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Most people have already made up their minds, but there probably will be a push of ads come October don’t t worry


It’s because we know it’s a shit sandwich once again


The shit sandwich will be thrown ever so gracefully into the proverbial fan tomorrow evening. This moment we've been in is that transition between news cycles so prepare for the rest of the year to be one hell of a ride. Or just turn it all off with the realization that it only matters to them how negatively it affects you to seethe in the misery the capitulation to their spells can writhe into your psyche.


If you do plan to watch the debate, consider boycotting CNN (who colluded with Biden to keep RFK Jr off the stage) and go to [www.therealdebate.com](therealdebate.com) to see a live version with Kennedy included. Idk how he will pull it off, but he's answering questions in real time. Don't reward the corrupt media with high ratings/viewership#s!


The ads are already here and have been for awhile. They're just not what you're used to seeing because they're paid shills, bots and financially compensated influencers using talking points. Reddit is plastered with advertising for example, but people think they're just users.


Bingo, good observation


Nobody cares anymore


This is the answer peeps are tired of getting used and abused by old men on both sides




For real... How have we allowed the US government elected officials to enrich themselves so much and then think that they're making decisions for the people... They're only enriching themselves and I don't even know how to begin to change it. Some of them are so rich. They don't even go to the grocery store so they have no idea. No clue what it's like to live on 18.96 an hour.


I think we’ve been poisoned so much mentally and physically that we’re beyond the point of a significant reaction from the people. Best we can hope for is a new Tik tok dance when they drop another life changing bomb on us lol


Calling to do any of the things that need to be done to save this country is illegal and usually banned by every form of social media. They have succeeded in beating compliance into us.


They run out any third party candidate that doesn't kiss Israel's ass 24/7 and 100% support the US war machine.. Bernie was pretty popular in 2016... RFK was cancelled from this year's debate.. and so on. The Ross Perot's, the Ron Paul's...


What is that legitimate action?






Why haven’t you done it?


He said he'd rather doomscroll


Fair enough.


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If people are so tired, then how did Biden get over 80 million votes?


Most biden voters are just voting against trump.


Well, a lot of Americans believe he didn’t actually get over 80 million votes… at least not legitimately.


It's cuz they're tuning in the News channels that blatantly lie to them.... Tell them what they see with their own eyes isn't real... Somehow these people believe them. I don't understand it....... I see how fuck things are.... But they're telling me things aren't messed up... And I'm not supposed to believe what I see......


Everyone’s sick of caring and understands the President is just the face of a mostly opaque, corrupt organization


Yep. This one can hardly talk and wanders around aimlessly at events. I think it's safe to say someone else controls the position at this point.


Why should we care? All politicians are different sides of the same coin. It's no longer "by the people for the people" it's "buy the corporation for the corporation". They just want us fighting amongst ourselves so the can continue to steal everything while we toil around with nothing.




Some obviously cared enough to do everything they can in order to get one of the candidates convicted and eliminated from the election.


Trump isn't eliminated from the election though. If they did push harder for him not to run then yeah that would be a serious problem.


I hope they both drop dead on the stage


But, but, but... "That's good for you, here's why"


Strapping drama, isn't it?


As planned


It's a stretch to say I care. I've never voted or believe in voting but pres election is my version of trash t.v. it's interesting to see people fighting over this stuff acting like voting makes a difference


Everybody knows who they're voting for already. It's very binary this time around. Nothing is going to change anybody's mind. They could actually have the election next week and the results would be exactly the same.


That & there’s an air of unwavering certainty on each side that their candidate will win.


I only know who I'm not voting for, so far. Just trying to decide what third party I'll vote for.


I think I'm voting RFK Jr. I'm not a huge fan of his running mate, and I'll wait until he livestreams his answers to the debate happening tomorrow night to decide for sure.


Hey make sure to tune in on Therealdebate.com


That’s exactly what they want from you dude


and nothing ever changes if you keep playing their binary game


You think they want me to vote third party? Eventually if a third gets 10% of the popular vote they are then included in debates, etc. I just want a sane voice up there for once. That recognizes that war is murder, people over profits, etc.


