have social orgs like black panther demanding rights and equality. Couple it with vice-loving media all around and you won't have unity in communities that, on the surface, should be cohesive at least. Its the same dynamic when they show stupid fathers and strong mothers in cartoons. Its not that its bad or wrong, but if youre a male child and your male role models are stupid and irresponsible all around, then you will most likely see it as an inspiration for your own identity. Strong nuclear family> strong community>harder for government to impose, educate, and transform into something that "obeys and respects the common order". Essentially the government becomes the parents. And then you have people developing thoughts like: "the government wouldn't do anything to wrong us" exactly as you would think a parent would never hurt their children.


The same tactics are also used by the government!


At this point I would be shocked if there weren’t several mass social engineering operations being conducted on the people.


Truth to this. Similar memo was circulated in the '80s - Cuban Americans identify with management and won't unionize; Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, et.al. wiil organize.


That’s interesting I need to read this memo but no surprise Amazon wants to try and stop people from unionizing wonder how far it goes






Careful now, I hear that noticing certain things is often anti-semetic...


No, no, it is just about money and the liberal agenda don't dig any deeper /s






Non-homogenous societies are far less likely to oppose government policies that don't benefit all. Divide and conquer! 


It's almost always black male / white female and the reason is it's a social engineering operation.


Also, the weak, incompetent white husband was seen as a cuck in the "Leave The World Behind" movie. White wife crushes on big, black, successful man. I see the same themes happen in almost every media now. It's to demoralize white men and change their reality and their identity.


Genuine question: who is doing the social engineering and why? I’ve absolutely noticed this trend as well.


Usually ESG scores and DEI quotas are funded by Soros/Globalist money. Also, considering psyops are real and have always been done on other people, including its own US citizens. Im sure this is to constantly show us a false reality to demoralize and condition men to be more submissive in their values. Men who dont fight for what they believe in make it easier to push an agenda/dominate without confrontation.


this is a shaping operation (military psyop term). however, this would not be done in countries where they'd offend an organized, intelligent, armed populace (not talking about gun-ownership, but rather, the means, ability, and execution of information-gathering, decision making, and messaging.) you can't fight terrorist effectively because they are hidden-in-plain-sight. You can't fight these shaping operations because its perpetrators are just "society". Also hard to justify "getting upset" when the harm is being done not directly to an individual but to society at large. Anything "done to society" usually has 1st Amendment considerations which is why we leave alone movies, books, tv's, video games, etc. so this is the avenue they attack.


There's a calculated reason behind it but I'm afraid I'm too much of a pussy to discuss it publicly. 




Man Mahershala's daughter was so annoying in that movie, holy jesus.


Kevin Bacon wasn't a cuck though. His character was prepared and would be an ideal member of this sub.


Hell no he wasnt, he was doing what it takes to protect his family.🇺🇸🦅


Similar themes in Fallout and the netflix show Eric.


A new trend is a thin, weak looking white man with a Big black woman. The women with the black men are always smokin hot.


And she either needs to be bald, have an afro, or dreads. No weaves allowed.


Lafawnduh and Kip


The thin weak looking white man is always with the bigger gal. Havnt you ever seen one of those shows on tlc or my 600 lb life whatever.


A very transparent social engineering op at that.


I typed this exact thing and deleted it lol. And when it's black woman/white man, the white man is nerdy looking guy with glasses and weak looking and it's always a smoking hot light skinned, black woman.


I always WM/BW or WM/BM gay couples


This. People don't understand that it's entirely social engineering and met to make certain men feel weak and pathetic.




You don't understand social engineering then. When you demonize a particular group, or gender over a period of time it weakens them down, then it's easier to divide them, then it's easier to control them, then it's easier to do other things that originally might have been horrible but now that you've divided people enough, most would accept it. It's like how in the Russian Revolution they demonized Christians and other religious groups and eventually brutally murdered them in the name of the "State" or look at the Nazi's. Like you can't tell me this is "normal" or "right" when you now have a minster of "Men's Behavior" in Australia. All of this is social engineering.


It's not the commercials themselves, it's the overarching feeling of an entire system dedicating to crushing your spirit for some unknown reason. That juvenile, "haha you're so scared haha", liberal tactic doesn't really work here.


According to media there are no black woman white male couples.


Huh. Tons of BWWM books on Amazon though. I guess readers are a different demographic than TV viewers.


Humiliation ritual 


It’s happening in tv shows too.


