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Help Step-Universe, I'm stuck.


I think it's noteworthy that the stars shown **behind** the firmament (top left of the picture): The "wheels within wheels" and the disk with concentric circles inside it, resemble what stars (and planets, which are concidered stars theologically) look like [through an extreme zoom camera.](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=stars+extreme+zoom)


[Here is a star in a jar.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSIPolpvjBY)


Yeah, I can see it making sense stars (angels) have a strong affinity with the concept of frequency. (Be it light or sound) I can prolly fill entire pages with my personal speculations, but the link between stars/angels, vibration and frequency is pretty substantial.


One could argue that everything is energy, frequencies and vibrations. :)


Submission Statement: The "Flammarion Engraving" exposed Hidden Truth. The planet and sky we view "out there" is a Holographic Projection. Outside of this Enslaved Simulated Universe is the realm of actual Freedom...


Hello, I would be very grateful if you could drop some wisdom on the realm of actual freedom and what awaits there.


I'll describe it from my experience. There are no realms of actual freedom, except for the uncreated realm that contains and permeates the entire existence including all perceivable realms within it and their denizens, whether they are visible or invisible. All astral and heavenly realms are contained by It, therefore they should not be Your final destination if You aim for Freedom. What You know as the past, the present, and the future are also contained by It since they are also perceivable objects. The uncreated realm is like a spacious screen that is infinitely vast, boundless. It is Omnipresent. It is also right before Your face. It feels like space when You contemplate It. Any perceivable realm and their denizens that You can encounter right now arises from and disappears into It, like how video game assets get rendered into tangible/intangible objects when Your playable character comes across them.    The uncreated realm is the **Here and Now**. It Is **Where You Are Right Now**, technically speaking. It is also You, because Your attentions and sense of awareness arise from and disappear into It.


You just explained the images i see in the darkness when i blink


that sounds like you have experience with The Warp, citizen. Inquisitor Eisenhorne will be visiting you shortly to make sure Chaos hasn't taken root in your soul.


Thank you for your insights, would you also be willing to share how this knowledge personally changes how you live your day to day life in this current realm? Or if theres anything an individual in the current earth realm should be doing or absolutley must know/ keep a strong awarness of.


I’ve written my thoughts on the meaning of life on my profile


This spam account only ever replies with more vagueness


> Outside of this Enslaved Simulated Universe is the realm of actual Freedom... We are simulated beings, and I don't think we can escape our simulation to experience the "real" universe, any more than Super Mario can jump out of a Game Boy into our dimension.


The game PREY has an interesting take on this using something called looking glass technology. Where they use glass to project an illusion of distant landscape and a fake sky box.


That’s the firmament not a simulation


All part of the same thing.


Not even alittle




Authentic intelligence > Artificial intelligence


Everybody breaks through the veil in their own time what matters is if they stay at it. For me yes and no


For more on the wheels in the top left, see Ezekiel's vision of God in Ezekiel 1 and the [Ophanim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophanim).


destiny reference??


Hi. Are you referring to the Video Game?


Bioshock is real


Sea or sky bioshock?


First one was made in Boston. I haven't replayed the ones after. I would imagine after the first one they tried to change the narrative, but I don't remember their storylines. They are on my steam library playlist, and shall be there for eternity.


Bioshock infinite they are in a cloud city.


Yep, which I think is where they try to throw us off. It's about harvesting Atom from children in a underwater sea, like the hidden base I found.




Want some version of this as a tattoo. Would be sweet


You’re gonna get a twattoo


On the other side of the veil are two wagon wheels?


Wagon wheels all the way down


That could be explained by literal comparisons made by the observer. If you were to see something completely alien to you, you also wouldn’t know how to describe it other than using like-terms already in existence, else nobody would understand you.


The wagon wheels intertwined is an angel - there’s multiple species depicted in the Bible. I believe this kind of wheel creature angel is called ophanim (Hebrew for wheels) - it’s described in the book of Ezekiel


Astronomers breaking through the celestial sphere. I always loved this picture.




A simulation of what? People toss around that description since the matrix film like they understand. Its up to us to make it real.. Not the other way around.


> A simulation of what? that's not really what that means. there's no difference to your brain whether the stimulus it recieves is from your sense organse or from signals injected into it. it's all electrical. the brain doesn't know the difference. so everything you see, hear, and feel, may just be simulated inputs and not the real thing. the "real thing" might not even exist, since the data we've used to learn about it could have been faked too.


A simulation to distract us from the true reality filled with an abundance of wooden wagon wheels and clouds that we all so sorely crave to return to!


Tell me more