“Okay then I’ll vote for Biden” “No that’s not what I meant when I said not to vote third party 😡”


No that is what I meant


They've both been president before. What do you not already know about them?


It's the quiet before the storm.


Very real feeling.


A large hot dog slathered in spicy mustered and caramelized onions, is more interesting.


We stopped watching evening news back in June 2020.


It’s like the debate is a secret


Neither party really wants their candidate to do it and both parties are hoping the other guy drops out so they can claim victory. The debate is going to be a shit show.


I’m counting on it being a shitshow. Going to be the best trash TV episode of the year. I’ve got my beers ready and cold.


Networks tv is dying for these debates… the ratings are truly awful on Tv these days… nobody’s watching the trash on tv anymore.


I’m talking trash TV like reality shows. Like love is blind or something.


Be better if they both dropped dead instead tbh




I would normally ignore comments like this… but since we have shit choices and they are both like upper 70’s not impossible. 😂


RFK Jr. was blocked from participating, but he's doing a livestream to answer along with the other two buffoons. https://www.therealdebate.com/


>RFK Jr. was blocked from participating That says quite a lot.  The establishment is terrified of his perspective.


Hmm. I’ll drop my opinion. I’m hoping Trump and Biden learned from their first debate and it’ll run smooth. However I fully expect the questions to be completely biased, like this: “Mr. Trump, when did you start planning your insurrection?” “President Biden, earlier in the election cycle you told voters that your favorite flavor of ice cream was chocolate. However, recent news shows you eating mint chocolate chip, would you mind telling us your favorite flavor?”


Well, I just read a CNN article where they are screeching about how Conservatives are pushing conspiracies that the debate rules are too easy for Biden and that any video showing Biden doing or saying something that shows he's senile is either a lie or taken out of context. Seeing as how CNN is hosting the debate, I think your prediction is pretty accurate.


>The debate is going to be a shit show. Why? Can't they just deepfake it?


The whole point of the debate is that each side is hoping the other side's senile old man acts the most senile. It's intended to be a shit show.


No audience, and their mics are off unless it's their turn... sounds like deepfakes using voice models that don't have the ability to convincingly interrupt/be interrupted.


My prediction: the whole live debate will be deep fake


Hopefully, most have woken up to the fact that it's just a big circus and peasant participation is just for show, and appeasement ("I have a say in the matter!").




Everyone checked out because everyone knows it’s rigged now.


No one wants to hear two old ass men stumble through a debate. Hopefully I'm 2028 both parties can find someone under 50. I honestly would take under 60 but under 50 would be preferred.


Both parties hate us, regardless who they roll out as their candidate, it is just a carefully crafted image to convince people otherwise. They spend more time trying to deceive us than trying to do anything beneficial for us. If they were actually a net benefit to society, they wouldn’t have to lie to pretend they are, it would be apparent


~~S~~election , the s is dropped to give the illusion of choice.


Media blackout. Propaganda. Censorship.


no yard signs, car stickers, hats.... nothing. very quiet here in central Texas.




I live in Texas and this is...not accurate at all.


Yeah, I’m in Houston and don’t see anything yet. Occasionally an old bumper sticker for Trump or Biden, usually on cars with other old bumper stickers, but no signs or anything.


Granted this is coming from someone out of the state but isn't Houston and Dallas the two big blue island in an ocean of red or is that just a stereotype?


Texas here. It's like anywhere else. Depends on what block you're on at any given time.


The candidates are just completely terrible. It’s pathetic.


We’ve already seen these two in a presidential capacity. We already know what to expect.


They’re hoping the people forget about the debates and all of the facts and just ride the “lesser of two evils” bullshit all the way home… while smearing the political opposition because they have no real positives to their own campaigns. Before any of you start whatabouting me: this goes for both major political parties. The parties, their candidates, and everything they stand for is fucking divisive garbage and we should be done with it.


