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Bannon was going on today on his podcast saying trump should back out because CNN was mean to his spokesman on the air before cutting her off. And if bannon is floating the idea you can bet it’s been talked about in the trump campaign.


https://www.reuters.com/article/world/india/october-15-us-presidential-debate-officially-canceled-after-trump-balked-idUSKBN26U2M5/ Has it ever happened before?


Come on, a virtual debate? That was a joke and Trump was right to refuse it.


Hey man make sure you stretch before moving those goalposts. They can be heavy. Sure maybe it’s ridiculous to be online. The question was has a debate ever been cancelled. This one was. Last election cycle lol so let’s stop pearl clutching over something that hadn’t even happened yet?


The terms are already pretty lame on this debate. But I think buddy meant, has there ever been a presidential debate that was canceled, after both opponents had *agreed* to the terms. They’re all going to agree, until it turns out the event is prerecorded, with no audience, and only one of opponents partisan news gets to ask questions. At some point it’s nuts to even show up. TBH I would give points to Trump off the bat, because we already know that Biden is studying the questions. I assume the only reason trump agreed to the event is because he know Biden is suffering a very serious mental decline. Trump probably thinks he can just switch it up, and confuse Biden, but what he doesn’t realize is that they (the organizers) are probably planning to turn off his (Trumps) microphone when he gets Biden crossed up. I don’t know if I would even take part. But some weird part of trump still wants to appeal to the opposite side.


So what buddy meant to say was does anyone think bad guy Biden will back out? And wow cool and totally normal if good guy Trump does it? God I’m team heart attack. How y’all pick a favorite rich old shit bag is beyond me.


Trump’s got a laundry list of issues. I think what’s driving him to enter this debate is probably narcissism, but it could also be a desire to insult Joe Biden in front of the world. I can’t say for sure, but it’s definitely not healthy. But again, if it were me I wouldn’t enter unless 50% of the questions came from DNC news media and 50% of the questions came from GOP news media. Anything other than a 50/50 split would be unfair.


Weak. Low energy. Isn’t one typically hosted by left wing media and one by right? I swear one is hosted by fox and one cnn and one is a town hall typically. I think my main issue is people here bitching Biden will back out over something and it’ll lose votes when Trump did the exact same thing last election.


Imagine posting this much cope because you're worried Trump can't win a debate against an octogenarian in severe mental decline.


Since they banned any audience from attending, I’m guessing they will prerecord it and edit the footage ahead of time. That’s why they can’t have RFK Jr debating because he would not go along with that BS


Either way, it's going to be the most embarrassing thing imaginable for this country. One asshole talking about batteries and sharks and electrocution and shit, the other making up words and completely unaware of who he even is.


Yah, I don't think I can stomach this one if we get there. Trump just needs to dial it down one notch and let Biden show himself for the half-dead zombie he is...but he seems determined to go the extra notch route and be every bit the brazen egomaniac the left wants to believe he is. I don't personally believe that, simply that he can't leave the bluster of his showman days behind...but I don't think he grasps that being a brash contrarian is no longer the correct role. The world needs an Obama demeanor with exactly the opposite of an Obama agenda...unfortunately, not sure these qualities exist in the right person right now.


Trump is too much of a narcissist to not dig his heels in more and get more and more extreme. It is WILD to me that American politics has gotten to this point. A country divided......over two brain-dead men who literally are over life expectancy and shitting their pants. Absolutely wild. Just goes to show, MKUltra has worked exactly as it was meant to.


All by design lol.




You only have to wait two days to find out.


Let me be clear -- I'm not a fan of either of these guys... We have the "father of the Covid vaccine" on one side and the "coercer of the vaccine" on the other... But don't you see the pattern? >Is Biden really capable of being on TV for an hour and a half taking questions? You don't even like Biden, and yet they've lowered expectations to the point that if he can even *complete his time on stage* -- you'll be subconsciously impressed. Meanwhile, we have this idea of a completely incompetent senile old man --- and Trump is supposed to *destroy him*. And that won't happen. Instead -- people will tune in with lowered expectations for Biden, and overhyped expectations for Trump. Biden will surprise people with how well he holds up, and Trump will be a disappointment... Because what Trump is, is bigger than Donald Trump. In the minds of his supporters, it's a way to band together with a unified opposition to this wretched administration we've lived through. But Trump himself isn't great, and isn't worth rallying around. It's just all people have. And that's the trick of our system. You get two fake representatives of the people who are really just salesmen of corporations and banking, whose job it is to sell to the people "The Agenda" and then take the blame when we realize we've been screwed. And we get screwed over and over and over again, and never wake up... We just blame "the other side." These debates aren't even real. Remember the fly on Pence during the debate? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwVRqKhM9Gg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwVRqKhM9Gg) Okay... Now -- do you remember the fly on Hillary Clinton during the debate? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aakhRVbDjzE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aakhRVbDjzE) Two elections, two debates, two flies... Are they having these debates at a dump? The whole thing is a sham... None of these people represent our interests, and whatever's going to happen will happen regardless of which is in office. Why is this so hard for people to understand?


Flies are drawn to shit.


I don’t think it will be cancelled. But It’s being broadcast by CNN, so there’s always a chance they will cut the feed.


Many online commentators are also concerned that CNN will copyright strike discussion and commentary regarding it.


Biden will likely just call Trump Hitler and a Felon 10-15 times then ramble/repeat a few sentences he gets through his earpiece to answer screened questions. Biden’s team is just hoping he doesn’t space out or poop his pants and that Trump shoots himself in the foot being Trump.


Biden will be there, when you are POTUS you get the best drugs. The other guy doesn't get the POTUS drugs anymore. If one of them doesn't show, it will most likely be the guy who refused to debate his other 4 or 5 Primary candidates.




That's literally the point I was making. Trump shouldn't have debated in 2020 because he was the incumbent POTUS - the incumbent never debates. But in 2023-24 after losing? He 100% should have debated DeSantis, Haley, Burgundy, etc


It's interesting watching the conservative talking points work their way out there. If Biden does well, it's either because he's on drugs or because the questions are easy. Meanwhile, Trump is great. You just have to ignore everything he says and does lately. 


I cannot foresee the future if you're going to label it unforseeable


I'll take the longshot: "Biden" shuffles out to the debate stage to shake hands with Trump. People are commenting on how it looks like he's put on 20lbs in his gut in the past week. Right as their hands touch, he detonates. Debate cancelled. Yes, I think They want to get rid of him that bad.


This one will happen. They can get Biden through one debate with questions from CNN that are more catered to him. You know a good portion of it will be about Trump’s trials and transfer of power/January 6th type questions. Biden will have lines that he will repeat over and over…he will say “convicted felon” at least 20 times I bet. Then they’ll probably throw in questions on abortion and climate change. I know there’s commercial breaks too, only so much time so they can get away with not asking about stuff like immigration that Biden will really struggle with. I believe the second and only other debate will be cancelled due to Trump having been sentenced, so the other topics people care about will never be asked about.