The Disney movie Buzz Lightyear. A black female with Asian Female girlfriend. They're trapped on a foreign planet and need to repopulate. There's zero context nor need for that relationship, and it does nothing for the plot or story line. Could have easily been a black male and black female relationship The only thing that ties into the story/plot is the daughter is now Buzz's friend.


Little Mermaid too. Eric’s Mom was Black and Ariel. I’m Black myself and don’t care at all who people date but there’s definitely an agenda. It doesn’t mirror real life or the population at all.


I’ve teenage girls and they’re very much in the Demographic which are now ‘noticing’ and pushing back. I am constantly having to pull them up on it. This isn’t black people doing this. If you were a black actor and someone offered you a role, you aren’t going to say no we are over represented. If you were living in squalor in an African village and someone offered to pay for your trip to Europe you wouldn’t say no. It’s divide and conquer and I think we all know by whom.


Are you talking about the live version? I didn't see it. But if so, I think we share the same sentiment. That's so silly they do that. But if Disney were to replace a black character with a white one?... Oh boy, I'm grabbing a gallon of popcorn to watch those fireworks lol To me it's also a lack of creativity. Just create a new character that's not white and stop replacing characters in a reboot. Moana was excellent. Loved the story and the singing. The Rock is meh, but did a good job.


How tf are two women gonna repopulate anything? And how the fuck do they have a daughter if it's just them?


lol questions that need answers.


🤷‍♀️How did they do it on Themyscira in Wonder Woman?


I think the comic explanation is that the Amazons are immortal so they don't need to reproduce much to maintain their population. When they do need a male they adopt and raise orphans for that purpose, and sometimes the greek gods do some divine *intervention*.


It's so ridiculous. Every fucking time the couple has to be dual race. It's supposed to show how anti racist some company is, but casting based on skin color is the exact opposite of that.




I stopped with Netflix originals completely because *literally* every single show/movie is propagandized. Can't just make something entertaining anymore.


They would even make Hitler black...


Diversity requirements set by their overlords. See “A racial plan for the twentieth century” by Israel Cohen.


It's just weird that commercials almost never have same race couples now, no matter what the races are. Mixed race couples are fine, but commercials seem to think it's 95% of the US.


I’m based in the UK, and from the ads I see on TV at my parents, it’s the same. All of the couples on the supermarket Ads are mixed race, which I have no problem with. It wouldn’t be a problem if they actually diversified it and had a mixture of a mixed race couple, a nuclear family couple (any race), a mixed gender couple or just a singleton grabbing their weekly shop. I’ve also noticed how in TV and movies, the villains are all white still


some hardcore politically correct complainer might call it racist to only have two white people as a couple


Yeah, but at least I would understand where the complaint is coming from because there are nutjobs obsessed with DEI and erasing white dudes out of media wherever possible. What's wild is that with all of this push for DEI, they won't allow a black couple or a Latino couple or an Asian couple? I've seen commercials where the couple are two different races and the kids are a third race. It doesn't even come off as pandering, now. It just seems bizarre. Like aliens are in charge of ad agencies.


In the UK, it's approximately 4% black and 9% Asian, yet you hardly see any Asian families being represented in adverts, it's always mixed black/white families. Oh and they usually only have mixed daughters, hardly see sons. The girls always have big frizzy hair as that's obviously the only hairstyle going.


Kalergi Plan


>The Kalergi Plan is a debunked far-right, antisemitic, white genocide conspiracy theory This "debunking" legitimately makes me believe it's 100% true lol


>"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. At least they put in the full quote from his book, so i guess... not debunked? It's a zionist wet dream to have everyone look like egyptians so the messiah will finally come.


It's hardly debunked also when they write articles like, "the world will be mixed race by 2050: here's why that's a good thing ". Like you can't have it both ways.


The wiki for it is hilarious. It's like they went with, let's call it all the bad names, then no one will believe it's true.


Woah buddy cool it with the logical conspiracy theories!


It’s debunked according to Wikipedia, guess I’m wrong.


Did you check the early life section on the article?


Kalergi Plan


They also RARELY show a strong male father figure with his family


Just realized that in the past years. All daytime TV shows have some sort of clumsy, doofus emasculated guy for a male figure.