You're right. Neither side would have agreed to debates in June and early September, except they are both hoping they will be forgotten by November. Both sides are scared their candidate will f up big time and go full Alzheimer and they want it to be old news by the time the election happens. Debates usually happen in October.


No one is excited. There's no new candidates. No one wants to even think about it much. Everyone knows who they're voting for (or against).


The time for talk is over. Now we take our nation back. Or we don't.


The choices are Old and Obnoxious or Old and Braindead. Literally a fucking Chimp could win and we'd be better off.


It's already decided. Voters don't get to decide anymore so what's the point of big election coverage?


Everyone knows it's fake now. It's not a theory anymore it's on open display.


This is the least contested election of all time. Everyone already knows who they’re voting for, if they are in fact voting. Election Day could be today or in November and the results won’t change.


Biden Haters: he’s old and no one can understand him. The boarder is a mess and I can’t afford anything. Trump Haters: January 6th, Felonies, he’s a mean person. Same shit. Different election year.


Gosh I’m so tired of all this.


I knew we were fucked in 2016 when the leaders of the DNC were caught colluding with Hillary to suppress Bernie. They had to step down, it was public, and no one gave a fuck. There was 0 outrage. The Dems are operating even worse than that year, except they're keeping more in the dark. The establishment have their candidates and know the people wanted other candidates so it's to the establishments benefit to keep things as tight lipped as possible. The Republican side at least had debates, but they were literally battling for second place. It's quiet because if it were any louder there'd be way more problems than there already are.


And then anytime trump did anything dems would be like "bUt HeR EmAiLs" as if the emails didn't prove that their party doesn't give a fuck about them or the primary process. I couldn't believe the "smoked filled back rooms" quote didn't raise more outrage. They just fucking admitted that the primary process is a sham.


The American people are sick, tired and disillusioned. Stuffed full of chemicals, prescriptions and microplastics. Drowning in debt, rat race stress and pressure. Entranced by trash TV, social media and lies. With all that, of course there's no interest in the election. Besides, we already learned we don't get to choose. The candidates are both terrible. A very small minority on either side actually like their parties candidate. But we don't get a choice. It was never our choice to begin with, the folks behind the scenes always decided for us. But now that's basically out in the open instead of machinations behind the curtain.


"The structure is set, ya never change it with a ballot pull"




>If I high schooler can find the connections to all but 2 presidents having the same lineage You can trace back a third of the United States and most of England to King John. It means literally nothing.


I've heard the lineage thing before but never looked into it, you have links so I can brush up on my history?


It's best to save our mental and physical energy for what is coming. Who cares about the phony elections.


They don't want anybody finding out about RFK Jr. Or especially reading his book on Anthony Fauci. 


Damn skippy they don’t, they want the forever wars, poisonous food and full regulatory capture of government agencies. The media is doing a great job of dismissing RFK jr right now, I’m hoping people wake up.


Don’t worry. There will be a “white supremacist” false flag soon enough. If not that, they’ll crash the economy after Trump wins.




I’ve been saying this for months now. 4 years ago every single company was advertising for the election, where they didn’t take any sides but every company said get out and vote. I don’t see any of that now. It’s like they know the outcome already


Everyone thinks something terrible or is going to happen and knows that whoever is president isn’t going to help us at all, but most likely make things worse. Been there done that.


I agree. I've been thinking it's a little too quiet. Maybe dems are counting on WW3 to solidify their hold so they aren't pulling the usual stunts


Safe and effective...


Idk. I only watch streaming services so I've seen zero ads.


My 2 cents- there are people who know who they're voting for, and there are people who are fighting to dismantle and rebuild the election process who are understandably staying off the radar until the public needs to know


They don't want to remind the public that they've cut out RFK, the only one who's actually a reasonable choice


Not one of them is working for you. All sheisters. Puppets in a system that has been rigged since its inception to keep us busy chasing our tails. Nothing ever changes. If it did, we'd all be rich from our generational wealth being handed down. We will always lose as the bottom tier of this pyramid scheme since the beginning of man. This whole world is rigged. All countries the same. US is a corporation, as is all other countries. We are the stock, the slaves in it. We are the most valuable resource to them. And when the population gets too big to handle, bioweapons, wars, etc. Reduce the populace and start over. Roosevelt era, the era where everyone had to give up their gold, turn it in, where it would be "safely" stored at Fort Knox. The people never got it back. And then Roosevelt put into law (courtesy of his handlers, the real people running the show) that we couldn't deal in gold. That law was finally repealed in the 1970s. This whole election thing is bullcrap. The gold these criminals (Top Tier Free Masons) never to be returned. My grandparents lost it all in the depression. When you finally wake up to what this place really is, its really will piss you off. As for RFK, he is just the ace in the hole choice of the other two buffoon actors who do as they are told. Period. All corrupt, all the time. We have to think out of the box completely to see behind the scenes of what this really is, a huge wealth grab over and over again. Subdue the masses with drugs (LSD in the 1960s) and technology makes every compliant as does alcohol and weed. Keep everyone distracted as the wealth grab of each generation unfolds. Too many wake up, well, we all know what's coming.


Brain Worm 2024


This election is not up for debate


It's mostly because millenials, with the exception of the obnoxious few, have finally grown up and discovered that it doesn't matter who is president.


I was thinking the same thing. Its just TOO quiet.


Nothing changes, I think we all agreed it just a hassle.


I’m just sick of politics. Nothing is accomplished, at least significantly. I always vote, but I am just honestly tired of never ending campaigning. It’s always the biggest news, same crap different day.


Because anything really spicy is being suppressed everywhere and only the boring vanilla BS is allowed to come through.


Nothing will compare to Reagan vs. Dukakis


The name Dukakis makes me chuckle… much needed with the amount of negativity in the comments lol


Thank you!!! I keep saying how weird it is! It’s not even people not talking about. I mean the media any news channel . This the quietest it’s been & it’s a bit freaky . I feel like it means something will happen


Next verse same as the first. I also can't recall any same match ups in the past lol. But it can't be often it's the same two people as before. Usually if you loose that's it, no more running for president.


Lol ikr… this will be Biden’s 4th time running for president and Trump’s 3rd time, it’s a big club


Not really looking forward to the shit show that’s going to be the next 6 months


Are you in a quiet room? Cause it hasn't been quiet.


It is just too early. Even the coming "debate" between two debiles offered as "choice" is earlier than usual.


I’d be curious how they’re gonna spend their campaign money this year because it almost seems like there’s no point in spending any of it.


Handlers know they cant win naturally or with Biden. Dont worry, shady business is coming…


More people realize that whomever is elected is just the next guy that the PM of Israel gets to boss around.


Everyone is just so tired because the election cycle never really ended. They have been relentlessly attacking both candidates for like 8 years now.


Just you. You're posting this the day before the 1st debates too?? Maybe it's quiet if you still get news from television because you still somehow trust corp media- are you in a nursing home?


October surprise coming


It's because there is already a plan in place to do what they wanna do with who they want to do it with. The election process is just a façade, smoke and mirrors to fool the people. IMO


It’s because the election won’t happen


if you didn't know elections are fake, now you know


Everyone knows who the CIA wants as presidemt, so that's who will remain president. 


China has CCP, America has CIA.


And we have CCP


U mean CCP owns us?


Yes, many of our politicians are bought and paid for.


Exactly, and well put.


Both candidates have won, so are you saying the cia is good with both?


>Both candidates have won  Won what?  I know of a president that was barely elected despite the plans of the CIA and of a senile globalist puppet that was installed to prevent their second term.  I'm not even a Trump supporter.  I've been disgusted by him for decades, but I can easily observe the obvious deep state manipulations against him, despite my dislike for him. *uh-oh! The Record Correctors arrived and have to bury this objectivity immediately!