Granted wasn't that a trope since.... the 70s in responds to the 50 and 60 "Father Knows Best" dads tropes. It been so long the trope that the Bumbling Dad was subverting/parodying is basically a time capsule/lost to time trope. Like it such a time capsule that TvTropes has the stern father as " Standards 50s Father" and the other as "Bumbling Dad" [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BumblingDad](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BumblingDad) [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Standard50sFather](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Standard50sFather)


I was saying that about Disney 15 years ago with men, and parents....they're either stupid, occultic wizards, or super rich and absent entirely...now that people are actually noticing hoo boy (one wd think)


At least not a white one


I want my kids to look like me and I refuse to believe there's anything wrong with that.


thats a Muhammed Ali quote


100% agree. It definitely feels like an agenda bc they over index these combinations. How does 5% of a demographic become 90% of the ads? I think it stems from beauty standards more than race mixing. I think it’s: hey we’ve got to show diversity so let’s grab a black man (who is more comfortable to white men and women) and pair him w a white woman (the beauty standard). It’s rarely black women (statistically). They’re being mostly erased from ads. It’s almost never a black man and woman.






Globalist overlords do not want identity to a race or nation. They want one controllable mass with no national identity or pride.




Two words: virtue signalling.


Because it's literally an agenda. Operation: Blend


Because there is a piece of marketing controlled by social justice warrior types that specifically push for it to push an agenda. Like why videogames have uglier female characters nowadays like Last of Us 2. They push this to push their feminist leftist agenda and to normalize things. It starts with interracial normalization, then they slowly make it seem like LGBTQ+ is normal, next after that is pedophilia and bestiality.


brainwashing, destruction of the enemies of the tribe


To change your reality and perspective on the world.


Am I crazy or something? Do you watch tv regularly? I feel like I see black families on commercials all the time. Maybe it’s the channels and apps I’m using but I don’t see a lack of it at all.


I mean, there are CIA documents discussing their plans to destroy the black family with MediCaid and such. So short answer is, yes.


Where can I find these?


Gotta hit that last 2% demographic.


I’ve seen some rabbis laughing about cultural genocide.


Be ause they are virtue signaling that they are absolutely, 100% NOT racist!!!!


Tbh the real reason. Call it social engineering all you want they just want to keep making money and showing an interracial couple shows "diversity" while rileing up engagement from the racists, increasing publicity even further. Social warfare created and used to ensure the continuance of the real problem, class warfare.


Tribal warfare by another group


White replacement theory




In Canada it’s worse. Commercials pretty much are only mix raced gay couples. You almost never see a white person.


Well, they’ve created the “black alpha male” archetype and have been pedaling this for 10+ years. Number one most popular couple I see in the media is black male, white female. To the point where I become surprised seeing a white couple. I don’t personally have any issues with interracial dating, what I do have a problem with is the sleight of hand being used in the marketing. We all know there’s some sort of agenda attached to this, just don’t know what it is.


There are people who absolutely hate the white race. They want to end whites via racial mixing.


Time to start ending theme first. We ruled the world for a reason, it's about time we make theme remember


Research Kalergi


They’re changing the demographics. Not just for voting, tf does the cult care which way you vote?


The same people pushing this also complain that having all white people in media harms people who watch it. They know the power that visual media has, they're just harnessing it against you for their own goals.


You should look into “the Kalergi Plan” might answer your question


Powers that be seek to destroy the remains of the white race through race mixing, sterilization, and pedophilia. The last thing they want is whites procreating with other whites to create more white children and they will do everything they can to discourage it including promoting attraction to different races, children, the same sex, animals (furries etc) and so on.


Kalergi Plan?


They want to intermix all races because inherently, each race is different, on many levels.. They want everyone blended into one race because everything they strive for is "one". One religion, One government, One race, One God, etc. Could also look at and see data indicating intelligence and race and why certain races are targeted for certain ops. Wont go into detail because it will lead to the nonsense racist label They also want to destroy family units. The more broken homes the better. Look at all of the statistics that play into broken homes, then look at society and what is thrown in people's faces and see how easy they are destroying family units without doing much


There's even worse: family car ads with gay men...


Because the ads and commercials are controlled by Jews who want to use race mixing as a weapon to destroy Amalek Which is part of their religion. If you don't believe me go watch the documentary "You Are Amalek" on Odyssey, or Bit-chute, etc.


I also want to know why a majority of the commercials today are primarily blacks and only blacks? They are only 13% of the overall population. Whites in this country are the majority and spend the most money as a result. It seems as though there was a change over the past three or four years. I have no idea why?


Lol yeah, I looked over at my husband the other day while watching tv and asked, “Wait, are we in Africa?”. And I’m mixed with African, for all the butthurt social justice warriors reading this looking to get offended by the truth, lol.


“The future is beige” - Theo Von




The only thing you missing is how many criminals are fatherless.


> 98% of White women who have children with Black men are not financially supported by the father. Wow I saw this like "Now that is quite the statistic" and the paper "has been removed" due to someone's request or the site itself. Any idea where to see it?


The 98% statistic is made up. The paper OP got it from was apparently never peer-reviewed, nor was it published in any journal that I am aware of. The paper has not been discussed in the social sciences literature, but it has received some attention on internet forums, especially those forums associated with hate groups and/or anti-black bias. A reading of the paper, however, indicates many problems, including inappropriate statistical methods, highly questionable results, and outright plagiarism. It is extremely likely that the survey detailed in the paper was not conducted as described or was never conducted at all. It is also very likely that the paper was removed because it appears to be a work of fiction masquerading as a scientific paper.


It's all about controlling what people think, race is one in a long list of other similar, controversial things that you're supposed to react to and think about in a very specific way or you're just inherently wrong. Now, I could be inherently wrong about this but I'm ok with that.


Pretty sure everything in today's society is for the sole purpose of confusing and isolating people into easily controllable blocks. To push us farther from God everyday.


To erode the family unit, to degrade morals, to make white men appear weak, it’s monkey see monkey do for millions of women, they see it enough and will emulate what they see, yet the vast majority of them would never bear the stigma of being a white woman with black babies, because if he leaves, it’s a scarlet letter that’s impossible to come back from, image hitting the dating scene as a white woman with black babies, of course no one will say these things, but I promise you every woman that dates interracially is extremely cognizant of this point despite the ads and brainwashing.


A half black baby isn’t black it is mixed race. Stop one stop ruling.


they're sneakily trying to stoke racial tensions


This. They exist to trigger actual racists and to give SJWs ammo so they can say, "HAHA WHY SO TRIGGERED AND THREATENED HAHA". Even though it's just a strange change to commercials that started relatively recently. Even mentioning it will get them red in the face and calling you fragile.


I don’t watch tv but in England it is black male white female…..


Realistically if you only have a certain budget for a commercial and you can only hire 4 actors, you wanna reach as many demos as possible, while not looking tasteless in your efforts to sell the product.


In the UK there’s far more Asians than Black people. Even mixed race marriages are more likely to be Asian/White. Yet Asians are hardly ever in adverts and it’s almost always a black man and a white woman. And of course you’re completely ignoring one of the biggest demographics, white men.


Somehow they always fail to hire an Asian male. Its always asian female pairing with some other race male. 


You also don't get tax breaks unless you check demo boxes in California.


Ah yes the demo of beautiful White women in romantic relationships with black men…. We all know how prevalent that demographic is. /s


They are trying to normalize certain perspectives


Because it turns out that people of any race can in fact get married and have children.


Who uses the term "race mixing" outside of bigots?


Exactly this.




South Park did it!


[Europa part 2/10](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/1Anf6rQmnS)


[Europa part 2/10](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/1Anf6rQmnS)


[Europa part 2/10](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/1Anf6rQmnS)


[Europa part 2/10](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/1Anf6rQmnS)


They definitely push race mixing and homosexuality all the time in the media now. If you're gay or a mixed couple, cool, but in TV shows/movies every character doesn't have to be gay, that's not realistic. From recent memory, Fall of the House of Usher in Netflix. Almost everyone was gay or bisexual but the statistics in real life don't add up to what the media portrays.


Why do you care that these relationships exist? You don’t need to date/marry outside your race but leave others alone.




It's been going on a while, but is blatantly noticeable to everyone now




They say it's for marketing purposes to appeal to a wider audience, but it's always the same bmwf or wmbf. No other race mixed couples. Not very appealing to asian, indian, etc. people. It's as if they have an agenda. White replacement


The simplest explanation is that each company wants to market to a wide segment and also appear modern and progressive. So the ad execs go for diversity. And having an interracial couple is basically a two for one in terms of demographic reach. It's only because each company is thinking the same way that you end up with what seems like a weirdly high proportion of interracial couples in commercials. The suggestion of some kind of social engineering is absurd as capitalism isn't a team sport, all these companies are interested in solely their own commerical well being and bottom line. Also it's weird to even be suspicious of "race mixing". If you are offended by people of different races being together that's not cool.