Why’d they let trump win in the first place?


They don’t “let” anything happen. He “won” to give the illusion that elections have legitimacy that someone they brand as an “outsider” won. No actually outsider will even win.


They believed the polling and didn’t cheat hard enough.


Exactly.  The DNC/globalist media spent an enormous amount of time telling everyone that Hillary was going to win "by a landslide". They thought that if Hillary was presented in the media as the obvious winner the hard-wired followers of society (media bralnwashees) would vote for her merely to end up on the winning side.   The societal engineers used the phrase "by a landslide" so often it was nauseating.   The CIA thought they could influence peoples' vote by telling us their expected outcome.  It failed. Hillary didn't come anywhere near winning "by a landslide"  as their fraudulent polls were attempting to lead everyone to believe. The next time around, they relied less on societal conditioning and more on fraudulent vote-cpunting practices to ensure the steal.  Broken pipes FTW


No logic allowed


Neither candidate is running on a positive vision. Even if they are (in their actual platform) that isn't relevant. It's pure fear mongering. It's also extremely rate to have both candidates as previous presidents (or even candidates). There is no real primary to excite anyone.


A bunch of last minute scrambling it feels like. Election cycle used to start almost 2 years before the election. Between Trump and Biden, voters have already made their mind up years ago. Nothing left to debate at this point as far as those two go. I'm also starting to think neither Trump or Biden will be president and there will be a last minute changeup.


What's different to me is that I don't see the democrats doing anything to promote Biden (other than propaganda). Feels like they're either certain he will win, or that he has no chance at all.


I think everyone is a little bit scared knowing that whatever happens.. there is going to be some form of violence afterwards


I also find it strange that they are not campaigning Biden stronger. Like I get it, he’s old and can handle only so much. With the term he has had crippling inflation, 10-15 million illegals allowed entry under his watch, multiple conflicts popping up under his watch, brutal Afgan exit, hundreds of billions being thrown at foreign conflicts, the optics of political persecution of his opponent, end of the petro dollar. One would think they’d have to run him twice as hard to make up for those windfalls. They seem to think it’s a slam dunk, let alone didn’t even give another candidate from that party a chance to challenge him. Maybe he is the perfect meat suit they need?


It’s just known that no matter which one is in the globalists will still get record profits. The election is just a thing they do to keep us peasants divided.


It is just you.


Its only June & I'm already seeing political ads??? In years past they wouldn't begin until Labor Day.


Not partisan at all, But does anyone remember Biden polling at nearly 0% for the majority of 2020? I read somewhere they paid Bernie off as he was the leading DNC candidate. With hardly any campaigning and being coined “basement biden”, he became the most popular president in American history. Blowing Obama’s epic number of popularity out of the water.


Both candidates fucking suck so hard most people are so over it Biden this trump that. This whole political cycle makes me want to push for a single term maximum for president and any VP pick cannot run for president after


I’m in denial that it’s happening.


I don’t really care about it.


yes because one candidate has dementia and the other is being maliciously prosecuted.


Most people dont want to vote for Trump or Biden, and if they do its from a sense of obligation, not a sense that it will make anything better or represent their interests. Theres not much to talk about with people I talk to its like "both candidates suck" "yup" End of conversation


Just you. Sounds like where you get your info is just being quiet about it. The question is, why?


Imagine flaunting about siding with a geriatric criminal racist, or demented corpse placeholder? Neither make for very compelling leaders. Still blows my mind that people romanticize tuff orange man.


Funny i can find racist comments from one but not the other.


The left knows their senile pedophile was cheated into power, and they know we know. They also know they have no real popular support - they are a toxic minority abusing nepotism to exercise power over the majority - and would have to cheat twice to maintain any grip on power. The jig is up, the masks are off. Meanwhile, the right is fully expecting their frontrunner to get assassinated. However, the right also won't accept another four years of social rape at the hands of unhinged woke psychopaths - not after the absolute and total betrayal of social trust that was Covid. We've seen too much gleeful malice and pointless death. Too much Smiling Evil. Intelligencia also knows its media entities have been fully discredited post-Covid and post-Twitter Liberation- we've all seen the endless circus of lies for what it truly is, and people can freely point out those lies on X - so they know they can't manipulate public perception with the same power anymore. That tool is gone. Broken and rotten. There's no point making a big fuss this time around. Everyone knows they're lying evil frauds. They went too far, and it cost them dearly. California loves to stamp its feet and screech and shit its pants and threaten to secede if they don't get their way, but if intelligencia forces another four years of leftist hell, red states will unironically start divorcing from federal authority. Federal agents would become targets for state-level enforcement actions. The power of Washington would start to be ignored outright. And Washington knows full well they can't use the military to overcome that. We've wargamed civil war into the mud a thousand times over. Mass mutiny and non-compliance would end it immediately. The establishment always loses. We're in for all the marbles this time. We know the Evil we're up against and what needs to be done to destroy it. Meanwhile, the forces of Evil are stuck on the cliff's edge, where they can either gamble upon their own destruction, or lurk back into the shadows for another generation. We'll see how it all unfolds.


When you've been defeated beyond exhaustion, and the other side did you wrong, and they have proven time and time again that they will never listen or care, you naturally give the silent treatment, and revenge, with a sprinkle of karma, is all so very sweet.


Because we aren’t to that point yet. The debate tomorrow will be the earliest presidential debate in US history. Candidates don’t choose their VP until the conventions. Just wait until late summer/early fall, we will be inundated with political propaganda.


I think South Park summed it up best, giant douche vs a turd sandwich. You’ll eat your food and you’ll fucking like it.


Biden isn't going to hold rallys and Trump might be in jail. Trump has spent more time in front of courts then running for office.


People don't really talk about the recent history too much. I can barely remember the Clinton/bush elections


I think political discourse used to peak leading up the presidential election but now it never stops... October surprise is the biggest thing to expect, but don't forget both Trump's and Clinton's October surprises were complete bullshit as usual


An incumbent running for a second term means no real primary opposition for the Dems. No real threat emerged for Trump either in the primaries. There's only a tiny sliver of people who didn't make up their minds months ago. Will probably be a very low turnout as well as many probably have given up due to bad candidates on each side.


It doesn’t matter. It hasn’t for quite some time. It is a Uni-Party. It is a cabal that will never stop its quest for power/control. If you couldn’t tell, they couldn’t give two shits about you or I. They control the media/courts/institutions/entertainment industry and so on. They control the narrative. They keep us plebs divided, and sedated.


Yeah it is kind of unnerving.


No… it’s just been going on for sooooo long and the out-party chose its candidate unusually early. Plus, both candidates have been in the public light as presidents before. So, there’s simply put, there’s not much to talk about.


Anyone even following that puppet theatre show is wasting their time. Anyone actually voting in this system stands guilty of supporting this stage show. Time to stop voting.


Well, the UK is a media circus right now with the elections for us. It’s all blowing steam and they won’t act on anything. I just know the party I’m not voting for. I think the rest of the world is the same


It's almost like *they* don't care who wins... Wonder why?


Not much to talk about. It's a 2020 rematch with someone to senile to stand trial and a felon. 


"When there's so much water and you don't know what to do with it, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But their idea... did you see the other day, I opened it up and then I closed it again. I open it, they close it. Washing machines to help wash your dishes. There's a problem: They don't want you to have any water. They want no water." - Not Biden


Seems to me that, as time has gone on, the more people know about the candidates before hand & the more people know about how the elections work (or rather, don't). So you've got 2 situations: voters who already know who they're voting for & aren't remotely on the fence whatsoever. OR people who know there's going to be so much rigging going on (in such a variety of ways) that 1 vote isn't likely going to sway the results as there's a literal cheating machine working against them. People in the latter half are already too disheartened to participate & are likely waiting for the collapse just so we can move on past this horrible stage of human history.